专利名称:Device and method for optical imaging of
retinal function
发明人:Randy H. Kardon,Young H. Kwon,Daniel
Tso,Peter Soliz
摘要:An Optical Imaging Device of Retinal Function has been developed to detectchanges in reflectance of near infrared light from the retina of human subjects in
response to visual activation of the retina by a pattern stimulus. The measured changes inreflectance correspond in time to the onset and offset of the visual stimulus in theportion of the retina being stimulated. Any changes in reflectance can be measured byinterrogating the retina with a light source. The light source may be presented to theretina via the cornea and pupil or through other tissues in and around the eye. Differentwavelengths of interrogating light may be used to interrogate various layers of theretina. Additionally, various novel patterns and methods of stimulation have beendeveloped for use with the imaging device and methods.
申请人:Randy H. Kardon,Young H. Kwon,Daniel Tso,Peter Soliz
地址:Iowa City IA US,Iowa City IA US,Jamesville NY US,Albuquerque NM US
代理机构:Needle & Rosenberg, PC