


Unit 1 Greeting and introuduction Dialogues /monologues:

1、You can tell they lived during the Depression.


此句意思应该是: 你可以断定他们生活在那时的大萧条期. 2、He really knows how to bring a person out。 \"bring a person out。”是“鼓励一个人的”的意思. 整句话的意思是:他非常善于鼓励别人/使别人振作起来。 PS:to bring sb。 out

意思为:to make someone feel more comfident, happy, and friendly /使某人更加自信、开朗

3、he looks like his fun to be with.

整句话的意思是:他看起来是个很有意思的人.或,和他在一起应该会很有意思。 句子解析

4、since we're going to recruit some staff so that we can get our new school going in time。

这里的since, 和so that 是基于。。.原因的意思.根据意思我将其译成: 届时。。。将。。。以便。。.

整句话的意思是:届时我们将聘请一些工作人员以便使我们的新学校及时开学。 5、Would you address character description for the commercial and industrial arts staff?

arts staff 怎么翻译?


arts跟前面的commercial and indutrial连在一起看,而非与后面的staff: (the commercial and industrial arts) staff。 6、There are a number of other positions to consider.

”A number of” 换成 ”a lot of\" 或者是\"a great many”行不行,为什么? ==>可以换成a lot of或a great many of,因为position是可数名词.如果这里是不可数名词,则只能用

a number of代替而不能用a great many。 修饰可数/不可数都行:a number of/a lot of, 只能修饰可数:a great many of(与many性质一样)

7、Would you mind letting me take a look in your briefcase?



将\"letting me”换成 ”let me” 行不行,为什么?

==〉不行,mind是动词,后面不能直接跟动词原形,一般接名词(或动名词),这里的letting是let的 动名词形式。

8、I’m afraid I certainly do mind, if it’s all the same to you。 “Do mind”与” all the same”什么意思?

==>do mind: 在英语中强调动词,用助动词do(各种时态)+动词原形。 ==〉all the same: 完全一样,用于强调。如:

Although you didn’t complete it in time, I appreciate you all the same. 尽管你没有及时完成,我还是一样很感激你。

9、One day the life free from the harsh decrees of state—sponsored racial repression. (种族压迫)

在这句话中,state-sponsored 翻译成什么意思最好?

==>state—sponsored:国家发起的。用于修饰racial repression(种族压迫),是复合形容词,复合形容词的 相结合.

10、The state in which she was born had laws in place waiting to characterize her as unwelcome。


11、Present was the usual mix that had so often accumulated into a burden too heavy for a single-parent household like the one Oprah Winfrey grew up in. 整句话的意思是:目前,这种平常的税收会不断地压迫在单亲家庭的身上,就象Winfrey 这样的例子。

12、One day the life free from the harsh decrees of state—sponsored racial repression.

整句话的意思是:有一天,生活可以从洲政府怂恿的残酷种族压迫中解放。 Passage:

The circumstances surrounding the birth of a female infant in Kosciusko, Mississippi, on Jan。29, 1954,were not promising present was the usual mix that had so often accumulated into a burden too heavy for a single-parent household like the one Oprah Winfrey grew up in。 The state in which she was born had laws in place waiting to characterize her as unwelcome, to bar her participation in otherwise acceptable social activities, to shackle her to the residue of slavery



and other injustices of the past。 The simple truth is that her grandmother, her great-grandmother and all the great—great—grandmothers before them never experienced one day of life free from the harsh decrees of state-sponsored racial repression.

In hindsight, it appears that her birth was an uneventful one. But at age three she was reciting speeches from church pulpits. Upon discovering books, the child delved into the written word, turning out weekly book reports for her father. Even during turbulent times, not a moment was wasted。 Seeds were being planted, watered, and nurtured。 On April 13, 1964, nearly an adolescent and watching television from the linoleum floor of her mother’s walk—up flat in something deep inside of her。 She was watching the live broadcast of the Academy Awards ceremony and saw a young African—American actor receiving the film industry’s highest honor. Sharing in that moment and all it implied she later told me, caused her to say softly to herself, “If he can do that, I wonder what I could do?\"

The ground had been set。 The journey of Oprah Winfrey had begun。 The babe, the child, the adolescent, the young woman—all their strengths were harnessed into a force of astonishing power that placed itself in the service of nature and the human family。 That the world has changed in meaningful ways since 1954 is beyond question。 Oprah and her activities were driving forces in many of those changes。 Her enormously influential talk show, her philanthropic work with children in Africa and elsewhere, her popular book club and magazine, her empowering spiritual message, her contribution (by action and example) to improving race relations-all speak to the human family, touching hearts and leaving each one uplifted。

Mississippi too seems to be mellowing out into a more congenial place than it was in 1954。 that may also be partly due to the very special energy that is Oprah Winfrey-a courageous, funny, compassionate, well-informed, dazzlingly curious person, as down—to—earth and loving as any human being I’ve ever known. 参考译文:

故事的详情围绕在1954年六月29日出生于密西西比,科修斯科山的一个女婴.那时,对于像Oprah Winfrey (奥普来。温弗里)这样日常开销负担特别繁重的单亲家庭来说,她的出身并不是那么让人期待.她所在的国家,已经有适当的法律等候着将她列为不受欢迎的对象,阻击她参加其它合理的社交活动,让她背负上了奴隶制度剩余产物的枷锁,




之后的迹象表明,她的出生似乎平淡无奇。但是,在她三年的时候,便开始在教堂的讲道坛背诵演说,在发现了书籍的之后,她便钻研上面写过的句子,每周向她的父亲作一次书籍汇报。即使在那个动荡不安的年代,也从不浪费一刻功夫。种子正在播种灌溉。在1964年4月13日,她已成长为一个青少年,在她母亲那间无电梯的公寓的油布地毯上,电视里的一些东西深深地了触动了她.那时她正在看奥斯卡奖项的现场直播,一位年青的美国黑人演员被授予了电影行业中的最高荣誉。在分享那个神圣的时刻之后,她告诉了我所有这一切都在暗暗地促使她轻声地告诉自己“他能做到,难道我就做不到吗?” 道路已经被铺平了,Oprah Winfrey 开始了她的旅程。从婴儿到小孩、到青少年、再到年轻女士——万事俱备,使得她在服务于自然界与人类家庭上迸发出一种惊人的能力。从1954年起,毫无疑问,世界已经以一种积极的方式发生着改变。Oprah和她的脱口秀是其中的很多改变动力。她影响深远的脱口秀、对非洲乃至其它地方的小孩博爱举动、广受欢迎的书籍杂志俱乐部、激动人心的演说辞、以身作则为改善种族关系所作的贡献。这一切都讲给人类家庭,触动了他们的内心,每个人都深受鼓舞。

密西西比也受到了潮流的影响,比1954年看起来适意得多.其中的部分也许同样归功于Oprah Winfrey的非常独特的精神力量——一个勇敢、有趣、富有同情心、见识广博、闪耀着知识光芒的人,是我所知的人中最脚踏实地、让人钟爱的一个。

Unit 2 People

Phrases and Sentence:

1、 I don't ever want to have the effect on a person that this person had on me, where I was just blown away by disappointment。 It took a few years to get over it。



ever,在否定句中起加强语气的作用,not ever从未。

2、One thing I do is work with Make—A-wish。 If an ill child's one wish to see a celebrity and he picks me, then I make time to see him。 But I have to be very careful with these kids, because if you get too attached, you’re just setting yourself up for loss.



PS:请高手重点解析” because if you get too attached, you're just setting yourself up for loss. ”的意思。


because if you get too attached, you’re just setting yourself up for loss.因为如果你太依恋,你会感到不舍。

其中attch是:使喜爱,使依恋:因情感因素,如爱戴或忠诚使联结。 set oneself up for loss是引起自己处于受损失或失去的状态。

3、Thank you for giving me the inspiration to stick around, at age 50, you have to feel you're contributing to something。

PS:请高手重点解析” you have to feel you’re contributing to something.\" ==>谢谢你给我关于等待的启示,在50岁时,你必须感到你正在做贡献。 ”you have to fell you’re contributing to something”这句话的意思就是:在50岁时,你必须感到你正在对某些事情做贡献。

4、We stayed at the Ritz—Carlton and just had a blast. Or I’ll give everybody a ride in the Ultra light—it’s a flying kite. PS:请高手重点解析“ride\"在这里怎么翻译。

==>我们待在Ritz-Carlton并开了个狂欢会。否则我会给每个人乘坐一下“超轻型\"---一个飞行的风筝。 ride就是乘坐。

5、“One day I’ll have my own barbecue。” In other words, every generation gets to improve on the dreams of the last generation. PS:请高手重点解析这段话的真正含义。


6、But it came with a price because when he was drinking, we had jobs and money。 When he quit, we traded alcoholism for being dirt-poor.

PS:请高手重点解析“we traded alcoholism for being dirt—poor.”这句话的真正含义.




we traded alcoholism for being dirt—poor:其中的trade sth。 for sth。以。..和。.。交易,以酗酒和穷困潦倒交易。

7、It got so bad that he either quit or got fired. PS:请高手重点解析“so……that”在此句中的意义.

==〉一般so.。。that是如此...以至于.。.的意思,这里上下句不是因果关系: 变得糟糕的是,他既没有辞职也没有被解雇.后半句that he either quit or got fired是so bad的补充状语从句,补充说明so bad的细节,不要太拘泥语法结构,更应该注重的是:1.英语语序特征,2.英语国家的人的逻辑思维特征。

8、He was a tool pusher essentially, sold drill bits to oil—drilling companies.



9、I never think that I ‘m doing eight—minute cures on television。 But I think that 50 percent of the solution to any problem lies in defining it first. I can be an emotional compass that points them down the path。

PS:请高手重点解析“cures\"与“lies in\"的意思,另外 “point……down”是词组吗?


cure:名词,治疗。point和后面的down可以认为没有关系,这里不是词组,down这里的意思是“沿着\相当于along。down the path是介宾结构词组,在句中作points them的补充状语。 建议:

不要从语法分析着手来学习英语,因为这样效果很差.最好是提高阅读量,让一切语法变为理所当然的事情,让记忆单词成为阅读时的副产品。 Passage:

If a computer were to design the perfect U.N。 Secretary—General, he or she would look something like this: African born; European and American educated, with decades of service in the U。N。 system; married to a European; and possessing a quiet charisma and calm authority as chaos arises。

That the U。N。 in 1996 found such a person to restore its sense of direction and purpose was a near miracle. But out of the U。N.’s failures in Bosnia, Somalia and Rwanda came Kopi Annan, the career international civil servant who had participated in these disasters yet somehow survived and learned from them.



Today Annan is in the middle of his second term. His task is not finished, and the U.N. is still far from what it should be. But Annan has tested the limits of the job, accumulating more authority—one cannot use the word power, given the constraints the U。N。 system places on him-than any of his predecessors。 His complex relationship with the U.S。 government is little understood. When Annan takes positions in public that are displeasing to the bush administration, it unleashes its attack dogs. Yet when administration officials found their policies in Iraq floundering, they asked the U.N。 for help. Some observers told Annan that he should responsibility was to the cause of stabilizing Iraq。 He began to work toward the decisive date of June 30, when the u。s. will hand over control to Iraqi authorities and an uncertain situation will prevail determined by factors way beyond his, or anyone else’s, ability to control。 But it is Annan’s destiny to be handed the very worst problems after they have been unsuccessfully addressed by others。 Anyone who knows him knows he wades into such problems with his usual blend of courage, self—control, modesty and optimism。 参考译文:


1996年联合国找到了这样一个人来恢复它的方向感和目的性,这简直就是个奇迹.联合国在波斯尼亚、索马里和卢旺达的行动失败后,科菲。安南却脱颖而出.身为国际公务员的他对参与了这一系列的空难性行动,幸存下来,并且从中学到很多东西。 现在,安南的第二任期已过一半.然而,他的任务还没有圆满完成,联合国离其理想状态还很远.但安南已经体验到了他这份工作的局限性——因为联合国体制对他的限制,他不能利用言语力量,然而他却比他的前任们积累了更多的权威性。




Unit 3 House and Family Phrases and Sentence:

1、 She soon called my attention to the fact that she couldn’t work full time and keep house, too.

call attention to(唤起注意) keep house(当家)

2、 I guess I just took it for granted that a wife was supposed to take care of her kids and husband。

take it for granted:(视为当然) be supposed to:(应该、被期望) 3、 You've got to get to know them. have got to do:(必须做……) get to:(在这里作“开始”的意思)

4、 But maybe I'd better take that back and give her a hand. take bake:(在这里作“取消”的意思) give Sb. A hand(抽出空或腾出手帮助某人) 5、 They put me in mood for Italian food。 put in mind:(使记起、提醒)

6、 I’ve put aside some money that I earned by doing some extra mechanical work。

put aside:(储存、备用)

7、 I was putting a machine together today。 put together:(把……加起来、装配)

8、 I am putting forth a lot of effect to make this tablecloth. put forth:(生出、作出)

9、 Do you want me to put my needlework away? put away:(在这里作“放弃、处理掉\"的意思) 请注意上面5个以“put”打头的短语与词组的用法 10、I was going by the store near your house 。。 go by:(顺便走访)

11、Your black purse and shoes go nicely with that dress。 go with:(伴随、与……相配)



12、He always goes beyond my expectations. go beyond:(超出)

13、The kids can’t go along with you。 go along with:(一起去、附和)

14、Your offer goes to prove that you’re a wonderful mother—in-law。 offer:(在这里作为“提意\"的意思)

go to:(愿意为定位、转到的意思,在这里引申为?)

