Main Differences Between Chinese and English in Translation 英汉两种语言的主要差异及翻译 Tasks for this lecture
1. Distinguish English and Chinese in features;
2. Master some skills and methods in translation such as term of respect and polite expressions both in Chinese and English
3.Convertions from different elements in translating. Classroom Discussion at least four striking differences between Chinese and English individually then discuss your work with your partners. You will be asked to make a presentation about your discussion.
(C1) Han and Zang Language
C3. Paratactic(意合)C4. no inflection C6. wide use of no-subject clause
C5. some fixed word order and sentence order. 物价稳定,市场繁荣。
英语属于印欧语系(Indo-European Language),汉语属于汉藏语系(Han and Zang Language)。
汉语则是以分析为主(analytic –oriented)的语言。 英语重形合(hypotatics),汉语重意合(paratatic) 。
英语造句常用各种形式手段连接词、语、分句或从句;注重显性接应(overt cohesion),
头痛医头,脚痛医脚。 敬语与谦语的翻译 敬请光临
―翻译的内在规律在于人脑的思维,深入研究翻译中的思维活动将是译学研究的突破口‖ (董史良) 翻译活动的基础是人类思维规律的共同性,翻译的本质是不同思维形式的转换.
东西方不同的思维方式必然影响着汉语和英语的不同表达形式。 句子结构以主语和谓语为核心,统摄各种短语和从句,由主到次,递相迭加,结构复杂,但形散而意合,形成了―树叉形‖的句式结构。
汉语句子结构犹如:大江流水,后浪推前浪。 英语句子结构犹如:参天大树,枝繁叶茂。
横向铺叙,层层推进,归纳总结,形成―流水型‖的句式结构。 句子的次要语义部分放在句首,重心放在句末。
句子的语义重心放在句子的开头,次要语义部分放在句子末尾。 东西方不同的思维方式,往往导致不同的思维视角倾向。表现在语言上,即不同的民族有可能采取完全不同,甚至相反的语言形式来描述同一事物、行为或现象。翻译时必须转换思维视角,调整词语的表达方式或句子结构。
三、英汉视角转换与词性转换 Let Joe please himself.
The lack of furniture had accentuated the feeling of space 乔爱怎么着就怎么着吧
―由于家具少,地方显得更宽敞。‖ Definition
By conversion it is meant that in translation of an element of a certain type/class in the SL text is not necessarily to be turned into an element the same type/class in the TL text, i.e. no correspondence of element types/classes between the two languages is necessary in translating. An element often has to be converted into a different element type/class so as to conform to the usage of the TL due to differences in syntactic structures and idiomatic expressions of the two languages.
4 Types of Conversion
Conversion into Verb转译成动词;Conversion into nouns转译成名词Conversion into adjectives
转译成形容词Conversion into adverbs 转译成副词 三、英汉视角转换
Most things are difficult before they are easy. ——英文思维:大多数事情在容易之前是难的。 ——汉语思维:万事开头难。
I have no opinion of him. ——英文思维:我对他没有意见。 ——汉语思维:他给我的印象太坏;我对他的印象太坏。 I have her ears. ——英文思维:我有她的耳朵。或:中文思维:她听我的话。
Are you a father? ——英文思维:你是父亲吗?——汉语思维:你有孩子吗?
