do you remember what date is it today?
yes. more than half a century ago, the same time of today in 1935, when china was in trouble from both inside and outside, being at the edge of life and death, who was it that, excited with boiling blood, bravely stood out? it’s young students like you! again about a hundred years ago, when chinese territory was invaded and seized, who was it that stood up, roaring with anger: give back my land! again young students like you, who
added a histoy-making page of may 4th movement in chinese history! during the years of killings and fightings, countless number of students, for the sake of a bright china, had to give up their learning and marched toward the battle fields. they sacreficed their blood and life for the peaceful world which we have today. while we are priding ourselves on this, we must be clearly conscious that though there is no longer smoke of gunpowder, we face peaceful evoluation, police interference, sovereign right provocation, economic sanctions, and moreover the gang-up of splittists from home and abroad. these hidden unsafe factors will long be existing and slip in unnoticed at any possible time.
boys and girls, who will support china’s future? nobody else but you young generation! who will let china stand on top of the world? nobody else but you! who will keep five-star flag flying high against the blue sky? nobody else but you! young friends, be firm and be strong! for our pioneers, for our future, let’s sing together the song “in praise of our motherland”!