


  Prince Gong's house used to be the home of Wang Shen, the most greedy onein all ages. Later, Emperor Jiaqing made twenty-four charges and confiscated hishouse. Because the last host was Prince Gong's Aixinjueluo, it was called PrinceGong's mansion.

  There are two dragon veins in Beijing, one is the central axis of Beijing,the other is the moat. The Palace Museum is located at the head of the centralaxis. Prince Gongqin's residence is located at the intersection of the twodragon veins. He and Wang Shen once boasted: "the emperor sits on the dragon'shead, I sit on the dragon's tail. Although the dragon's head is in charge of theoverall situation, it still needs the dragon's tail to do great things.&"Listen, he and Wang Shen are so ambitious that they deserve to be thefirst greedy people of all ages.";!

  There are 9999 bats in Prince Gongqin's mansion;. This is not a real bat,but a bat like building. Wang Shen and Wang Shen wanted to be happy, so theytook the homonym of "Fu" and built 9999 bats;.

  When you enter the door, the first thing you see is a huge bat;. This is abat like pond called "Fu Chi";. Rockery and gravel are randomly scattered on theBank of the pool. Elm trees are planted around Fuchi. The fruit and leaf of elmtrees are like copper coins. When the fruit and leaf like copper coins fall intoFuchi, Wang Shen and I will laugh and laugh: & lt; money falling from thesky enters my & lsquo; cornucopia & gt;, and the money on the groundalso flows into Wang Shen and I. &"That's true!

  We followed the gurgling water of Fuchi and came to a door. This is abeautiful western gate with bright colors and fine workmanship. It is said thatthis is one of his 24 counts. Because this western gate was made after thewestern gate in the royal garden.

  After entering the western gate and bypassing the stone carving of "SongziGuanyin", it is the opera garden with Wang Shen's family. In front of the playgarden is a garden, with some flowers in the trim bushes. The play "Xiangfeiplays butterfly" in huanzhuge was shot here. Only two places in Beijing arecovered with green bricks. One is the Taihe hall in the Forbidden City, and theother is the stage with Wang Shen's family. Because the sound amplificationeffect of the green brick is very good, singing on the stage does not need anysound amplification tools. In such a large theater, everyone can hear music, andit is also a great honor to stand on the stage full of green bricks and sing forthe powerful ministers such as Wang Shen.

  Through the well carved Zhulan corridor, you come to the study with WangShen. The study is surrounded by rockery and bamboo groves, quiet and quiet. Thewhole Gongqin palace is not built with stone bricks. This study is made of aspecial kind of bamboo. It is warm in winter and cool in summer. Wang Shen and Ilike to stay here most.

  Out of the study, the magnificent building in front is the main hall — & mdash; and the place where Wang Shen meets visitors. To get to themain hall, there is a very special road. There is only one ladder, and thenthere is a straight and gentle slope road, because I told Wang Shen that in hislife, he had suffered only when he was young, and then he went all the way tothe peak of power. We can cross the bottom of the ladder, avoid suffering, andgo straight to the top;.

  There is a story: when the Empress Dowager of Xiaozhuang was very old andsick, she loved her grandson Emperor Kangxi very much and was very depressed. Heasked Su malagu, his maid, to prepare her pen and paper, and with a stroke ofher pen, she wrote "Fu". After finishing the writing, Xuanye and Su malagu lookat the word "Fu" and are stunned & mdash; & mdash; the word is powerfuland natural. If you look closely, you can see many phrases: more fields, moresons, more talents, more longevity & hellip; & hellip; isn't this thewish of the emperor's grandmother? The more Emperor Kangxi saw it, the moresatisfied he was, he ordered people to put the word "Fu" on a huge stone. As aresult, the empress dowager, who had been ill for a long time, soon recovered.Emperor Kangxi was so happy that he decided to pass on this auspicious andauspicious stone from generation to generation, so that the Aixinjueluo familycould prosper from generation to generation.

  Unfortunately, when it reached Qianlong, it was stolen out of the palace.This person is Wang Shen. Now this stone is at the foot of our main hall, onlyshowing the side with the word "Fu". This & quot; blessing & quot; isthe 10th blessing of Prince Gongqin's mansion, which means & quot; tenthousand blessings & quot;. And Wang Shen also said with an air: & lt;the emperor is & lsquo; long live & gt;, I am & lsquo; Wanfu >! & gt; later, when Emperor Jiaqing copied his house, he wanted to movethe Fushi back to the palace, but he still didn't. He and Wang Shen are toocunning. He built a bat like Fushan with stones, and built a dragon on the leftand right of the word "Fu", implying that "the Dragon sits on the RiverMountain". Emperor Jiaqing didn't want to destroy himself, so he left thestone.

  Just now, we are going up the road. Now let's step on the dragon'spulse.

  After walking along the pond in front of Fushan, you can come to thefishing pool with Wang Shen's family. You can walk on a red stone boat to theDiaoyutai in the center of the pool. To the south of the Diaoyutai, there aresome grotesque rockeries, and the pool is full of green plants. Willow trees areplanted on the rocks to the north. Their bodies sway with the wind, which makesthem look like they came to Baotu Spring in Jinan. But when I look back, I findthat I haven't left Prince Gongqin's residence yet: the railings of Diaoyutaiare engraved with bat patterns that only prince Gongqin's residence in Beijinghas.

  On the North Bank of the fishing pond, there is also an attic with apeculiar shape. In front of the attic, plants and trees are planted. It is saidthat Prince Gong Yi Chen Jin sent people to make it according to the shape ofthe flag head on Empress Dowager Cixi's head. Yi Chen Jin hated Empress DowagerCixi very much and said, "if you play with me, I'm going to bully you!".

  After visiting Prince Gongqin's mansion, I look back again and look at thishistoric mansion. I have mixed feelings in my heart: when people who lived herereached the peak of their career, they didn't know that they were on the end ofthe road of power and money.
