造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、The statute of limitations on crimes other than homicide is five years, so Reyes cannot be prosecuted for the attack.(除杀人罪以外的罪行的诉讼时效为5年,所以雷耶斯不能因为那次袭击被起诉。)
2、Youth homicide rates vary dramatically between and within countries.(青少年杀人比例在不同国家之间及一国之内相差悬殊。)
3、She said the state medical examiner's office had ruled that Mr. Gray's death was a homicide.(她说,州法医办公室已经裁定,格雷先生的死属于他杀。)
4、Callie Thorne, Detective Laura Ballard in the later "homicide" years, playsMcNulty's estranged wife.(考利·索恩在《情理法》的后几季里扮演侦探劳拉·巴拉德,在本剧中成了麦克纳提的离异妻子。)
5、Rates of youth homicide among females are much lower than rates among males almost everywhere.(女性中青少年杀人的比例在几乎所有地区均大大低于男性。)
6、We're from the homicide unit.(我们是凶杀科的。)
7、Muggah says the survey shows homicide rates throughout Haiti also have gone down since 2007.(穆加说,这项调查显示,从2007年以来,海地各地的谋杀率也有所下降。)
8、Thisis a homicide?(这是一个谋杀?)
9、She is not a psychic, nor a homicide detective, nor a kook.(她既不是灵媒,也不是罪案侦探,也不是怪人。)
10、The police arrived at the scene of the homicide.(警察赶到了杀人现场。)
11、But overall crime statistics, including homicide rates, are at 20 year lows and dropping steadily.(但是总体的犯罪率统计数字,包括谋杀率在内正处于20年来的最低水平,而且还在稳步的下降中。)
12、It was a clear case of homicide.(这是一起确信无疑的谋杀案。)
13、many people might sympathise with those driven to commit this particular form of homicide.(很多人可能会同情那些被迫做了这种特殊形式杀人的犯罪者。)
14、After an unexpected homicide at the halfway point, both films fall apart.(影片中途出人意料的谋杀案令两条主线分崩离析。)
15、Every year, there are an estimated 31 000 homicide deaths in children under 15.(每年估计有31000名15岁以下儿童被杀害。)
16、The driver was arrested for culpable homicide and drunk driving, police told CNN.(警方告诉CNN,驾驶员讲以杀人罪和酒后驾车被逮捕。)
17、You did say you're from homicide?(你刚才说你们是凶杀科的?)
18、homicide by automobile is a special category of homicide recognized in some states.(汽车肇事杀人罪是一些州所规定的特定类别的非预谋杀人罪。)
19、Black and white goes over, arrives at eight thirty-nine p.m., finds it's a homicide.(黑白警车开过来,在晚上八点三十九到现场,发现了这是个谋杀案。)
20、For the rest of the sample the link between inequality and homicide does not hold.(不平等和杀人案之间的联系也无法支持剩下的采样值。)
21、However, in all countries, young males constitute both the majority of perpetrators and victims of homicide.(然而,男性青少年在所有国家中,既是实施杀人的主体,同时也是杀人受害者。)
22、Most of the detectives in homicide played at the Y on Huntington.(多数对谋杀案进行调查的侦探都在亨廷顿的基督教青年会打球。)
23、homicide is the leading cause of death among black men.(凶杀在黑人男子中是主要死因。)
24、So if I get busted for attempted escape, I’ll throw in a homicide, no problem.(所以,如果我因试图越狱被抓住,我肯定会被送死囚室。)
25、In the middle Assyrian laws also, homicide — it's up to the family.(同样,在中亚述法典里,对杀人罪的惩罚取决于死者家人。)
26、And they applied it to teeth from a homicide victim in Sweden (where one of the scientists worked).(他们将技术应用在瑞典(其中一名科学家工作所在地)一名被害人的牙齿上。)
27、High Poverty, Illiteracy and homicide.(高贫困率、文盲率以及杀人罪。)
28、Other "Wire" actors, including Gilliard andJim True-Frost, made briefer "homicide" appearances.(其他《火线》的演员,包括吉尔兰德和吉姆·弗罗斯特,也在《情理法》中出现过。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。