(致:中国工商银行北京分行) (注释:合同是填写该申请书的主要依据)
Please establish by □ SWIFT □ brief cable □ airmail an Irrevocable Credit as follows: (请开具: swift 简电信用证 信开信用证) (注释:一般选择全电汇的方式,也就是swift方式) Advising Bank: (填写通知行) (填写SWIFT号码)(注释:此两项需要卖方提供) (50)Applicant: (Full name & detailed address) (申请人:全名和详细地址) (20) Irrevocable Documentary Credit No.(不可撤销信用证号码) (31D) Expiry Date and place (信用证有效时间和地点) (注释:有效时间是在44C基础上加21天,地点就是44A或者44E) (59)Beneficiary: (Full name & detailed address) (受益人:全名和详细地址) (32B)Currency code, Amount (In words and figures)(货币代码 金额(大写 小写)) SAY IN USD (用美元表示,例如:US DOLLARS EIGHTY THREE THOUSAND FIFTY-EIGHT POINT FIVE ONLY USD83,058.50) (39A)Quantity and Credit amount tolerance__%(数量和信用额度允许有 %的增减)(注释:根据合同内容,如合同并未提及,则填写0%) (2007年修订版)第600号出版物 依照国际商会《跟单信用证统一惯例》(41A)Credit Available With □ any bank Issuing Bank □ other (pl. Indicate)(此信用证由:任何银行 开证行 其他(请标注)) By □ Negotiation □ Acceptance □ Sight Payment □ Deferred payment at _______(议付 承兑 即时付款 延期付款) (42C) Draft at _sight_ for _100% of invoice value (按照发票金额的100%即时支付汇票) (42A) Draw on ______ ANY BANK_____________(从 任何银行 提取) X not allowed X allowed □ not allowed (43P) Partial shipment □allowed □(43T) Transshipment □(分批装运 允许 不允许) (44A) Loading on board from(装运从) (注释:44A和44B用于空运填) (44E) Port of Loading (装运港) (注释:44E和44F用于海运填) (44C) Time of Shipment: NOT LATER THAN (装运最迟日期) (45A) Description of goods or services (转运 允许 不允许) (44B) for transportation to (运至) (44F) Port of Discharge (卸货港) (商品或服务描述) (46A) Documents required: (marked with X) 票据要求 (请用X做记号) (注释:下面的条款最好按照开证行(工商银行)给予的既定格式填写,可以稍微做些改动,如需补充,可以在后面添加其他条款) ( X)Signed Commercial Invoice in _3 originals and 2 copies_indicating L/C No.Contract No. JC2010LWMT-100 (经签字的商业发票,3份原件,2份复印件,标明信用证号码和合同号码JC2010LWMT-100) ( X ) Full set of clean on board ocean Bill of Lading plus 2 non-negotiable copy(ies) made out to order and blank endorsed, marked freight prepaid □to collect, □ showing freight amount. (全套清洁已装船海运提单 附上2份不可谈判的/禁止转让的复印件 做成空白抬头、空白背书 标注运费 已付 待付 表明运费金额 ) ( )Air Waybills showing “freight □ to collect □ prepaid” indicating freight amount and consigned to □ Applicant □ Issuing Bank (空运单据标明 运费 待付 已付 标注运费金额 并委托/交付给申请人 开证行) ( )Forwarding agent’s Cargo Receipt (之前代理商的货物收据) ( X ) Full set of Insurance Policy/Certificate □plus 1 copy(ies) for 110 % of CIF or CIP value of the shipped goods, endorsed in blank, showing claims, if any, payable in China in currency of the Credit, covering □Institute Cargo Clauses (A), □ Institute War Clauses (Cargo), □ Institute Strikes Clauses (Cargo); □ Institute Cargo Clauses (Air), □ Institute War Clauses.(Air Cargo) □ Institute Strikes Clauses.(Air Cargo); □Ocean Marine Transportation All Risks, War Risks ; (全套保险单/保险凭证 附上1份复印件 按照装船货物的CIF或者CIP金额的110%投保 空白背书 ,如果需要,标注赔付地在中国,以信用币种支付,覆盖:协会货物保险条款…………)(备注:通常不需要FULL set of这样的全套保险) 备注:这是保单的投保要求,第一个是必选的,意思是出具保单正副本各一份,按照所装运的货物的CIF或者CIP的价值的110%投保,保单需做空白背书,并显示:可以在中国,以信用证的币种理赔。 第二个也是必选的,意思是:投保货物险全险, 第三个不一定选,意思是:投保战争险,后面的都可以不选,意思是:投保罢工险,空运险,空运战争险,空运罢工险,海运全险,战争险。 ( )Packing List / Weight Memo in_3 originals and 2 copies issue by Beneficiary indicating quantity/gross and net weights of each package and packing conditions.(装运单/重量单据 3份原件,2份复印件,由受益人开具,上面标明每一个包装的数量、毛重、净重以及包装环境) ( )Certificate of Quantity / Weight in _1 original issued by Manufacturer.(由制造厂家开具的一份数量和重量凭证原件) ( )Certificate of Quality in_1 originals issued by Manufacturer.(由制造厂家开具的一份质量凭证原件) ( ) Certificate of Origin in __1__ original(s) issued by __ the Manufacturer __. (由制造厂家开具的产地凭证原件一份) ( ) Beneficiary’s certificate attesting that the extra copies of documents have been dispatched to Applicant by courier service □ within __2__ days after shipment according to the contract terms, □ and the relevant courier receipt is required for presentation with other documents. (受益人的凭证证明:额外的票据复印件已经根据合同条款,在装船后2天时间之内,通过快递服务投递给申请人,相应的快递收据需要同其他票据一并提交) (47A) Additional conditions: (Marked with X)(附加条款 请用X标注) ( ) Documents issued earlier than L/C issuing date are not acceptable.(早于信用证开具日期的票据是不允许的/不可接受的) ( ) All documents to be forwarded in one cover, unless otherwise stated.(所有单据放在一个袋子里发出来,除非有其他陈述) ( ) The remaining __________% of invoice value (余下的…………发票金额的 %) . ( ) Third party as shipper □ is □ is not acceptable.(第三方作为托运人是不能接受的) ( ) The L/C is transferrable.(信用证是可以转让的,L/C就是信用证英文的简写) X beneficiary □ other (71B) All banking charges and interest if any outside opening bank are for account of □(pl. Indicate) (开证行以外的所有银行费用和利息由 受益人 其他(请注明))承担 (注释:通常都是由受益人承担) (48)Documents to be presented within__21__days after the date of issuance of the transport document(s) but within the validity of the credit (运输票据开具日期之后的21天之内提交的票据,……但是必须要在信用证的有效期之内) 以上位置如果不够用请用附页说明并加盖骑缝章
开证申请人(公章或授权印鉴) : 法定代表人或被授权人: 联系人: 电话: