担纲指导 张道真 执行主编 席玉虎 编 著 陈 静
出 版人 雷俊林 出版策划 苗补坤 责任编辑 王爱仙 ISBN 978-7-5440-6436-1
语法学习交流微平台 纸介图书京东旗舰店 纸介图书天猫旗舰店 百度阅读手持媒体免费读
对中国学生来说,尤其是成年人,我看是学点语法好。语法,顾名思义,乃是语言的法则和规律。学习语法,尤其是一些基本法则,至少有下列几个好处: 第一 可以使你学得快些,因为已有现成的前人总结的法则,用不着你从头摸索。
第二 可以使你学得透些,因为通过语法对语言现象不仅可以知其然,而且可以知其所以然。
第三 可以使你学得准些,因为语法法则就是一条条准绳,可以用以衡量一句话是否正确。
第四 语法不但可以引你入门,更可以引你入胜,使你逐渐眼界开阔,语感加深,从而使你的英语水平不断提高。
第一 基本概念最重要。在学习每个语法项目时,一定要把它的基本概念搞清,牢记在心。
第二 要大量地实践,大量地练习。实践要包括听、说、读、写四个方面,练习要着重说和写。
第三 学习语法时,应多用比较法。如对动词时态、冠词、介词、名词的单、复数等较难的语法项目进行相互比较,效果就比较好。
第四 要将语法法则与习惯用法分开。碰到习惯用法,就不必钻牛角尖,进行徒劳的分析。而习惯用法在英语中则是大量地存在着的。
第五 将一本语法书通读一遍,当然也不无好处。但最好将它作为工具书,像词典一样地经常查阅,始能学得比较细致牢靠。
第六 实用英语语法只应是入门的向导,像一根拐棍一样。英语达到一定水平之后,就应将它扔掉。起码不要让许多语法条条充斥头脑,影响你说和写的流利性。
最后 可能还会有人说,语法应该学,就是太枯燥。我的感觉是:开头有点枯燥,过些时候,就会像嚼橄榄似的,越学越有味了。如若不信,请试试看。
目 录
话说非谓语动词 A 不定式 不定式的时态和语态 不定式的作用 省略to的不定式 B 动名词 动名词的时态和语态 动名词的作用 C 现在分词 现在分词的时态和语态 现在分词的作用 D 过去分词 过去分词的时态和语态 过去分词的作用
E 现在分词与不定式的比较 F 现在分词与动名词的比较 G 现在分词与过去分词的比较 基础练习 能力提升
全国优秀畅销书,薄冰、张道真系列语法图书销售突破220万册! 根据课改全面修订第四版条理更分明,针对性更强,重点更突出!
Unit 15 非谓语动词
在句子中充当除谓语以外的句子成分的动词形式叫做非谓语动词,也叫做动词的非限定形式。非谓语动词在句中不可单独作谓语,不受主语人称和数的限制;它在句中可以用作其他句子成分。非谓语动词有三种形式:不定式、动名词和分词(包括现在分词 和过去分词)。
A. 不定式
不定式是非谓语动词的一种形式,也是动词的非限定形式,它前面通常带有小品词to,有时也可不带to,它可以和助动词或情态动词构成谓语。不带to的不定式与动词原形相同,但在大多数情况下不定式都是带to的。如: [带to的不定式]
Mother went out to do some shopping. 妈妈出去购物了。 [不带to的不定式]
Let me do it. 让我做吧。 1. 不定式的时态和语态 主动形式 被动形式 一般式 to do to be done 完成时 to have done to have been done 进行时 to be doing / 完成进行时 to have been doing /
(1) 不定式的一般式:表示的动作通常与谓语动词动作同时发生或在其后发生。如: How I wish to travel around the world! 我多么希望能够周游世界!
The shop expects to make a small profit this year. 这家店铺期望今年能够赚点钱。 (2) 不定式的进行式:表示动作正在进行,与谓语动词动作同时发生。如: Don't pretend to be working hard. 不要假装努力工作。
Charlotte seems to be thinking deeply, without noticing me passing by her. 夏洛特似乎陷入了深思,我从她身边经过,她都没注意到。
(3) 不定式的完成式:表示的动作发生在谓语动词动作之前。如:
Cary is said to have explored on the Amazon River. 据说凯里在亚马孙河上探过险。 I am sorry to have given you so much trouble. 真对不起,给你带来这么多麻烦。 (4) 不定式的完成进行式:表示在谓语动词动作之前一直在进行的动作。如:
Robin is known to have been studying abroad for a while, but we don't know which country. 我们知道罗宾在国外学习了一段时间了,但不知道在哪个国家。 (5) 不定式的被动形式
当动词不定式的逻辑主语是不定式所表示的动作的承受者时,一般要用被动语态。 不定式被动语态的一般式通常表示将来的动作。如:
All the work requires to be completed next week. 所有的工作要求下周完成。
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The window glass is supposed to have been broken by Alva. 可能是阿尔瓦打碎了窗户玻璃。
(6) 不定式的否定结构
不定式的否定结构由not或never加不定式构成。如: He decided not to do it. 他决定不那么做。 Try not to be late. 尽量不要迟到。
She wished never to see him again. 她希望永远不再见到他。 2. 不定式的作用 作主语
(1) 不定式或不定式短语作主语。如: To see is to believe. 眼见为实。
To raise wages means increasing purchasing power. 提高工资意味着增加购买力。
To know something about Chinese is one thing; to know Chinese is quite anoth-er. 懂中文是一回事;掌握中文是另一回事。
(2) 形式主语it替代不定式作先行主语时,把真正的主语即不定式放到句子后面去。这类句子有下面几种形式。如: It+be+形容词+不定式:
It's good to be here. 在这里很好。
It isn't right to gossip about others. 说别人的闲话是不对的。 相关试题解析:
It is better to die on one's feet than______. (考研题)
A. living on one's knees B. live on one's knees C. on one's knees D. to live on one's knees 【选D】译文:站着死胜于跪着生。 It+be+形容词+for引起的短语+不定式:
It is not hard for one to do a bit of good.一个人做点好事并不难。 It would be best for you to write to him. 最好由你给他写信。 相关试题解析:
It's bad for you to______in bed.(中考题)
A. read B. and reading C. to read D. reading 【选A】译文:躺在床上看书对你有害处。 It+be+形容词+of引起的短语+不定式:
It is very kind of you to lend me your bike. (=You are kind to...) 借给我自行车,你真是太好了。
It is selfish of him not to contribute anything. (=He is selfish...) 他很自私,什么也不捐。 It+be+名词+不定式:
It's a pity to leave so early. 这么早走太遗憾。
It was not his habit to ask people for things. 向别人要东西不是他的习惯。 It was a great honour to receive the award. 得到这个奖是很荣幸的事。 It+动词+宾语+不定式:
It took me a year to save up for a mink coat. 我用了一年时间才省出钱买一件貂皮大衣。
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How long did it take you to get here? 你到这里来花了多长时间?
It interests me to hear what you have been buying. 听到你买的这些东西我很感兴趣。 相关试题解析:
It took a long time for the connection between body temperature and illness______. (高考题) A. to make B. to be made C. making D. being made
【选B】It took...some time to do sth.“花费„„时间做某事”句型中的it是形式主语,不定式是真正的主语。make与connection是动宾关系,应用被动语态。 It+be+介词短语+不定式:
It is not within my power to answer the question. 我没有能力回答这个问题。 It is against my principles to work with them. 和他们一起工作违反了我的原则。
It's just like her to think of others before thinking of herself. 她就是这个样子,总是先想到别人后想到自己。 注意:
It's a new experience for her to be travelling by plane. 坐飞机对她是一个新经历。(进行式) It would have been amusing to have gone to the picture show. 要是能去参观那个画展是很有意思的。(完成式) 作宾语
(1) 能跟不定式作宾语的动词有: ache afford agree aim apply arrange ask attempt begin care choose claim consent continue dare decide decline demand deserve desire determine disdain endeavour expect fail forget grow hate help hesitate hope intend learn like long manage mean need neglect offer plan pledge prefer prepare pretend promise prove reckon refuse resolve scorn seek strive swear threaten try undertake venture volunteer vote vow wait want wish I promised not to be late. 我答应不会迟到。
They longed to go back to their hometown. 他们渴望返回他们的家乡。
Joseph vowed to fight for their happiness. 约瑟夫发誓要为他们的幸福而奋斗。 Josie hoped to find a job soon. 乔茜希望不久能找到工作。 注意:
I'll help you (to) solve the problem. 我来帮助你解决这个问题。
Green tea can help you to feel relaxed and refreshed. 绿茶可以使你感到轻松、精力充沛。 相关试题解析:
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Mr Johnson preferred______heavier work to do. (四级题)
A. to be given B. to be giving C. to have given D. having given 【选A】 译文:约翰逊先生宁愿被分配较重的工作去做。 (2) 不定式作宾语时有时可用被动式或完成式。如: [被动式]
The old man declined to be helped across the street. 老人婉谢别人送他过街。 [完成式]
I should like to have seen it. 我本想事前看到的。
(3) 动词不定式的进行式表示谓语动词所表示的动作发生时,不定式表示的动作也正在进行。不定式作宾语时可用进行式。如:
I'd like to be flying over the Alps and looking down at the mountains. 我愿飞跃阿尔卑斯山俯瞰下面的群山。
I hope to be staying with Grandma. 我希望和祖母住在一起。 (4) 不定式作宾语时可与连接代词或连接副词连用。常见的这类词有:ask,consider,decide,discover,discuss,explain,forget,know,think等。如:
They waited and wondered what to do. 他们等着,不知怎么办才好。
Emma doesn't understand how to look after her baby. 艾玛不知道该怎样照顾她的孩子。 I can't decide whom to invite. 我不能决定该邀请谁。 注意:
I've been wondering whether to retire. 我一直犹豫是否要退休。
Bob didn't know whether to feel glad or sorry at his dismissal. 鲍伯不知道他被解雇了是该高兴还是难过。
Father hasn't decided whether to go to Sanya by train or plane. 爸爸还没有决定是坐火车还是坐飞机去三亚。 相关试题解析:
—Do you have the experience like that?
