

2024-05-15 来源:个人技术集锦

齐河县论文:齐河县 生态旅游 资源开发 营销



【英文摘要】Based on the ecological environment, ecotourism aims to have the sustainable development of ecology and makes people know the nature’s tourism through education. With its features meeting the need of tourism, ecotourism becomes the hot spot of the whole world’s tourism. It contains the mode of local involvement in tourism and aims to make the development of local tourism meet the local need, to formulate the local tourism and management specifications so as to get the financial source to promote the local resources and environment.The paper is based on the economy, humanity, location and the status quo of the development of tourism at Qihe county, combines the specific results of analysis, explores the importance and advantage of developing ecotourism

at Qihe county so as to formulate the specific developing strategy of ecotourism at Qihe county, increase creative effect of ecotourism, make the development of ecotourism get rid of the low-level price competition and market imitation. Therefore, it will benefit the sustainable, stable and healthy development of ecotourism. The paper will determine the direction and aim of the development of ecotourism at Qihe county and formulate the marketing strategy.The influence of government is essential in tourism that is very sensitive to the policy. In the environment of market economy, tourism tends to become marketization. However, local emerging tourism inevitably needs the government’s operation. According to the related articles published, the study of ecotourism mainly focuses on the formulation of theory on ecotourism, with few community’s involvement. And at the beginning of the development of emerging tourism, there are few study of the strategy of industrial development with county government’s involvement. The paper analyzes county government’s management of tourism with management theory and considering Qihe’s present policy, location and resources chooses proper method of involvement. In this way, in the process of development it will make the county government formulate proper system and

effective mechanism and give strong technical support so that it can guarantee the healthy development of tourism. And departments that make policies of tourism can get reference and more government departments can find the direction and mode of the development of emerging ecotourism.In conclusion, the paper is based on the related theories of local economics, tourism and management, combines the present research, analyzes the strategy of the development of ecotourism and enriches the related theory of ecotourism to a certain extent. With the aim to provide theoretical support for the development of ecotourism with government’s involvement, the paper studies two aspects——county government’s involvement in ecotourism and the developing strategy planning with the involvement, formulates the strategic mode of county government’s involvement in ecotourism, coordinates the development of society, economy, ecology and culture, explores the developing direction, mode and plan of ecotourism with government’s involvement.

【关键词】齐河县 生态旅游 资源开发 营销

【采买全文】 139938848 138113721

















【英文关键词】Qihe couonty ecotourism resource exploration marketing



第1章 绪论13-17

1.1 研究背景及


1.1.1 研究背景13-141.1.2 理论意义

1.1.3 实践意义14-151.2.1 研究方法15

1.2 研究方法及思路1.2.2 研究思路及技术路线

2.1 生态旅


第2章 生态旅游产业相关理论综述17-23

2.2 文献综述19-23


2.2.1 国外研究现状

2.2.2 国内研究现状21-23

3.1 齐河县概况23-25

第3章 齐河县生态旅游资3.1.1 历史文化背景

3.2 齐河生态


3.1.2 区位、地质地貌及气候条件24-25

3.2.1 旅游资源概况25


3.2.2 旅游资源第4章 齐河县生

3.2.3 旅游资源特点分析26-28


4.1 齐河县生态旅游发展现状分

4.1.2 发展历程分析

4.2 齐河

4.1.1 外围环境发展分析28-31

4.1.3 齐河县生态旅游发展SWOT分析33-36

4.2.1 近年发展态势


4.2.2 发展方向及目标37-384.3 基本结论39-41

4.2.3 发展前景分析

第5章 齐河县生态旅游产业发展


5.1 齐河县生态旅游开发总体构想

5.1.2 开发的

5.1.1 齐河县生态旅游的开发原则41-42


5.2 齐河县生态旅游开发战略制定

5.2.2 齐河

5.2.1 齐河县生态旅游开发战略选择43-44


第6章 齐河县生态旅游产业发展营销

6.1 齐河县生态旅游营销战略分析

6.1.2 目标定位分析

6.1.1 营销环境分析47-51

6.1.3 客源市场细分51-536.2.1 产品策略53-54

6.2 旅游市场营销战略制定6.2.2 价格策略54-57




6.2.4 促销策略58-60第7章 研究结论与展

7.3 局限与不足

7.1 基本结论60-61参考文献62-64

7.2 展望61