15、You know I get sick every single time the temperature goes below 68°。 go below:(下降)

请注意上面5个以“go\"打头的短语与词组的用法 16、I could really go for a good comedy. go for:(在这里作为“主张”的意思) 17、we can barely make ends meet. ends meet:指收支平衡

18、Every thing I say goes in one ear and out the other。

goes in one ear and out the other.:(一个耳朵进,一个耳朵出。指听不进去的意思)

19、I’ve been keeping track of all of our phone bills. keep track of:(明了、一目了然的意思)

20、I’ll have to call them and have them straighten it out. straighten out:(改正、更正) Passage:

On the day the World Trade Center fell, the Empire state Building once again became the tallest building in New York City。 In the months that followed, six of its commercial tenants ran off. They did not want to be in the tallest anything, anywhere, anymore。 At a time when U.S. Vice president Dick Cheney was still being shuttled around to undisclosed locations, skyscrapers suddenly seemed like the most disclosed locations。 For a while, it looked as though the tall building, at least in the U。S., might be one more casualty of war.

Three years later, despite fears of terrorist attacks, big is beautiful again. On July 4, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg presided at the rise at the World Trade Center site. New skyscraper projects are under way once more elsewhere in the city and around the U。S。 Meanwhile, outside the states, where the taste for tall buildings never really faded, the skyscraper has also been



poking its head up in very different ways, and not just for reasons having to do with security. Since the 1990s, tall buildings have been reshaped by a number of global architecture stars whose vision is finally beginning to penetrate the more conservation American market.

Some of the best examples of that rethinking now fill two large galleries of the Museum of Modern Art’s temporary outpost in Queens, New York。 Using 25 spectacular architectural models (some of more than 4 m high), “Tall buildings”, a show that runs at MOMA through Sept.27, looks at the ways in which the skyscraper has evolved since the early 1990s, at least in the hands of its most gifted practitioners, the kind who are proposing-and even producing, but usually in other nations-buildings that don’t resemble the dull boxes that crowd most American downtowns。

Engineering is, among others, a path to new kinds of beauty。 Just look at Renzo piano’s London Bridge Tower, a slender glass pyramid that forms a glittering stalagmite against the old city’s skyline. You get a grasp of what ingenious engineering is all about from the London Headquarters of the insurance firm Swiss Re, designed by Norman Foster. Even before it opened in April, it was known as the small cucumber because it rises against the sky like a green pickle. But the building’s single feature is the inclusion of larger interior gardens throughout。 But there's a dematerializing spirit even in a building that didn’t requiring new fears of engineering—the Arcos Bosques Corporativo in Mexico City, an arched tower with a vertical slot down its center that lightens the building's mass brings the sky itself into play。

“Not only did American invent skyscraper”, says the Spanish designer Santiago Calatrava, “it invented the skyline.” But American skylines have got a little dull。 With some work, the world's architects might bring them back to a very tall standard。 参考译文:




三年之后,人们依旧害怕恐怖袭击,但是高楼大厦再次成了美的化身.7月4号,纽约州州长乔治。帕塔奇和纽约市市长米歇尔。布鲁伯格主持了自由大厦的破土仪式,这座写字楼将建在世贸大厦原址上。在纽约的其他地方,甚至全美国,新摩天大楼的建设工程又开始火热地进行。同时,在摩天热从末褪去的其他国家,摩天大楼以截然不同的形态拔地而起,而这不仅仅是因为安全问题。从九十年代初期开始,高楼大厦的形态就被一些世界设计大师重塑了,这些设计大师的远见最终打入了较为保守的美国市场。} 那些新设计中的一些杰作现在正占据着位于纽约皇后区的现代艺术博物馆的两个临时展区。9月27号,现代博物艺术馆会举行一次名为“摩天大楼”的建筑模型(有些有四米多高),以此来向人们展示九十年代初以来摩天大楼是如何发展的。至少在那些最有天赋的设计者手里设计出来或者是建造出来的建筑物,这些通常出现在别的国家,不再像一堆呆头呆脑的盒子簇拥在美国各城市的中心.



Unit 4 Environment

Phrases and Sentences:

1、He is famous for vigorously opposing the use of chemicals to kill pets。 PS:解析vigorously opposing 并翻译这句话。 ==〉vigorously opposing积极反对

全句翻译:他因为积极反对用化学品杀宠物而出名。 2、What would you recommend for a tenth—grader?





3、They used Singapore as a microcosm for examining a regionwide tropical biodiversity crisis,

and compiled population data from the past two centuries. PS:翻译这句话。


其中biodiversity是由前缀bio—和diversity组合而成的,意思是生命的差异性。 4、Animals that call the forest home have suffered enormously。 PS:翻译这句话,重点解析”call”在这句话的意思. ==〉call称为,当作.


5、American and Europe will pool research into hydrogen—powered fuel cells。 PS:翻译这句话,重点解析”pool\"在这句话的意思。

==>pool集中投入,pool的名词意思是“池塘”,动词本义是“汇合成塘”的意思,这里用的是比喻义,想象一下不难理解的。 全句翻译:


6、It shows the United States is out to make peace with eco-friendly Europe. PS:翻译这句话

==〉这表明美国将尽力与生态环境好的欧洲和平相处。 out这里是副词,表示“致力于\"。

7、Fuel cells create electricity by combining oxygen and hydrogen without producing harmful emissions, and technical construction poses few basic challenges.



这里没有call,只有cell,是电池的意思,名词。pose challenge提出挑战,就是指技术上的难关。

8、But opinion is sharply divided over how to obtain hydrogen without wasting more natural resources.






9、That means making use of renewable resources for the task, say wind and solar resources。


==>那意味着该任务是要利用可再生资源,比如风能和太阳能。 其中的say是副词,比如,相当于for example。

10、Whitman assured the public that the air was safe before testing was conclusive。 In addition, all EPA statements were required to be screened by the White House。 PS:翻译这句话

==>惠特曼向公众保证在测试下结论之前空气是安全的。而且,所有的EPA(美国环保署)申明都要求经过白宫的筛选。 screen:动词,筛选/过滤.

11、But New York Sen。(senator,参议员。)Hillary Clinton is calling for an investigation, saying somebody surely leaned on the EPA to lie, which Whitman strongly denies. PS:翻译这句话

==>但是纽约的科学家希拉里。克林顿要求调查此事,说某些人明显的偏向于EPA(美国环保署)而说谎,对于这个,惠特曼坚决否认。 call for:相当于demand,require, lean on:偏向于. Passage:

When it comes to air pollution, the simple life isn't necessarily the safest. The most poisonous atmosphere in Asia is found not in rapidly modernizing cities like New Delhi or Beijing but inside the kitchens of homes in rural Asia. Millions of families in the countryside heat their abodes and cook with open fires using cheap fuels that belch carbon monoxide and other noxious fumes at level up to 500 times international safety limits. Rural women and children often spend hours each day in poorly, ventilated kitchens, breathing this putrid air. “This is a problem that has been around forever, as long as humankind has existed, but it’s been ignored,” says Eva Rehfuess, a World Health Organization expert on indoor air pollution。 “If you walked into these kitchens, your eyes would start tearing and you would find it difficult to breathe。 It’s terrible. ”



The WHO estimates that indoor air pollution cause 1.6 million deaths per year in developing countries around the world, up to 555,000 of which occur in India alone—and overwhelmingly it’s the poor who are dying。 Villagers have no choice but to use wood, coal or dung fires, raising the risk that young children will be killed by carbon-monoxide poisoning or a bad case of pneumonia ravaging weakened lungs. Likewise, the women who typically keep their home fires burning are vulnerable to chronic respiratory diseases。 “Day in and day out for 50 years, some of these women might be cooking six hours a day, exposed to pollutions,” says Rehfuess。

Curtailing indoor air pollution can be as simple as replacing open wood fires with better-ventilated cookstoves, but more sophisticated stoves can cost up to $120. China and India, home to the world’s largest rural populations, have launched ambitious national programs in recent decades to supply villagers with safer stoves at subsidized prices。 But the programs have not always worked, in India, for example, some 33 million stoves were given out free to villagers in rural areas from 1984 to 2000—but because of a lack of health education or follow—up maintenance, most families abandoned the cookstoves for their old fires within a few years。

That’s left nongovernmental organizations like the shell Foundation to step into the gap。 It has begun a pilot program with local Indian NGOs in a pair of rural states to develop and market clean, wood—burning stoves that cost just $5-$10 yet can reduce emissions by up to 40%。 The project is on track to sell 1000,000 stoves by the end of 2005, and the groups plan to expand the program nationally in the future。 Program manager Karen Westley says Shell and its partner NGOs made an effort to sell their customers not just more efficient tools but also the idea that different is better。 “You have to make sure people actually want that damn thing,\" says Westely。 “They need to make the connection between having a better stove, breathing less smoke and experiencing better health in the end.”

But habits ingrained by tradition can be hard to break. “They’ve been living with this always, and so have their mothers and grandmothers,” says Rehfuess。 “You have to give people the felling they can do something about it。” And that they’ll breathe a lot easier for their trouble。 参考译文:








Unit 5 Weather and Climate Dialogues/monologues:



I am passionate about English, and the challenge of expressing English fluently and swimmingly with

foreigners was the principal motivation。

1、……having been brought up in the countryside.

2、Those mighty winds pulled in a band of cloud and some patchy rain through the small hours, and into the first part of the morning.



3、clearer skies and much light winds allowed temperatures to drop well into single figures resulting in a touch of grand frost in some rural areas.

清凉的天空和微风让温度值降到了个位数,使得很多乡村地区出现了霜。 4、The early sunshine giving away to a bit more clouds。 give away:让步。 太阳被一小片云层遮住了。

5、There was something of a drier interlude before an active weather system moved in from the west.

6、Some of the more exposed locations saw sustained winds of 40mph with gusts of 58mph. Passage:

The Greenhouse effect and Global warming

The heart—trapping capacity of the atmosphere is popularly known as the “greenhouse effect”. Despite public controversy surrounding global warming, the natural greenhouse effect has been long established as fact in the scientific community。

Indeed, carbon dioxide, and other gases, the earth's natural climate would be about 33℃ cooler than it is. Life would have evolved quite differently in such a climate。

Most scientists believe that the rapid expansion of agriculture and industrial activities over the last several hundred years have generated significant increases in carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere. However, experts disagree about whether such changers have caused the increase of



approximately 0。5℃ in the earth’s surface temperature that has been documented over the past century。 Many scientists cite the fact that 1997 was the warmest year on record, following a decade in which 9 of the 11 hottest years of this century were reported, as strong, but circumstantial, evidence that human activities have altered the earth's climate. Other experts, however, believe this temperature trend is a natural variation.

Also disputed is whether projected world population growth to more than 10 billion people by the year 2100 will result in a doubling or tripling of atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide. If such a buildup occurs, as many scientists predict, global surface temperatures could increase by anywhere from about one Celsius degree to about 4 Celsius degrees during the next century。 The higher half of range involves temperature changes outside of those experienced by human civilizations since the end of the last ice age some 10,000 years ago。 During the last ice age, average global temperatures were only about 5 Celsius degrees cooler than the present period。

A temperature increase of several degrees Celsius could result in a sea level rise ranging from about 10 cm to about 1 m. A sea level rise of about 0。5 m would be noticeable primarily in the most vulnerable, low-lying islands and coastal areas. Larger sea level rises would result in extensive flooding of lowland beaches, wetlands, and coastal settlements. Moreover, a higher sea level base would increases the risk of catastrophic storm surges in coastal areas, since flooding would likely extend island well beyond historic levels.

Warmer temperature could also intensify droughts in some regions, destabilize ecosystems, and cause the decline or extinction of some species. Since carbon dioxide enhances photosynthesis, some scientists have calculated that higher concentrations in the atmosphere would increase the productivity of crops and forests。 But others have point out that carbon dioxide increase and a warming climate could encourage the spread of destructive pests, including weeds and disease—carrying insects. 参考译文:








Unit 6 Eating and Drinking Dialogues /monologues: 1、 I’m in a hurry。

我得赶紧。 “in a hurry”指匆忙,有时用作口语也表示轻易地做好某件事情。 2、 These days the most sought—after tables are hidden away, several floors above ground, in the city’s high-rise apartments, which are run by chefs out of their own homes or from rented spaces.。



3、 Merely requesting a reservation can be as difficult as getting one. 哪怕是仅仅要求预定(房间)都有可能象真要得到它一样那么难。



4、 Exclusively is the main attraction for customers in a city that is still obsessed with status。


5、 I can’t make up my mind about what to have for dessert. make up one’s mind:下决心、作决定。

本句的意思是:餐后吃什么甜点,我还没能做出决定。 Passage:

The ladies were puzzled。 Cheryl Spangler, Valeria Borunda Jameson and Susan Puckett, three university-admissions workers on a training visit to Florence, Kentucky, had walked into a local barbecue joint called Chung Kiwha。 But instead of sauce-covered mutton served up from the kitchen, they saw a buffet of uncooked meats and vegetables。 Instead of knives and forks, they were given large scissors, chopsticks and metal tongs。 No candle flickered at their table, but a bucket of fiery wood charcoal hissed in the tabletop grill pit。 Chung Kiwha served barbecue, all right—cook-it—your-self Korean barbecue。 “I didn’t realize there were restaurants like this,” marveled Spangler to her friends, who hail from Knoxville, Tennessee, and I worked in restaurants for 20 years.

