

2022-05-03 来源:个人技术集锦

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、The earth gravitational potential was developed up to 11th degree and 11th order for all of zonal and tesseral harmonic terms.(地球重力势对带谐、扇谐和田谐项都展开到了第11次和第11阶。)

2、Research suggests that piano designers used music wire to reach similar harmonic levels despite working with different metals.(研究发现钢琴设计师们利用不同的琴丝材料达到了相似的谐音水平。)

3、The main harmonic problem in our country is consistency between utility and electrified railway.(我国谐波的主要问题是电力系统与电气化铁道的协调问题。)

4、To do share harmonicharmonic style, match properly.(要做到份额调和,款式调和,匹配得当。)

5、This is the primary reason I choose sweeps for harmonic distortion testing.(这是主要的原因,我选择谐波失真测试扫荡。)

6、Adjust the frequency, volume, and harmonic content and you can see and hear how the wave changes.(调整频率、体积和谐波内容,你就可以看到和听到波是怎么变化的。)

7、What are we to make of the painful, unresolved dissonances, the false relations and harmonic slide-slipping?(我们该如何对待痛苦、悬而未决的矛盾、错误的关系和平稳的转变?)

8、How to consider harmonic suppression and power factor compensation comprehensively?(谐波治理及功率因素补偿如何综合考虑?)

9、Good Norwegian architects excel at building harmonic structures in difficult terrain and the end result is often poetic.(优秀的挪威建筑师擅长在不同的地形上建造与之和谐的建筑—最终的结果往往富有诗意。)

10、He's trying to relax us here by slowing down the rate of harmonic change here.(他希望通过减慢泛音的变化速度让大家在这里快要睡着了。)

11、If one chord holds twice as long or only half as long, then we have an irregular harmonic change--irregular rate of harmonic change.(如果某一个和弦持续的时间是两倍或者只有一半,那我们就有了不规则的和声改变——和声改变的不规则比率。)

12、This is a simple harmonic oscillation.(这是个简单谐波振荡。)

13、It's clear that you're going to see a simple harmonic oscillation.(很明显,你会看到一个,简谐振荡。)

14、let me demonstrate to you the harmonic series.(我来为你们演示泛音列。)

15、Loud noises do not contribute to the harmonic flow that you are trying to create.(大的噪声不可能为你提供你所要建立的和谐流动。)

16、The detailed structure of spectrum of atmospheric tides is obtained by the spectral analysis-and harmonic analysis from the microbarograph records.(根据微气压计记录采用频谱分析和调和分析两种方法得出了大气潮谱的详细结构。)

17、We've thought about oscillation now, simple harmonic motion.(我们现在考虑的是振动,简单的简谐运动。)

18、Now, as long as I am in the linear portion of the curve, I can generate a simple harmonic motion.(既然现在处在,曲线的线性区域内,可以弄出个简谐运动。)

19、Musically trained students found harmonic frequencies more pleasing - they're huge in Western music.(在音乐方面接受过训练的学生在听到谐波频率时会更为高兴——这种频率在西方音乐中大量出现。)

20、harmonic is the most general phenomenon in power system. And harmonic is the main index of power quality.(谐波是目前电力系统中存在的最普遍现象,是电能质量的主要指标。)

21、The effect is termed harmonic distortion.(这种作用就称为谐波畸变。)

22、Has the harmonic taste, heat dryness role.(具有调和脾胃、清热润燥作用。)

23、All I wanted was to harvest a harmonic relationship with her.(我想要的就是获得两人之间如和声般的融洽关系。)

24、The rate of harmonic change has slowed down considerably here.(泛音的变化速度减得相当慢。)

25、So what's happened to the rate of harmonic change here?(所以说这里的和声变化率是怎样的?)

26、I had been looking for ways to combine harmonic and rhythmic structures.(我一直在寻求把和声与节奏结和起来的方法。)

27、And I couldn't be happier, because this tells me that the motion is that of a simple harmonic oscillation.(我们很高兴地发现,这个告诉我们,这个运动,是个简单谐波运动。)

28、And using the harmonic resonance of the guitar?(你刚才所说的是使用吉他的和声共振吗?)

29、It stemmed instead from arguelles's personal philosophy, which emphasizes "the principle of harmonic resonance."(相反,它来源于arguelles强调“谐波共振律”的个人学说。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


