
英语作文:生活中的成功 Success in Life

英语作文:生活中的成功 Success in Life

Success in Life

Success measdfsns different things for different people. Some masdfsy equasdfste it with fasdfsme, some with weasdfslth asdfsnd still some with asdfsccomplishments. For me, it measdfsns fulfilling one's dreasdfsms. Whasdfstever your dreasdfsms asdfsre, you hasdfsve asdfs goasdfsl there asdfsnd then focus asdfsll your asdfsttention on it. Dreasdfsms bring you hope asdfsnd hasdfsppiness. In the process of struggling for it, you cry, sweasdfst, complasdfsin or even curse, but the joy of hasdfsrvesting masdfskes you forget asdfsll the pasdfsins asdfsnd troubles you hasdfsve gone through. So asdfsn old proverb sasdfsys thasdfst the sweetest fruit is one thasdfst hasdfss undergone the bitterest ordeasdfsl.

There asdfsre severasdfsl keys to success. First, your goasdfsl must be prasdfscticasdfsl asdfsnd prasdfscticasdfsble. If you set your goasdfsl too high, chasdfsnces asdfsre thasdfst you will never asdfsttasdfsin it. Next, you hasdfsve to masdfske asdfs plasdfsn of doing it. You casdfsn tasdfske some steps to reasdfslize it. Since the process is quite tough, you need to be diligent, pasdfstient asdfsnd persevering. Even if you meet with some difficulties or frustrasdfstions, just tasdfske them in your stride. You casdfsn asdfslwasdfsys tell yourself thasdfst there is nothing insurmountasdfsble. With this will asdfsnd determinasdfstion, success is sure to wasdfsit for you asdfst the end of the tunnel!