That’s all I want to hear. ——英文思维:这是我想听到的全部。——汉语思维:够了,别再说了。The monk is only not a dead
——汉语思维:这和尚简直跟死人一样。 英汉两种语言的视角不同表现在许多方面 汉语说―跪下‖,英语说―fall on one’s knees‖ 汉语说―生前‖,英语说―before one died‖ 汉语说―睡懒觉‖,英语说―sleep late‖
汉语说―救命啊!来人哪!‖,英语说―Help! Help!‖ 汉语说―抓小偷!‖,英语说―Stop thief!‖
汉语说―禁止通行‖,英语说―No Thoroughfare‖(没有通道) 汉语说―未经允许任何车辆不得入内‖,
英语说―Authorized Cars Only‖(只有获得许可的车辆方可进入) 汉语说―顾客止步‖,英语说―Employees Only‖ 汉语说―油漆未干‖,英语说―Wet Paint‖
汉语常在无人售票车写明―恕不找零‖,英语说―Please Tender Exact Fare‖
汉语说―他的工作很忙‖,英语说―He is busy‖(不能说―His work is busy.‖)
英语说―She looks very healthy‖(不能说―Her body looks very healthy.‖)
英语说―This building is of poor quality.‖(不能说―The quality of this building is very poor.‖)
汉语说―大雪‖,英语说―heavy snow‖,不是―big snow‖。 汉语说―红茶‖,英语说―black tea‖,不是―red tea‖。 汉语说―红糖‖,英语说―brown sugar‖,不是―red sugar‖ 汉语说―浓茶‖,英语说―strong tea‖,不是―thick tea‖ 汉语说―浓墨‖,英语说―thick/dark ink‖,不是―strong ink‖ 汉语说―浓烟‖,英语说―heavy / dense smoke‖,不是―strong smoke‖
汉语说―红眼病‖,英语说―green-eyed‖,不是―red-eyed‖。 汉语说―装穷‖,英语说―poor-mouth‖,不是―pretend to be poor‖
汉语说―大风‖,英语说―strong wind; gale‖,不是―big wind‖ 汉语说―大雨‖,英语说―heavy rain; downpour‖,不是―big rain‖
汉语说―闯红灯‖,英语说―run a red light‖,不是―go through a red light‖
汉语说―不论晴天还是下雨‖,英语说―rain or shine‖,不是―shine or rain‖
汉语说―黄金时间‖,英语说―prime time‖,不是―golden time‖ 热点:、后门
Strive for survival, development and efficiency on the base of quality
接轨be brought in line with; adapt oneself to 第三产业Tertiary industry 强强联手Win-win cooperation
按资排辈assign priority according to seniority 传销Pyramid selling; multi-level marketing
讲诚信,反欺诈Honor credibility and oppose cheating 违章建筑Squatter house
举报电话Informants’ hot-line telephone
挖墙角Undermine the foundation of sth; cut the ground f rom under sb’s face
看好Be bullish / think highly of 唯利是图Draw water to one’s mill 跳楼价Distress merchandise
偷税、漏税、逃税、抗税Tax evasion, tax fraud, and refusal to pay taxes
泡妞Chase after the girls; have affair with woman 第三者Paramour/ the third person, the third wheel 水货、打假、官倒
Guandao抢购Panic buying科技扶贫Help the poor by teaching them know-how
三陪Escort service 三陪妹B-girl (吃东西容易)上火Excessive internal heat
抠门Penny-pinching 休夫Say the D word to one’s husband 破烂王garbage dump combers/rag picker 外出打工人员Migrant workers
夜(便)壶Low-or, poor-quality goods/shoddy goods 练摊Learn to do business/practise buying and selling 超生游击队
Transient population (drifters) who want more children than permitted by the policy of family control 阿混idlers 换换脑筋Do some brain-washing 豆腐渣工程Jrry-build project
上马Start a project 中国国情China’s actual conditions 与国际接轨Be in line with international norms 以人为本people foremost
龙头产品Flagship product 多党合作Multi-party co-operation in exercising State power
扫黑Sweep away the ―Black‖,ie. secret societies讲政治Be politically minded; be political aware 包二奶Have a concubine 二奶Kept woman
傍大款Be mistress for a rich man; lean on moneybags 艳遇find a sugar daddy
楼花An encounter with a beautiful woman
楼盘Certificate of ownership for housing which is not yet built 青春损失费Dallymony
BuildingWelfare-orientated public housing
distribution system
集资房Houses build on the funds collected by the buyers 新潮人物Swinger
泡吧Indulge oneself for a long time in bars 指尖恋爱E-mail loving; finger tip love
Place undue emphasis on the proportion of students entering schools of a higher level
论文答辩Oral defense 免考Exemption
一次性杯子Sanitary cup 一次性快子Disposable chopsticks 一次付清Pay in full 一次性收入Lump-sum payment
一把手The first in command; top person in a management team
―胶水‖ 不是glue water(应为glue);―不准拍照‖不是Don’t take picture(为:No photographs);―当心碰头‖ 不是Be careful, head(应为:Mind your head / Lower your head);
―步行街‖不是foot street或walking street(试比较:pedestrian street/precinct);
―超值享受‖不是super value enjoyment,―超值‖变成了―极高价值‖,而实际上它应该解释为―附加‖、―额外‖的意思(试比较:enjoyment with extra benefits);
―拳头产品‖ 不是fist product,但fist这个词只是握住拳头,并没有打出去的动作和力量,参考:―knockout‖ product / ―hard-punch‖ product / core product / product with a competitive edge / market-penetrating product);等等。
把:―购卡后(电话卡)可以修改密码/此卡限北京市使用‖ 误译为please revise PIN; just used in Beijing(试比较:Pin number may be changed; inactive out of Beijing area);
把―旋转果盒‖(一种可以转动的盛糖果的圆盘)误译为spinning fruit box
(试比较:rotating dish for nuts and candies);把―进出口商品结构‖误译为foreign trade structure (试比较:the make-up 或composition of imports and exports);
把去机场的班车误译成Airbus, 与欧洲制造的―空中客车‖飞机雷同。(应为:airport shuttle bus 或airport shuttle)。
把―九月,相约在大连‖(指参加那里的国际时装节)译成Dating in Dalian, this September。(可考虑Let’s Meet in Dalian in September.)