The secret is out, thanks to the growing popularity of restaurants where the customer is the chef。 Long a staple of immigrant communities in big cities, restaurants where diners chop, grill, boil, or dip their dip their food are hot in the American heartland。 St.Paul, Minnesota, has Thai hot—pot cooking。 Indianapolis, Indiana, has Japanese shabu-shabu (another type of hot pot). A pizzeria in Las Vegas lets customers roll the dough。

Why would people bother going out to cook their own meal? “Americans want control,” says Hudson Riehle, senior vice president of research for the National Restaurant Association. “The cook-it-your—self experience embodies the American values of freedom of choice and independence。” With families spending 46% of their food budget on meals outside the home, they miss the cooking experience-sort of. “Psychologically, people want to be a little involved,” says Pamela Parseghian, executive food editor at Nation’s Restaurant News. Not every diner, however, embraces the experience。 Dragged in by enthusiastic wives, “men often sit with their arms crossed…that is, until we fill them up with good wine,\" says Will Layfield, owner of the Melting Pot in



Westwood, New Jersey。 At the Vinoklet, diner Grey Schafer says, “I don't cook at home, and if I’m going to pay good money, I want someone to do the cooking for me.” What’s more, do-it—your—self dining isn’t cheap. At the Minturn Country Club in Minturn, Colorado, Kobe beef costs $49.95—uncooked。 Still, restaurant-owners insist that the customer knows best。 “Who knows what to them is rare?\" says Mikulic, owner of Vinoklet。 “This way, if they screw it up, I get no complaints.\" Back at Chung Kiwha in Florence, diner Puckett sees it this way: “We don’t have to clean up, do we?。” 参考译文:







Unit 7 Food culture

Dialogues /monologues:

1、 Cooking at table side has always been part of traditional haute cuisine, or art of cooking.

art of cooking:烹饪术,例:art of defense: 武术。 2、 I’m a very cook。


3、 Stir the mixture until it leaves sides of the bowl. 直译:与碗边脱离,即不沾碗边。引申义:就是要求充分搅匀。 4、 Roll the crust mixture into a round shape。 roll into: 卷成, 使合为一体。 将外面的蛋糕皮混合物卷成一团。

5、 Yes, the apple pie is ready to serve. be ready to: 预备, 即将

是的,苹果派可以预备供应/享用了。 Passage:

What should be more French than an outdoor market on a sunny Sunday morning? The air is filled with vital fragrances from the fruits and vegetables piled high in the greengrocers’ creative layouts. A trace of the Atlantic blows off the shellfish on the fishmonger’s bed of ice。

This, you think, is the very essence of France, until read those little signs that tell you the tomatoes (which are really pretty tasteless) come from Moroccan hothouses, the grapes from South Africa, and the kiwis from Chile。

For generations, the French have prided themselves on their distinctiveness. Nothing has stood for France’s sense of exceptionalism more famously than its cooking。 Gallic talent, taste and techniques have been exported all over the world. And therein lies part of the problem。 From the Thames to Tokyo, non-French cooks have cracked the codes of the best French cuisine. Meanwhile, what was mediocre elsewhere has been imported. (Believe it or not, one restaurant associate with a famous Paris chef serves steak with a sauce that’s

indistinguishable from the stuff on a Big Mac。) The result: many tourists-as



well as the French themselves—no longer see what's so special about French cooking。

The decline goes well beyond recent surveys that show growing complaints about mediocre quality and high prices。 More and more restaurants-owners say that government tax and economic policies are limiting their profits, and thereby hurting their capacity to invest and hire more staff. They have got stuck in the red tape for which France is infamous—not to mention regulations from Brussels that affect everything from sales taxes to the bacteria in the Brie cheese. Many warn that expanding the European Union to the east will hurt small French farmers, who remain the backbone of traditional cuisine—and, hence French identity: Unfortunately for the French, there are few reassuring answers to these questions。

France’s problem isn’t the lack of creativity, but rather an unfavorable political environment for creativity. If you’re choked by bureaucracy and taxes, as so much of France is, “there is not much you can do,” says Raymond Blanc, born in the Jura region of France and chef of the two-star hotel—restaurant Manoir aux Quat’saisons。 “I can open a business in England in five days. In France it would take three months。” The manoir aux Quat'saisons, by the way, is in Oxford, Britain, France’s ancient rival. And, when it comes to cooking, a future one as well. 参考译文:








Unit 8 At Home

Dialogues /monologues:

1、 Karen has just had her house redecorated. 凯瑞刚让人把房子重新装修.

注意这里的用法,had sth done — 强调的是让别人做了什么 例:I had my clothes washed.(我让人把衣服洗了)

2、 The architect and Tom put there heads together to discuss what we wanted and what was possible。

put heads together:共同商量、集思广益。


3、 After a few meetings, they came up with some super idea that everybody agreed with。

come up with:提出、拿出。

经过一会儿的交谈,他们拿出了一些大家都同意的好点子。 4、 But the rest of it was surprisingly expensive. the rest:其余者。It:代指装修所用的材料. 但是其余的材料简直便宜得让人吃惊.

5、 We were able to make do with the materials we already have. make do with:设法应付。




6、 I made up some of the curtains and pillows on the couch form mere sheets. make up :在这里指做缝制。编织.


7、 It’s funny how people can find solution after they kick something around for a while.

kick something around:直译——将什么东西踢来踢去。引申意--讨论. 人们怎样通过暂时的讨论之后,就能找到解决方法是件有趣的事情。 8、 You're on your own. on one's own:独立地、独自地. 本句的意思为:你自己玩吧!

9、 I'd like to concentrate on getting the best score ever on this game。 concentrate on:精中(精力)、全神贯注于 我将集中精力在这个游戏上取得最好的分数。 注意even在这里的用法-—

10、No matter how busy you are, always take time out to check that your child hasn't gotten hold of

something that could hurt him.

take time out to:暂停下来。Get hold of:抓住、得到.

11、But quit my job and took up housekeeping the year after my marriage。 Daily household chores keep

me on my toes; I’m delighted all day long.

take up:开始从事。 on one’s toe :准备行动。 all day long:一整天。 keep me on my toes:让我保持活力的状态,结合句意就:一刻也闲不着,乐此不疲. 我的翻译是:但是自从我结婚以后,便放弃了工作,开始打理家务。每天的家务琐事让

我乐此不疲。我一整天都眉天眼笑的。 12、“in a moment”与 “or so\"


13、That’s the “tremendous business” for me out of the three meals a day, for, except for the weekends,

we have only this meal together. Besides, he always has his lunch in a neglected way at his workplace。



这句话我的翻译是:那对于我来说,是除了三顿饭以外,最为重大的事情。因为,除了周末,我们只能在一起吃一顿正餐。此外,他总是在他的工作场所,很轻率的打发他的午餐。 Passage:

Mrs. Chambers sits comfortably in her armchair, enjoying a cup of coffee。 She has the right to relax. She has had a long and very busy life.

Mrs。 Chambers has retired now to a small house in Bangor, a popular seaside town not far from Belfast。 But for most of her life she lived in the country。 Her husband’s farm was on an island in the middle of Strangford Lake。 There, Mrs. Chambers baked bread twice a week, made jam every summer, and put her husband’s dinner on the table at twelve 0'clock exactly every day。 The island farm had been owned by the Chambers family for may years, passing on from father to son. It was a quiet and beautiful place to live. They grew potatoes and vegetables, and kept hens and cows。 When Mr. Chambers died, his son took on the farm, Mrs. Chambers moved away。

She takes another sip of coffee, and smiles as she remembers people from the past. “The old lady down the road thought she had a ghost in the house,” she says, “but it was only old Tom MaAleer, frightening her for fun.” The memories come fast. “Twenty men, they had, only tem years ago, to bring in the potato crop。 Young Hugh has a machine now。 He only needs five。\"

It’s time for the news on TV。 Mrs. Chambers wants to see the racing results。 She won quite a lot of money last week。 Next month she’s going down to Tipperary in the Republic of Ireland. The horse—racing there is wonderful. She finds it hard to stay away. But before the racing results there’s another item of news. A bomb has exploded in Belfast。 Several people have been killed. Mrs。 Chambers shakes her head。 “They’re all crazy,\" she says. “It's just a few who make all the trouble。 The rest of us want to live in peace. We’ve all got life long friends from both sides. And most of the time we never talk about the trouble。” The racing results come on。 She leans forward to watch. For her, ordinary everyday life is the most important thing。 参考译文:








Unit 9 At Work

Dialogues /monologues:

1、 TUC:(Trades Union Congress)—-英国劳工联合会.

2、 This should remind Britain’s employers just how much they depend on the good—will and voluntary extra work of their staff, the TUC says. just :起强调语气的作用——(是否)可以翻译成”正是”,


3、 And if it makes people and employers think a bit harder about organizing a better work—life balance, so much the better. organizing:在这里我将它翻译成营造.


4、 It is often said that more business is done during social events than at the office.



is done 这里是被动语态。 生意当然是被做的咯。


5、 One person out of eight in labor force is said to be employed by a government unit on the state or local level. is that the case?

全句是:据说,八分之一的劳动力被政府部们或地方国有企业录用。 是那么回事吗? Passage:

The Unite States supplies a larger share of the international trade than any other nation in the world. The transactions of trade between countries are often kept in American dollars, and payments are frequently made in American currency as well. Many American banks have established branches in important commercial centers overseas to handle the business that results from world trade. Similarly, many foreign banks also have branches in the United States.

The United States has many trading partners; one that has become increasingly important in recent years is China. The city of Shanghai in eastern China is one of the world’s great seaports and has also become active in both manufacturing and finance in the world. Many American banks have set up offices there. John William is the manager of one of these branch banks in Shanghai.

John majored in accounting and business administration in Harvard。 After graduation he got a job with a large New York bank。 After two years in accounting, he was transferred to the loan involved international transactions。 Some of them were so complicated that John felt he didn’t have a broad enough background to understand them. To get more experience, he asked for a transfer to the bank’s international department。 He became so expert in international finance that he made it his career。

When the bank decided to open a branch in Shanghai, John was selected to set it up and run it for the first few years。 He has been in Shanghai for more than three years now. He has a comfortable apartment in a high—rise building in the business center of the city。 The bank provides him with a car and driver as well as the apartment.

Mandarin is the most common language of Shanghai, but John has learned only a few courtesy expressions. He has little need to speak Chinese, however, because all of the employees of the bank are fluent in English. His chief assistant, Miss Wang, went to graduate school in the States, so her English is excellent.



John has enjoyed being in Shanghai, but he may not be there much longer. Now that the bank is operating efficiently, he might be transferred back to New York in a few months。 But he hopes to be back to china soon after for he loves it living there. 参考译文:

在国际贸易中,美国比世界上任何国家占有更大的份额。各国之间贸易成交后也往往以美元计算并以其为支付手段。为了处理世界贸易带来的商业往来,美国银行在海外的重要商业中心开设了许多分行。同样地,许多外国银行也在美国开设分支机构。 美国有很多商业合作伙伴,近几年来日益重要的一个合作伙伴便是中国。位于中国东部的上海是世界上重要的港口城市之一,在世界制造业和金融业领域都非常活跃。许多美国银行都在那里设立了办事处。约翰.威廉就是其设在上海的一个分行经理。 约翰在哈佛上学时学的是会计学和商业管理。毕业后在纽约一家大银行工作.干了两个的会计工作后他被调到信贷部。他所经手的许多货款都涉及到国际贸易。其中一些贸易操作起来非常复杂,约翰觉得自己没有足够的背景知识不能胜任这份工作。为了获得更多的经验,他要求调到银行的国际贸易部.现在他已经成为国际金融银行方面的行家,并且以此作为自己的事业。




Unit 10 Hobbies and Interests Dialogues /monologues:

1、The remarkable Chicago bull presented a striking contrast to its opponent, and the crowd just went wild!

presented a striking contrast to:和……成显著的对比。




2、I can book a court for this Tuesday。 Book:预订


3、 Sports can really get me away from a stressful day and exercise my brain. get away from:从……中逃离,把……送走。 Passage:

I love reading novels, especially those classics. My favorite writer is Jane Austen, the one who wrote pride and prejudice. When BBC screened its latest adaptation of Jane Austen’s novel pride and prejudice, it was watched by a record 18 million British viewers. The series was then sold to 18 countries round the world, from America to Australia, from Iceland to Israel, there are Jane Austen fans in all corners of the globe, and even special Jane Austen discussion groups on the internet.

Jane Austen never once traveled aboard in her life time and she hardly ever left the south of England. When she died a spinster in 1817, only four of her six novels had been published, all anonymous and she eared a grand total of 648.65 pounds from her books。 Now, nearly 200 years later, sales of her novels rival modern bestsellers, reaching 35,000 a week. There have been film and television productions of not only pride and prejudice, but also Emma, Persuasion, and the Oscar-winning Sense and Sensibility。 Her house in Chawton in Hampshire is visited by 200 people a day。

She wad born in 1775, the seventh of eight children. Her father was the reverend George Austen. They were not well off, and lived in a village. By the time when she was 12, Jane was writing stories about heroines imprisoned in haunted castles, being rescued by glamorous heroes。 In Jane’s own life there were three romantic attachments。 The first was a handsome Irish law student called Tom Lefroy, who she met in 1795, but who had to return to Ireland a year later。 The second, in 1801, was a young man called Samuel Blackall who she fell in love with when on holiday in Devon, but who tragically died suddenly soon after. The third was a large young man called Harries whose proposal she briefly accepted in 1802, “but he had nothing to recommend him but his size,\" so she changed her mind.

