

In the present age, there’re fewer people talking about dreams in public. In reality, with the increase in age, more youths turn to become realistic and abandon dreams which they have during adolescence. However, it is essential for everyone to keep a wonderful dream in the heart to light up the road forward, no matter what period they’re experiencing.

There is no doubt that the dreams make a difference to the daily life significantly. First of all, it’s the dream that keeps you enthusiastic about the tedious life. Or you may find your daily life dim and dark and insupportable. If you were a social person, you would suffer from the exhaustion both mentally and physically. To make things worse, the absence of dreams can easily contribute to resting on your laurels, which leads to lagging behind the tide of the times. By the way, what does make sense is that a dream light up the road leading to the meaningful life. As Martin Luther King said in the lecture, I have a dream. Splendid dreams motivate the celebrities to concentrate on their remarkable careers regardless of the obstacles foreword.

However, if you didn’t put dreams into action, they’re just the daydreams rather than the power motivating you. So it is of great necessity to attach importance to the methods that make it become a reality. Firstly, persistence comes first during the long period of reaching goals. Few people can stick to their original intention and finally make it. If you were the person who persists until the final, you would be the champion. What

makes me impressed is the what Churchill put strength on, never give up. What’s more, the reflection is necessary if you find it difficult to move on. Under this circumstance, you may have been trapped in a dilemma. No matter where you are, please keep a brilliant in your heart and make a difference to the life.
