包含publish的短语Hubei Children and Juvenile Publish 湖北少年儿童出版社
publish 相关例句You must acquire a license to publish such keys.您必须获得发布这样的键的许可证。Publish the information that the socket is now active.发布信息,说明这个插座现在已经激活。You have the option to publish all files or publish only modified files.可以选择发布所有文件还是只发布修改的文件。In addition, it requests the state party to publish the committee's views.此外, 还请缔约国公布委员会的意见。Editors initial evaluation is a key to publish high quality academic journals.做好文稿的初审工作是办好高质量科技期刊的重要环节。Once publish,his work became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of each line.他的诗作发表后,以行尾不押韵而大获其名。The Gener of the American Academy of Child and Adolescen Psychaitry publish the study.通用美国儿童青春期心理学杂志发布了该研究。These considerations form the original intention for our journal to publish Sun Wei's academic paper.凡此种种, 就是本刊发表孙威先生学术论文的初衷。Newspapers adn magazines offeredthe family huge sums for the exclusive rights to publish stories adn photographs.报纸和杂志出高价向他们购买文字,图片的独家报道权。Beijing environment officials have vowed to publish air quality forecasts up to a week in advance during the games.国务秘书正试图进一步推动两国友好关系的国家