


  The scenic spot we came to is called "strange garden and strange building",which is a strange place. Strange rare is called strange, strange alone iscalled strange. Strange is strange, not strange is strange. Qiyuan is a new parkbuilt in 1991, but strange building has a real history.

  The owner of the strange building is w. J. sinbeson, a Californian born in1898. He graduated from Yale University, a famous university in the UnitedStates, and is a doctor of forestry specializing in horticulture. In 1928, hewas sent to Beidaihe seaside by American Protestant church and founded Dongshanhorticultural farm. He worked and lived in Beidaihe for 12 years. During thisperiod, he introduced more than 20 kinds of excellent fruit trees, such asapples, grapes, plums, cherries, and other excellent livestock, such as Dutchcows, Yorkshire pigs, Leghorn chickens, and introduced and promoted Amorphafruticosa, the pioneer shrub of North China greening. Simpson worked hard everyday, often sweating heavily, and his clothes were covered with soil; heseriously carried out scientific research, wrote many scientific papers andbooks on the promotion of agricultural technology. He set up a "volunteerresearch association" and trained many technicians. Until the liberation of thewhole country, some of the key garden technicians in Jingdong and Beidaihe werestill students of Simpson. His forthright character, humorous language, profoundknowledge and practical spirit made him establish a deep friendship with thepeasants and intellectuals in Beidaihe. He is an emissary of Sino US friendship,a mentor of science and technology, and a founder of modern horticulture inBeidaihe. Beidaihe will never forget anyone who is full of kindness, love andcontribution. Simpson's name, like the flowers and trees he cultivated, willtake root in the land of Beidaihe and spread his eternal fragrance.

  In 1936, Simpson designed a villa with unique external shape and internalstructure, which was built by local architect Su Quanren. Simpson's villa, as awhole, belongs to European Gothic architecture. It has three floors, five roofs,seven corners and eight sides. Every corner of the roof is made of granite. It'svery beautiful. There are 44 doors and 46 windows in the building, but there isno square room. Inside the villa, house to house, suite to suite, big and small,connected. When a stranger comes in, it's hard to find the door that just camein. When you enter the middle hall, there are big glass mirrors all around. Whenyou go to the pawnshop, there are people everywhere. When you turn around, it'shard to find the door to go out. There is a well in the middle of the basement.Around the well head, a spiral staircase is built to run up and down. This wellis the natural temperature and humidity regulator in the villa: it is used toreduce the temperature in summer and increase the humidity in winter; thisstaircase is made of vines and dried branches of fruit trees. It's reallyinteresting to walk up, flickering, soft and trembling. This strange villa soonwon the reputation of "strange building". In 1940, on the eve of the outbreak ofthe Pacific War, Dr. Simpson returned to the United States, but his "strangebuilding" became even more famous. It became a magnificent and mysteriouslandscape of Beidaihe and attracted many tourists to enjoy and investigate.However, more than 30 years ago, an innocent and strange building could notescape. Finally one day, the strange building was demolished artificially.

  Today, the strange building in front of us was redesigned and rebuilt in1991 according to the original architectural style of the strange building. Mr.Hua Junwu, a famous cartoonist in China, inscribed "strange garden and strangebuilding", which makes people feel more humorous and relaxed. Qiyuan covers anarea of 90 mu, with a building area of 999 square meters and 99 wonderfulscenes. Why do you choose so many "9"? Because "9" is a big number, I just wantto explain to you: when you come here, you can appreciate what is called bigstrange, big strange and special strange. The designer has made every effort tocreate the wonderful, the strange and the happy in the strange garden and thestrange building. Strange garden and strange building is a monument set up bythe people of Beidaihe for Dr. Xin Baisen. It is also a paradise for thousandsof tourists to experience the wonderful and strange. Please enjoy yourself hereand have a long laugh. There is a "Fang directory" in Qiyuan strange building.Please write down your feelings here and leave your name.
