造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、Food prices are highly volatile.(食品价格高度动荡。)
2、The major difference is that Allende is depleted in the most volatile elements, like hydrogen, carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and the noble gases, relative to the Sun.(主要的差别是,相比于太阳,阿连德陨石缺失了大部分的挥发性元素,例如氢、碳、氧、氮和稀有气体。)
3、The West was then exposed to the more volatile tribal Germanic peoples on a frontier that stretched along the Rhine and Danube rivers for 1,000 miles.(当时,德国西部的边境沿着莱茵河和多瑙河延伸了1000英里,暴露在边境处变得更加动荡不安的日耳曼部落之下。)
4、Leaves and tissue of soft-bodied organisms such as jellyfish or worms may accumulate, become buried and compressed, and lose their volatile constituents.(树叶和软体动物(例如水母或蠕虫)的组织堆积起来,逐渐被掩埋、压缩,失去其挥发性成分。)
5、The blast occurred when volatile chemicals exploded.(冲击波是在易挥发的化学品爆炸时产生的。)
6、Ethanol is the more volatile component.(乙醇是更容易挥发的组分。)
7、There have been riots before and the situation is volatile.(先前一直就有暴乱,局势变化无常。)
8、The Mekong, he says, has always been volatile.(他认为湄公河本来就是反复无常的。)
9、This kind of fierce nationalism is a powerful and potentially volatile force.(这种强劲的民族主义势力是一股强大和潜在的不稳定的力量。)
10、True, this growth is volatile.(诚然,这种增长是不稳定的。)
11、Because a is the more volatile component.(因为A的挥发性更好。)
12、The main volatile chemical components of RPR are(Z, Z)-9,12-octadecadienoic acid, n-hexadecanoic acid and 2-hydroxy-benzaldehyde.(赤芍主要挥发成分为(Z,Z)-9,12-十八碳二烯酸,正十六碳酸和2-羟基苯甲醛。)
13、What the plants pump through the air is a mixture of chemicals known as volatile organic compounds, VOCs for short.(植物通过空气输送的是一种名为挥发性有机化合物(简称VOCs)的化学混合物。)
14、The Saussurea involucrata chemical composition was: alkaloid, flavanone, sterol, volatile oil, 16 kind of amino acids, Saussurea involucrata lactone and so on.(雪莲化学成分为:生物碱、黄酮、甾醇、挥发油、16种氨基酸、雪莲内酯等。)
15、Life, after all, is volatile.(毕竟现实生活是跌荡起伏的。)
16、Why is the market so volatile?(市场为什么会如此不稳定?)
17、Commodities markets have always been volatile.(商品市场总是不稳定的。)
18、The stock is expected to not move at all from where it starts, some stocks will be expected to just trundle along without much change, not very volatile.(股市预计不会从一开始就出现波动,一些股票预计也只会平稳运行,不会出现太大波动。)
19、A chemiresistor sensor was fabricated for the analysis of volatile organic compounds(VOCs) with carbon black(CB)-polymer composite as sensing film and interdigital electrodes.(该文以碳粉掺杂的聚合物为敏感膜,以叉指电极为基底制作了测定挥发性有机气体的化学阻抗传感器。)
20、He accompanied the volatile actress to Hollywood the following year.(他次年陪那个情绪反复无常的女演员去了好莱坞。)
21、Currency markets are also likely to be volatile.(货币市场也有可能会剧烈波动。)
22、However, gold prices will be volatile.(不过,即便如此,金价仍将保持波动。)
23、That means using the bully clergymen to show how a more volatile climate affects everything from agriculture to transportation to 21st-century warfare.(这就意味着要利用那些恃强凌弱的牧师们来展示更不稳定的气候是如何影响从农业到交通,再到21世纪战争的方方面面。)
24、he's a good boy, but very light and volatile in character, and simply cannot hold his tongue.(他是个好孩子,可是性格很轻浮,反复无常,简直控制不住自己的舌头。)
25、Spain has Europe's most volatile labour market.(西班牙具有欧洲最不稳定的劳动力市场。)
26、It is like the sense of chill that follows immersion of the hand in a volatile liquid.(这很像把手浸入挥发性液体后的那种凉飕飕的感觉。)
27、Petrol is a volatile substance.(汽油是挥发性物质。)
28、The West then was exposed to the more volatile tribal Germanic peoples on a frontier that stretched along the Rhine and Danube rivers for 1,000 miles.(当时,德国西部的边境沿着莱茵河和多瑙河延伸了1000英里,那里的日耳曼部落更加动荡不安。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。