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根据语境选择划线部分的汉语意思 1. ache
I was aching to tell him the good news。 ( A ) A、疼痛 B、渴望 2。 act
(1) It takes about 20 minutes for the drug to act。 ( C )
(2) He is always acting an experienced man who has seen everything. ( A ) (3) The act is passed by the Congress finally. ( D ) A、装作 B、行动 C、起作用 D、法案 3。 acknowledge
(1) He acknowledged me by lifting his hat. ( B ) (2) She acknowledged his help in the letter. ( C ) A、承认 B、对……打招呼 C、感谢 C D、告知,确认 4。 address
(1) She turned to address the man on her left。 ( B ) (2) He is going to address the meeting in a minute。( A )
(3) The article addresses the problems of diseases connected with pollution。(C) A. 在-—-做演讲(n。 演讲) B。 对—--讲话 C。探讨(如何处理问题) 5. advance
She asked for an advance on her salary. ( C )
A、前进 B、提前 C、预付款 6. affect
(1) The audience was deeply affected by his lecture. ( C ) (2) His left lung is affected by cancer. ( B ) A、影响 B、(疾病)侵袭 C、感动 7. air
(1) She began to work with an air of quiet confidence. ( B ) (2) The sheets for your bed will want airing I suppose. ( C ) (3) Don’t air your troubles too often. ( A ) A、抒发,倾诉 B、神态,样子 C、晾晒 8. allow
(1)The new seatbelt allows the driver greater freedom of movement。( C )
(2)We must allow for the train being late———— it always is. ( B ) A、允许,准许 B、把——-考虑进去 C、使……有可能 9。 alone
Smith alone knew what had happened。 ( B ) A. 独自一人 B. 只有,仅仅 10. appetite
He has an appetite for music while his brother likes playing football。( B ) A、胃口 B、爱好 C、食欲 11. appreciate
At that time, we didn’t fully appreciate that he was seriously ill.( C ) A、欣赏 B、感激,感谢 C、意识到 12。 argue
Mary argued me into buying a new skirt..( B )
A、争辩 B、说服 C、争论 13. arrest
(1) The new medicine arrested the spread of the disease. ( C ) (2) Her warning tone arrested my attention. ( B )
A、逮捕 B、吸引某人的注意 C、阻止 14。 balance
(1) I must check my bank balance. ( B ) A、平衡 B、差额,余款 C、使均衡
15. bear
(1) He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the scars。 ( B ) (2) That apple tree bears well。 ( C )
A、忍受,容忍 B、显示,带有(—-—标志) ,怀有 C、结果 16。 back
Can you back your story with facts? ( C ) A. 背部 B. 后面 C。 支持 D。 后退 17. blank
(1) The stranger returned my greeting with a blank look. ( C ) (2)Every day seemed blank and meaningless。 ( A ) A、空虚,无聊的 B、空白的 C、没表情的,茫然的 18. blue
(1) He's been feeling blue all week as a result of his failure in the exam。( C ) (2) Her hands were blue with cold. ( A ) A、发青的 B、蓝色 C、忧伤的 19。 build
He is a man of strong build。 ( C ) A、建造 B、锻炼 C、体格 20. break
(1) As I walked home the dawn was just breaking . ( B )
(2) The cold weather at last broke at the end of March。 ( D )
(3) When the news of her son’s death was broken to her, the poor woman
was grief—stricken.(悲痛欲绝)(C)
A。 打破,打碎 ,违背 B. (天)亮 C。 告诉某人(不愉快的消息) D. (某种天气)过去 21。 cap
He capped my story with an even funnier one. ( C ) A、帽子 B、覆盖,笼罩 C、胜过,超过 22。 celebrate
He celebrated her for her courage. ( B ) A、庆祝 B、称颂,赞扬 C、举行(仪式) 23. charge
(1)If the red light comes on, it means the battery isn't charging。 ( C )
(2)Suddenly, the wild animal charged at us. ( D ) (3) Her reply was charged with emotion。 ( B ) A、负责,控告,收费 B。充满 C、充电 D。 向---冲来 24。 command