—Well, I've done the work before, so I know what_____in my new job here. (高考题) A. expected B. expecting C. to expect D. to be expecting 【选C】“疑问词+不定式”结构在句中相当于一个名词,常用作主语、宾语、表语等,本题是作宾语的情况,并且用不定式的主动形式表达被动的含义。 (5) 介词后用“连接代词或副词+不定式”作宾语。如:
I found a book on how to avoid having a diabetes. 我找到一本谈论如何避免得糖尿病的书。
Grace was worried about how to fill her leisure time. 格瑞丝为如何打发她的闲暇时间而发愁。
Then there is the problem of what to tell the tourists. 然后就是向游客们怎么讲的问题。 注意:
在一些复合结构中,常用it作形式宾语,而把不定式放在句子之后。如: I find it interesting to play bridge. 我觉得打桥牌很有趣。
He feels it his duty to help others. 他感到帮助别人是他的责任。 构成复合宾语和复合谓语
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(1) 有些动词后可跟由“名词或代词+不定式”构成的复合宾语。如:
Can you remind me to phone her tomorrow? 你明天能提醒我给她打电话吗? We persuaded parents to come with us. 我们劝父母和我们一起来。
I invited all our friends to attend the ceremony. 我邀请了我们所有的朋友来参加这个仪式。
What caused him to change his mind? 什么使他改变主意的? 相关试题解析:
1. We are often told______at people in trouble. (中考题) A. not to smile B. to smile C. not to laugh D. to laugh 【选C】译文:人们常说不要嘲笑那些处于困境中的人。 2. The teacher asked us______so much noise. (高考题) A. don't make B. not make C. not making D. not to make
(2) 在feel,have,hear,listen to,let,look at,make,notice,observe,see,watch等动词后,用不带to的不定式与宾语构成复合宾语。如:
Did you notice a man go into the red house? 你注意到有个人进入这个红房子了吗? Megan felt someone touch her on the shoulder. 梅甘感觉有人碰她的肩膀。 相关试题解析:
My sister doesn't like the dress. She thinks it makes her_____fat. (中考题) A. look B. looks C. to look D. looked 【选A】make后跟的宾语补足语常用不带to的不定式。
含以上这些动词的这类句子用于被动结构时,不带to的不定式要还原加to。如: Manda was heard to make some remark to her husband. 有人听见曼达和她丈夫说了几句话。
They were made to work long hours in the mine. 他们被迫在矿里长时间地工作。 (3) “疑问代词或疑问副词+不定式”构成复合宾语。如: I advised her where to stay. 我就她住在哪里提了建议。
Bruce will teach me how to run the company. 布鲁斯将教我怎样经营公司。 I'll tell you what to do. 我来告诉你怎么办。
(4) 有些动词与介词短语连用,后面常用不定式。如: I pleaded with father to tell me. 我恳求爸爸告诉我。
You may depend on me to be there early. 你放心我会早到那儿的。
I wouldn't care for that man to be my lawyer. 我不想让那个人当我的律师。 (5) 有些动词可在被动结构中与后面的不定式构成复合谓语。如: Helen was warned not to swim there. 有人警告海伦不要在那里游泳。 Emily was obliged to abandon that idea. 艾米丽被迫放弃了那个想法。
Fiona was compelled by illness to give up her studies. 菲奥纳因病被迫辍学。 I was directed to cut the budget. 我得到指示要削减预算。 (6) 不定式在复合谓语中可用完成式或进行式。如: [完成式]
He was known to have taken money from the Japanese. 人们都知道他拿过日本人的钱。 [进行式]
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Thousands were reported to be working as slaves there. 据报道,数以千计的人在那里当过奴隶。 作定语
(1) 不定式用来修饰一样东西或事物。如:
Do you have time to help us? 你有时间帮助我们吗? They had nothing to eat. 他们没有东西吃。
These are the steps to follow. 这些是应遵循的步骤。
It's a pleasant thing to remember. 这是一件值得记住的愉快的事。 (2) 不定式用来修饰人。如:
Editha may be an ideal person to look after the children. 伊迪萨可能是照顾这些孩子的理想人选。
Sammy was just the man to cool their reforming zeal. 萨米正是一个能使他们的改革热情冷却下来的人。
Spark has no one to talk to. 没人和斯帕克谈话。 (3) 不定式作定语有时可用于被动形式。如:
Ryan was the second to be chosen President. 赖安是第二个被选上总统的人。
Helen was the first person to be awarded such a prize. 海伦是第一个获得这类奖的人。 Jimmy was the only foreigner to be given such an honour. 吉米是唯一被给予这种荣誉的外国人。
(4) 不定式用于修饰某些抽象名词。如:
The sales manager had every reason to complain. 销售经理有充足的理由表示不满。 My cousin expressed his intention to resign. 我表弟表达了辞职的打算。
That diplomat is reputed for his ability to speak four languages. 那位外交官以讲四种语言而闻名。
I worked so late in the office last night that I hardly had time_____the last bus. (考研题) A. to have caught B. to catch C. catching D. having caught
【选B】译文:昨天晚上我在办公室工作到很晚,几乎没赶上末班车。 (5) 有时定语从句可以用不定式代替,多指将要发生的事。如:
In the lectures to follow she will tell us more about Aegean Sea. 在以后的报告中,她将给我们谈更多关于爱琴海的情况。
Are you going to the get-together to take place on Friday? 你准备参加星期五举行的联欢会吗?
I have to go to a lecture to be given tonight in the classroom. 我得去参加今晚在教室举行的报告会。
(6) which与不定式连用,相当于一个定语从句。如:
She must have time in which to grow calm. 她必须有冷静下来的时间。
Allow me one minute in which to take a shower. 给我一点时间冲个澡。
Karen had some money in the bank, with which to help her mother. 凯琳银行里存的钱是用来帮母亲的。 作状语
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(1) be+形容词+不定式短语。如:
They were willing to follow her example. 他们愿意以她为榜样。
John's not fit to be a member of the league. 约翰不适合加入这个社团。 Joshua is not worthy to talk to you. 约书亚不值得和你讲话。
Ivan was generous to give you so much money. 伊凡真大方给你这么多钱。 Kenneth is easy to get on with. 肯尼斯很容易相处。 June is amusing to be with. 和朱恩在一起很有意思。
The woman's sobs are pitiful to hear. 那个女人的哀泣听起来十分伤感。 Do you think the water is safe to drink? 你认为这水喝起来安全吗? The ambulance was ready to go. 救护车已做好出发的准备。 The question is difficult to answer. 这问题很难回答。
(2) 不定式短语作状语可用来表示目的、原因、结果等。如: [目的状语]
The soldier stopped to talk to us. 那个士兵停下来和我们说话。 [原因状语]
I am glad to hear that you are well again. 我很高兴听到你已经痊愈。 [结果状语]
We came home to find our garden neat and tidy. 我们回到家发现花园整整齐齐。 相关试题解析:
1. The little girl was too frightened_____a word. (中考题) A. not to tell B. not to say C. to tell D. to say
【选D】译文:那个小女孩如此害怕,以至于说不出一句话来。 2. In order to make our city green, .(高考题) A. it is necessary to have planted more trees?9 B. many more trees need to plant C. our city needs more trees D. we must plant more trees
【选D】非谓语动词的逻辑主语应和句子的主语一致,本题中动词不定式短语作目的状语,其逻辑主语是 we。
3. There are too few gem cutters today A. from keeping the art lost B. to keep the art from getting lost
C. keeping the art from getting lost D. for the art kept not to lose
【选B】译文:搞宝石雕琢的人现在太少了,无法使这门艺术不失传。 (3) 用于某些固定的句型。如:
in order (not) to 以便,为了;以免
Judith went to live in Italy in order to learn Italian. 朱迪丝到意大利住是为了学习意大利语。
We keep the window shut in order not to let the mosquitos in. 我们把窗子关着以免蚊子进
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so as (not) to 以便;以免
We picked strawberries so as to make a pie. 我们摘了草莓来做果馅饼。
The test questions are kept secret, so as to prevent cheating. 考题都保密以防作弊。 so / such...as to 到这种程度以致„„
Who could be so mean as to do a thing like that? 谁这样缺德竟做出这样的事? I'm not such a fool as to put it in writing. 我没傻到把它写下来。 相关试题解析:
Greatly agitated,I rushed to the apartment and tried the door, ______to find it locked.
A. just B. only C. hence D. thus
【选B】译文:我万分焦急地跑到公寓,推了推门,结果却发现门锁着。 be so kind / good as to 可否劳驾„„
Would you be so kind as to let my husband know? 可否劳驾通知我丈夫? Perhaps you'll be so kind as to take the chair. 或许你能屈驾来主持会议。 be kind / good enough to 劳驾
Would you be kind enough to do that for us? 可否劳驾你帮我们办这件事呢? Will you be good enough to hold my bag? 可否劳驾帮我提一下包? too...to... 太„„而不能
It was too late to do anything now. 现在做什么都已为时太晚。 Never too old to learn. 活到老学到老。
The girl is too young to go to school. 那个女孩还太小不能去上学。 (not) enough to... (不)够„„来做某事
Karen was not strong enough to travel. 凯琳身子太弱不能旅行。
We were fortunate enough to get an empty car. 我们很幸运找到一辆空车。
Jerome is not strong enough to lift the box. 杰罗姆力气不够大提不起这个箱子。 (4) 不定式作状语也可用被动式、完成式或进行式。如: [被动式]
Simon returned after the war, only to be told that his wife had left him. 西蒙战后回来,别人告诉他说他妻子已离开他了。 [完成式]
You're far too clever to have done that. 你太聪明了不会这样做。 [进行式]
I'm quite pleased to be leaving this country. 我很高兴就要离开这个国家了。 相关试题解析:
I'd rather read than watch television; the programs seem_____all the time. (四级题) A. to get worse B. to be getting worse C. to have gone worse D. getting worse
【选B】译文:我宁愿看书而不愿看电视;电视节目似乎变得越来越糟。 (5) 有些不定式短语可用来修饰整个句子,称为句子状语。如:
To tell you the truth, I've never heard of the book. 说实话,我从来没听说过这本书。 To begin with, it's too cold. Besides, we've no money. 首先,天气太冷,其次我们也没有钱。
Tyler's a nice person, to be sure. 泰勒肯定是一个好人。 作表语
(1) 说明主语的具体内容或目的。如:
This wall is to keep people out of the nursery. 垒这堵墙是为了阻止人到苗圃里来。 The most important purpose of first aid is to save someone's life. 急救最重要的目的是救人性命。
What's that for? It's to make holes in metal. 那是干什么的?是个金属打孔的。 (2) 表示一个动作。如:
The best thing Jack ever did was to buy that house. 杰克干的最好的一件事就是买了那套房子。
The problem is to find the right place quickly. 问题是迅速找到适当的地点。 What you first do is to mix the egg with flour. 你先得把鸡蛋和面粉和好。 (3) 不定式作表语也可用被动形式。如:
The apartment is to be let / to let. 那套公寓出租。 Who is to be blamed / to blame? 该责备谁呀? All this is to be sold. 所有这些都供出售。 注意:
You don't have to go with us if you don't want to. 如果你不想跟我们去可以不去。 Would you like to come to the show? I'd love to. 你愿意来看表演吗?愿意。 —Don't be late. ——不要来晚了。
—I'll try not to. ——我尽量不来晚。3省略to的不定式
(1) 在why引起的某些如“Why...”或“Why not...”一类表示建议的句型中,不定式前的to一定要去掉。如:
Why turn off the light? 为什么要把灯关掉?
Why not join the club? 为什么不加入到这个俱乐部呢? (2) 在has better,would rather,would rather...than,would sooner,would sooner...than,cannot but,do nothing but等结构后,不定式前不带to。如:
You'd better tell me the truth. 你最好把真实情况告诉我。
We could not but weep at the news. 对此消息我们不得不落泪。 相关试题解析:
There's going to be a basketball match next month. You'd better_____the ball into the basket. (中考题)
A. like throwing B. practise throwing C. stop throwing D. enjoy throwing
【选B】据had better后接动词原形,四个选项应该都可使用。但根据句意“你最好练习投篮”,可知选B。
(3) 有些动词用作主动语态,后面跟的宾语补足语中不定式不带符号to。这些动词有:see,hear,watch,notice,discover,feel,listen to,look at,make,have,let等。如: I saw the train come into the station. 我看到火车进站了。
The boss made them work all day and night. 老板不分昼夜地让他们干活。 相关试题解析:
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If anyone happens to drop in while I am out,______him or her leave a message.(高考题) A. have B. get C. ask D. tell
(4) 在“Will you please +动词不定式”一类表示邀请或命令的句型中,不定式前不带to。如:
Will you please bring me some food? 请你给我带些食物好吗? Will you please have some orange? 请你喝点橙汁好吗? 注意:
① 在介词except,but之前如果有动词do的某种形式,那么,这两个介词之后的不定式通常不带to,反之要带to。如:
He has nothing to do except wait till it stops raining.
He has no choice but to wait till it stops raining. 没办法,他只好等雨停了。
② 在used to,be going to,ought to,mean to,plan to,try to等结构中,当不定式被省略时,to通常都保留。如:
Does he like running? No, but he used to. 他喜欢跑步吗?不,但他过去喜欢。 ③ 在少数句子中不保留动词不定式符号to。如:
I want to go but my father won't let me go. 我想去,但是我父亲不让。 ④ 在某些情况下,to可以保留也可以不保留。如:
I'd like to do it now, but I haven't got the time to. 我想现在做,但没时间。
⑤ 当两个或多个带to的不定式由并列连词and或or连接时,第二个及其后的不定式符号to常可以省略。但如果两者是对比关系时,则to 不能省略。如: He asked me to go there and take a piece of chalk. 他叫我去那儿拿一支粉笔。 They didn't tell me whether to go on or to stop. 他们没有告诉我是继续还是停止。 相关试题解析:
1. Sandy could do nothing but_____to his teacher that he was wrong. (高考题) A. admit B. admitted C. admitting D. to admit
2. —I hear that you and Francis will spend your vacation in Nepal next spring. —Yes, we're planning_____.(托福题)
A. to B. to be C. it D. to do it
【选A】译文:——我听说明年春天你和弗朗西斯要到尼泊尔度假? ——是的,我们正计划这么做。
B. 动名词
Reporting the news is their job. 报道新闻是他们的任务。 [作表语]
His job is collecting folk songs. 他的工作是收集民歌。
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Suddenly everybody stopped talking. 突然大家停止谈话了。 [作介词的宾语]
Heidi is interested in dancing. 海蒂对舞蹈感兴趣。
动名词有时也兼有动词的某些特征,可以有自己的宾语或状语。 1. 动名词的时态和语态 主动形式 被动形式 一般式 doing being done 完成式 having done having been done (1) 动名词的一般式
We are interested in collecting stamps. 我们对集邮感兴趣。
Most doctors strongly insist on giving up smoking and taking plenty of exercise. 大多数医生强烈建议放弃抽烟,多进行锻炼。
I shall never forget seeing the Great Wall for the first time. 我永远不会忘记第一次看到长城的情景。
Excuse me for coming late. 我来晚了,请原谅。
Thank you for giving us so much help. 谢谢你给了我们这么多的帮助。 相关试题解析:
______wooden buildings helps to protect them from damage due to weather. (托福题) A. Painting B. Painted C. The paint D. By painting 【选A】译文:油漆木质建筑物有助于使其免遭日晒雨淋所造成的破坏。 (2) 动名词的完成式
动名词的完成式所表示的动作或状态在谓语动词之前完成或结束。如: Joe regrets not having taken part in the work. 乔后悔没有参加这项工作。
We were praised for having finished the work ahead of time. 我们因提前完成了这项工作而受到了表扬。 相关试题解析:
There was no sign that Mr Jospin, who keeps a firm control on the party despite______from leadership of it, would intervene personally. (考研题) A. being resigned B. having resigned C. going to resign D. resign
【选B】译文:已经辞去领导职务的乔斯宾先生仍然牢牢地控制着该党,但是没有迹象表明他会亲自干预。 (3) 动名词的被动式
当动名词的逻辑主语是行为的承受者时,用动名词的被动式。如: I like being given harder work. 我喜欢接受难点儿的工作。
Kelly is proud of being admitted into the university. 凯莉为被大学录取而感到自豪。 The meeting was put off without his having been consulted. 会议延期并未和他商量。
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相关试题解析: 1. —Car 5won the race.
—Yes, but its driver came close to______.(高考题) A. being killed B. be nearly killed C. have been killed D. having been killed 【选A】come close to意思为“差一点”,to为介词。本题考查动名词的被动语态。 2. The car shows no signs of______(repair). (考研题)
【填having been repaired】译文:这辆轿车没有被修理过的痕迹。 (4) 动名词的否定结构
Trying without success is better than not trying at all. 实验没有成功也比不实验好。 Bob hated himself for not having worked hard. 鲍伯悔恨自己没有用功。
I'm sorry for not having telephoned you before. 很抱歉,没有早给你打电话。
There is no denying the fact that he is diligent. 不可否认他是勤奋的。(no denying也是动名词一般式的否定式) 2. 动名词的作用 作主语
(1) 有时为了避免头重脚轻,用it作形式主语,把真正的主语-ing形式置于句尾。如: Talking mends no holes. 空谈无济于事。
Making films of any length was very difficult. 那时拍摄任何长度的电影都是困难的。 It was pleasant and comfortable sitting here. 坐在这里很愉快很舒服。 相关试题解析:
It's no good______(write)to him; he never answers letters. The only thing to do is to go and see him.(考研题)
【填writing】译文:给他写信没用,他从来不回信。唯一能做的事是去看他。 (2) 被动式的动名词作主语。如:
It felt happy being called mother. 被称作妈妈感觉很幸福。 Being lost can be a terrifying experience. 迷路有时很可怕。 相关试题解析:
______raw materials into useful products is called manufacturing. (托福题) A. Transform B. Transforming
C. Being transformed D. When transformed 【选B】译文:把原料变成有用的产品叫做生产。 (3) There be结构后用动名词作主语。如:
There's no telling what will happen. 很难说将要发生什么事。
Once you let him start talking, there was no stopping him. 一旦让他开始讲话,就没法止住他。
Spike is bad-tempered and selfish, there is no denying it. 斯派克脾气暴躁,为人自私,这是不可否认的。
(4) 动名词的逻辑主语 动名词作主语时,有时需要在动名词的前面加上物主代词或名词的所有格表示动名词的逻辑主语,构成动名词的复合结构。在口语中,动名词的复合结构若不放在句首,可用代词
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的宾格或名词的普通格表示动名词的逻辑主语。但在正式文体中不可。如: Your denying everything will get you nowhere. 你否认一切,这对你没好处。 It doesn't make any difference my being here. 我在不在这里无所谓。
Jenny's not having been trained as a dancer is her one regret. 杰妮没受过专业的舞蹈训练是她感到遗憾的事。
It's no good him (his) apologizing now the damage has been done. 既然损害已经造成,他现在道歉也没有用。 作表语
(1) 表示比较抽象的、习惯性的动作,表语和主语常常可以互换。如: The most common is commercial broadcasting.
Commercial broadcasting is the most common. 最普通的是商业广播。 Seeing is believing. Believing is seeing. 眼见为实。 (2) 说明主语的内容,而且可以转换到句首作主语。如: His favourite sport is running.
Running is his favourite sport. 他最喜欢的运动是跑步。 His favorite pastime is playing chess.
Playing chess is his favorite pastime. 他最喜欢的消遣是下棋。 作宾语
(1) 有些动词用动名词作直接宾语。如:
Why have they delayed opening the new school? 为什么他们迟迟不开办那所新学校? Taking the job involves living abroad. 接受这个工作得住在国外。
Ivy couldn't endure seeing animals cruelly treated. 艾维不忍心看到动物受虐待。 Father decided to stop smoking. 爸爸决定戒烟。 相关试题解析:
1. Tom likes cars. He enjoys_____all kinds of model cars. (中考题) A. collects B. collecting C. to collect D. collected 【选B】译文:汤姆喜欢汽车,也喜欢收集各种各样的汽车模型。 2. I really appreciate______to relax with you on this nice island.(高考题) A. to have had time B. having time C. to have time D. to having time 【选B】本题考查在动词appreciate后面作宾语的非谓语动词形式。在本题中,having time用作appreciate的宾语。
3. Peter, who had been driving all day, suggested______at the next town.(四级题) A. to stop B. stopping C. stop D. having stopped 【选B】译文:彼得开了一整天的车,他建议在下一个镇停下来。 (2) 动名词的被动式或完成式作宾语。如:
I could not recall having heard anyone say that before. 我不记得以前听谁说过这样的话。 相关试题解析:
That young man still denied______the fire behind the store.(四级题) A. start B. to start C. having started D. to have started
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(3) 有些成语动词用动名词作宾语。如:
Hunk'd like to put off doing such an unpleasant task. 汉克想要推迟执行这件不愉快的任务。
All students burst out laughing. 全体学生都哄堂大笑。 注意:
be worth后也可用动名词作宾语。如:
The fridge is hardly worth repairing. 这台冰箱几乎不值得修理。 What is worth doing is worth doing well. 值得干的事就值得干好。 It's worth thinking over. 这值得仔细想想。 相关试题解析:
—Dick certainly has a bad cough.
—If he's sensible, he'll give up______.(四级题) A. the smoking B. smoking C. to smoke D. to be smoking 【选B】译文:——迪克确实咳嗽得厉害。
(4) 有些动词后可以用动名词作宾语,也可用不定式作宾语,但意思有时不同。如: We regret to inform you that we are unable to offer you the job. 我们遗憾地通知你,我们没法给你这份工作。
I regret saying what I said. I shouldn't have said it. 我对我讲的话很懊悔。我是不应当这样讲的。
You need to take more exercise. 你要多运动。
The batteries in the watch needs changing. 手表的电池需要换了。 相关试题解析:
1. Stop_____so much noise! My father is sleeping.(中考题) A. to make B. making C. to hear D. hearing 【选B】译文:停止吵闹,我父亲正在睡觉。
2. If you think that treating a woman well means always_____her permis-sion for things, think again.(高考题)
A. gets B. got C. to get D. getting 【选D】mean doing sth.表示“意味着做某事”。
I'd like to ask you a question. 我想问你一个问题。 I like travelling very much. 我很喜欢旅游。
I prefer to take the next subway. 我宁愿坐下一趟地铁。 I prefer living in the village. 我更喜欢住在村里。 I dreaded to see him. 我害怕去见他。 I dread flying. 我害怕坐飞机。
My poor child, I hate to leave you like this.可怜的孩子,我不愿意这样离开你。 I hate lying and cheating. 我讨厌撒谎骗人。 相关试题解析:
The glass of water is too hotm, I prefer some cold water ______. (中考题)
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A. drink B. drinking C. To drink D. drunk 【选C】译文:这杯水太烫了,我想要一些凉开水。
在begin,start,intend,continue,bother和cease等动词后作宾语的既可以是不定式也可以是动名词,意思有时也没有差别。如: It has started to snow/snowing. 开始下雪了。
Marcy intendsto buy/buyinga car. 马西打算买一辆车。 The trains have ceasedrunning/to run. 火车已经停止行驶。
Before long the study began to show result. 不久这项研究就产生效果了。 This has ceased to interest me. 这不再使我感兴趣。
That year we began making the fancy soap. 那年我们开始生产这种高档香皂。 The factory has ceased making bicycles. 工厂已停止制造自行车。 注意:
在以-ing结尾的动词后不宜再用动名词,以避免-ing的重复。如: Kevin was beginning to miss her. 凯文开始想念她了。 It's starting to rain. 开始下雨了。 相关试题解析:
I'll never forget______you for the first time. (四级题) A. to meet B. meeting C. having to be meeting D. to have met
但在口语中,可用人称代词宾格或名词普通格表示动名词逻辑上的主语。 (5) 动名词作宾语或宾语补足语时的复合结构。 动名词作宾语或宾语补足语时,前面也可加上物主代词或名词所有格表示动名词的逻辑主语,构成复合结构。如:
The snow prevented my / me coming. 下雪了,我不能来。
I'd better not catch your / you doing that again. 最好不要让我再抓住你这样干。
I can not understand John's / John making such a fuss. 我不能理解约翰这样大惊小怪。 作介词的宾语
(1) 用于由介词构成的成语动词之后。如:
Tom insisted on sending her home. 汤姆坚持送她回家。
Brother's job consists of gathering information and writing articles. 哥哥的工作包括收集资料和写文章。
Many people complain about not gathering accurate news. 许多人抱怨收集不到准确的信息。
She was so angry that she felt like______something at him. (四级题) A. to throw B. throwing C. having thrown D. to have thrown 【选B】译文:她气得想扔东西打他。 (2) 用于“be+形容词+介词”结构之后。如:
Eve was fond of dancing samba. 伊芙喜欢跳桑巴舞。
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Harrison was angry at finding that nothing had been done. 发现什么也没办成哈里森很生气。
I was surprised at finding the house empty. 发现房子里空无一人我感到很惊讶。 (3) 用于“动词+宾语+介词”结构之后。如:
Nicholas dedicated himself to finding a cure. 尼古拉斯献身于寻找一种治疗方法。
Luke has resigned himself to never being able to walk again. 卢克只好甘心让自己永远不能走路。
Nothing could stop me from going there. 没有什么能阻止我到那里去。 I congratulated Maria on passing the exam. 我祝贺玛丽亚通过了考试。 注意:
在how / what about后也常用动名词作宾语。如: How about going for a tour? 出去旅游怎么样?
What about sending him a copy? 寄给他一本如何? (4) 有些介词后接动名词,构成状语。如:
You can improve your culture by reading more. 多看书可以提高你的修养。 Mars ran ten kilometres without stopping. 马尔斯一路不停地跑了10公里。
Charles has worked hard since leaving school. 自从离开学校以来查尔斯一直努力工作。 In doing we learn. 在实践中可以学习。 (5) 与一些带介词的短语构成状语。如:
Oliver left early for fear of missing the train. 奥利弗及早动身唯恐误了火车。 I called in the hope of finding you at leisure. 我来看你,希望你这时有闲暇。 Carol went to work in spite of feeling ill. 卡洛尔尽管不舒服但仍去上班了。 (6) 有些介词可以和动名词构成定语或表语。如: [定语]
A good education is a necessary tool for succeeding. 良好的教育是成功的必要途径。 In some countries there is a law against spitting in the streets. 有些国家法律禁止在街上吐痰。
I'm against doing anything till the dean arrive. 在院长到来之前我反对做任何事。
Talking to him was like playing upon an exquisite violin. 和他谈话就像在一把精美的提琴上弹奏。
(7) 介词后的动名词有时需用被动式或完成式作介词的宾语。如: [被动式]
She looked surprised at being asked such a question. 有人问她这样的问题她感到惊讶。 [完成式]
I can't forgive myself for having taken you by surprise. 我不能原谅自己这样突如其来地问你。
After having had a year's practice, he decided to make another effort. 经过一年的练习,他决定再试一次。 相关试题解析:
The man in the corner confessed to______a lie to the manager of the company. (四级题) A. have told B. be told C. being told D. having told
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C. 现在分词
1. 现在分词的时态和语态 主动形式 被动形式 一般式 doing being done
完成式 having done having been done (1) 现在分词的一般式
现在分词的一般式通常表示其动作与谓语动词的动作同时发生或在之前发生。如: She sat there reading a book. 她坐在那里看书。
A little child learning to walk often falls. 学走路的小孩常常跌跤。 Going into the room, he shut the door. 走进房间,他就关上了门。 (2) 现在分词的完成式
Having finished her homework, the little girl began to play games. 做完作业后,这个小女孩开始玩游戏。
Having lived in Beijing for many years, Carter knew the city well. 因为在北京住了多年,卡特对这个城市很熟悉。 (3) 现在分词的被动式
现在分词的被动式表示其逻辑主语为现在分词动作的承受者。如: [现在分词的一般被动式]
The building being built is our dormitory. 正在建的那栋楼是我们的宿舍。
Did you see the boy being questioned by the police? 你看见那个受到警察审问的男孩了吗?
Having been warned by the teacher, the students didn't make such mistakes. 受到老师的警告之后,学生们不再犯这样的错误了。
This having been said, let us return to our subject. 说了这些话之后,让我们言归正传吧。 相关试题解析:
Corn originated in the New World and thus was not known in Europe until Columbus found it______in Cuba. (四级题)
A. being cultivated B. been cultivated C. having cultivated D. cultivating
(4) 现在分词的否定式
现在分词的否定式由“not+现在分词”构成。如: [现在分词一般式的否定结构]
Not knowing where to go, she went to the police for help. 她不知道该往哪儿走,就去请警
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Not being seen by anyone, the thief escaped. 那个贼趁无人看见时逃跑了。 [现在分词完成式的否定结构]
Not having done it right, I tried again. 我由于没有做对,所以又试了试。 2. 现在分词的作用 作表语
(1) 表示主语所具有的性质和特征。如:
The joke sounds amusing. 那笑话听起来很搞笑。 Mariah's letter is touching. 玛丽亚的信很感人。 The play was exciting. 那话剧令人振奋。
(2) 作表语用的分词几乎已经变成形容词,因此也被称为形容词化的分词。常见的这类现在分词有:
amazing encouraging boring astonishing confusing exacting exciting disappointing inviting misleading embarrassing pressing entertaining promising striking surprising
It is very encouraging to find so many people attending the rally. 看到这么多人参加大会很令人鼓舞。
I don't like making speeches in public; it's so embarrassing. 我不喜欢在公共场合讲话,它使我感到尴尬。 相关试题解析:
Teaching students of threshold level is hard work but the effort is very______. (六级题) A. precious B. rewarding C. worth D. challenging
【选B】译文:教入门水平的学生是艰辛的工作,但是这种努力是非常有意义的。 作定语
(1) 现在分词转化为形容词可作定语。如:
When will this appalling war end? 什么时候这场可怕的战争才能结束呢? This is a rather boring book. 这是一本相当枯燥乏味的书。
That was a most exciting film of the year. 这是这一年中最激动人心的电影。
I still remember the inspiring talk you gave us. 我还记得你给我们作的鼓舞人心的讲话。 相关试题解析:
How many of us______, say, a meeting that is irrelevant to us would interested in the discussion?(考研题) A. attended B. attending C. to attend D. have attended 【选B】译文:要是我们出席一个与自己不相干的会议,有多少人会对其讨论感兴趣呢? (2) 有些不及物动词转化为现在分词作定语。如: a booming town 繁荣的城市 existing laws 现有的法律 prevailing trends 流行趋势 a resounding success 巨大的成功 a shining example 光辉的榜样 everlasting friendship 永恒的友谊 the ruling group 统治集团 living things 有生命的东西
a leading figure 领导人物 developing countries 发展中国家
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the rising generation 正在成长起来的一代 这类定语与构成合成词的动名词是有区别的,分词往往表示所修饰名词的动作,而动名词则表示目的、作用等。试比较:
用分词作定语 含动名词的合成词
a flying saucer (a saucer that flies) 飞碟 a flying suit (a suit one wears when flying)飞行服 a walking dictionary 活字典 a walking stick 手杖 a dying man 垂死的人 to one's dying day 至死 (3) 构成合成词的现在分词作定语。如: a time-consuming job 费时间的工作
a smooth-talking salesman 油嘴滑舌的推销员
far-reaching effects 深远的影响 fine-sounding words 动听的言词 an epoch-making invention 划时代的发明 earth-shattering news 震撼世界的新闻
(4) 现在分词或现在分词短语用在名词后作定语,相当于定语从句。如: There's a sports car (which is) stopping outside. 有一辆跑车停在外面。
The train (which is) arriving at Platform 3is the 17:20 from New York. 三号月台到站的是由纽约开来的下午5:20的火车。
Do you know the woman (who is) talking to Tom? 你认识和汤姆说话的那个女人吗? 这些定语常可改为一个定语从句,中间包含一个进行时态。有时分词短语改成的定语从句并不包含进行时态,而只是一般时态。如:
The road joining / which joins the villages is very narrow. 连接两个村子的公路很狭窄。 Can you think of the name of a flower beginning / which begins with“C”? 你能想到一个以C开头的花的名字吗?
Jim has got a brother working / who works in a bank in London. 吉姆有一个哥哥在伦敦的一家银行里工作。 相关试题解析:
1. With the guide______them, the tourists had no difficulty______the way______to the temple.(高考题)
A. helping; to find; to lead B. helping; finding; leading C. helped; to find; leading D. to help; finding; led
【选B】解答本题可用排除法。考生熟悉的结构为“毫不费力地做某事”,即have no difficulty (in) doing sth.排除A、C。依题意“找到通向这座庙的路”,为现在分词作定语,相当于一个定语从句,故排除D。
2. So far,_____winds and currents have kept the thick patch of oil southeast of the Atlantic coast. (四级题)
A. governing B. blowing C. prevailing D. ruling
(1) 有些动词后可用现在分词构成复合宾语。如:
I'll have you speaking English in six months. 我让你在6个月内就开口讲英语。
Randy caught the boys stealing his apples. 兰迪撞见了偷他苹果的男孩子们。
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Don't leave her waiting outside in the rain. 别让她站在雨里等候。 注意:
在感官动词listen to和look at后也可跟复合宾语。如: Listen to the birds singing. 听那些鸟儿歌唱。
Just look at the rain pouring down!瞧这倾盆大雨! 现在分词和不定式构成的复合宾语,在意思上是有差别的。现在分词多表示动作正在进行,而不定式表示动作完成。试比较:
I woke and heard the wind blowing. (The wind was blowing.)我醒来听见风在刮。 I was delighted to hear you say that. (You said that.) 听你这样说我很高兴。 He felt his heart beating fast. (It was beating fast.)他感觉到心跳加速。
He felt someone touch his shoulder. (Someone touched his shoulder.)他感到有人碰了一下他的肩膀。
—I was late for the laboratory yesterday. —I know. I saw you_____.(托福题)
A. running madly B. running mad C. to run madly D. to run mad 【选A】译文:“昨天我去实验室迟到了。”“我知道。我看见你拼命地跑。” (2) 现在分词构成的复合宾语变为被动结构时,句子包含了一个复合谓语。如: Robin was seen speaking to her daughter. 有人看见罗宾在和她女儿谈话。 Only its walls were left standing. 只剩下几堵墙在那儿。 (3) 介词后可用现在分词的复合宾语。如:
This story is about a girl sailing across the Atlantic single-handed. 这故事讲的是一个女孩孤身一人横渡大西洋的情况。
With the crowds cheering, the royal party drove to the palace. 在群众的欢呼声中,皇室一行开车前往皇宫。 作状语
(1) 有些动词或词组后用现在分词作状语。如:
Julie busied herself preparing the exam. 朱莉忙着准备考试。
Kelly stood at the door talking to her neighbor. 凯莉站在门口和她邻居谈话。 They spend a lot of time watching football games. 他们用很多时间看足球赛。 在不少情况下,现在分词还可表示一个次要的动作,这时常用逗号把它和句子的主要部分分开。如:
Mary walked round the town, looking at sights. 玛丽在城里到处转,逛各处景点。
Kitty was in London for two years, working as an editor. 基蒂在伦敦待了两年,当编辑。 Reed walked out of the room, slamming the door behind. 列得走出房去,“砰”的一声把门关上了。
(2) 分词短语作时间状语的情况。
Taking a key out of his pocket, he opened the door.(=After he took a key...) 他从口袋里掏出钥匙打开了门。
Turning around, she saw an ambulance driving up.(=When she turned around...) 她转过身,
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Hearing the news, they all jumped for joy. (=When they heard the news...) 听了这消息他们都高兴得跳了起来。
在某一动作进行时,另一动作发生,这时分词短语前多加while或when。如: Be careful when crossing the road. (=When you cross...) 过马路要当心。
Thomas got engaged to her when travelling in Rome. 在罗马旅行时托马斯和她订了婚。 While trying to open the door, I cut my hand. 在设法开门时我把手割破了。 在做某事时另一事发生,这时可以用when或while,也可以省略不用。如: He cut himself shaving. (=When he was shaving...) 他刮胡子时把脸刮破了。
Reading my newspaper, I heard the door bell ring. (=When I was reading my newspaper...) 我看报时听见门铃响。 相关试题解析:
After_____for the job, you will be required to take a language test. (四级题) A. being interviewed B. interviewed C. interviewing D. having interviewed
【选A】译文:在求职面试之后,将要求你参加一次语言测试。 (3) 现在分词短语表示原因,相当于一个原因状语从句。如:
Being anxious to please him, I bought him a nice present.(=As I was anxious...)因为我想讨好他,所以给他买了一件好礼物。
Not having a car, she finds it difficult to get around.(=As she doesn't have a car...) 由于没有汽车,她感到行动很不便。
Not being able to understand Spanish, he didn't know what they wanted. (=As he wasn't able to...) 由于他不懂西班牙语,他不知道他们要什么。 相关试题解析:
He wasn't asked to take on the chairmanship of the society,______insufficiently popular with all members. (考研题)
A. being considered B. considering C. to be considered D. having considered
【选A】译文:由于认为他未被全体会员充分接受,所以没邀请他担任该协会的主席。 原因状语从句中用现在分词的完成式表示动作已发生。如:
Having been ill for a long time, he needed time to recover. 由于病了很长时间,他需要一段时间恢复。
Having invited him here to speak, we'd better go to his lecture. 既然请了他来作报告,我们最好去听一下。
Not having received an answer, she decided to write him another letter. 由于没收到他的回信,她决定再给他写一封信。 相关试题解析:
(meet)with an accident, the newspaper correspondent was not able to send a cable.
【填Having met】译文:因为遇到了事故,这名报社记者无法发出电报。 (4) 在很多情况下,原因状语从句中的现在分词或现在分词短语表示伴随情况或方式。如: I phoned again, making sure I had the right number. 我又打了一次电话,确定号码是对的。
Her husband died in 1950, leaving her with five children. 她丈夫于1950年过世,给她留下五个孩子。
William didn't argue with her, knowing it would be useless. 威廉没和她争辩,知道争也无用。
1. The professor walked onto the platform and seated himself in chair,______for answering questions. (高考题)
A. had prepared B. being prepared C. preparing D. prepared
2. ______the temperature falling so rapidly, we couldn't go on with the experiment.(四级题) A. With B. For C. As D. Since 【选A】译文:由于气温骤降,我们无法进行实验。
(5) 在少数连词后,如果从句和主句的主语一致,可以省略从句的主语或助动词be,只剩下现在分词或分词短语。如:
Jason turned round as though (he was) searching for someone. 詹森转过身来,仿佛在寻找什么人。
If (you are) travelling south, you must change at Hamburg. 如果你向南行,你必须在汉堡换车。
Unless (you are) paying by credit card, please pay in cash. 除非你用信用卡付款,否则你得付现金。
(6) 有些作状语的介词短语,可以省略介词,后面的动名词就转化为现在分词。如: I had a hard time (in) getting them to see the point. 我费了很大劲儿才让他们明白我的意思。
There's no point (in) telling her about it. 告诉她没有用。
Zoey spent six months (in) writing the paper. 佐伊花了六个月写这篇论文。 相关试题解析:
Sometimes very young children have trouble_____fact from fiction and may believe that such things actually exist. (六级题)
A. for separating B. to separate C. having separated D. separating
(7) 现在分词的独立主格结构
The audience having seated themselves, the concert began. 观众坐好后,音乐会开始了。 The coward was backing, his face being deathly pale, towards another room. 那个胆小鬼向另一个房间退去,脸色煞白。
Weather permitting, we will go on an outing to the beach tomorrow. 如果天气允许的话,我们将在明天组织一次海滨小游。
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The lecture______(begin), he left his seat so quietly that no one complained that his leaving disturbed the speaker.(考研题)
【填having begun】译文:讲座开始之后,他悄无声息地离开了自己的座位,以致没有人抱怨他的离去打扰了演讲者。
D. 过去分词
过去分词属于非谓语动词,也是动词的一种非限定形式,基本形式是“动词+-ed”,但也有许多不规则变化的过去分词。过去分词既有副词的特征也有动词的特征,可有自己的状语和逻辑主语,还可有自己的宾语。在句中可作表语、定语、宾语补足语、主语 补足语、状语等成分。 1. 过去分词的时态和语态
(1) 与have构成完成时态。如: [过去完成时]
I hadn't seen grandmother at least two weeks. 我至少两个礼拜没见过祖母了。 [将来完成时]
They will have arrived by now. 想必他们现在已经到达。 [现在完成时]
We've found a buyer for our house. 我们的房子已找到买主了。 (2) 与be构成被动语态或被动式。如: [一般时的被动语态]
Smoking is not permitted. 禁止吸烟。 [将来时的被动语态]
These people will be punished. 这些人将受到惩罚。 [现在分词的被动式]
Warren hates being interrupted. 沃伦不喜欢人打断他的话。 [情态动词的被动式]
All this could not have been foreseen. 所有这些都是无法预见的。 2. 过去分词的作用 作表语
(1) 表示主语所处的状态。如:
They were thrilled about seeing a cowfish. 他们看到海豚非常激动。 The mountain was covered with snow all the year round. 山上终年积雪。 Peter was devoted to pure science. 彼得专心致志于纯理论科学。
I became acquainted with some of them. 我和他们中间一些人熟悉起来。 (2) 过去分词和被动语态的区别
带表语结构的句子(表示状态) 带被动结构的句子(表示动作) The shop is closed now. It is usually closed at 5:30. 商店现在已经关门了。 它通常五点半关门。
The teapot is broken. It was broken by my brother. 茶壶破了。 它是我弟弟打破的。 He is injured in the leg. He had been injured during the war. 他腿部有伤。 他是在战争中受的伤。
(3) 有些以-ed结尾的词并不是动词的过去分词,而是形容词。如: I'm ashamed of what I did. 我对我所做的事感到羞愧。
The old pastor was beloved by (of) everyone. 那位老牧师受到人们的爱戴。 The plan was doomed to fail. 这计划注定要失败。 作定语
(1) 表示情绪的过去分词作定语。如:
The excited children are opening their Christmas presents. 激动的孩子们正在打开圣诞礼物。
Martha had confused feelings about him. 玛莎对他有一些复杂的感情。 Randall wore a distressed expression. 兰德尔脸上带着一种哀伤的表情。 His troubled look frightened her. 他苦恼的表情使她惊恐。 Interested members will meet at two. 有兴趣的会员两点见面。 (2) 其他类型的过去分词作定语。如: boiled eggs 煮熟的鸡蛋 steamed rice 蒸熟的米饭 smoked fish 熏鱼 a broken heart 破碎的心 cooked food 熟食 a revised edition 修订本 a trained nurse 受过训练的护士 required courses 必修课 closed doors 关着的门 animated cartoons 动画片 (3) 由过去分词构成的合成形容词作定语。如:
well-equipped army 装备精良的军队 a clear-cut answer 明确的答复 a simply-furnished room 陈设简单的房间hand-made goods 手工制品 a badly-lighted room 光线不好的房间 half-finished products 半成品
highly-developed industry 高度发展的工业 a well-dressed woman 一个穿着讲究的女子 注意:
有些由-ed结尾的形容词,是由名词转变而来的,并不是动词的过去分词。如: a gifted boy 有天分的男孩 a principled stand 原则立场 salaried class 工薪阶层 a skilled worker 熟练工人 concerted efforts 共同的努力 a ragged old man 衣衫褴褛的老人
有些合成形容词由“形容词+(名词+-ed)”构成,它们也不是动词的过去分词。如: absent-minded 心不在焉的 cold-blooded 冷血的 good-tempered 脾气很好的 kind-hearted 心地善良的 open-minded 心胸开阔的 short-sighted 近视的 相关试题解析:
—When are you going to move to the countryside? —Tomorrow is our______.(托福题) A. long-waiting day B. long-awaited day
C. long-awaiting day D. day we waited for long 【选B】译文:——你打算何时搬到乡下去?
(4) 有些过去分词短语位于所修饰的名词之后,相当于一个定语从句。如:
The system used (=which is used) in this school is very successful. 这学校使用的系统很成功。
Some of the people invited(=who have been invited) to the party can't come. 有些被邀请参加晚会的人不能来。
The police never found the money stole (=which was stolen) in the robbery. 在劫案中被抢去的钱警察始终未找到。 相关试题解析:
Taiwan-born filmmaker An Lee won the best director Oscar at the 78th Academy Awards,______the highest honor in American movie fields.(高考题)
A. to consider B. considering C. consider D. considered
【选D】过去分词作后置定语表被动,修饰Awards,相当于一个省略的被动语态的定语从句,即:which was considered the highest...
(5) 作定语的过去分词通常指已完成的动作,若要表示现在正进行的动作要用过去分词的进行式。如:
We must keep a secret of the things being discussed here. 我们必须对这里讨论的问题保密。
What do you think of the summit meeting being held in Geneva? 你对正在日内瓦举行的高峰会议有什么看法?
He knew nothing of the investigation being conducted. 他对正在进行的调查毫无所知。 注意:
They were very interested in the carnival to be held next month. 他们对下个月举行的狂欢节感兴趣。
Manda made a list of things to be taken on the way. 曼达列了一份路上要带东西的清单。 Randy prepared some poems to be recited at the English evening. 兰迪准备了几首在英语晚会上朗诵的诗。
(1) 过去分词在有些动词后与一个名词或代词构成复合宾语。如:
We'll keep you informed of how things are going with us. 我们将让你了解这儿的情况。 They acknowledged themselves defeated. 他们承认自己被打败了。 Everyone considered it greatly improved. 大家都认为它有大改进。
(2) 上面这类含复合宾语的句子也可以变为被动结构,这时句子里包含了一个复合谓语。如:
Sam was found injured on the playground. 萨姆被发现在操场上受了伤。 One of the glasses was found broken. 发现有个杯子破了。 (3) 介词with后可以有过去分词的复合结构。如: Lena sat with her head bent. 莉娜低着头坐在那里。
Every day he worked with the door locked. 每天他锁着门工作。
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1988 ended with nothing settled. 1988 年结束了,什么也没解决。 相关试题解析:
Just as the value of a telephone network increases with each new phone______to the system, so does the value of a computer system increase with each program that turns out.(考研题) A. adding B. to have added C. to add D. added
【选D】译文:正如同电话网络的价值随着每一部电话进入系统而提高一样,电脑系统的价值也随着每一个软件程序的出现而提高。 作状语
(1) 过去分词短语作状语,修饰谓语,说明动作发生的背景或情况。如:
Viewed from a distance, the hill looked like a cloud.(=When they were viewed...) 从远处看,这座山就像一朵云彩。
Born into a peasant family, Alva had only two years of schooling.(=As he was born...) 出生于农民,阿尔瓦只上过两年学。
Compared to many women, Carrie was very fortunate.(=When she was com-pared...) 和许多女人相比,凯莉是幸运的。 相关试题解析:
Contrast may make something appear more beautiful than it is when______alone. (四级题) A. seen B. is seen C. to be seen D. having been seen
【选A】译文:对比可能使有的东西看起来比单独看时更好看。 (2) 有些过去分词可以单独作状语。如:
United we stand, divided we fall. 团结则存,分裂则亡。
Everyone went back to the classroom exhausted. 大家筋疲力尽地回到教室。 Fight no battle unprepared. 不打无准备之战。
(3) 过去分词与连词连用,相当于状语从句的紧缩形式。如:
Unless (it is) changed, this law will make life convenience for farmers. 除非有变化,否则这条法律将给农民的生活带来便利。
Although (it was) built before the war, the tank is still in perfect order. 尽管是在战前制造的,这台坦克仍然处于良好状态。
If (you are) accepted for this post, you will be informed by June 1st. 如果接受你担任这个职务,将于六月一日前通知你。
(4) 过去分词引起的短语在个别情况下用来说明说话人的态度或表示一个假设的情况,相当于一个条件从句。如:
Granted his honesty, he may be mistaken. 即使他很诚实,他也可能有弄错的时候。
They may swim provided an adult accompanies them. 如果有大人陪着,他们可以游泳。 Given good health, I hope to finish the work this month. 如果身体状况良好,我希望这个月能完成这项工作。
(5) 过去分词或过去分词短语作状语时,它的逻辑主语通常和句子的主语一致。但有时它的逻辑主语和主句主语不一致时,就应在过去分词前加上逻辑主语,这种结构称为过去分词的独立主格结构。在多数情况下,它表示一种伴随动作或状态。如:
The boy rushed into the classroom, his face covered with dust. 那个男孩跑进教室,满脸是土。
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All things considered, your thesis is of greater value than his. 从各方面考虑,你的论题都比他的论题更有价值。 相关试题解析:
______for the breakdown of the school computer network, Alice was in low spirits.(高考题) A. Blaming B. Blamed C. To blame D. To be blamed
E. 现在分词与不定式的比较
在复合宾语中,宾语补足语既可用不定式,也可用现在分词。二者的区别如下: (1) 不定式表动作的全过程,现在分词只表动作过程的一部分。试比较: I saw him go upstairs. 我看见他上楼去了。 I saw him going upstairs. 我看见他在上楼。
(2) 不定式表一次性动作,现在分词表重复性动作。如: [一次性动作]
She felt the tears roll down her cheeks. 她感到眼泪流了下来。 [重复性动作]
She felt the tears rolling down her cheeks. 她感到眼泪不断地流下来。 (3) 不定式表一事实,现在分词具有描写色彩。如: We saw the sun rise. 我们看见太阳升起来了。
We saw the sun rising behind the trees. 我们看见太阳正从树后冉冉升起。 (4) 因谓语动词的含义不同而确定用不定式还是现在分词。如: [必须用不定式]
You should send your shoes to be repaired. 你应将鞋子送来以便修补。 [必须用现在分词]
The explosion sent glass flying everywhere. 玻璃被炸得飞向四处。 注意:
① 谓语动词have表“想要某人做某事”时,其后须用不定式。如: What would you have me do? 你想要我做什么呢?
② 谓语动词have表“使„„”时,其后多用不定式。如:
Have Smith come and see me. 叫史密斯来见我。(have在此有“吩咐”的意思)
③ 谓语动词have表“允许”时,后接不定式和现在分词皆可,二者意义无甚区别。表“允许”的have常用于否定结构。如:
I won't have you say such things. I won't have you saying such things. 我不许你这样讲话。
F. 现在分词与动名词的比较
(1) 现在分词不重读,动名词则须重读。如: a sleeping ‘child 熟睡的孩子(现在分词不重读) a ‘sleeping car 卧车(动名词须重读)
(2) 现在分词表示其所修饰名词的动作,即现在分词与其所修饰的名词在逻辑上具有主谓
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a sleeping child 熟睡的孩子(现在分词sleeping表示其所修饰的名词child的动作,在逻辑上,child是主语,sleeping是谓语。)
a ‘sleeping car 卧车(动名词sleeping表示其所修饰的名词car的性质或用途,二者在逻辑上没有主谓关系。) (3) 现在分词作定语时,其前可有副词、形容词或名词,这些词皆与现在分词有密切关系。动名词作定语时,其前可以有形容词,但此形容词修饰“动名词+名词”结构。如:
a hard-working student 一个用功的学生(现在分词working之前有副词hard,是working的状语)
a man-eating animal 一种吃人的动物(现在分词eating之前有名词man,是eating的宾语) a big waiting room 一大间候车室(形容词big不修饰动名词waiting,而是修饰waiting room)
G. 现在分词与过去分词的比较
(1) 语态上不同: 现在分词表示主动的意思,多用以描述事物对人的情感所具有的影响力或作用。而过去分词多由及物动词转化而来,表示被动的意思,多用以描述人物的情感,表达外界事物对人所产生的影响。如: a moving film 一部感动人的影片 a moved audience 受感动的观众 surprising 使人感到惊讶的 surprised 自己感到惊讶的
an exciting story 一个令人兴奋的故事 excites spectators 激动的观众
The explantion was confusing. 解释杂乱无章。 I got confused. 我给搞糊涂了。
It was a tiring job. 这是一件累人的活。
I was extremly tired when I finished the job.干完这活我累极了。 相关试题解析:
The disc, digitally______in the studio, sounded fantastic at the party that night.(高考题) A. recorded B. recording C. to be recorded D. having recorded
也有一些过去分词是由不及物动词转化而来,它们只表示一个动作已经完成,没有被动意味。 如:
fallen leaves 落叶 faded flowers 凋谢的花 the newly arrived goods 新到的商品 the exploded bomb 已爆炸了的炸弹 the risen sun 升起的太阳 departed friends 离去的朋友 an escapde prisoner 逃犯 a dated map 过时的地图
a retired teacher 退休教师 returned students 归国留学生
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(2) 时间关系上不同:现在分词所表示的动作正在进行,而过去分词所表示的动作已经完成。 如:
the rising sun 正冉冉升起的太阳 the risen sun 升起的太阳 boiling water 正在开的水 boiled water 开水 developing counties 发展中国家 developed counties 发达国家
the changing world 正在变化着的世界 the changed world 已经起了变化的世界
学以致用 【基础练习】
1. 用动词的适当形式填空。
(1)There are many people_____(plant) trees near the river. In the afternoon there are more than 200 trees_____(plant).
(2)I prefer to read English rather than_____(write). (3)She is lucky_____(find) her son there.
(4)Her job is_____(teach) children. Look! She_____(teach) there. (5)Miss Gao had the lights_____(burn) all night long.
2. 选择最佳答案填空。
(1)Be careful when_____the street.
A. cross B. to cross C. crossed D. crossing (2)The news you told me_____.
A. is exciting B. are exciting C. is excited D. are excited (3)She may go if she wishes_____. A. does B. do C. to do D. to (4)The tiger can do nothing but_____.
A. sleeping B. slept C. being asleep D. sleep (5)It was foolish_____her to make that mistake. A. of B. for C. to D. at
3.下面每个句子中均有一处错误,找出并改正。 (1)He insisted on to do it in his own way. (2)Why not looking at the blackboard? (3)We hope you to win this game. (4)He was allowed go in.
(5)Please help me to find a seat to sit.
4. 选用下列动词的适当形式填空,完成短文。 work; clean; name; sweep; carry
Yesterday it was our turn1______the classroom. When I started2______the floor, Tom had cleaned the windows. There were some flowers on the teacher's desk. Kate was watering them with the water3______by Joan and John. A
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girl4______Mary wanted to listen to songs with the computer but it didn't work. Mary said the problem might come from the water. John went over to help. He was a computer fan. He soon got the computer5______. We were happy to listen to songs while working.
1. 选择最佳答案填空。
(1) ______this cake, you'll need 2eggs, 175g sugar and 175g flour.
A. Having made B. Make C. To make D. Making
(2) When asked why he went there, he said he was sent there______for a space flight. A. training B. being trained C. to have trained D. to be trained
(3) The crowd cheered wildly at the sight of Liu Xiang, who was reported______the world record in the 110-metre hurdle race.
A. breaking B. having broken C. to have broken D. to break
(4) It was unbelievable that the fans waited outside the gym for three hours just______a look at the sports stars.
A. had B. having C. to have D. have
(5) China has promised to revise its existing regulations and______new policies according to WTO requirements.
A. forming B. to form C. to be forming D. have formed
(6) AIDS is said______the biggest health challenge to both men and women in that area over the past few years.
A. that it is B. to be C. that it has been D. to have been (7) Isn't it time you got down to______the papers? A. mark B. be marked C. that is has been D. marking
(8) If you think that treating a woman well means always______her permission for things, think again.
A. gets B. got C. to get D. getting (9) —Robert is indeed a wise man.
—Oh, yes. How often I have regretted______his advice! A. to take B. taking C. not to take D. not taking
(10) When asked by the police, he said that he remembered______at the party, but not______. A. to arrive; leaving B. to arrive; to leave C. arriving; leaving D. arriving; to leave
(11) Peter received a letter just now______his grandma would come to see him soon. A. said B. says C. saying D. to say
(12) When______different cultures, we often pay attention only to the differences without noticing the many similarities. A. compared B. being compared C. comparing D. having compared
(13) Mr Green stood up in defence of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one______.
A. blamed B. blaming C. to blame D. to be blamed
(14) A good story does not necessarily have to have a happy ending, but the reader must not be left______.
A. unsatisfied B. unsatisfying C. to be unsatisfying D. being unsatisfied
(15) Jenny hopes that Mr Smith will suggest a good way to have her______written English in a short period.
A. improved B. improving C. to improve D. improve (16) ______that she didn't do a good job, I don't think I am abler than her. A. To have said B. Having said C. To say D. Saying
(17) The children went home from the grammar school, their lessons______for the day. A. finishing B. finished C. had finished D. were finished
(18) He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them______in his lectures.
A. interested B. interesting C. interest D. to interest (19) You can't imagine what difficulty we had______home in the snowstorm. A. walked B. walk C. to walk D. walking
( 20) We often provide our children with toys, footballs or basketballs,______that all children like these things.
A. thinking B. think C. to think D. thought 2. 阅读短文,根据短文语境,在空白处填入动词的适当形式。
Recently in the US, more students prefer (1)______(leave) the campus and study in a foreign country for half or one year.
Some people may be (2)______(frighten): communicating in a foreign language, leaving friends and adjusting to a new environment are very difficult for students (3)______(study) abroad. However, the experience students have abroad is often impossible to gain at their home universities.
“Globally, there is so much (4)______(do). I'm hoping (5)______(go) somewhere and experience something I wouldn't get at home,” a student who intended (6)______(study) abroad said.
It was said that the increase had something to do with the universities' promises that they encourage students (7)______(study) overseas. The universities have been really good about saying that students need (8)______(go) abroad.
Some people believed that the (9)______(increase) interest was simply the result of individual (个性的) growth within students. “I think that students are continuing (10)______(recognize) the value of an international experience,” one said. “I'm very proud of this generation. Students that return from foreign countries bring back a sense of global awareness that other students want (11)______(experience).”
For many American students, some of the most important lessons abroad are those (12)______(experience) outside the classroom. Students can have deep opinions. Even very small cultural difference can surprise the students.
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1. (1)planting; to be planted (2)write (3)to find (4)teaching / to teach; is teaching (5)burning
2. (1)D (2)A (3)D (4)D (5)A
3. (1)to do—doing (2)looking—look (3)to win—can win (4)go—to go (5)sit—sit on
4. (1)to clean (2)to sweep / sweeping (3)carried (4)named (5)working 【能力提升】
1. (1)C (2)D (3)C (4)C (5)B (6)D (7)D (8)D (9)D (10)C (11)C (12)C (13)C (14)A (15)A (16)B (17)B (18)A (19)D (20)A
2. (1)to leave (2)frightened (3)to study (4)to do (5)to go (6)to study (7)to study (8)to go (9)increased / increasing (10)to recognize (11)to experience (12)experienced
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