


  I read Moby dick. Adventure is from the hero of this story, Ishmael walked into the &ldquo hotel; whale ” at the moment, he came to a ship named &ldquo ” colonial struggle; ships, so Ishmael was on board a small handyman. “ &rdquo the captain of the colonial struggle; — — captain ahab. It is a ghost. ---- Moby Dick, the white whale bitten off their legs and hearts full of hatred, and vowed to retaliate in the white whale, everyone is happy for their own lives after the beginning of this dangerous journey.

  It was not a good thing to fight against the white whale, but they lost at last, and the only escape was Ishmael, who was rescued by another ship. The white whale was blinded by Captain Ahab's eye.

  From first to last, I always think Captain Ahab is a crazy man in the middle, they came for the white whale, has gained a lot of oil, can sell a lot of money, but the captain was to own the “ persist in wilfully and arbitrarily, kill whale ” dream broken gave the whole ship lives if I were her, I will give up, will not continue to hunt for the whales. Although he is a crazy man, I am impressed by his persistent pursuit of his dream.

  On the way in the pursuit of the whale, riding his old friend's son was missing, so the captain is very anxious, hope the colonial struggle with his fellow ship for a period of time, to help him find his son, but Captain Ahab shook his head, said: No, I want to continue to “ ” then I hunt Moby Dick! Just know, why not go to the original Captain Ahab is because he wants to quickly find the whale, and kill it, so as to avoid more victims. As you can see from here, Captain Ahab could see things from a distance, but his dream was not realized, and he was hanged by a whaling rope.

  Feel very thrilling, the plot twists and turns, thrilling, P, reading this book, I also know that only with a sincere and selfless heart to treat their own good friend, will be a most precious wealth of — — friendship! Only unity and cooperation can do better.
