
用sit out造句子

2022-05-03 来源:个人技术集锦

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”

下面为您提供关于【sit out造句】内容,供您参考。

1、Taida, then go from the station to sit out 30 Zhongshan Road to the door and get off, and then sit light on it.(去泰达的话从出站口出来坐30路到中山门下车,然后坐轻轨就可以了。)

2、You gonna ask me to sit out the fight, too?(你打算叫我也别加入战斗吗?)

3、Rio Ferdinand could sit out next weekend's international break after suffering a suspected broken toe against Watford.(费迪南德在对阵沃特福德的比赛中被怀疑伤了脚趾,他有可能缺席下星期的国家队比赛。)

4、shall we go and sit out?(咱们到外面坐一坐好吗?)

5、Sorry, I think I'll sit out the next dance.(对不起,我想坐会儿,等过了下个舞再跳。)

6、I'm going to buy an extra-big lock for my door, hug my kids a little tighter, and sit out the storm.(我要给我家大门买把特大号锁,把我的孩子再抱紧些,然后坐迎风暴。)

7、Sam:Yeah, I always have a barbecue with my family. We sit out on the roof, eating grilled beef and pork, and just enjoying the evening.(有呀,我总是会和家人一起烤肉。我们坐在外面的屋顶上,吃烤牛肉和猪肉,并享受晚间的时刻。)

8、I think I'll sit out the next dance, I'm tired.(我想坐一会儿,等过了下只舞吧,我累了。)

9、All I want to do on this sunny afternoon is sit out on the porch and enjoy the day.(在这样一个晴朗的下午我想做的所有事就是,坐在门廊上,享受这一天。)

10、Finally, the teacher has to sit out a cosmopolitan device.(最后,老师又取出一个宥坐器。)

11、So, if any of you doesn't want to be, by chance, seen on the Internet, then sit out of range of the camera.(如果你们不想要,意外地,出现在网上的话,那么就坐在摄像机拍摄的范围外。)

12、Neither of these two birds like to sit out in the open.(这两种莺都不喜欢出现在开阔的地方。)

13、When evening fell, my father would sit out in the verandah facing the garden. I would then be summoned to sing to him.(到了晚上,父亲会坐在花园对面的凉台上,我被叫来唱歌给他听。)

14、We would sit out and look at the stars and the mountains.(我们会坐在外面看星星和群山。)

15、We were also told to bring our spelling test signed by a parent, and if we didn't, the teacher warned, we would sit out from the activities.(不过我们还必须在那天交一份家长签过字的拼写测试,不然就不能参加那个活动。)

16、My workload is really high. I don't sit out of practices. I practice every day, unless Phil basically makes me sit out.(我的训练量非常大,我并未缺席过训练——我每天都在训练,除非菲尔让我休息。)

17、Coach: They want you to sit out the game next week.(教练:他们不想让你在下周的比赛中上场。)

18、NORTH VIEWING NODE This sculptural block landing will sit out in the water, accessed by a narrow timber deck.(北面观景点这个雕刻的木平台凌驾于水中央,由一条窄窄的木栈道连通着。)

19、And yet, when I dropped my wife and her many layers of clothing off at the dock, only eight boats sit out on the bay.(然而,当我开车送妻子和她无数的衣服到码头时,海湾里只有八艘船出海。)

20、Let's sit out in the bright sunshine.(让我们坐在室外灿烂的阳光下晒太阳。)

21、She asked if she and her two children could sit out the storm with the Koshaks.(她问她是否能带着她的两个孩子和柯莎克一家呆在一起一直到风暴结束。)

22、Would you mind if I sit out this dance?(我不跳这个舞,你不介意吧?)

23、You won't be able to sit out here much longer-with luck, another month-and after that you'll need your chairs and tables back.(不久你就不能坐在外面了,运气好的话也就是个把月的时间,以后就要回到客厅里去了。)

24、I decided to sit out the rest of the film, I wasn't especially enjoying it, but my friends were.(我决定把电影看完。虽然我并不特别喜欢这个电影,但是我的朋友们喜欢。)

25、The girls sit out on the porches, giggling together.(女孩子们坐在门廊前,一起咯咯笑。)

26、They want you to sit out the game next week.(他们不想让你在下周的比赛中上场。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