(1) Dr。 Yang commands a great deal of respect as a surgeon。 ( C ) (2) He has a good command of English。 ( B ) A、命令,指挥 B、精通 C、赢得、博得 25. carry
(1) Janet carries herself very nicely and attracts all men. ( C ) (2) The civil rights bill carried by a large majority. ( D )
A。 搬,提,拿,带 B。 刊登 C。 举止,姿态(与oneself连用) D. 获得通过 26。 commit
She didn’t want to commit herself on that matter. ( B ) A、犯(错误、罪行) B、承担义务(责任) C、调拨……供使用 27。 conclude
He concluded his speech with some amusing remarks。 ( A ) A、结束;完成 B、下结论,推论出 C、决定 28。 conduct
Plastic and rubber won't conduct electricity, but copper will。 ( C) A、指挥 B、带领 C、传导 29. consume
(1)The fire consumed the entire building. ( C ) (2)He was consumed with curiosity. ( D )
A、消耗,花费 B、消费 C、烧毁;毁灭 D。 被某种情感吞噬 30. contain
Hearing such a fun joke, he is too excited to contain his laughter. ( B ) A、包含,含有 B、抑制,控制 C、容纳 31。 count count on 依靠
(1) It is not how much you read but what you read that counts。 ( C ) (2) He said that he counted me as his dearest person。 ( B ) A、计算,数数 B、把……认为 C、有价值,重要 32. corner
(1) If you corner a rat, he may fly at you。 ( B ) (2) His enemies had driven him into a corner. ( A ) A. 角落 B。 使—陷入困境 33。 cover
(1) They were hoping to cover 40 miles yesterday. ( B )
(2) You will have to pay an extra amount to cover the cost of insurance. ( C ) A、覆盖 B、走完(一段路程) C、(钱)够支付 34。 credit
Much of their success can be credited to the famous expert. ( B ) A、信用,信誉 B、把……归功于 C、相信,信任 35. cross
(1) Don’t be so cross with me! ( D )
(2) A mule is a cross between a horse and a donkey. ( C ) A、穿越,横过 B、十字 C、混合物,杂种 D、生气的 36。 dismiss
He just laughed and dismissed the suggestion as unrealistic. ( B ) A、解雇,开除 B、拒绝考虑(想法,意见等) C、解散 37。 drive
(1) Failure drove him to suicide。 ( C )
(2) She has tremendous drive towards success. ( D ) A、驾驶 B、用车送(人) C、迫使 D、干劲,驱动力 38. employ
(1) The report examines teaching methods employed in the classroom. ( B ) (2) She was employed in watering the garden. ( C ) A、雇用 B、运用,使用 C、忙于 39。 enter
She entered her name for a math contest. ( B )
A、进入 B、报名参加 C、开始(新生活、新局面),从事 40. entertain
He entertained a belief that his son would rise in the world。 ( B ) A、款待 B、怀有,抱有 C、使(人)快乐 41。 escape
(1)How did you let such a significant fact escape you? ( B ) (2) A low sign escaped some of them; some wept quietly. ( C ) A。 逃跑 B. 记不住,忘记 C. 不自觉地发出 42。 even
(1) There is not enough even land to build an airport in the hilly region.( B ) (2) The government should do something to keep prices more even. ( C ) A、甚至 B、平坦的,平滑的 C、平稳的 43。 explode
(1) The children exploded with laughter。 ( C )
(2) The new findings exploded this old theory. ( D )
A、爆炸 B、爆裂 C、(因生气、笑等)使(感情)爆发 D、推翻 44。 fast
(1) He is my fast friend。 ( C )
(2) The cloth is dyed with fast color. ( B ) (3) He seems to be fast asleep。 ( D )
A、快的 / 地 B、不褪色的 C、忠实的,可靠的 D. 熟睡 45. fail /failure
(1) His sight has failed quickly because of poor light of the room. ( B ) (2) Words failed me to describe the scene。 ( D )
A. 失败 B。 衰退,衰竭,歉收 失灵 C。 使失望 D。没办法做-—- 45. fine
