


  Dear tourists

  Hello everyone! We Chinese are all "descendants of the dragon". The dragonis the totem of the Chinese. Do you know where the dragon lives? Yes, you havearrived at the Dragon Palace, the home of the dragon. The Dragon Palace scenicspot we are visiting today is located in the southern suburb of Anshun City,Guizhou Province, adjacent to the famous Huangguoshu scenic spot at home andabroad. It has convenient transportation and is 116 kilometers away from theprovincial capital Guiyang city. The Dragon Palace is the most mature and mostscenic gold tourist spot in Guizhou. It is also a national 5A scenic spot.

  As the saying goes, when you come to Guizhou, you have to see three things:the mountains, the water and the caves. The Dragon Palace is famous for itsbeautiful caves. It is a typical karst terrain with five most famous caves inChina: the longest water cave in China, the largest cave Buddha Hall in China,the largest waterfall in the cave in China, the lowest natural radiation doserate in the world, and the most concentrated water and drought caves in theworld, These five are the best, which make the Dragon Palace famous all over theworld. So it's a great blessing for you to come to the Dragon Palace today.

  Now, let's walk into Longmen waterfall. It's more than 50 meters high and26 meters wide. It's a waterfall in the cave. It's made by the pouring waterfrom Tianchi Lake. The flowing water dries through the mountains and splitsrocks with the momentum of sprinkling. It is magnificent and magnificent. It isjust like ten thousand horses galloping. When we approach the Longmen waterfall,our hearts will be shocked. You can see that the rainbow formed by the flowingwater under the sunlight is like a fairyland, very beautiful. This waterfallgoes down the river, another 30 kilometers, is the famous Huangguoshuwaterfall.

  Let me introduce the overall situation of the Dragon Palace. The total areaof the Dragon Palace is 60 square kilometers, which is divided into four scenicspots: the center, Xuantang, rape lake and xianrenqing. The Dragon Palace isvery beautiful and spectacular, showing four characteristics. One is theunderground river cave, which is called "China's only beautiful water cave" bytourists. Longgong water cave is 15 kilometers long, ranking first in China. Atpresent, there are two sections of the scenic area open to the public, 1260meters long. There are many kinds of Bell and milk in the cave. Compared withthe northern cave, it is more delicate and exquisite. Compared with the southerncave, it is more mysterious and strange. The structure of the cave Hall is likethe Dragon King Palace in myth, which is why it is called the Dragon Palace. Ofcourse, with the development of the times, I believe that all of them will notbe open for a long time. You are welcome to visit again. Moreover, it is also aparadise for Buddhists, because there is the largest cave temple in China - theDragon Palace Guanyin cave. Its biggest feature is that all the temples arenatural caves. There are 32 artificially carved Buddha statues, of which thestatue of Guanyin is as high as 12.6 meters. On the main hall, there is astalactite with a natural spirit similar to Guanyin. The natural and artificialBuddha statues are integrated. In our country, there are many temples on famousmountains, but the temples in Karst caves can be called the top of the countryin terms of scale and popularity. The third feature is the waterfall in thecave. We have just visited it. I believe you have already had your own feelings.The last feature is the Dragon Palace whirlpool, which is a round pond with anarea of more than 10000 square meters. The water in the pond is rotatingclockwise without wind. You can look at your watch and compare it It's also agood feeling to have a look at Xuantang. Even the science education channel ofCCTV "into science" has explored and reported this strange phenomenon.Therefore, we are very lucky to have come to Xuantang.

  After a day's play, I believe you are all tired. When you come to Longgong,you can have some good food. Because it's Longgong, we don't have many famousfish and shrimp dishes. The more famous ones are Huajiang dog meat, buckwheatjelly, Changwang noodles and fried chicken cake. I believe you will have abetter appetite after enjoying the beautiful scenery, and come to taste the foodof Longgong.

  OK, distinguished guests, this dragon palace tour is over. You are welcometo come next time, and you are also welcome to criticize our work. I wish youall good health and happiness!
