


1 Anesthetic 麻醉剂

alternative and complementary therapies 替代与补充治疗


Asthma 哮喘

Acute cholecystitis急性胆囊炎

antibacterial spectrum 抗菌谱

acute abdomen 急腹症

aspiration 误吸

anastomoticdehiscenc 吻 合

口 破裂

anuric renal failure 无尿性肾衰 竭

adverse outcomes 不良后果 arthritis 关节炎

autologous cells 自体细胞

angiography 血管造影术

advanced cancer 晚期癌症

abdominal tenderness


appendectomy 阑尾切除术 ascites 腹水 abscess 脓肿

Bowel obstruction 肠梗阻 biopsy 活检

bioartificial liver devices 生物 人工肝装置

blood cultures 血培养 Contrast material 显影剂

colonic polyps 结肠息肉

cholecystectomy 胆囊切除术

Chronic bronchitis 慢性气管炎

chronic pancreatitis 慢炎

cardiac arrhythmia 心律失常

coronary artery disease. 冠心病

comorbidities 并存症 celiotomy 剖腹术 capsule enteroscopy 胶囊小肠 镜

cognitive impairment 认知障碍

chemotherapy 化疗 diabetic nephropathy 糖尿病肾 病 diagnosis of sudden cardic death(SCD) 心源性猝死的诊断

Diagnostic laparoscopy

诊 断

性腹腔镜技术 dyspnea 呼吸困难

disease free survival 无病生存 Etiology 病因学 Epidemic influenza 流冒 end-stage chronic disease 晚期 慢性疾病

endoscopic ultrasonography 内 镜超声检查

Emphysema 肺气肿

elective surgery 择期手术

elective gastrointestinal surgery 择期胃肠手术 Fine needle aspiration

(FNA) 细针穿刺 fatal complication 致命性并发 症

Geriatric Patients 老年病人

Gallstones 胆结石

gastrointestinal perforation 胃 肠道穿孔

gastrointestinal bleeding 胃 肠 道出血 guarding 肌卫

growth factors 生长因子

health promotion 健康促进 healthy lifestyles 健康


heart failure 心力衰竭

Hypoxia 低氧血症 hypopnea 呼吸减弱

Hypokalemia 低钾血症

hyperglycemia 高血糖

hypertrophic cardiomyopathy 肥厚心肌病

inflammatory bowel disease 炎 症性肠疾病

Imaging tests


immunosuppression 免疫抑制 immune dysfunction 免疫功能 障碍

immunizations 免疫接种

intestinal ischemia 肠缺血

intestinal anastomose 肠吻合术

intra-abdominal abscess 腹腔脓 肿

idiopathic dilated cardio- myopathy 特发

muscle relaxant 肌松药物

laparotomy 剖腹术



lung compliance 肺顺应性

life expectancy 预期寿命

Malpractice 医疗过失 Mortality 死亡率 medicare 医疗保险

myocarditis 心肌炎

myocardial infarction 心肌梗塞 ( silent )

myocardial infarction (静默型)心肌梗死

microalbuminuria 微量蛋白尿

major operation 大手术

malnutrition 营养不良 NPO 禁食

nosocomial infection 院内感染

natural history 自然病程 nephrotic syndrome

肾病综合 症

nasogastric suction 鼻胃管引流

nasogastric 鼻胃的 nutrition 营养


status 营 养 状 况



ovarian cysts 卵巢囊肿 Placebo 安慰剂

physical activity 体力活动

physical therapy 理疗

preoperative consultation 术前 会诊

premenopausal women 绝经前 妇女

premenopausal 绝经前的

pleural space 胸膜腔

Pulmonary embolism 肺栓塞


capillary wedge pressure 肺 毛 细 血 管 锲 压 Pneumonia 肺炎

proteinuria 蛋白尿

Prophylactic antibiotic therapy

预防性抗生素治疗 proximal bowel obstruction


peritonitis 腹膜炎

preterm labor 未足月产 peptic ulcer ( disease )消化性


primary tumor 原发肿瘤

pancreatic tumors 胰腺肿瘤

preoperative staging 术前分期

Palliative care 姑息性治疗

rebound tenderness 反跳痛

referred pain 牵涉痛

rectal examination 直肠指检 stem cells 干细胞

spectrum of diseases 疾病谱

supportive care 支持治疗

systolic/diastolic blood pressure 收缩压 / 舒张压

subclinical disease 亚临床疾病 surgical

complications 外科手 术并发症 side effect 副作用 symptoms and signs 症状和体 征 sroke 中风

transfusion therapy. 输血治疗 tachypnea 呼吸急促 total parenteral nutrition 全胃 肠外营养 TPN

tenderness,guarding,and rebound tenderness 压痛, 腹肌


upper and lower gastrointestinal ( sustained monomorphic )

ventricular tachycardia (持续性

单一型)室性心动过速 tracts


tissue engineering 组织工程学

weight loss 体重下降

wound infections 切口感染