(1) There’s a fine distinction between the meanings of the two words. ( B ) (2) I was fined thirty dollars for speeding. ( D ) A、美好的 B、细微的 C、晴朗的 D、罚款 46. foreign
(1) The subject is foreign to me。 ( B )
(2) Telling lies is foreign to his nature。 ( C ) A、外国的,外交的 B、不熟悉的 C、与……格格不入的 47。 freeze
She froze at the sight of the snake. ( C ) A、冻结 B、使冻僵 C、惊呆 48。 govern
(1) What factors governed your decision? ( C ) (2) He governed his temper。 ( D )
A、统治 B、管理 C、影响 D、控制;抑制 49。 green
(1) He is a typist who is green at his job. ( C ) (2) It is still green in my memory. ( D )
A、绿色的 B、青的,不熟的 C、没有经验的 D、新鲜的 50。 ground There is no ground for giving up。 Try again carefully and you will succeed。( C A、地面 B、土地,场地 C、理由 51. hit
The movie turned out to be a great hit, which was unexpected. ( C ) A、击中,打击 B、袭击 C、成功,一举走红 52。 hungry
Students are hungry for knowledge. ( B ) A、饥饿的 B、渴望的 C、挨饿的 53. interest
(1) Our family has an interest in the business. ( B ) (2) He will pay 6 percent interest on a loan。 ( A )
(3) A good leader should act in the interests of all his people.(D) A、利息 B、股份 C、兴趣,爱好 D. 利益 54. invent
He invented an excuse for his being late. ( B ) A、发明 B、捏造,虚构 C、创造 55。 invite
Such a careless action only invites suspicion。 ( C ) A、邀请 B、请求,征求 C、招致;惹起 56。 jump
(1) Last week the price of goods jumped。 ( C )
(2) Tom jumped at the chance of a trip to Asia. ( D )
) 熟词生义汇总(word版可编辑修改)
A、跳;跳过 B、惊跳 C、(物价等)暴涨 D. 热切地抓住(机会) 57. kill
(1) The traffic jam killed our hope of getting there on time. ( D ) (2) His joke killed the audience。 ( C )
A、杀掉;害死 B、消磨(时间) C、使笑/痛得要死 D、使(希望)破灭 58。 labour
He laboured up the steep hill。 ( C ) A、劳动 B、努力做 C、费力地前进 59。 land
(1) John landed a good position with BBC. ( C ) (2) He landed a big fish in the lake。 ( D )
A。 陆地 B. 降落,上岸 C。 得到(一份工作)D. 捕到(大鱼) 60。 last
He is the last person to tell a lie. ( C )
A、最后的,最终的 B、上一个的 C、最不可能的 61. late
The picture made her think of her late husband。 ( C ) A。 迟的,晚的 B。 深夜的 C. 已故的 62. lift
(1) His speech gave us a lift。 ( D )
(2) A drink will lift your spirits。 ( C )
(3) I will give you a lift back to London。 ( B ) A、举起,抬起 B。 搭乘便车 C、振作(精神) D、鼓舞 63。 message
What message do you think the novel has? ( C ) A、信息 B、口信 C、要点;主旨 64。 novel
The idea was novel to me. ( B )
A、小说 B、新颖的;新奇的 65. own
She owned her mistake。 ( C )
A、自己的 B、拥有;持有 C、承认;供认 66。 outgoing The outgoing president will attend the conference personally, and then he'll resign his post。 ( C )
A、爱交际的 B、外向的 C、将卸任的;离职的 67。 park
(1) I parked my baby at the neighbor’s house。 ( B ) (2) She parked herself on the edge of the bed。 ( D ) A、公园,庭院 B、放置 C、停车 D、坐下 68. picture
(1)He knew a lot about the present economic picture. ( B )
(2)Rob had pictured her as a kind of serious, but she wasn’t like that at all。 ( D )
A、图片 B、状况;形势 C、描绘 D. 想象 69。 plant
(1) She planted herself firmly to the spot and refused to move. ( C ) (2) He planted his idea successfully in the followers minds。 ( D ) A. 种植 B。 安插(密探) C. (牢牢地)站着不动 D。 灌输(思想,观点) 70. pool car-pool 拼车
If we pool ideas, we may find a better solution to the problem. ( C ) A、水坑 B、池塘 C、集中使用,联合 71. practice
It is her usual practice to have only one meal on Sundays。 ( C ) A、练习 B、实践 C、惯例 72。 proper
