


  Xie Shiyan thank words


  Dear teachers, friends:


  Good evening. Thank you for taking time off from your busy time to my studies. Here I would like on behalf of our entire family of the kind you visit our warmest welcome and most sincere gratitude. ( bow )

  俗话说十年寒窗苦,我今天所取得的成绩也并不能代表什么,但是这些都倾注了不光我一个人而是很多人的辛苦和汗水,在此我首先要感谢我的老师和同学在学习上给予我的大力支持和帮助,其次要感谢我的爷爷奶奶和姥姥在生活上给予我的关心和照顾,更要感谢我的爸爸妈妈,是他们一直在背后默默的支持着我,关心着我,鼓励着我,成为我身后最坚实的后盾。在这里我想说上一声“爸爸妈妈,你们辛苦了!”(拥抱)在此,我还想说的是,我以后学习的道路还有很长,希望大家一如既往的支持和关心我,我一定会加倍的努力学习,不辜负父母对我的殷切希望和各位来宾对我无微不至的关爱,优异的成绩将是我对大家最好的回报。最后恭祝各位来宾:事业蒸蒸日上,家庭美满幸福,身体健康,万事如意, 谢谢!(鞠躬)

  As the saying goes, bitter, I achieved today does not mean anything, but these are all not only I a person but a lot of people toil and sweat, I would first like to thank my teachers and classmates in learning to give me support and help, and thank you for my grandma and grandpa the grandmother in the life gives me the concern and care, but especially to my mom and Dad, they have been quietly in the back support me, care about me, encourage me, become the most solid backing behind me. Here I want to say a voice" Mom and Dad, you have worked hard!" ( hold ) here, I want to say is, I will learn there is still a long road, hope you as in the past support and care for me, I will redouble its efforts to study, parents do not live up to my earnest hope the ladies and gentlemen, I love in every possible way, good results will be all my best in return. The last wish guest: the cause of be on the upgrade, happy family, good health, good luck in everything, thank you! ( bow )
