


deliver的常用短语是:用作动词(v.)deliver from (v.+prep.)(把某人)从…中解救出来 save sb from bad, as a threatdeliver sth from some placeHas the furniture been delivered from the factory yet?家具从工厂发出来了没有?The eggs were delivered from the farm along with the milk.鸡蛋随牛奶由农场送到订户。deliver sb from sthThis pill will deliver you from pain.这药片能解除你的痛苦。They delivered him from death.他们把他从死亡线上解救出来。Only education can deliver people from fear and superstition.只有教育才能把人们从恐惧和迷信中解救出来。We need a strong leader to deliver the country from the dangers of falling money values.我们需要一位强有力的领袖把我们国家从货币贬值的危机中解救出来。The sick man was delivered from danger.那个病人从危险中抢救过来。They were delivered from slavery.他们从奴役状态中解放出来。deliver的意思是v.递送;发表(演讲);交付;解救;生(孩子);接生;履行;投掷。deliver【近义词】address。


  1. 宣布,发表,讲
  2. 释放,解脱,解放出
  3. 交付,移交
  4. 运送,送货,运载,传送
  5. 给予
  6. 发动(进攻)
  7. 给…接生
  8. 履行(诺言); 实现(期望)
  9. 为竞选人拉(选票)
  10. 救,救出
  11. 引渡
  12. 投递,送,传达
  13. 抛、投球
  14. 生小孩,生产,分娩
  1. 灵敏的,敏捷的


  1. vt. & vi. 递送,交付 take sth to people’s houses or places of work
  2. vt. 发言 speak or read aloud to people listening
  3. vt. 助产 help in giving birth
  4. vt. 发动,提出 arouse; put forward


  1. deliver (a speech, oration, or idea);

    "The commencement speaker presented a forceful speech that impressed the students"

  2. bring to a destination, make a delivery;

    "our local super market delivers"

  3. to surrender someone or something to another;

    "the guard delivered the criminal to the police"
    "render up the prisoners"
    "render the town to the enemy"
    "fork over the money"

  4. free from harm or evil
  5. hand over to the authorities of another country;

    "They extradited the fugitive to his native country so he could be tried there"

  6. pass down;

    "render a verdict"
    "deliver a judgment"

  7. utter (an exclamation, noise, etc.);

    "The students delivered a cry of joy"

  8. save from sins
  9. carry out or perform;

    "deliver an attack"
    "deliver a blow"
    "The boxer drove home a solid left"

  10. relinquish possession or control over;

    "The squatters had to surrender the building after the police moved in"

  11. throw or hurl from the mound to the batter, as in baseball;

    "The pitcher delivered the ball"

  12. cause to be born;

    "My wife had twins yesterday!"


The mailman delivers letters and parcels every morning.


He delivered a long prose.


We deliver the goods in batches.


Education delivered him from ignorance.


She delivered twins in the evening.


The obstetrician delivered the child.


I am certain that he will deliver on his promise.


He must deliver the missile and at the same time stay inside the throwing circle.



用作动词 (v.)


  • The Lord..will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine.

    出自:Bible (AV): 1 Samuel
  • A mood of disgust..from which he was only delivered by..abandoning these studies.

    出自:T. Hardy


deliver, rescue
  • 这两个词都有“救援”“解救”的意思。其区别是:
  • deliver特指将某人从囚禁或其他的控制手段或方式中救援出来,这类控制手段或方式可指监禁、奴役、压迫、受苦、诱惑或罪恶等; rescue主要指以迅速而有力的行动将某人从逼近的危险中解救出来,这类危险可指伤害、攻击、俘虏或囚禁等。例如:
  • They delivered Dade from danger.他们把达德从危险中救出来。
  • He rescued a man from drowning.他救了一个快淹死的人。
  • deliver, dispatch, mail, send, ship
  • 这五个词都有“送”的意思。它们之间的区别在于:
  • 1.mail指将信件、包裹等物寄出去,强调将某物品寄送出去这一行为。
  • 2.deliver指送货。例如:
  • The goods will be delivered at noon tomorrow.明天中午交货。
  • The farmers guarantee the quantity and quality of the vegetables that are delivered.农民们保证交售蔬菜的质量和数量。
  • 3.dispatch可指上级向下级派遣人员〔部队、舰队〕等,强调紧急发出。例如:
  • A messenger was dispatched to take the news to the soldiers at the front.一名通讯员被派去给前线士兵送消息。
  • The allies agreed to dispatch reinforcements.同盟国同意派遣增援部队。
  • 4.send不涉及客体的内容或方法。例如:
  • Let's all go to the airport to send him off.我们都到机场给他送行。
  • If any letters come after you've left,I'll send them on.如果你离开后,有信来了,我会转寄去的。
  • Have you sent round the notice about the Christmas party yet?关于圣诞节晚会的通告,你是否已送出传阅?
  • 5.ship是指以水运、陆运、空运等方式运送货物,现常用于商业。例如:
  • Some fruit doesn't ship well.有些水果不便运送。
  • The goods were shipped last week.货物已于上周装船运走。
  • deliver, declaim, lecture, speak
  • 这组词都可表示“演讲”。其区别是:
  • speak一般指在公共场合讲话; declaim有慷慨激昂地演说、朗诵或以言辞攻击某人或某种观点的含义; deliver指讲道、陈述意见或讲授一门功课; lecture可指就某一专题演讲或强调教导性的演说。例如:
  • She was declaiming against the waste of the taxpayers' money.她慷慨陈词,猛烈抨击对纳税人金钱的浪费。
  • He is delivering a speech.他正在作演讲。
  • I wish you'd stop lecturing me.我希望你不要再教训我。
  • send,deliver,dispatch,forward,ship,transmit
  • 这些动词均含“送出,发送,传送”之意。
  • send普通最常用词,含义广。指把人或物由一地送往另一地,而不涉及事物的内容或 送的方式。
  • deliver指把信件、包裹等物寄发出去或交到某地,或直接交与某人,着重发送这一行为。
  • dispatch指为特殊目的而发送或派遣,强调紧急或快速。
  • forward指经过其他人或手段把东西转送给某人,(电子邮件)转发。
  • ship把通过水运、陆运或空运等方式运送东西。现常指商业上的运货,或将物品托运。
  • transmit指将文件、消息等的内容或类似的东西发至某地或传达给他人。
  • deliver的相关近义词

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