
Provisioning and commissioning a communications ne


专利名称:Provisioning and commissioning a

communications network with a virtualnetwork operations center and interface

发明人:Casimer M DeCusatis,Michael J Osias申请号:US12539908申请日:20090812公开号:US08396952B2公开日:20130312


摘要:An interface coupled to a virtual network operations center and coupled to adata communications network having at least one optical channel. Equipment on the data

communications network is identified by the interface wherein the interface coordinatesand correlates communications between the I/O interfaces of a server coupled to thenetwork so that data rates and data protocols are managed properly. The interfacereceives commands from and transmits commands to the data communications networkand translates the commands to be further transmitted and used in the virtual networkoperations center coupled to the server. The data communications network is

represented in a three dimensions virtual world in the virtual network operations centerso that events on the network can be represented in real-time in the virtual networkoperations center.

申请人:Casimer M DeCusatis,Michael J Osias

地址:Poughkeepsie NY US,Somers NY US


代理机构:Ojanen Law Offices

代理人:Karuna Ojanen

