
on the average造句

2022-05-03 来源:个人技术集锦

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”

下面为您提供关于【on the average造句】内容,供您参考。

1、We found that mail files of the same size can use significantly different resources, depending on the average size and number of documents.(我们发现相同大小的邮件文件使用的资源可能相差很大,这取决于文档的平均大小和数量。)

2、on the average, a platypus eats as much food as half of its own weight every day.(一只鸭嘴兽平均每天要吃等于自己体重一半的食物。)

3、Each person in the U.S. consumes, on the average, 375 pounds of dairy products each year.(在美国,人均每年消耗的奶制品数量为375磅。)

4、on the average, males score higher on tests that measure mathematical reasoning, mechanical ability, and problem-solving skills.(平均说来,每逢在测试数学推理、机械修理的能力,测试解决问题的技巧时,男性的总分总是高于女性。)

5、To determine whether or not two stacks are a partial match, we use a percentage cut-off based on the average stack length of the two call stacks.(为了判断两个堆栈是否是部分匹配,使用基于两个调用堆栈的平均堆栈长度的截止百分数。)

6、A brigade consists of six people on the average.(一支队伍平均有6个人。)

7、He spends seven minutes or so on the average haircut.(他理一个头发一般要七分钟左右。)

8、The result must be that other industries on the average must be smaller than otherwise in order that the X industry may be larger.(其结果必然是从平均上来看,其他行业为了X行业的壮大而缩水了。)

9、Your local bank probably won't change much - they offer so little on the average savings account that it doesn't matter too much.(你的本地银行可能不会改变太多-他们提供给普通储蓄账户的利率本来就很低,因此不会发生太大影响。)

10、Based on the average size and shape of particles in the ash, "any initial charging that occurred would have decayed away many times over."(根据火山灰颗粒的平均大小和形状,他认为任何先前发生的充电行为在数次过后基于消亡。)

11、In this example, we create functional indexes on the average color values of the pixels in a digital image.(在这个例子中,我们将针对一副数字图像的像素平均色值创建函数索引。)

12、Nearly 30 years ago James Fries at Stanford University School of Medicine put a ceiling of 85 years on the average potential human life span.(约30年前,斯坦福大学医学院的JamesFries把人类平均寿命的可能上限定为85岁。)

13、Based on the average number of daily transactions, IGS users are more active and "heavier" than IBM Research users.(根据每天事务的平均数目,IGS用户比ibmResearch用户更为活跃并且“更忙碌”。)

14、We decided not to perform the tests on the average heavy-duty Pentium machine running Windows nt.(我们决定不在运行Windowsnt的大型Pentium机器上进行测试。)

15、Radon is estimated to cause between 3% and 14% of all lung cancers, depending on the average radon level in a country.(根据一个国家中的平均氡水平,氡估计造成所有肺癌的3%至14%。)

16、Example: Functional index on the average RGB values of an image.(示例:对图像的平均RGb值执行函数索引。)

17、With this model, you can simulate the effects a higher near-cache hit will have on the average data access time.(使用这个模型,您可以对较高近距离缓存命中率对平均数据访问时间造成的影响进行模拟。)

18、although there seems to be a cap on the average number of things a person can remember at once, basic working memory capacity does vary among individuals.(尽管人们一次能记住的数量似乎有个平均上线,基本的工作记忆量却因人而异。)

19、If such information were made public, other useful data would follow-on the average financial returns to graduates of specific subjects, for example.(如果公开此类信息,其他一些有用数据也会随之浮出水面,比如说不同学科毕业生的平均收入回报。)

20、The threshold should be defined based on the average value from experience, or the service level agreement.(该阈值应当根据平均体验值或服务水平协议定义。)

21、There is no evidence that entrepreneurs make more money, on the average, than other professionals.(从平均水平来看,没有迹象表明企业家的赚钱能力比专业人士高。)

22、Each server in a cluster periodically determines its own workload, based on the average response time of requests recently processed by the server.(集群中的每个服务器都会周期性地确定自己的工作负载,其依据是服务器最近处理的请求的平均响应时间。)

23、The response time was calculated based on the average of those times. The 16 common operations measured were.(响应时间是根据这些时间的平均值计算的。)

24、on the average, that wiki engine worked relatively well, but had a very problematic performance bug that would cause rendering slowness occasionally.(一般情况下,这个Wiki引擎运作也比较稳定,但存在一个非常严重的性能缺陷,最终导致呈现上偶尔会有缓慢现象。)

25、Based on the average gaming week of 12.2 hours, this translates to a potential 1, 830 calories.(如果以每周平均玩12.2小时的游戏计算,Wii游戏每周可消耗掉1830卡路里,比使用传统的游戏手柄消耗的能量多出40%。)

26、Men who retire at age 65 have typically worked on the average about 45 years, so retirement years for these men is about 40% of working years.(在65岁退休的人一般平均工作有45年之久,因此退休时间大约是工作时间的40%。)

27、You used the example about the jelly beans and the masses guessing the answer dangerously close based on the average.(您使用了糖豆和危机事件的群众猜测答案的平均的例子。)

28、This happens about once or twice a year, on the average, but not each month since the Moon's orbit around the Earth is slightly tilted.(这种情况每年平均发生一两次,不是每月都发生,因为月球绕地球公转的轨道稍稍有点斜。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