We’re in a proper mess now. ( C )
A、恰当的 B、规范的 C、完全的;彻底的 73。 put
I don't think you put it clearly。 Would you mind explaining it again? ( B ) A、放,搁 B、说,表达 C、使处于(某状态) 74。 reach
Here’s my phone number, in case you need to reach me。 ( A ) A、(用电话等)与……取得联络 B、到达;抵达 C、伸手触及 75。 reduce
(1) The bombs reduced the city to ruins. ( B ) (2) Hunger reduced him to stealing. ( C )
A、减少;缩减 B、使成为 C、迫使(……陷入不佳状态),沦落到--—- 76。 run
(1) A good idea ran through her mind。 ( B )
(2) He is not running in the upcoming election。 ( C ) A、奔跑 B、忽然想起 C、竞选 D、经营 77。 say
(1) Say that war breaks out, what will you do? ( B )
(2) What would you do if you got, say, a million dollars? ( C ) A、说 B、假定 C、譬如 78。 set
(1) He looked at me with set eyes. ( C )
(2) Reviewing my studies the whole month, I was set for the exam. ( D ) (3)Whoever set the questions obviously didn’t know much about physics。 ( B ) A、放置 ,确定 B。 出题 C、意志坚定的 D、准备好的 79. shoot
(1) The trees are shooting out fresh green leaves。 ( B ) (2) The tree give out new shoots in spring. ( C ) A、射击;射中 B、发芽 C、嫩芽;新枝 80. shot
His father is a big shot in the factory。 ( C ) A、射击 B、开枪 / 炮 C、重要人物 81. spring
(1)Fast—food restaurants are spring up all over the city。 ( B )
(2) Tom sprung out of bed and rushed to the window。 ( D ) (spring—sprang—--sprung)
A、春天 B、涌出 C、泉水 D. 跳,跳起 82. station
Two guards were stationed at the back of the room。 ( C ) A、站台 B、车站 C、驻扎于 83。 steal
The man stole out of the building without anyone seeing him。 ( B ) A、偷 B、悄悄地行动 C、窃取 84. succeed
(1) The stormy night ended, and a beautiful morning succeeded. ( C ) (2) He will succeed his father as manager of the shop。 ( B ) A、成功 B、继承 C、接着……发生 85。 sharp
(1) I felt a sharp pain in my stomach。 ( C ) (2) It’s five o’clock sharp。 ( B )
A、锋利的;锐利的 B、指时刻整,准 C、剧烈的;猛烈的 86. subject
(1) Those islands are subject to typhoons. ( D ) (2) We need male subjects between the ages of 18 and 25 for the experiment。 ( C ) A、主题 B、科目 C、接受试验者 D、易遭受……的 87. tell
(1) Eyes sometimes tell what’s on our minds. ( C ) (2) Hard work began to tell on her。 ( D )
A、告诉;说;讲 B、命令 C、显示 D、起作用;影响 88. ticket
The new driver got a ticket for speeding。 ( C ) A、车票 B、入场券 C、罚款单 89. tie
Three people tied for first place in the competition。 ( A ) A、打成平手 B、拴,系 C、带子 90. walk
This society welcomes people from all walks of life。 ( A ) A、行业 B、行走;步行 C、陪(某人);遛(动物) 91。 weigh
(1) Weigh your words before speaking. ( B )
(2) Your suggestion weighed heavily in the discussion. ( C ) A、称……的重量 B、权衡;仔细考虑 C、有意义,有分量 92. will
(1) The survivors never lost the will to live。 ( C )
(2) My grandmother left me these jewels in her will。 ( B ) A、将,会,要 B、遗嘱 C、意志
93.No word has come from the battle front.( D )
A。 字 B。 词 C.诺言 D.消息 94。 close
(1) This is a close game. ( D ) (2) It’s very close today. ( C )
(3) I tell you I was so angry that I came close to hitting him。 ( A. 近的,亲密的 B. 差点 C. 闷热的 D. 势均力敌的 95。 promise
(1) Heavy snow promises a big harvest。 ( C ) (2) He is considered to a promising actor. ( B ) A. 诺言 B。有希望的 C。 预示 C。 保证,答应 96. clock
She was clocked at 59 seconds for the first lap。 ( B ) A. 钟表 B。 计时 C。 打卡(上下班)
B )