


Unit3 Reading 名师教学设计


教学课题 课程类型 主题语境 M8U3 Inventors and Inventions Period 4 Alexander Graham Bell Reading and Speaking 授课时长 1课时(45分钟) 名人传记 人与社会——对社会有突语篇类型 出贡献的人物与科学精神 教学内容分本文是人教版选修八第三单元Inventors and Inventions的析 Using Language中的阅读文本。文章从功能上来讲,是介绍Alexander G. Bell的名人传记。通过文本解读可以发现,文章主线是Bell和他的发明。不同于以往的人物传记总是以明显的时间线为顺序展开,本文只出现了1847和1876两个时间。其语言特点是除名言、引语部分外,文章主体以第三人称、过去时描述Bell爱发明缘起于兴趣,贵在有不断探索尝试的精神和行动。文章以microphone、telephone、tetrahedron shape等的发明与发现,串联起Bell孜孜不倦地通过发明给人类社会带来科技进步的一生,让学生学习伟大发明家的探索精神、社会责任感并了解从problem 到research再到solution的发明产生过程。 教学目标 At the end of this period, students will be able to: 1. Identify the writing style and main idea of the passage by using reading strategies, such as reading the title, the picture, the first and last paragraphs. 2. finddetailed information about how Bell invented his most important invention—telephone by scanning. 3. interpret some key sentences representing Bell’s values and merits by reading between the lines and thinking logically after discussing with teammates. 4. construct 1 / 7

the outline of a biography by analyzingkey words of each paragraph. 5. relate Bell’s spirit to self-development by following his example to improve the smart phone through logical, critical and creative thinking. 教学重点 1、阅读技能的习得与操作,包括略读、扫读,理解文章结构、指代关系、逻辑关系等。 2、文本信息的整体把握与重点细节理解。 教学难点 1、对文章内涵——探索精神和社会责任感——的领悟。 2、贯穿在课堂活动中的逻辑思维、批判性思维和创新性思维的培养。 教学资源 教学过程设计 步骤 教学活动 Step 1 Warming up Duty Report: Two reporters lead the rest of the class: 1. to distinguish four pictures of inventions and discoveries; 2. to talk briefly about the benefits of modern inventions, like mobile payment, high speed train, computer; 2. to focus on answering thefunctions of the mobile phone and writing down key words on the Bb. Step 2 T shows a picture of phones 利用图片,引出电话的前3’ 2 / 7

教材、多媒体课件、学案(学生练习)、黑板和粉笔 设计意图 互动模式与时间 围绕主题,创设情境:利5’ 用图片和问答活动创设Ss—Ss I语境,导入主题,引出电W 话的今生——mobile phone,激活学生关于invention和mobile phone已有的知识和经验。 Pre-reading ’ family and asks: 1. Who is the inventor of the telephone? 世——telephone以及它T-Ss IW 的发明者Bell。通过问题 2引导学生在潜意识中思2. What aspects do you wan考人物传记往往会聚焦t to know about the inventor? 哪些方面,形成阅读期待,为接下来的环节做铺垫。 Step 3 Reading 1. 1st Reading (1) Ss read the title and the picture and predict the type of writing. 基于语篇,设计活动:通6’ 过使用阅读策略,读标T-Ss IW 题、读图、读首末段、读 首末句、找关键词等,引 (2) Ss read the title, the first导学生概括、梳理、整合 and the last paragraphs and figure out the main idea of the passage. (3) Ss read the first and the last sentences of each paragraph and match the key words. 信息,并使之结构化。比 如关注体裁、概括主旨、 了解结构等。 (4) Ss summarize the outline of a biography. 3 / 7

2. 2nd Reading: T asks Ss to read Paragraph3 carefully and fill in the blanks. 细读语篇,设计活动: 8’ T-Ss 侧重提取有关Bell发明GW 电话的事实性信息。通过 If necessary, Ss can discuss 表格形式,进一步梳理、 in groups. 归纳细节信息,引导学生 关注发明的步骤并认识 发明过程的曲折性以及 Bell的科学精神。 3. 3rd Reading: T asks Ss to go through the passage and then each group chooses one question to discuss and share: (1) What does the “woods” in his most famous saying mean and what do you think of his saying “leave the beaten track and dive into the woods”? (2) Bell was born in 1847, do you know when he died? What do you think of “he m 4 / 7

深入语篇,设计活动:设8’ 计有内在联系和层次的T-Ss 问题链,训练学生挖掘语GW 言的深层涵义,培养学生 综合、概括、推断、评价等高阶思维能力。 深化主题意义,加强德育浸润。并通过小组讨论和分享,提高课堂效率。 ade his first invention at eleven and his last at seventy five”? (3) Why is Bell most often associated with the invention of telephone? Step 4 Consoli-dation T asks Ss to work in groups to discuss about their ideal “smarter” phones. Each group leader organizes his/her group to decide one biggest迁移创新,设计活动:小12’ 组活动,讨论并设计电话Ss-Ss 的未来—— “smarter”phone。 联系现实生活,迁移学习GW problem of the current phonBell的探索创新精神,思e and think about an ideal solution. 考手机的问题和改进方法。 Then, after 5 minutes’of pre paration, T invites some groups to give their presentation. Step 5 1. Assessment: 总结评价,再次深化主题3’ 并进行德育浸润。 T-Ss Summary & (1) T briefly comments on Home-work Ss’performances and emphasizes that from imagination to reality, there is still a long way to go. Ss should have solid knowledge and skills, plus continuing effort andexploration. T can use Bell’s most famous saying in this text to enc 5 / 7

ourage them. (2) T adds up the scores of each group and gives a brief evaluation of the whole class. 2. Assignment: Finish the rest of the handout. 板书设计 课后反思 1、思优: 1)形式上:通过小组成员面对面的座位安排和贯穿课堂始终的小组计分模式,充分调动学生们的学习积极性和合作学习的氛围,课堂上回答问题的学生面扩大了、回答问题的次数增多了;多媒体与板书运用相结合,兼顾课堂的预设性和生成性。多媒体的使用扩大了课堂的容量,节约了问题的书写时间,同时通过加粗体、标颜色等方式使重点一目了然。黑板的使用及时把生成性的学生回答中的重点、优点进行了记录,一是对回答问题学生的肯定,二是方便其他学生跟随记课堂笔记。 2)内容上:通过整理文章主线,设计由易到难有内在逻辑的问题链,在阅读以及做任务的过程中从结构、语言、思维三方面给学生充分的训练和培养。由于“脚手架”搭设合理,在课堂上调动起了学生的知识储备,在生成性回答过程中,学生甚至给出了Alexander G. Bell名言中的woods是指dilemma,而不仅是用difficulty这样较为简单的词汇;从Bell他11岁开始发明,至死方 6 / 7

休的事实中得出他是a lifelong inventor;对Bell发明的电话,学生评论时用了indispensable这样的超纲词汇,拓展了同学们的单词量。 2、思过: 两位同学在duty report的过程中,向同学们提问,并把他们的答案要点写在黑板上时,我没有及时查看拼写,有一个拼写错误到后面我去板书时才发现并修改。 3、思改: 1)思维导图(mind map)是一种很清晰有效的帮助学生提纲挈领的工具,我在板书传记体文章的结构时应该使用它,而不是用传统型的1、2、3点去标示。 2)对学生的板书我今后要及时给予反馈或修正。 备注: Ss: students T: teacher

IW: individual work GW: group work

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