
查询某一支接口,指定时间段的数据 按分钟排序

2024-11-27 来源:个人技术集锦
--查询某一支接口,指定时间段的数据 按分钟排序
select a.servicename,reqdate,substr(reqtime,1,5),count(1)
  from 表名 a
 where servicename = '接口名'
   and reqdate = date '2020-06-28'
   and reqtime >= '16:00:00'
   and reqtime <= '17:00:00'
   group by a.servicename,a.reqdate,substr(a.reqtime,1,5) 
   order by to_date(to_char(a.reqdate,'yyyy-MM-dd ') || substr(a.reqtime,1,5),'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi');

--查询某一支接口,指定时间段的数据 按分钟排序
select a.servicename,reqdate,substr(reqtime,1,5),count(1)
  from trace a
 where servicename = 'insure'
   and reqdate = date '2020-06-28'
   and reqtime >= '16:00:00'
   and reqtime <= '17:00:00'
   group by a.servicename,a.reqdate,substr(a.reqtime,1,5) 
   order by to_date(to_char(a.reqdate,'yyyy-MM-dd ') || substr(a.reqtime,1,5),'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi');