
Voltage tolerance ESD protection circuit

Voltage tolerance ESD protection circuit

申请(专利)号: US20000543873

专利号: US6556398B1 主分类号: H02H90/00 申请权利人: WINBOND


申请日: 2000-04-06 公开公告日: 2003-04-29

分类号: H02H90/00 发明设计人: WEI-FAN CHEN

申请国代码: US

优先权: 19991005 TW

088117119 A

摘 要 附 图:

摘 要:

The present invention provides an ESD protection circuit for preventing an internal circuit from being damaged by ESD,

wherein the internal circuit is connected to a pad. The ESD protection circuit comprises a first transistor, a second transistor and a voltage divider. The first transistor has a drain connected to the pad. The second transistor has a source and a gate both connected to an input node for a supply voltage, and has a drain connected to a source of the first transistor. The voltage divider is

connected between the pad and the input node for the supply voltage, and also connected to a gate of the first transistor for providing a bias voltage thereto when ESD occurs. 主权项:

1. An ESD protection circuit for preventing an internal circuit from being damaged by ESD, wherein t

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