Part time job is very popular among college students. Whether this behavior is good or bad, some people think thatit brings a lot of benefits to students, while others think that part-time work is not worth mentioning to me. Everything has two sides.
There are several reasons to support my view. On the one hand, doing part-time job can make money, make more new friends and gain some work experience, even though doing part-time work after school It doesn't make much money, which can lighten the family burden of students or make them have enough money to enjoy college life. In addition, doing part-time jobs in different places can contact different people, which will definitely make more new friends.
Moreover, students can gain some working experience from part-time work. On the other hand, part-time work willoccupy students' time, which is not conducive to the formation of team spirit. If students let part-time work to sharetheir time, their study time will be reduced, which will affect their study.
If students go out to work as soon as they have time, they will have less time to communicate with their classmates,which is not conducive to the formation of team spirit.