
have access to造句

2022-05-03 来源:个人技术集锦

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”

下面为您提供关于【have access to造句】内容,供您参考。

1、Two thirds of those people who are illiterate are women and about 200 to 250 million women don't have access to birth control they want.(这些文盲中有三分之二是妇女,大约有2亿至2.5亿妇女无法获得她们想要的节育措施。)

2、Every TB patient should have access to proper care.(每一位结核病人都应当得到适当治疗。)

3、"Archiving practices have changed greatly since the 1970s," says Kapsalis, "and we keep our high value documents in a safe that I don't even have access to."(Kapsalis说:“自20世纪70年代以来,文件归档已经发生了很大的变化,我们会将价值高的文档保存在一个连我都无法访问的保险箱中。”)

4、Kids shouldn't have access to violent films because they might imitate the things they see.(孩子们不应该接触暴力电影,因为他们可能会模仿他们所看到的东西。)

5、We can perform almost any office-based task from any location in the world as long as we have access to the internet.(我们几乎可以在世界上任何地方执行任何基于办公室的任务,只要我们能够访问互联网。)

6、You have have access to them via your public library.(而你可以通过公共图书馆来使用他们。)

7、Fortunately, educators have access to many online resources that are especially useful when helping children along the path to peace.(幸运的是,教育工作者能够接触到许多在线资源,这些资源对于帮助儿童走上和平之路格外有用。)

8、All students have access to the Writing Center on the upper floor of this building.(所有学生都可以进入这栋楼上层的写作中心。)

9、They want their parents to have access to affordable long-term care.(他们希望他们的父母可以得到负担得起的长期看护。)

10、We have access to communication protocols.(我们能够访问通讯协议。)

11、Students in university towns may also have access to another lever for involvement in accelerated math: math circles.(大学城的学生可能还有另一种参与进阶数学的手段:数学圈。)

12、They now have access to the mass markets of China, Japan and the U.K.(他们现在有通路进入中国、日本和英国的大众市场了。)

13、We must ensure that all patients have access to high quality care.(我们必须确保所有的病人都能够得到高质量的护理。)

14、They also do not have access to quality health care or other prerequisites for upward social mobility.(他们也无法获得高质量的医疗保健或其他社会向上流动的先决条件。)

15、But I know you have access to writing tutors.(我知道你们可以获得写作指导。)

16、There are other local facilities such as post offices where you can save your money and have access to affordable low cost loans.(还有其他的地方设施,比如邮局,在那里你可以省钱,也可以获得负担得起的低成本贷款。)

17、They may have access to drinking water but not clean, safe drinking water.(他们或许能获得饮用水,但没有干净、安全的饮用水。)

18、Fear not, you'll still have access to the raw mongrel request if you want to do fancy stuff like streaming or deferred rendering outside the mutex.(不用害怕,如果您想在互斥以外做一些奇特的事情,比如流处理或延迟呈现,您仍然可以访问原始的mongrel请求。)

19、Exploit the resources you do have access to.(利用你确实可以获得的资源。)

20、Exploit the resources you DO have access to.(挖掘你可以获取的资源。)

21、I have seen development lag because the poor do not have access to markets and finance.(我目睹了由于穷人无法进入市场、没有融资渠道而造成的发展滞后。)

22、More people have access to secure energy.(更多人获得了可靠能源。)

23、Do you have access to beautiful girls?(你能接近漂亮的女孩吗?)

24、if an earthquake, hurricane or other disaster strikes your community, you might not have access to food, water, and electricity for days or even weeks.(如果地震、飓风或其他的灾害突袭你的家园,你可能会好几天甚至好几个星期都无法获得食物、水和电。)

25、However, he'll need to do so without tripping the anti-jamming system, the details of which he almost certainly does not have access to.(然而,他必须这么做的同时不触发抗干扰系统,因为他几乎无法得知这一系统的技术细节。)

26、Students must have access to good resources.(学生必须有机会使用好的资源。)

27、Today, we have access to our own genetic recipe.(今天,我们已经绘制了自己的基因图谱。)

28、Millions of people cannot read these words because they don't have access to a computer.(数百万人无法阅读这些文字,因为他们没有使用电脑的机会。)

29、How can we prevent murderous schoolyard violence in children who have access to weapons, poor parental supervision, and a mean streak?(我们怎样才能防止校园暴力发生在那些有武器、父母监督不力、行为卑劣的孩子身上呢?)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


