


ALL IS eerily quiet on the corporate front. Even though the global economy continues to grow strongly, and the economic recovery is nearly a year old even in America, corporate investment, and mergers and acquisitions, remain at low levels even though firms are sitting on record piles of cash.

This, in turn, is causing growing concern about whether the recovery can continue, or at least continue with much strength. As The Economist noted earlier this month, “If cautious firms pile up more savings, the prospects for recovery are poor.”

Why are firms so cautious? One likely factor is that they regard the outlook for the economy as highly uncertain, particularly in America and Europe. The recent combination of volatility and a declining trend in developed-world stockmarkets has reinforced concerns that already abounded in companies’ executive suites, that the recovery so far has relied too much on government spending. That, given all the recent political talk about the need for public austerity to fend off bond-market vigilantes, may not continue. Meanwhile, private-sector demand remains anaemic.

A second factor is that firms have much less need to invest now because their capacity utilisation remains at historically low levels, points out Carsten Stendevad of Citigroup’s Financial Strategy Group. Currently, for example, industrial-capacity utilisation in America is 73%. That is up from the recessionary low of 69%, but well below the 80%-plus level it was at in the years before the economic meltdown in September 2008, and during much of the 1990s. Since plants still have so much spare capacity, managers see little

justification for capital spending. Citigroup forecasts that in developed countries, industry’s capital spending will fall by 3% this year after a 10% fall last year. In emerging markets, capex is expected to grow by 8% this year—not a bad rate, but far short of last year’s roaring 21% growth. Where are the deals?

The lack of mergers and acquisitions—the much predicted new merger wave having failed to materialise—also owes something to the continuing uncertain economic outlook. Perhaps more important, though, is the fact that potential acquisition targets tend to find selling especially hard to stomach when their share price is some way below recent highs, as is generally the case today.

In one respect, corporate fears seem to have eased a bit, however. After the financial markets collapsed in 2008, especially the commercial-paper market on which many large firms relied for meeting their short-term financial needs, cash became king. Although cash reserves are now at record levels, the hoarding seems to be peaking. The clearest evidence of this is the return of the share buyback, a popular method of returning cash to investors. In the first half of this year, share repurchases have surged close to pre-crisis levels, says Mr Stendevad, a sign that firms feel they no longer need to cling to every last penny for fear of another systemic financial collapse.

Pressure from investors to hand back even more of those cash piles is likely to grow, especially if economic growth falters, says Mr Stendevad. Firms have been able to boost profits in the past year mainly by cost-cutting, something that is unlikely to be as easy in future. It will be no surprise if instead firms use share repurchases to drive up their earnings per share, returning to the pre-crisis trend in which buybacks accounted for one-third of total earnings per share growth for firms in the S&P 500 during 2003-08. Receiving more money this way will no doubt please investors. Alas, its benefits for the economy are likely to be much smaller, at least in the short-term, than if firms spent the money instead on profitable new business opportunities that can quickly generate new jobs. For now, the only place companies seem likely to do much of that sort of investing is in the developing world, which while better than nothing, is unlikely to cheer up the venerable economies of America and Europe.




第二个因素就是企业现在投资的必要性要小得多了,因为它们的产能利用还处于历史低谷。花旗银行金融策略集团的Carsten Stendevad 如是说。比如说,目前,美国的工业产能利用率为73%。高过了经济衰退时期的69%,但是与2008年九月经济走低前几年以及九十年大部分时间的80%以上的水平相比,还是相形见绌。由于工厂依旧有大量的闲置生产力,负责人们没有找到资本开支的足够理由。花旗集团预测,在发达国家,工业资本支出今年会下降3%,去年已经下降了10%。在发展中国家市场,资本支出今年可能增长8%,这个增长率不错,但是与去年的21%的增长率相比,还是相差甚远。 交易在哪里?


但从一方面来说,企业的担忧看起来有所减缓。在2008年金融市场崩溃后,特别是在很多大型企业为达到短期金融目标而依赖的商业票据市场,金钱就是一切。虽然现金储备如今处于历史记录水平,资金囤积看起来也处于巅峰水平。最明显的证明就是股票回购回潮,股票回购是将现金返还股东的一个常见方法。在今年上半年,股票回购已彪升至接近危机前的水平,这标志着企业认为它们没必要再因为害怕又一波系统性的金融崩溃非紧攥着每一分钱。 投资者施压要拿回更多的现金的可能性可能会变大,特别是如果经济增长趋缓更是如此。企业在过去主要通过减少成本提升利润空间,在将来这可能没那么容易。如果企业不那样做,取而代之通过股票回购提振每股的收入,回到危机前的状态,也就是在2003-2008年期间列入标准普尔500的公司股票回购占到每股总收益的三分之一,这也不足为奇。