In 1801 the family moved to Bath, where she was very unhappy。 To make matters worse, in 1805 her father died, leaving his widow, Jane and her only sister



Cassandra, also unmarried, even poorer than before. For four years they had to move from house to house, often staying with relatives。 Finally in 1809 her brother Edward allowed them to live in a house on his estate in Chawton, only a few miles from Steventon where she had grown up. Here she was much happier, despite being the poor relation, dependent on charity. She not only revised her earlier novel but was able to write new ones, using her experiences to satirize and make fun of the social inequalities she saw around her. At last in 1811, Sense and Sensibility was the first of her novels to be published. 参考译文:


简。奥斯丁在她的生活中没有出过一次国,甚至从末离开过英国的南部.在1987年她过世的时候,还是个末婚女子,她的六部小说只有四部已经出版,并且全部是匿名的,她只挣到了共648。65英镑,这就是她小说的全部酬劳.如今,也就是此后将近200年后,她小说的销售商击败了当今的顶级推销员,每星期可达到35000英镑的收益.已经成为电影、电视出版物的不仅仅是《傲慢与偏见》,还有《埃玛》、《劝导》、还有奥斯卡获奖作品《理智与情感》。她在汉普郡Chawton的家,每天都不低于200人参观拜访. 简.奥斯丁出生于1775年,是家里八个孩子中的第七个。她的父亲是受人尊敬的牧师乔治。 奥斯丁。她们家不富裕,而且住在一个乡村里。直到她十二岁的那年,简.奥斯丁一直在写关于女主人公被关押在魔鬼城堡的故事,直到被魅力英雄拯救出来。在简的生命中,有三次浪漫的情感历程。第一次,是与一个英俊的爱尔兰法律系的学生,名叫Tom Lefroy,她是在1795年遇到他的,但他不得不在一年之后返回爱尔兰。第二次是在1801年,一个名叫Samuel Blackall的年青男子在德尔郡的假日里让她坠入爱河。但是那个男子没过多久,突然悲惨地死去了.第三次是与一个名叫Harries大个子年青人,在1802年他向她未婚的时候,她暂且允诺了他,“但是他除了他的架码之外,一无所长”,于是她改变了主意。





Unit 11 Entertainment and Sports Dialogues /monologues:

1、 I am reading the garden column written by Steve Mann。

2、 Gil was named the 2005 winner of the Polar Music Prize for his contributions to music.

3、 The Olympic silver medalists will have to beat the double Olympic champions。

4、 Today, I heard people talking about the director general for Swimming Canada。

5、 Cinecenta always offers an excellent choice of movies—from alternative, foreign, independent, documentary films to Hollywood blockbusters。

6、 Everyone is welcome to attend student recitals, held every Friday at 12:30 pm in the Phillip T. young recital hall located in the music wing of the Maclaurin building。

7、To start up a club, all you need is at least ten members, two thirds of whom are UVic undergrads, and five of whom are executive members and a club constitution. Passage:

There are many art galleries and ongoing displays on the campus of the University of Victoria (UVic). The Student Union Building lounge displays various works including local student art. The Maltwood Art Museum Gallery, located in the main lobby of the University Center, features local, national, and international works。 The McPherson Library Gallery located on the main floor of the library, features art produced by UVic students. To see ongoing art displays, you can visit the Fine Arts Building.

CFUV broadcasts at 101.9 FM. This unique campus radio station offers a diversity of programming, which includes alternative rock, folk, classical and jazz music as well as news, public affairs and multicultural programming。 CFUV also features Victoria’s only regular rap, rhythm and blues, electronic



experimental, and women’s programming. The station is operated by students and community volunteers。

Cinecenta is the students' society's 300—seat movie theater Celebrating its 30th anniversary, Cinecenta always offers an excellent choice of movies-from alternative, foreign, independent, documentary films to Hollywood blockbusters。 Take the time on a Sunday afternoon and catch a 2:30 matinee for only $3。75 or catch a midnight classic! Movies are only $4.75 for students with a valid student ID—or buy a 10-film pass and pay only $3.75 each。 You can pick up a free time table around campus。

Providing funding for clubs is one of the many important services of the many clubs that are already established。 To start up a club, all you need is at least ten members, two thirds of whom are UVic undergrads, and five of whom are executive members and a club constitution.

The music department on campus holds over 100 concerts a year. Everyone is welcome to attend student recitals, held every Friday at 12:30 pm in the Phillip T. young recital hall located in the music wing of the Maclaurin building. Student discounts are available at some performances of the Pacific Opera Victoria. The Victoria symphony offers reduced price tickets to students if tickets are purchased the day of the concert. The symphony also performance frequently at the University Center.

Copies of the following publications can be picked up from campus publication boxes that are located in virtually every building on campus。 The Martlet, the official student paper of UVic, is funded

Partially through student and fees and is produced by an autonomous collective of students and staff. It is available across campus and throughout Victoria every Thursday。 Published monthly by CFUV, Offbeat is your guide to CFUV’s program schedule。 The Ring, published every two weeks, is UVic’s community newspaper for faculty, staff, students and off-campus readers. An autonomous publication funded by UVic and produced by the women’s center, the Womyn's publication network is the oldest women's studert newspaper in Canada。 The paper has a feminist focus。 参考译文:

在维多利亚大学的校园有许多画廊和正在进行的画展.学生会建造了一个展厅来陈列本地学生各种各样的美术作品. Maltwood美术博物馆位于教学楼的主休息厅.他们的作




CFUV 广播电台在调频101。9播段。这个独特的校园广播站提供多种不同的节目安排,不仅包括可供选择的摇滚、民族音乐和古典、爵士乐。而且还有新闻、宣传联络工作和多元文化的节目。CFUV 同时还拥有维多利亚独特的有规律的说唱音乐、节奏蓝调、电子实验和女子节目。广播站是由学生们和其中的团体志愿者运作的。



校园的音乐系每年举行100次以上的音乐会。每位学员都是非常受欢迎加入学生独唱会的,音乐会在每个星期五的下午12:30在Phillip T.年青团独唱会大厅举行.学生们在一些表演节目上可以获得折扣。如果他们同样买了当天音乐会的票的话,维多利亚的交响乐也提供折扣价格,同时,交响乐经常在学校中央举行表演.


Unit 12 Shops and Commodities Dialogues /monologues:

1、 It severs as a bridge for southern goods to enter northern markets and vise versa.

2、 Yup! Or Best Buy。 3、 Every once in a while。



4、 Most mothers dream about the flowery pink frocks, smart and cute pants for their babies long before they make their debut on earth.

5、 But of course, this fancy of most parents does not come without a cost attached to it。

6、 The stores will purchase a large amount of each type and size of bead at a lower price from wholesale and then pass on part of the savings to the customer。 Passage:

To purchase beads there are many alternatives in the way to shop for them. Beads are available as a single or as part of a jewelry item。 Popular jewelry items include necklaces, bracelets and caps.

Firstly, bead shops are available in shopping malls。 This is possibly the cheapest means of purchasing a single bead。 The stores will purchase a large amount of each type and size of bead at a lower price from wholesale and then pass on part of the savings to the customer. This form of bead shopping will enable the purchase to buy as many single beads as are required in order to make a personal item of jewelry or other beaded item. Shopping malls very often sell every type of bead imaginable, the types of beads include seed beads, crystal beads, glass beads, lamp work beads and silver beads, etc. shopping malls also sell beaded jewelry items at reasonable prices. These items may be fashionable, off purchases or of unusual requirements.

Secondly, specific outlets are also an option when one purchases beads. Swarovski is the most popular outlet of crystal beads. Therefore many customers may prefer to deal directly with that specific supplier. This will ensure that the crystal beads are genuine and possibly offering the most choice. Specific outlets may be more expensive because of the brand names that are usually attached. This is also the case when considering the purchase of jevelry items from specific outlets.

Thirdly, catalogues are a hassle free means of purchasing beads and beaded items. The customer will usually call the shop for the required catalogue and within one or two weeks the catalogue will be delivered. The customer can then send off the desired purchase by post or over the phone。 Payments can usually be made by credit card either at the time of at a later date. It is important to consider postage and packaging costs when catalogue purchasing.



Finally, the Internet is quick and efficient source of purchasing beads. This is especially useful if rare or collectable beads are purchase these types of beads. Shops are also available online and this can be an easy purchasing method。 Again, many Internet companies will also require an additional charge for postage and packaging。 参考译文:






Unit 13 Shopping

Dialogues /monologues:

1、 Are you being attended to, Miss?

本句的意思是:小姐,有人在为您服务吗?在商场、饭店中,to attend to sb.的意思是,招呼、照顾、协助某位顾客。 这句话用主动语气可以说成:



Is anybody attending to you, Miss?

2、 You may divide cyber retailers into three subsets and attack each with a different strategy。

本句的意思是:您可以将网上零售商分成三个子类,用不同的战略对付他们。 注意:divide into:分成 Passage:

Buying computer and software

At first, I was reluctant to buy computer products completely online。 Many of the online computer stores used to sell exclusively through printed catalogs, addressing the technically astute. I found those printed catalogs intimidating and confusing. And preferred to go to a physical store, where knowledgeable sales people could guide me through the maze of choices, explaining the benefits and risks and costs.

When egghead, the prominent software retailer, closed its physical stores and decided to operate solely online, I was shocked and disappointed, as I had shopped hardware or software regularly at the local egghead store and depended on expertise, judgment and advice from their sales people。 Also, I greatly valued the fact that when I brought new add-ons or upgrades for my PC, I could pay to have them installed on the spot. But now I was forced to learn more about computers than I ever expected to learn。 As it turns out, that’s probably a good thing for me and for my budget。

Today, the computer industry is a commodity, standards-driven marketplace。 Computer “manufactures” are really just assembles。 They buy processors from one, software, disks, memories, from other sources, and assemble them into systems. The competition is fierce and the profit margins are slim. In terms of the basic specs—speed, memory, and storage—what we now define as a “complete system” for home use would have made a wealthy technical guru tremble with jealousy ten years ago.

Fifteen years ago, is seemed inconceivable that an ordinary individual would ever need a 100 MHZ machine with 1 gigabyte of disk storage space. Yet, with the predictable improvement of technology, the speed of commercially available processors doubles about every 18 months according to a rule of thumb (known as “Moore's law”). While at some point, technology must meet barriers that will slow the pace of change, the computer industry has been adapting at this



incredibly rapid rate for more than two decades now, with great regularity. And the software industry has been keeping in lock step with these hardware developments by making each new version of the common applications that people depend upon more and more complex and bulky, requesting the full capacity of the latest and greatest hardware. I believe this software inflation results from the consequences of human nature-software expands to fill the capacity available for it.

Basically, “Moore's law” plus software inflation mean today’s computer system will not last. And the new versions of software will make your equipment seem painfully slow in two years, and obsolete in four。 To stay compatible with other people with whom you have to share files, you should invest time learning about these add-ons gadgets, etc。 to upgrade your system. Thus you can make full use of the shopping resources on the Internet, and save again and again. 参考译文: 购买电脑和软件







其减缓变化的步伐.计算机产业在最近二十年来,一直处于令人难以置信的发展速度,到现在已经稳步发展了。软件产业一直与硬件发展保持着齐肩并进的态势,人们最常用的应用软件的更新版本愈发复杂与宠大,只有用最新及功能最强大的硬件才能操作使用.我认为软件企业的这种膨胀源于人类的天性--软件需要扩展以充分利用已有的空间。 从根本上来讲,“摩尔”定律加上软件膨胀就意味着当今的计算机系统不会维持长久。更新的软件版本会在两年内使你的装备显得速度极慢,四年以后就该彻底淘汰了。为了与和你共享文件的其他人步调保持一致,你需要花些时间了解这些附加软件、小工具等,以便将你的计算机系统升级。因此,你可以充分利用网上购物资源,一遍又一遍地反复保存更新软件和工具。

Unit 14 Holidays and festivals 2007-01-29 08:46 Dialogues /monologues:

1、 Chang-O was banished to the moon where, according to the legend, Chang-O can be seen at her most beautiful on the night of the bright harvest moon。 翻译:嫦娥被驱逐到月宫,根据传说,每当中秋之夜明月当空的时候,可以看到她最美的容颜。—--where在这里的用法称为 关系副词,引导非限制性定语从句,对前面的 先行词the moon起补充说明的作用.where=on which.在月亮上

2、 Especially exciting are the dragon and lion dances done during the festival。

3、 And to cap it all the food in the restaurant is awful. It was so bad we had to eat out all the time despite having paid for meals in the price of our holiday。

4、 Ancient people offered the year’s first ripe grains to the gods in thanks for the crops that would sustain their communities for the coming year。 5、 The ancient harvest festival of Europe helped give rise to contemporary Thanksgiving Day celebrations。 Passage:

Holiday refers to the day set apart for religious observance or for the commemoration of some extraordinary event total stoppage of work and normal business activities, including feasting, parades and carnivals, or displays of flags and speechmaking.



Originally, in ancient times, holidays were predominantly religious in character and linked to natural events such as the annual course of the sun or the phases of the moon. The word “holiday”, in fact, is derived from “holy day”. Subsequently, secular holidays commemorating historical occasions or distinguished persons outnumbered holy days, although many ancient religious rituals and customs have been carried over into modern times and incorporated into both secular and religious observations. Today, the outstanding holiday is one of religious observance and abstention from normal work routines, taking place on Sunday for Christians, Friday for Muslims, and Saturday for Jews。 In the U。S。, Sunday is not only a religious holiday but is also the only common—law holiday.

National holidays are set aside by official government proclamation to celebrate such occasions as the achievement of independence, the founding of the nation, the adoption of a constitution, the birthday of the ruler, or the national patron saint’s day.

The U。S. has no national holidays as such legal holidays—on which banks, schools, or other public institutions and most places of business are closed—are designated by legislative enactment or by executive proclamation。 Congress and the president designate the legal holidays for the District of Columbia and the federal territories but are without power to declare national holidays。 Independence Day and other holidays are observed on a national scale as a result of action by the calendar date and requests national observance, and the states then usually enact the necessary legislation。 Federal statutes often specify certain days as holidays for purposes related to the legislation.

In order to give federal employees three-day weekends, a 1968 federal law made several changes in dates of holiday observances, effective in 1971: Washington’s Birthday now falls on the third Monday in February; Memorial Day, on the last Monday in May; Columbus Day, on the second Monday in October. Individual states later adopted these Monday holidays。

A number of states commemorate important events in their history。 In Vermont, for example, the Battle of Bennington, fought in the American Revolution, is commemorated annually on August 16; in Louisiana the Battle of New Orleans of the War of 1812 is commemorated on January 8; Patriot’s Day, commemorating the first battle of the American Revolution, is celebrated on or about April 19 in



Massachusetts and Maine; and several southern states celebrate a confederate Memorial Day on different days in the spring。 参考译文:





为了给联邦政府雇员提供为期三天的周末,1968年的一项联邦法案对假日做了几项修改,并于1971年生效。这项法案规定:华盛顿的诞辰日为2月的第3个星期一;阵亡将士纪念日是5月的最后一个星期一;哥伦布发现美洲纪念日为10月的第2个星期一;退伍军人节是10月的第4个星期一。各个独立州后来都采纳了这些星期一假日. 许多州都纪念本州发生的重要历史事件。假如,在佛蒙特每年都会在8月16日纪念为美国独立战争而战的本宁顿战役。路易斯安那州在1月8日纪念1821年战争中的新奥尔良战役。为纪念美国独立战争的首次战役的爱国者日,于每年的4月19日左右在马萨诸塞州和缅因州举行庆祝活动。每年春天的不同时候,南方各州会有联邦阵亡将士纪念日.

Unit 15 Holiday Activities Dialogues /monologues:



1、 It is a far different world today than it was last Memorial Day, and what a year ago would have been perceived perhaps as an inconvenience is now being embraced as extra security checks。

2、 Where is the blessing in giving away something I would like to keep for myself?

3、 We have each helped in a different aspect as schedules and talents allowed。 4、 School children blitz the community asking for canned contributions. 5、 The guided working weekends and the guided working holidays。

6、 But Foot Trails specializes in offering gentle paced, soft guided walking so you will feel relaxed and refreshed, definitely not exhausted。 Passage:

The Story of Mother's day

The earliest Mother's Day celebrations can be traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rhea, the Mother of the Gods. During the 1600’s, England celebrated a day called“Mothering Sunday”. Celebrated on the 4th Sunday of lent,“ Mothering Sunday”honored the mothers of England. During this time many of the England’s poor worked as servants for the wealthy. As most jobs were located far from their homes, the servants would live at the houses of their employees. On Mothering Sunday the servants would have the day off and were encouraged to return home and spend the day with their mothers. A special cake, called the mothering cake, was often brought along to provide a festive touch.

As Christianity spread throughout Europe the celebration changed to honor the “Mother Church”— the spiritual power that gave them life and protected them from harm。 Over time the church festival blended with the Mothering Sunday celebration。 People began honoring their mothers as well as the church. In the Unite States Mother’s Day was first suggested in 1872 by Julia Ward Howe as a day dedicated to peace。 Ms。 Howe would hold organized Mother’s Day meetings in Boston every year.

In 1907 Ana Jarvis, from Philadelphia, began a campaign to establish a national Mother’s day。 Ms. Jarvis persuaded her mother’s church in Grafton, West Virginia to celebrate Mother’s Day on the second anniversary of her mother’s death, the second Sunday of May. By the next year Mother’s Day was also celebrated in Philadelphia。



Ms。 Jarvis and her supporters began to write to ministers, businessman, and politicians in their quest to establish a national Mother’s Day. It was successful as by 1911 Mother’s Day was celebrated in almost every state. President Woodrow Wilson, in 1914, made the official announcement proclaiming Mother’s Day as a national holiday that was to be held each year on the second Sunday of May。

While many countries of the world celebrate their own Mother’s Day at different times throughout the year, there are some countries such as Denmark, Finland, Italy, Turkey, Australia, and Belgium which also celebrate Mother’s Day on the second Sunday of May. 参考译文: 母亲节的来历





1907年,费城的安那。贾维斯发起为了建立全国性的母亲节的活动.她劝说位于弗吉尼亚洲西部的格拉夫顿教堂,也就是她妈妈经常去的教堂,在她母亲逝世两周年的日子,也就是五月的第二个星期日,庆祝母亲节。第二年,费城也开始了庆祝母亲节的活动. 贾维斯小姐和她的支持者们开始给教会牧师、商人、政界要员写信,要求建立全国性的母亲节。他们的努力非常成功,1911母亲节那一天几乎所有的州都在开展庆祝活动。1914年,美国总统伍德罗.威尔逊郑重声明,宣布母亲节为全国性节日,并于每年5月第二个星期天举行庆祝活动.




Unit 16 Places and locations Dialogues /monologues:

1、 About a block down from here。

2、 I went to the conference to register and to set up my exhibition stand. 3、 I set out our brochures ready for the official opening。

4、 Coal could be moved from Welsh mining villages right into the heart of London.

5、 Britain’s rail network is still second to none. 6、 That doesn’t necessarily follow。

7、 There will be taxies to cross down, but it will naturally be more economical to use bicycles and buses or to work。 Passage:

Washington, D.C. serves as the seat of government for the United States of American. Over the 200 years, Washington, D.C. has grown with the nation, and it now represents the very best of America. From its majestic monuments to its incomparable museums, from the Mall to the steps of the Capital, Washington offers visitors one-of—a—kind attractions。

The majestic capital building stands at the center of the city, allowing unobstructed views of the city’s most famous attractions. The immense open space of the Mall is marked off by the various museums of the Smithsonian Institution, the largest cluster of museums in the world。 The national Air and Space Museum celebrates the nation's achievements in flight and space exploration, from the Wright brother's first biplane to the Apollo moon mission and beyond。 Visitors also line up for the Natural History Museum to learn about the sciences and to view the famous Hope Diamond。 The Smithsonian Institution also includes the world—famous galleries。 Art lovers should also appreciate the nearby National Portrait Gallery and National Museum of American Art.

Looking past the Mall, the Washington Monument stands 505 feet above the city。 It was the tallest man-made structure in America from its completion until the early 1900’s. Behind this monument are the reflecting pool and the trio of memorials dedicated to remembering President Lincoln and the wounded and killed of the Vietnam and Korean conflicts。 New to the area of the tidal basin, and



facing the Jefferson Memorial, a memorial to Franklin Roosevelt lies on the Potomac River which hosts millions of visitors each year。

The offices of the various government agencies take up most of the space of the city, and most offer free tours to the public. The White House also offers free tours to the public. Just outside of the city, the national zoo houses thousands of animals on 163 acres of park. Among its residents are two giant pandas given to the United States as gifts from the People’s Republic of China. Across the river in Arlington, the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier stands amidst the dim, grave and majestic Arlington National Cemetery。

Washington has many other distractions from politics。 Washington’s theatre life is thriving; it is second only to New York in number of theatre seats。 The National Symphony and other musical companies play four schedules. As a temporary home to diplomats from around the world, Washington's restaurant offerings are the finest and most diverse around。

The beauty and grandeur of the nation’s capital continue to captivate millions of American and foreign tourists who visit Washington, D。C. each year。 参考译文:







华盛顿特区除了政界机构以外还有许多其他娱乐场所。华盛顿的戏剧非常繁荣,剧院可容纳座位数仅次于纽约。国家交响乐团和其它音乐团体全天候都有演出。作为来自世界各地的外交官们的临时家园,华盛顿所提供的饭店档次最高,而且种类繁多。 作为国家首都的华盛顿,其优美景色和宏大建筑将继续吸引每年数百万美国和外国游客到此参观浏览。

Unit 17 Travel and Tourism Dialogues /monologues:

1、 The acceptable standard is 15% of the tall bill。

2、 You can stock up on something to have for later-for example, cheese and caviar in Mexico City. 3、 Meditation room

4、 When you walk in, relaxing music comes and pictures of clouds are projected on the wall.

5、 Christen cruises are popular with those who are not interested in the drinking, gambling, and Las Vegas style shows that are a part of most cruising vacations。

6、 Enjoying retracing the journeys of the apostle Paul in Turkey and Greece on a luxurious tall sailing ship. Passage:

To attract tourism to one’s country was once thought of as an unqualified success; there seemed to be no negative aspects to it。 However, today we are coming to realize that tourism is a mixed blessing: it has advantages and disadvantages。 On the one hand, it can bring money to parts of the world that very much need it。 People can earn a great deal through tourism。 And this income can help to preserve the environment. Anything that helps to protect the ecosystem, the interrelated community of plants and animals that makes up the earth, is, of course, positive.

A recent worry, however, is the fact that tourism can cause serious damage to the fragile environments they love to visit。 Ecosystems are delicate and easily damaged. Around the world, areas are endangered by the large numbers of tourism who visit them. On every continent, tourism threatens the environment。 Even trekkers who take difficult journeys on foot can cause damage.



There are, then, serious dangers that come with the promise of tourism。 Every advantages bring with it real disadvantages。 This dilemma makes planning difficult for nations trying to decide what to do. Countries can make a good deal more money from the tourist industry than they need to put into attracting tourists. This financial profit can help nations protect habitats where endangered animals and plants live. It also may be that tourism can help strengthen local culture by encouraging awareness of traditions and ceremonies。 Historic buildings thrive on tourism。 These cultural locations enjoy great success with the money and respect brought by tourism.

But there is a down side to all this。 Because cultural sites are becoming too crowded, Disneyland—like reproductions are being created。 These are not authentic cultural sites but copies of something that may or may not have ever really existed. Some people say, “what’s the value of tradition if it’s kept alive for profit, and bears little relation to real life?”

Taken together, the negative effects of tourism grow larger over time。 The cumulative effects of tourism are great because every time we use cars or planes to travel we contribute to one of the greatest disruptions in the history of the planet: global warming and climate change are interrupting what has been the normal climate pattern for centuries。

New approaches to the problem are also being developed. One initiative has been the development of tourist opportunities in which the tourists both give and receive through working vacations。 This kind of personal, small—scale tourism is meant to be a positive response with its large-scale organizing。 Working tourism may not be for everyone, but the hope is that some kinds of travel can become more planet friendly。 参考译文:

吸引游客到某个国家旅游曾一度被认为是绝对成功的,因为这种做法似乎没有什么负面效应。然而,今天我们开始意识到旅游业是福也是祸;它既能给我们带来有利的一面,也会给我们带来不利之处.一方面,它可以为急需资金的国家带来财富。人们可以从旅游业赚到很多钱,这些收入足够用来保护环境。当然,任何有助于保护生态系统-—这个构成我们赖以生存的世界、由动物和植物组成的生物群落,都是值得肯定的。 然而,最近令人们担心的一个事实是:游客会对自己钟爱的脆弱环境千万严重破坏。生态系统非常脆弱,容易遭到破坏。全世界范围内游客云集的地区都面临着危险。无论








Unit 18 Sightseeing and Travel Plans Dialogues /monologues:

1、 Right after lunch, the tour makes a stop at St。 Paul's。 Then the rest of the afternoon is spent at the museum.

“right\"在这里表示“正好”的意思。makes a stop:停留、休息。。 be at:从事于,做。

2、 A:Anyway, is there still room? B:Yes, there is。 Will this be for yourself only?

“Will this be for yourself only?”的肯定形式是:

This will be for yourself only,如果是一般现在时,就是:This is for you。 Will this be for yourself only? —-“这是给你一个人的吗?\",就是这么简单的意思.



3、 When I started this company 20 years ago, we were commended, as a new kind of travel company, for putting travelers with flexible schedules in touch with fantastic bargains。

“in touch with”:同……有联系。


4、 You’ll also be able to get fast, free quotes online, including the very up—to—date specials, discounts and promotions。


5、 Building a tradition of the extended family all going away together is a great way to build long-lasting family bonds. 这句话用在写作里可是相当实用哦。

我将它翻译成:让大家庭的所有成员一起外出旅行成为一种惯例,是维系一个家族长期亲密和谐的有效方式。 Passage:

Anyone lucky enough to be going to Honolulu doesn’t have to give a reason for going. They can just say, “We’re going to Honolulu,” and imagination will take care of the rest. Moreover, Honolulu can probably live up to and even surpass whatever we imagine。 World-famous beaches and tropical weather set the scene for an amazing mix of pacific cultures in this Hawaiian capital. There is a reason why Hawaii is consistently rated as one of the nation’s top travel destinations; in fact, there are several of them.

Waikiki Beach is the center of activity for Hawaii’s biggest industry: tourism。 This is one of the world’s greatest resort playgrounds, featuring some of the most beautiful beaches and hotels in the world。 Visitors from all over the world flock here to enjoy the sun, the sand and the incredible nightlife。 Besides the beaches, visitors to Honolulu can take tours of the countryside surrounding the downtown area。 These tours are amazing, bringing visitors to some of the most beautiful rainforests and volcanoes in the world. Animal and plant life are abundant, and the scenery is unsurpassed。 A five—minute car ride from Honolulu brings visitors into some of Nature’s most beautiful and awe-inspiring sights. Several museums, including the Bishop Museum, combine exhibits on Hawaiian natural history with lessons about history and culture of its many diverse peoples. The Waikiki Aquarium is the third oldest public aquarium



in the United States, and it features many of Hawaii’s most interesting sea animals。

The history of Hawaii is very rich, as the islands have always attracted many different people。 Visitors can tour the Tolani Palace, the residence of the last of the Hawaiian monarchs。 They can also visit Honolulu’s Chinatown, which is more authentic than many of its mainland counterparts。 They can also visit the Arizona Memorial, commemorating the destruction of the battleship Arizona during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor that brought America into World War II.

Honolulu exhibits the best of Hawaii in a thorough way。 From its famous beaches to its incredible natural preserves, this town has attracted millions of people from around the world。 Many of those visitors stayed, helping to make Hawaii one of the most diverse places to visit in the Unite States. Anyone lucky enough to be going to Hawaii knows that he won't be disappointed. 参考译文:








Unit 19 Visiting a Doctor and Health Insurance Dialogues /monologues:

1、I seem to be suffering from all the illnesses imaginable. 这里的“suffer from……”是个固定搭配:(遭受、忍受的意思。) 2、To crown it all, I had an accident the other day。 To crown it all:(更糟糕的是)the other day:前几天. 3、I get short of breath。 short of breath:呼吸短促。

4、For the sake of your health, keep off alcohol。 If possible, give up smoking。 谈谈 “for the sake of” 与“in order to\"的区别: for the sake of 由于.。 或者是\"看在。..的份上” for the sake of God 看在上帝的份上 in order to 为了。。.

Many students listen to the teacher carefully in order to receive a good mark. 学生上课认真听讲是为了得到好成绩 for the sake of + 名词 in order to + 动词


可以这么看,前者 是 为了某个东西,所以+ 名词 后者是为了做某事,所以+ 动词

5、Likewise, many changes are taking place in hospitals, where the costs of medical equipment and care is skyrocketing.

同样,医院里正发生着很多的改变,医疗设备与医疗保健的费用突升猛涨。 6、Because of the high costs, patients now spend a limited number of days in the hospital, depending on their illness.

因为高价的花费,现在,病人们根据自身的病情,尽量花更少的时间呆在医院里。 7、It has worried me a good deal for the last week, and so now I am going to put it on my dressing-table and watch it ache.





For all it flaws, medical care in the United States has been reformed gigantically over the past several decades。 Deaths from heart disease have fallen by 40 percent since 1970. thanks to better detection and treatment, cancer advances have helped to raise U。S. life expectancy from an average of 68 years in 1950 to 77 years today。

Not only have American lives grown longer, but their quality has improved。 The proportion of people over 65 with one or more chronic disabilities—such as the inability to walk, or to get dressed, without aid—declined from greater than 25 percent in 1982 to less than 20 percent in 1999. and the development of vision—correction surgery, among many other drugs and procedures, has allowed many Americans to prolong pleasures historically with youth。

Of course, not all the recent improvements in American health and longevity can be directly attributed to our health—care system; some are as much the result of adopting healthier habits( exercise, better diet) or of dropping unhealthy ones (smoking, too much alcohol-drinking)。 Still, better medical care is the principal cause of improvements in American health and life span over the past 50 years。

But the problem is that since 1960 health—care spending has grown significantly faster than the economy, meaning that we’re spending an ever larger portion of our incomes on medical core。 In 1960 health care constituted 5。1 percent of the U。S。 economy; in 1980 it constituted 8。8 percent; today it constitutes 13.3 percent。 Meanwhile, private health—insurance

premiums—which rose by 14 percent last year alone —are becoming unaffordable for ever Americans. The number of things we can do to pay for them. 41 millions of our citizens are now uninsured. So the key question is not whether health care should be rationed in the United States; it already is. Rather the question is how health care should be rationed. How should the potential benefits of reduced pain, improved quality of life, or extended life be weighted against the high costs of the medications or procedures involved? And who should weigh them? These are hard questions with high moral stakes。 But we do hope that the health—care system will cover more people. 参考译文:







Unit 20 Bodybuilding and Environment Sanitation Dialogues /monologues:

1、 Do they need long workouts to get the benefit, or will short, intense ones do the trick?

do the trick:获得成功.

他们需要长期的体能训练获得益处,还是短暂、剧烈的训练取得成功? 2、 Bone mass and bone loss.

Bone mass:骨骼块数bone loss:骨质疏松

3、 Immediate effects may show up after a single exposure or repeated exposures。




4、 Experts found that inhabitants in the three regions have more in common than calories。


5、 Humans should not try to avoid stress any more than they would keep away from food, love, or exercise. While there is no question that prolonged stress is harmful, several studies suggest that challenging situations in which you’re able to rise to the occasion can be good for you。 rise to the occasion:应付自如.

跟人不能避开食物,爱或锻炼一样,人也不应该躲避压力,毫无争议长时间的压力是有害的,但也有不少研究显示,你可以应对的挑战性局面对你是有好处的。 Passage:

Being young has universal appeal and today people are searching for the qualities that youth comprises good health, mental alertness, physical attractiveness, and vigor—in a word, fitness。 Fitness is the magical term that has pervaded our daily lives。 Via the media, we are constantly bombarded with suggestions to be slim, do exercise, and feel fit. Many television and radio programs are devoted to fitness information and group exercise. Newspapers and magazines regularly feature columns that present the latest nutritional discoveries and exercise equipment。 In fact, it is almost impossible to pick up a general interest magazine and not find the perfect diet and easy exercise programs。 Countless books and tapes on fitness are available in bookstores and libraries。 The medical profession, too, advocates being slender, doing exercise, and feeling energetic.

The intense interest in the condition and appearance of the body has generated a steady flow of highly marketable innovations. In fact, consumers spend billions of dollars annually on activities and products in their quest for fitness。 Health clubs have come into bud throughout the nation, and many people sigh up for lifetime memberships. Others, who prefer convenience and privacy, set up fitness equipment in their own homes. Many people shop in health food stores for organically growth goods and dietary supplements to add extra vitamins to their diets.



For many years, it has been the practice of giant corporations to maintain a gym or health club for the exclusive use of their executives. By working out at the gym, or playing tennis, the top people in management could release some of the tensions generated at work. Membership in these corporate facilities was, and still is, a status symbol. Currently, however, a new attitude is emerging。 All employees are burdened with tensions and pressures and could benefit from this type of recreation。 As a matter of fact, studies contributes is also a financial gain for the company。 It therefore is sensible of those major corporations to offer health club memberships to all their employees. This concept is revolutionary, but it is being considered seriously。 There is no doubt about it: when people are physically fit, they are at their best. It makes sense to maintain optimum health in order to live life to the fullest. 参考译文:






Unit 21 Services(1) Dialogues /monologues:

1、 Hotel in London or in England specially, will ask for a credit card or a confirmation which will guarantee that your room is held, basically all night or for late arrival.

2、 This could be a precise place for you. 关于:precise 与 accurate 是否有区别?

accurate,correct,delicate,exact,precise都含有一定的”正确,精确\"之意 accurate 准确的,精确的,指某人或某事不仅不出错,而且与事实无出入,强调准确性

correct 正确的,指某人或某事合乎事实或公认的标准或规则,没有错误 delicate 精美、精细的、雅致的

exact 确切的、精确的,语气较accurate强,指某人或某事数量或质量完全符合事实或标准,而且在细致末节上也丝毫不差

precise 精密的,指具有高度的精确性和准确性,强调范围界限的鲜明性或细节的精密,有时略带\"吹毛求疵”的贬义 3、 Art—house。 Art—house: 艺术电影院

指放映不属于商业主流电影的电影院.艺术电影院放映的影片,重视电影本身的品质,较不注重商业吸引力,如当代重要导演的影片、独立制片影片、影史的经典作品,及发行有限的前卫及实验电影。亦称 Art theater。

4、 Your restaurant specializes in hamburgers and chicken, right? specializes in:擅长于,专攻.

5、 As an unadvertised special, you can have a trip to the salad bar with your order for only a dollar more。

作为一个末做广告的特价餐,您可以多出一美元随意的在沙拉吧里定购。 6、 Take my order out of this.

out of:作为“根据”的意思.全句是:根据我点的去做吧。

7、 No sooner do we start to look for a motel, when one appears. 每当我们想找汽车旅馆的想法一出现,都回恰逢其时的有一家跃入我们的视线。 No sooner :一旦…立即… \"when\"=就在那个时候. Passage:



The sale of alcohol in Britain is strictly controlled by licensing laws。 These restrict where, when and by whom alcohol may be sold。 In order to open a pub or wine bar the owner must obtain the approval of the local magistrates who must be satisfied that he or she is a suitable person to sell alcohol. If the application is approved the owner obtains a license to sell alcohol and becomes the license. The name of the licensee is displayed above the front door。 If magistrates are not happy with the way a pub is being run they can cancel the license。 The name of the licensee is displayed above the front door. If magistrates are not happy with the way a pub is being run they can cancel the license.

Many pubs are licensed to sell alcohol for drinking on or off the premises。 However, most people buy alcohol for drinking at home in a supermarket or an off-license。 Shops and supermarket have to get a license, called on off-license before they can sell alcohol. Nobody under 18 is allowed to buy alcohol, either in a pub or in shop.

Pubs are only allowed to sell alcohol during official opening hours. They are allowed to remain open all day from 11a。m. to 11p。m. though many close in the afternoon. If they wish to stay open after 11p.m。, they must obtain a special late license pubs open for a shorter time on Sundays, and in some parts of Wales they are closed altogether。

In the US, there are local laws about when and where alcohol can be sold。 Some towns are dry, i.e。, no alcohol can be sold there at all. In general, restaurants and bars need a license to sell beer and wine. In some states alcohol for drinking at home is sold only in special liquor stores; in other places it is sold in any food shop. There are fewer restrictions on when alcohol can be sold than there are in Britain, and bars can stay open very late. The most common restriction is that alcohol may not be sold early on Sunday mornings。 参考译文:




在很多有执照的酒吧,客人可以在店里喝酒也可以买酒带走。但是,很多人在超市或者卖酒执照的商店买酒回家去喝。商店和超市都必须拿到营业执照,在准许卖酒之前他们要申请卖酒经营执照。不管是在酒吧还是在商店,18岁以下的人都不准买酒. 酒吧只能在官方规定的营业时间卖酒,可以从上午11点开到晚上11点,但是很多酒吧在下午就关门了。如果想到在晚上11点仍然营业的话就需要一个特殊的夜间营业执照.酒吧在礼拜天的营业时间一般很短,在威尔士的一些地方,酒吧在礼拜天不营业. 在美国,卖酒的时间和地点也受地方法律的限制。一些城镇根本不允许卖酒。通常情况下,餐馆和酒吧需要有执照才可以卖啤酒和葡萄酒。在有些州,家里喝的酒只能在酒类专卖店才能买得到;而在其他地方,任何食品商店里都可以买得到酒。美国酒类经营店的营业时间比起英国要宽松的多,酒吧也可以营业到很晚.两国最相近的规定是都不可以在礼拜天早上卖酒。

Unit 22 Services(2) Dialogues /monologues:

1、 He’s now turning to Mary, his fellow student yet a native American, for help.

turning to:在这里是“求助于\"的意思。 2、 I’m desperately in need of your help. in need of:需要。

3、 EMS [邮政特快专递 (Express Mail Service)]

4、 From the moment, when the service started, EMS constantly stick to serving the economic reform and opening to the outside world by reorganizing the operational procedures and accelerating the transmission of the items to meet the various need of the people, by increasing the investment to the production capacity and adopting high-tech to improve services, by offering 11185, the hotline and desk—to—desk, door-to—door service to qualify the services. meet one’s need:满足某人的需要.

长句解析:从服务开始启动之后,特快专递坚持不懈地致力于为经济改革服务,并且通过改造运作程序和加速项目传输为外面世界打开阀门,以此来满足人们各种不同需求。通过对产量的加大投资和采用高科技来改善服务,通过提供11185热线以及点对点、面对面的服务来验证服务质量。 Passage:



A modern bank provides many services other than checking accounts。 One of the most important of these is regular passbook savings.

If you went to a bank to open a savings account, you would go through almost the same procedures as followed in applying for a checking account。 First you would be asked to fill out a signature card. Then you would be given a passbook in which your initial deposit would be recorded. All deposits and withdrawals from your account are entered into your passbook. This means that the passbook contains an actual record of all savings you have at any one time. With a regular passbook savings account, you would be able to withdraw money whenever you need it .all you would have to do is fill out a withdrawal order and present it, along with your passbook, to the teller。

All banks pay interest on savings accounts. The interest rate varies from bank to bank, but the general range is from 4 to 6 percent. Banks also pay interest at different times. But the majority of them pay semiannually. Suppose, for example, that on January 1, you deposit $1000 in bank that paid 5 percent interest semiannually。 By July 1, you would have earned $50 interest. The interest would automatically be credited to your account; and if you left it in the bank, along with your original deposit, you would receive interest on $1050 for the nest six-month period. That is, your interest would be compounded。

If you knew that you could keep your money in the bank for a certain period of time, you could get a higher interest rate by buying a savings certificate. These certificates are for three months. You can also buy certificates for periods of one or two years. When you buy a savings certificate, you sign a contract with the bank stating that you will not be able to get your money back until the date when the certificate is due。

Another important service that banks provide is traveler’s checks。 If you go on a vacation or traveled on business to another cit or state or country, you probably want to bring some traveler's checks along with you. They have two important advantages over cash. One is that your money is always safe. If the checks are lost or stolen, you can receive a refund for the total amount. Another is that they are more convenient. Many businesses are reluctant to cash personal checks on out-of-town banks。 But with proper identification, you can readily cash traveler’s checks almost anywhere in the United States or abroad。 Every traveler's check has its own individual number。 When you buy these checks (you



must purchase at least $50 worth), the teller gives you a slip on which the number of every check is recorded。 A copy of this slip is kept b the bank. If the checks are lost or stolen, you can bring this slip to the bank and your money will be returned。 Before you are given the checks, you are asked to sign each one of them at the top。 When you cash the check, you must sign it again in the presence of the person who gives you the money at the bottom。 For this service, the bank charges 1 percent of the amount of the check。 If you bought a $50 check, for example, you would have to pay $0.50 for it. 参考译文:

除了活期账户,银行还提供主许多其他的服务.其中最重要的是存折储蓄。 去银行开一个储蓄账户的过程和申请活期账户大致一样。首先是填一张签名卡。然后银行工作人员会给你一个存折,上面有你第一笔的存款记录。以后每次存款或取款都会在存折上有记录,这就是说存折上会显示你在任何需要的时候取钱。取钱的时候只需要填一张取款单,把它同存折一并交给出纳员.







是签在支票下方。银行会收取支票面额的1% 作为手续费,比方说,你买一张50元的支票要付0.5美元的手续费.

Unit 23 Making friends and communication Dialogues /monologues:

1、we lived with a cousin in Dallas for 2 years. lived with:与……同住(寄宿在…家) 2、I have to do a load of laundry today。 我今天还得洗完一筐衣服.

3、I think my parents would have liked to live overseas for at least 20 more years.

我想(要不是这样),父母可能还要在海外生活至少20年.(虚拟语气,实际上父母已经 回国了)

4、A lot of proposals floating around state legislatures are aimed at throwing the children of illegal immigrants out of public schools. Do you find such ideas helpful?

许多旨在从公立学校驱逐非法移民子女的提议日日涌向州立法团体,您认为这些办法有益吗?(floating是“未决定的”) Passage:

I got a chance to actually meet an online friend in real life when I went on vacation to San Francisco。 I‘d left a note in my live Journal telling everyone where I’d be going。 When I went online at the hotel, I found a comment from my friend Kim telling me that she lived nearby in Palo Alto, and asking if I wanted to get together。

After checking with my parents, I rushed back to the computer to let her know that I cloud meet her on my way back too Los Angeles. We exchanged cell phone numbers and set up a meeting place and time. After hanging up, though, I began to get nervous。 I had known her for a few months, but meeting someone in person is a lot different than chatting over the internet, and I was worried it wouldn’t turn out well.

We both brought people with us for safety reasons—I brought my parents and she brought a friend-and met in front of a bookstore。 I got there a few minutes



early, and instructed my parents to please try not to embarrass me。 I didn’t see her at first, but after a few minutes, we both recognized each other. Even though I’d never met her before, I felt like I knew her from all the times we'd talked online. We talked about graphic design, the classes we were taking, clubs we were in and college, which we were both stressed out about since California schools are so competitive and it’s becoming harder to get accepted into good universities. My parents seemed to have a good time too-my dad got into some incredibly involved science conversation with Kim's friend Derrick。

The meeting lasted less than an hour, since I had to get home。 At the end, we hurried outside to take photos with each other, them said goodbye. Even though the meeting was short, it was a lot of fun, and we made plans to get together again if I came up north or she visited near Los Angeles. Now, we talk online several times a week。 Before we had only a few conversations a month. Meeting Kim helped my parents and I get more used to the idea of online and offline life intersecting。 I'm glad to have found friends whom I never would have discovered otherwise. 参考译文:

在去旧金山度假的途中,我得以有机会在现实生活中与每一位网友见面.我在网络日记里告诉大家我要去哪。在旅馆上网的时候看到了我的朋友金的留言,她说她住在附近的Palo Alto,问我想不想聚聚。

在征得父母同意之后,我跑回电脑旁边告诉她我可以在回洛杉矶的时候见她。我们交换了手机号码,并且约好了见面的地点和时间。然而在下线之后我开始紧张了。我认识她几个月了,但是见面和在网上聊天是很不一样的,我担心见面之后会感觉不好。 由于安全问题,我们都自带了人过去--我带着父母,她带着一个朋友,我们在书店门口见的面。我早到了几分钟,我对爸爸妈妈说不要让我难堪.开始我没看见她,但是过了一会儿我们都认出对方了.







Unit 24 Political, Legal and Social Issues Dialogues /monologues:

1、 Don't go straight into politics, because no one will be particularly interested.


2、 There were big, difficult decisions to be taken during the Gulf War. have sth to be done 意思是有某事将要去做。 在海湾战争中,曾有许多重大、艰难的事务有待决断。

3、 We were sometimes at odds with the Americans, and even the Germans。 我们有时候和美国人合不来,有时候甚至和德国人也不亲善。

4、 But the new bill requires that any American wishing to sponsor immigrations must have an income 125 percent above the poverty level. Previously, a sponsor needed only an income at poverty level.


5、 Wasn’t it after the women’s conference in Nairobi ten years ago that the world focused for the first time on the crisis of domestic violence? 难道不是十年前在内罗毕召开的妇女大会让全世界首次聚焦家庭暴力吗?

6、 What we are learning around the world is that if women are healthy and educated, their families will flourish. If women are free from violence, their families will flourish。 If women have a chance to work and earn as full and equal partners in society, their families will flourish。


7、 That is why every woman, every man, every child, every family, and every nation on our planet in society, has a stake in the discussion that takes place here.



这就是为什么我们这个星球上的每个女子、男子、儿童、家庭、国家,都参与了此时此刻的决定。(这里的stake是“股份\"而不是“赌注”的意思,所以我这样翻译) 8、 I took it after consultation with members of the then new South African government, including President Nelson Mandela.

我在征询了新一届南非政府成员,包括纳尔逊*曼德拉总统的意见之后,这样决定. Passage:

Compared to elections to other countries, a British election is a rapid and straightforward affair. Traditionally about 75 percent of the country's 44 million registered voters take part. They each place a cross next to the name of the candidate they want to vote for on a ballot paper. In a general election, voters choose the man or woman they wish to represent them in the House of Commons. Unlike other countries, Britain uses the “first—past-the-post” method for choosing its government. Under this system, the candidate who wins the highest number of votes in each constituency becomes the Member of Parliament (MP) for the seat, even if he or she has less than half of the total vote. Currently, there are 651 geographical constituencies in Britain。

Most candidates are members of Britain’s 3 main political parties。 They are the conservatives, Labour, and the smaller Liberal Democrats。

Any citizen of Britain can try and get elected as an MP。 Only bankrupts, prisoners, members of the clergy, peers and certain senior public officials are not allowed to stand. But in order to limit the number of people who do take apart, each candidates is required to deposit£ before the election. They “lose their deposit” if they fail to win 5 percent of the poll。

The “first-past-the—post\" principle is also used to decide which party will from the new government. As a rule, the party which wins the most seats is invited by the Queen to form the government. The leader of that party then becomes the new prime minister.

The exact date of the election is chosen by the prime minister and is normally announced about a month in advance. This makes the election campaign quite short in comparison to countries like the U.S。A., where the campaign to elect the president lasts for up to nine months。

It’s estimated that up to a fifth of voters in Britain only decide who they will vote for in the last 4 weeks before an election. As a result, parties spend huge sums of money on advertising in the last few weeks。 Individual candidates



are limited by law on how much they may spend but no such restriction applies to the parties。 参考译文:



大部分的候选人都属于英国的三个主要政党,即保守党、工党和最小的自由民主党。 英国所有的公民都有机会竞选议员,除了破产的人、囚犯、神职人员、贵族和某些高级官员。为了限制参加竞选的人数,每一个侯选人在大选之前都要交500英镑。如果他们获得的选票不足5%,政府就不退还那500英镑。




Unit 25 Work and Posts Dialogues /monologues:

1、 Inevitably sometimes I’ll end up working evenings and weekends to meet deadline.


2、 There’s often as much stress or even more, because your success all boils down to what you do.

压力经常一样、甚至更大,因为你的所有成功都得自你的所作所为。(boil down to sth。归结为***)

3、 Sometimes you’ll need to do the books (and let's hope you’re not too creative with that), and sometime you have to market your services, or clean up code, or cut and paste copy。




4、 You may be working with an entire company's worth of differing agendas and personalities to develop a website.


5、 Take the approach that in order to fit in and contribute。 利用刚才的方法及早上手,并作出点贡献吧。

6、 Will I have interesting features from APTN, Reuters, CNN or other partners?

我们会不会上美联环球电视、路透社、有线新闻网或者其他伙伴的特别报道啊? Passage:

I work in a university library。 I'm a library aide which isn’t very high up the ladder in fact and on those organizational flow charts you get mine is the job put at the bottom of the page right in the corner。 But I like my work which I know makes me luckier than a lot of people。 There’s variety, and I get to meet some interesting people。 In fact I meet people from places I wouldn’t even know where to look for on the map。

There are periods of boredom however, skull—crushing, mind—numbing boredom。 And summer is the worst, as you can imagine summer in a university library doesn’t exactly buzz. You might think that's a bonus, especially if you’ve worked somewhere when at times there is almost nothing to do you can’t appreciate the sense of time creeping, the felling of sleepiness, the sheer physical dullness in the atmosphere and the sense of something like panic that sets in at the thought of yet another hour of trying to shelve from empty shelves or an hour standing at a desk waiting and hoping for readers to appear。 But that only lasts two or three months until, suddenly, they’re back and the year starts again with its moments of frantic effort and spells of inactivity。

There are a lot of misconceptions about library work—many of which I was guilty of before I started working in one. Most people think of it, when they think of it at all, for it seems to have this reputation as dull, as a nice, quiet almost charming job。 Well, think again。 At the sharp end it's hard, heavy and sometimes dangerous work。 And if you think I’m kidding about the dangerous part how about the risk of a heavy metal, very springy, hanging bookend flying out



from the shelf into your face which has nearly happened to me more than once or a five or six pound book dropping on your head or your foot-both of which actually did happen to me。 There are a lot of bruises, paper cuts—and dust.

For all that I have to repeat I enjoy it. When it’s not dead quiet it’s hectic, the time flies and you get a good feeling of accomplishment。 It’s a nice place to work, the students mainly are great and so, with one or two exceptions, are the academic staff we have to deal with. And there’s a good feeling among the staff, especially among us lowly, put at the foot of the page in the corner aides。 参考译文:






Unit 26 Find a Job



Dialogues /monologues:

1、 Once, everyday brought new challenges and experiences. Now, As far as your job’s concerned, you’ve been there, seen it and done it too. As far as… concerned:就……而言.如:

As far as we’re concerned you can go whenever you want。 就我们而言,随时想走都可以走.

2、My experience it that if you have a control of several languages, then you put it in, you put that

to use only occasionally-but the occasion is often a highly critical one! put sth in 花时间(精力)做某事.如:

Thank you for all the hard work you’ve put in。——谢谢你的这一切努力. 全句翻译:我的经验是如果你确实已经掌握了几种语言,也要花很多时间去练习,因为在某些场合你会用到这些语言——而这些场合通常都是至关重要的! Passage:

How to find freelance administrative work

If you have good office management and computer sills, you might consider looking for freelance administrative work。 As a general category, this includes word processing, data entry, calendar or appointment planning, basic billing and other administrative support tasks. If you have administrative experience, then all the better for showing prospective employers that you are knowledgeable, skilled and reliable.

Your first step to finding freelance administrative work is to craft a list of services。 Write something up yourself, then research online and in newspaper classified ads to get ideas about services to add to your list or other ways to word your offerings。 The goal is to present a comprehensive list of services that leaves no questions in the reader’s mind.

Once you have this list, you can add your hourly fees. If you’ve unsure about what your rates should be, call several local temp agencies to learn what they charge their clients. You can also use the salaries advertised in the newspaper as a guild—simply divide the annual salary into an hourly rate.

You'll also need a current resume. Even if you go through temp agencies or Web sites to find work, having both a resume and a list of services will help you look professional and easily fill out all the forms and paperwork.



There are many sources for finding work. You many want to target one source at a time, or make up lists of companies from all sources and start with a few from each. Either way, you will be making lots of phone calls and visiting lots of local businesses to make your pitch.

You may talk to any previous employers and let them know you are freelancing. Inform the human resources or temp workers. If you are working now, consider starting your freelance business on the side and working slowly toward independence。 You may even be able to get freelance work from your company。 You may also do some research at your local library, the chamber of commerce and through the local paper to target small businesses that might need occasional or ongoing part-time work。 Small operations such as landscaping, construction, food or catering and painting are sometimes too small to pay for a full-time office helper and too busy to do the work themselves. These companies could use someone in the office for a few hours a week or a monthly billing session。

No matter where you get your work, remember that your performance will impact whether a company wants to hire you again and recommend you to other people. Work—of—mouth is an important resource for getting work, so make the best of any work and networking opportunities。 参考译文:









你可以跟以前的任何雇主交谈,让他们知道你现在从事自由职业.通知人力资源部门,因为不管是自由职业者还是临时员工的工作都是他们安排的。如果你现在有工作也可以考虑做点自由职业作为副业,慢慢地走向独立。你甚至可以从自己的公司接到活干。 你还可以在当地图书馆、商会做些调查,或者是通过当地的报纸来找一些小型的公司,这样的公司可能会有不定时的兼职工作或者正有兼职工作.一些像搞园林美化、建设、食品和承办酒席的小公司承担不了全职的员工自己又忙不过来,这样的公司可能会需要人手一个礼拜工作几个小时或是一个月工作一段时间。


Unit 27 Education

Dialogues /monologues:

1、I would have thought they’d be very useful for children without brothers and sisters。

would/should have +过去分词,表示“应该做某事”,而实际没有。 本句可以翻译为:我应该想到它们对独生子女是很有用的。

2、The reality is that people learn subjects such as languages and mathematics at different speeds.

Speed:【俚语】在这里应翻译为: 嗜好,个性:适合某人的兴趣、技能或性格的东西:

E。G。 Living in a large city is not my speed。 住在大城市里不是我所喜欢的

1、 My parents recognized that the best learning is learning—by—doing, and they facilitated a lot of interesting experiences for me, whether it was driving me across town, paying for courses and lessons, or just including me in their lives.




本句解析:My parents recognized that the best learning is learning—by-doing, and they facilitated a lot of interesting experiences for me, (前半部分是具有递进意义的两个并列分句)whether it was driving me across town, paying for courses and lessons, or just including me in their lives. (后半部分是样态状语从句,其中由三个现在分词短语作表语)。

2、 interacting with a large group of people my own age was one of the joys I derived from school。 Derive sth from sth。 <1> 得到,获得.如:

She derived no benefit from the course of drugs. 用药疗程后她并无好转. 〈2>对某事物穷本穷源。如:

We can derive the word ‘derelict’ from the Latin ‘derelictus’ derelict 一词的起源可追溯到拉丁词 derelictus。 Passage:

China's education system

The development of education is of primary importance in china. Under the policy of “developing the country through science and education,” each child is offered free education for a compulsory nine years and the education system is constantly being improved。 “oriented towards modernization, the world, and the future\" is the guiding principle for the development of the Chinese education system, both in the long and the short term。

China’s education system can be divided into the following stages: Pre-school education is for 3-5 year olds and takes place in kindergartens. Primary education is from 6-11. Primary schools are usually run by local educational authorities and over free tuition, although there are some private schools owned by enterprises and individuals。

Secondary schooling is for children from 12-17 years of age. Education of this kind is run by local governments and various business authorities。 State-run secondary schools include junior middle schools and senior middle schools, both with three grades or years. The first three years of secondary school are compulsory and tuition is free。 Senior middle school is not compulsory and students must pay minimal tuition fees。 Private secondary schools often offer specialized education and have a more vocational bent, but the qualifications they offer are considered to be on the same level as those of state-run middle



schools。 However, graduates from secondary professional schools are seen to have achieved a higher level in some ways akin to a university education。 Students graduating from junior middle schools usually go on to senior middle schools, although some move to vocational high schools or secondary professional schools for 3—5 years of study。

For higher education there are vocational courses as well as undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral degrees. Bachelor's degrees usually require 4-5 years of study, master’s degrees need 2-3 years and Ph。D.s are granted after 3 years. Higher education is offered in universities, colleges, institutes, and vocational colleges. These institutes conduct academic and scientific research and provide social services as well as offering courses to students。 To enter a university or college, students have to take the national entrance examination, which takes place every July and is now open to people of all ages. Selection is based on each student’s marks in this exam, and due to the number of people sitting the exam, getting into university is highly competitive. Those who fail to get selected have to go to private colleges if they want to continue their education。 Tuition at such colleges is more expensive than at the state—run universities。 Those who have missed out on higher education can continue their studies as adults in the workplace。 参考译文: 中国的教育制度

在中国,教育的发展是至关重要的。在“科教兴国\"的方针政策下,每个孩子都有权利享受9年义务教育并且教育体系也在不断完善。无论是从长期还是从短期来说,“面向现代化、世界和未来”是中国教育体制的指导原则。 中国的教育体系可分为以下几个阶段。 3-5岁为幼儿园学前教育阶段.






Unit 28 Popular Science Dialogues /monologues:

1、what does the gravity has to do with the planets staying in orbit around the sun?

has to do with:V. 与……有关

2、It may be a case of communicating knowledge, drawing attention to new issues or enteraining on the basis of science subjects—and there is no reason why the same program cannot combine all three. draw sb attention to sth:令某人注意某事.如:

She draw my attention to the boy who is crying on the road。

3、The film opens with an interview with Andrew Wiles, the man who discovered the solution to Fermat’s last theorem, which had remained unsolved for centuries. open with:用……作为开场,以……开头。如:

He opened the conference with a speech of welcome。

4、But I still hope I can open screens of any size depending on the distance I want to be from the wall in my living—room。

但是我还希望可以根据我离起居室墙的距离随意调整屏幕的大小。 Passage:

The World Wide Lab

The 20th century was the golden age of the laboratory. Answers to the great research questions were sought within sheltered chambers, where small groups of specialized experts scaled down (or up) phenomena in joyful isolation。 Call it the era of trickle—down science: knowledge emerged from a confined center of rational enlightenment, then slowly became known to the rest of society.



Science was what was made inside the walls where white coats were at work. Outside the laboratories boundaries began the realm of mere experience—not experiment。 Today, all this is changing。 Indeed, it would be an understatement to say that soon nothing, absolutely nothing, will be left of this top—down model of scientific influence.

First, the laboratory has extended its walls to the whole planet。 Instruments are everywhere。 Houses, factories, and hospitals have become lab outposts. Think, for instance, of global positioning systems: thanks to satellite networks, geologists and biologists can now take measurements outside their laboratories with the same degree of precision they achieve inside. Meanwhile, a worldwide network of environmental sensors monitors the planet in real time. And research satellites observe it from above, as if the earth were under a microscope. The difference between outdoor science and lab science has slowly eroded. Second, you no longer need a white coat or a Ph.D. to research specific questions。 Take the AFM, a French patient advocacy group that focuses on ignored genetic diseases。 It has hired researchers, pushed for controversial procedures like genetic therapy, and built an entire industry, producing at once a new social identity and a new research agenda。 In the U.S., the audacity to challenge the experts, to storm the labs, started with AIDS activists and breast cancer groups; not it has spread to interested parties of all sorts, from patients who organize their own clinical trials to environmentalists who do their won fieldwork。 A crucial part of doing science is formulating the questions to be solved; it's clear that scientists are no longer alone in this endeavor。

Third, there is the question of scale。 The size and complexity of scientific phenomena under examination has grown to the point that scaling them down to fit in a laboratory is becoming increasingly difficult。 Think of global warming: to be sure, labs are running complex models on huge computers. But how do you simulate a phenomenon that is happening on us, with us, through the action of each of us as much as those of entire oceans and the high atmosphere? If the working hypothesis for global warming is that it's a product of human activity, isn’t the only way to test this hypothesis to stop our harmful emissions and see—later and collectively-what has happened?

The sharp divide between a scientific inside, where experts are formulating theories, and a political outside, where non—experts are getting by with human



values, is evaporating。 And the more it does, the more the fate of humans is linked to that of things, the more a scientific statement(“the earth is warming)resembles a political one(“the earth is warming!). The matters of fact of science become matters of concern of politics. 参考译文:

20世纪是实验室的黄金时期.一组一组的专家们抱着愉快的心情躲在实验室里分析各种现象,他们正是在这些隐蔽的实验室探索那些伟大研究课题的答案。我们把这个叫做滴入式科学时代,即研究成果先从实验室出来,然后再慢慢向社会传播.科学是实验室里那些穿大白褂的研究人员得出的。研究室之外是实践的领域-—而不是实验. 今天,所有的这一切都变了。当然,说在科学影响方面这种自上而下的模式将不复存在,只是轻描淡写。







Unit 29 History

Dialogues /monologues:

1、 Brief Account of the history of China. (中国历史简述) Account:在这里应理解为“说明”的意思。

2、 China traces its origins as a clearly separate political and cultural unit to ancient times。

追溯到古代,中国是一个政治与文化划分得很清楚的国家. as:在这里应理解为“被看作”.

3、 The dominating class in the later dynasties was made up of

scholar-officials, who were recruited to serve the government based on their intelligence and skills rather than their family background。 (1)make up of sth 由……组成。如:

Farming and mining make up most of the country’s industry。 (2)rather than 与其(某人/某事),不愿,不要,不是.如: It’s management that's at fault rather than the work-force. 错在资方而不在劳方。

4、 Its downfall in 1911 led the country to be torn apart by warlords, civil war, and Japanese invasion for several decades.

tear sth apart:彻底毁灭或击败某物,严厉地批评某事物.如:

The critics tore her new play to pieces。 (剧评家们把她的新戏批评得一无是处.)

5、 Governor Arthur Phillip directed the ships carrying “transported” convicts and jailors into Jackson, to the north.

transported 在这里为过去分词作定语,修饰 convicts and jailors. Passage:

Why study history?

I turned down the lights in my classroom and asked the students to close their eyes and, “Imagine you are at a beach on a sunny day.” With your mind’s eye, look around you。 You see the waves lapping at the shore。 To your left you see children in colorful swimsuits building sand castles, laughing and splashing in the water。 To the right you see a boat dock painted blue。 Several small boats



are tied to the dock。 You are living in the present, observing your surroundings and feeling the warmth of the sun on your skin.

After spending some time sitting on the beach, you are becoming bored and hot, and you begin to think of the future. What do you want to do? How did you decide? Based on your past experience you know the water will be cool and refreshing, and playing in the waves will be fun, so you decide to go for a swim。 Living in the present, you are making a plan for the future based on your knowledge of the past。 The present, the future and the past are always tied together and are always with us。

It’s getting later now, and the sun is beginning to set over the water。 It is time to think about going home。 You recall that you arrived at the beach on a boat and that you left the boat tied to the dock。 You know how you will get home。 This knowledge is comforting, and you decide to stay awhile longer and enjoy the sunset. As you can see, your decisions about the future are based on your knowledge of the past。

But, suddenly a spaceship falls from the sky knocking you unconscious。 You awake with amnesia, remembering nothing of the past。 You don't know why you are on a beach, where home is or how to get there. It’s getting dark and you are frightened. You groaned in agony because your loss of the past means you are hopelessly lost in trying to cope with the future.

Relax。 You will probably never be struck by a falling spaceship… and you will learn what you need to know about beaches and swimming and getting home from your own personal experience. But, how will you learn of important thing that you cannot experience for yourself? How will you learn of the larger world outside your own personal experience?

This is why we have schools, so you can learn from the experiences of others gathered over centuries of human experience. Without this knowledge, you would suffer from a kind of amnesia that would leave you lost when it comes to understanding important matters in you future. For example, why would foreign terrorists want to attack you and other Americans? Should the United States go to war with Iraq? Should we try to stop global warming? Should we work for economic justice in the world? Should scientists be allowed to alter human genes? You live in a free society, in a democracy, where citizens are expected to help decide these kind of issues and—the truth is—citizens DO help decide



important issues in our country. It was the people, not the government, that brought the Vietnam War to an end。 It was the people who led the way in the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s; the government followed。 The people of the United States, and their elected representatives, will decide if they can support a war against Iraq.

We all need knowledge from the past—whether it comes from personal experience or from studying history. It is our only guide to the future。 参考译文:

我将教室的灯光调暗并且叫学生们闭上眼睛,“想象这是阳光灿烂的一天,你在海边,”用你想象的眼睛去看看周围,你看见波浪在拍打着海岸。左边是穿着五颜六色泳衣的孩子,有的在用沙子做城堡,有的笑着,有的在戏水;右边有一个漆成蓝色的船坞,上面系着几艘船。你身处现在,一边观察着周围,一边感受着阳光照在身上的温暖。 在沙滩上坐了一会儿后,你觉得无聊了并且感觉热,然后你开始考虑接下来的事情。你想做什么?怎么决定的?据以往的经验你知道水将变凉而且使你精神振作,在水里玩玩肯定很有意思,所以你决定去游泳.你身在现在,但是却在根据以前的经验为将来作计划。现在,将来,过去,这三者总是连在一起也总是伴随着我们的.


但是,突然一艘宇宙飞船从空中掉下来把你打晕了,你醒了过来但是失忆了,过去的事情什么都不记得了。你不知道自己为什么在海滩上,家在哪,怎么回去。天黑了,你感到很害怕。你痛苦的叹息,因为你失去了过去就意味着没有办法应付将来的事情。 放松,你也许永远也不会被掉下来的宇宙飞船砸中,而且你会从自身的经验中得到你需要知道关于海滩、游泳和回家的事情.但是你怎么学习那些自己无法亲身体会但是又很重要的事情呢?你怎么学习自己没经历过的外面的世界呢?







Unit 30 Geography

Dialogues /monologues:

1、Geography has been integrating many different subjects in its approach. has been integrating:现在完成进行时


A:Be careful! John has been painting the door. B :John has painted the door。

A句表示约翰刚刚把门刷漆过,现在油漆还末干,所以得小心。 B句则无此含义,油漆可能已经干了。

2、Many schools have eliminated geography in favor of more math and science courses。 In favor of:


Was he in favor of the death penalty? (他赞成死刑吗?) (2)(指支票)以某人/某部门为收款人.如:

Cheques should be written in favor of the Red Cross. 支票上请写明以红十字会为收款人。

3、SoI has a vital social cause other than recovering costs。 other than

(1) 除了(表示所说的不包括在内)。如:

She has no close friends other than him. (她除了他之外没有好朋友。) (2) 不同于,而不。如:

I have never known him behave other than selfish. (我只知道他自私自利。) 4、At least, if someone like moved to your school and they’re like “I’m from whatever country” and you don’t know where that is ,it’s kind of sad. Passage:

Ecosphere thinking



Although in theory every educated person knows that the world is more than people, resources, and a vague environment to be protected, the very fact of seeing it as one spherical air-water—land system gives it a new and different reality. From a vantage point outside our home, a revealing perspective has shown us the planet for what it really is; a ball of living star dust, a four-and-one—billion year old miracle。

Perhaps the strange human desire to fly away from the planet, to “slip the surly bonds of earth,\" is a necessary impulse for discovering who we are. Perhaps we can never be satisfied on earth until we have traveled away in space and come back home, back to our roots, to where we belong。

To the question, “what is the world?\" the answers still tend to be ambiguous。 In the traditional sense, the earth remains the supportive environment for humanity; merely the means for enhancement of the one animal “made in God’s image.” To physical science that has denatured reality the world is a material place of molecules and atoms, of solids, liquids and gases, of atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and biosphere。 For biological science it is a scene wherein mechanistic organisms compete for survival, driven by selfish genes。 To the economist it is raw materials and resources, valueless until transformed by the “innovative genius of man” into marketable commodities. There are our humanistic homo-centred legacies—no longer reasonable。

In the profounder ecological sense, the world is now known as a unity. The various spheres—atom, hydro, litho, and bio—are intertwined and related, both in the historical evolutionary sense and in the present functional sense. Organic tissues of living things are fashioned from the elements of air, water and soil which in turn bear the imprints of life. Thus, the nutrient composition of sea water is maintained by organisms which also stabilize the improbable composition of the atmosphere. Plants and animals formed the limestone in mountains whose sediments make our bones. Our blood and sea water are akin. On the earth’s surface the artificial divisions that we have made between living and non-living, biotic and abiotic, organic and inorganic, are not only false but mischievous. The reality of the world is not people and separate “other things”. Nor is the earth a machine whose secrets lie in its fragmented parts. It is — beyond all understanding—an integrated ecosphere of marvelous creativity。



The root meaning of “eco\" is “home”, and the revealed ecosphere is the home-sphere from which all life came and in which all life exists. Thanks to NASA, ecology—which means study of the home-has had its eyes opened to the reality of the Home of all homes。

Ecology needs to escape its obsession with organisms—the legitimate subject matter of biology—and fasten its attention on the larger whole in which organisms, including people, function as parts。 Ecology’s natural subject of interest is the earth-home, the ecosphere, not its fragmentary compositional parts。 Ecology studies the whole; biology studies the organic constituents of the whole that are no more important than air, water and soil. 参考译文:










