造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、It penetrates even high grade concrete effectively, prevents water and Chloride ingress and leaves no visible residues on the surface.(与混凝土表面接触时间长,保证了在高等级混凝土中的渗透深度,而且在其表面不会残留任何痕迹。)
2、A high seating position makes ingress and egress easy.(较高的座椅位置使入口和出口容易。)
3、Like its skin, can block the ingress of water, sweat can be discharged.(它就象皮肤一样,既能阻挡水分的浸入,又能将汗液排出。)
4、The water ingress alarm system for cargo hold.(船舶货舱进水报警装置。)
5、Wheel control joint corroded due to moisture ingress and worn out as a result.(车轮转向节因为进入了湿气而腐蚀,从而导致磨损的结果。)
6、Further inspection in the two cargo holds showed that the Spaces were dry with no signs of water ingress or wetting of cargo.(对两个货舱的进一步检查显示,货舱是干燥的,没有水流入或货物受湿的迹象,货物也没有受潮。)
7、To settle loose bed, quick sand and ingress of groundwater are trouble some problems during coalmine construction.(如何解决煤矿建井中的松散层、流沙和地下渗(涌)水是目前建井工程中的棘手问题。)
8、Belt guard provides complete safety and protection of the v-belt from dirt ingress.(皮带防护罩彻底保护皮带安全,防止灰尘进入皮带。)
9、The rugged construction is double-sealed to prevent water and dust ingress even during site wiring.(坚固的建筑是双重密封,以防止水和灰尘进入即使在现场布线。)
10、The major factor is chloride ingress, and the harm due to the use of chloride deicing salt and antifreeze admixture is discussed in the paper.(本文阐述以氯盐作为道路除冰盐和作为砼防冻剂的条件下,所造成的危害作用。)
11、Chloride ingress is the main reason for durability deterioration of reinforced concrete structures in salt-fog environment.(盐雾环境下,氯离子侵蚀是混凝土结构耐久性退化的主要原因。)
12、these fieldsareused to manage ingress and egress packet queues and accesstothe device from different cpus.(这些字段用于管理进入和出去的包队列,以及不同的cpu来访问这些设备。)
13、Protection against harmful ingress of water is determined by methods other than those given in IEC 60529 (USA).(对水的有害侵人的防护是通过不同于IEC60529的方法来确定的(美国)。)
14、The paper discussed the methods of reducing the processing time and avoiding exorbitance ingress of NaCl of the salted egg.(探讨了缩短咸蛋加工时间及控制咸蛋在保存过程中咸度过度加重的方法。)
15、There are several gates providing ingress to the meadow in this picture.(在这张画上有几个进入草地的篱笆门。)
16、That makes it easier to get in and out, for access is from the front via a large, transparent door-a traditional means of ingress for bubble cars.(这样方便上下车,因为出入是经由大型透明门(泡泡车传统意义上的入口)从前面进行的。)
17、Motors on the milling machines are totally enclosed to guard against ingress of metallic dust.(铣床上的电动机都是全封闭的,以防止金属粉尘进入。)
18、Protection of the equipment inside the enclosure against harmful ingress of water.(设备外壳组装对内部的保护,针对水的渗入会造成的设备无法使用等级。)
19、ingress noise has great proportion in sorts of noise on upstream channel in HFC.(在HFC网络回传通路各类噪声中,输入噪声占有相当大的比重。)
20、On the basis the principle of hydrodynamics , the paper deduces the function of velocity of water ingress, and figures out survival time.(根据流体力学的原理,使用破损船舶的进水速度函数,得到船舶进水速度随时间的变化曲线;)
21、These enclosures prevent the ingress of explosive amounts of hazardous dust.(这些外壳防止具有爆炸量的危险粉尘的进入。)
22、Glass flakes dispersed through the coating prevent the ingress of water vapour and chemical solutions.(玻璃鳞片散布在涂料里能防止水蒸气的进入和化学溶解。)
23、Poured around mirror base, over chair several locations. ingress note around base of chair but not on live parts.(在镜子基座周围浇水时,水流到椅子不同部位,浸入椅座周围时注意勿侵浸带电部分。)
24、After the repair ensure the connector is protected from future water ingress.(修理后,确保连接器在将来不会再进水。)
25、The pressure gauge is protected by a glycerin filling against pressure peaks condensed water and the ingress of water during cleaning.(丙三醇填充物保护压力表在压力峰值、冷凝水和清洗过程中的水入侵时免受损害。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。