


造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、But the intention is not to neglect social science; rather, the complete opposite.(但其目的不是忽视社会科学;完全相反,目的是重视这一学科。)

2、Don't neglect minor issues.(不要忽略枝节问题。)

3、If we neglect any of these areas, the child's development lags.(如果我们忽视这些方面中的任何一个,孩子的发展就会滞后。)

4、The building had a general air of decrepitude and neglect.(这座建筑给人一种破旧并且无人问津的总体印象。)

5、After years of neglect and decline, the city was cleaning itself up.(在多年的荒废和衰退之后,该城市在进行自我整治。)

6、neglect of family and friends.(忽视家人和朋友。)

7、The buildings are crumbling from years of neglect.(由于多年无人维修,这些建筑物行将倒塌。)

8、However, these disorders often remain throughout life due to neglect or absence of specific kind of treatment.(然而,由于忽视或缺乏特定的治疗,这些疾病往往会伴随一生。)

9、neglect, dilapidation, storm and fire have gradually reduced it to a rusting hulk, like the rib-cage of a whale.(失修、荒废、风暴和火灾使它逐渐沦为生锈的废船,就像鲸鱼的胸腔。)

10、Westerners look at the eyes and the mouth in equal measure, whereas Easterners favor the eyes and neglect the mouth.(西方人对眼睛和嘴同样重视,而东方人则偏爱眼睛而忽视嘴。)

11、Feed plants and they grow, neglect them and they suffer.(给植物施肥,它们就生长;疏于照管,它们就遭殃。)

12、Another possible explanation for historians' neglect of the subject is their widespread assumption that most people in early modern England had little contact with civil law.(历史学家们忽视这一问题的另一个可能解释是,他们普遍认为现代早期英格兰人与民法接触甚少。)

13、The neglect that large cities like New York have received over the past 12 years is tremendous.(诸如纽约这样的大城市在过去12年里所受到的忽视是巨大的。)

14、In fact, there are often huge "quick win" opportunities, thanks to years of neglect.(事实上,由于多年的忽视,这里经常存在大量的“走捷径”的机会。)

15、The law imposes penalties for the neglect of children.(法律对疏于照管儿童有处罚措施。)

16、Salutary neglect permitted the development of an American spirit distinct from that of its European founders.(有益的忽视使美国精神的发展有别于欧洲的缔造者。)

17、Extending life grows medically feasible, but it is often a life deprived of everything, and one exposed to degrading neglect as resources grow over-stretched and politics turn mean.(延长寿命在医学上变得越来越可行,但它往往是一种被剥夺了一切的生命,而且随着资源变得过度紧张和政治变得卑鄙,生命会暴露在令人堕落的忽视之中。)

18、Children have the right to expect the government to protect them from all kinds of abuse and neglect.(儿童有权期望政府保护他们免受虐待和忽视。)

19、Most are caused by ignorance, carelessness, neglect, or lack of skill.(大多数是由无知、粗心、疏忽或缺乏技能造成的。)

20、We often neglect to make proper use of our bodies.(我们经常疏忽了合理使用我们的身体。)

21、The earlier neglect of saving, however, makes it difficult not to work when you are older.(然而,早先对存钱的忽视让你在年老时很难不去工作。)

22、All too often the animals die through neglect.(动物因缺乏照料而死亡的事司空见惯。)

23、The place smelled of decay and neglect.(这地方有一股污浊腐朽的气味。)

24、Some experts worry that Yellen will be inclined to chase unemployment to the neglect of inflation.(一些专家担心耶伦将倾向于追求解决失业而忽视通货膨胀。)

25、The sergeant faces a lesser charge of wilful neglect of duty.(这位军士面临着一个较轻的故意玩忽职守指控。)

26、The town's old quayside is collapsing after years of neglect.(这座小镇的旧码头区在多年疏于保养后快要坍塌了。)

27、In 1755 British writer Samuel Johnson published an acerbic letter to Lord Chesterfield rebuking his patron for neglect and declining further support.(1755年,英国作家塞缪尔·约翰逊发表了一封给切斯特菲尔德勋爵的尖刻的信,谴责他的赞助人的忽视和拒绝进一步的支持。)

28、This belief in "post-industrial society" has led those countries to neglect their manufacturing sector with negative consequences for their economies.(这种对“后工业社会”的信仰导致那些国家忽视了制造业,对其经济造成了负面影响。)

29、He is chargeable with a fault or neglect.(他可能因过失或疏忽而被控告。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