把―纽约有家一碟盐‖ (餐馆名)误译成There is a dish of salt in New York.
(可考虑An ―A Dish of Salt‖ restaurant has been opened in New York..);
把―开发热点地区‖误译成heating point of development,使―热点‖成了―加热点‖。
(可以考虑:a popular destination for investors for development projects);
把―摸着石头过河‖ 误译成crossing the river by feeling the stones,让外国读者看了感到―丈二和尚摸不着头脑‖
( 可以考虑:―wading across the stream by feeling the way,‖ so to speak.)
把―免淘米‖译为needn’t wash rice ( 可以考虑:pre-washed rice);
把―XX市人民争创优秀旅游城市‖翻译成The people’s of XX want to be a excellent travel city。(可以考虑:The people of XX are going all out to turn their city into a model tourist city.);
把电信大楼的收费处翻译为tollgate,成了高速公路上的收费卡。 (可以考虑:Bill Paying Office);
把―要想皮肤好,早晚用大宝‖的广告词翻译成Good skin come
from Dabao,不仅翻译的蹩脚,而且还有语法错误。可以这样译:Applying Dabao morning and night makes your skincare a real delight.
把―一小时内免费上门送票‖ (某航空公司推出的新的服务项目) 译成Drop in to Give Ticket Free of Charge, 其意思是―上门送免费机票‖
(应该是: We offer free delivery service of air tickets at customers’ doorsteps one hour after booking confirmation.);
把海南岛的―天涯海角‖译成The End of the World, 其意思是―世界末日‖或―大难临头‖。要是这样,谁还愿意到那里去旅游?(应该是Land’s End / The Ends of the Earth);
把―修建辐射型的道路‖ 译成to build radioactive roads, 请注意: 这里指的是受辐射污染的道路。这种情况下,谁还敢来投资?还不赶紧躲得远远的!
(建议改为:to build a system of roads radiating out in several directions 或to build a road system of wheel-spokes pattern)。
把―以外贸企业为龙头‖ 译成with foreign trade enterprises as the dragon head。这里有两个问题:
一是在许多西方人心目中(爱尔兰人除外)dragon 是个令人生畏的怪兽, 是个凶恶的形象; 二是外国人一般不知道耍龙灯是怎么回事,当然也就无法知晓龙头的作用。
如果改为with foreign trade firms as the locomotive 或flagship,用尽人皆知的火车头或者旗舰作比喻,那么问题就迎刃而解了。
把―九通一平‖译成nine-side connections and one site level (对照:eight available——Water, electricity, heat, gas, sewage, post, telecommunication, and closed-circuit TV are available; two accessibles-You are accessible to paved roads and leveled ground)
把―五讲四美‖译成five stresses and four points of beauty (对照:five merits to advocate——civilized behavior, common courtesy, hygienic conditions, proper discipline and public morality; four virtues to promote-lofty sentiments, refined language, good manners and environmental awareness.)
把―外向型产业‖误译成external directed industries (比较:export-oriented manufacturing );
把―追求卓越管理‖误译为working for brilliant management (参考:in search of excellence in management / commitment to managerial excellence );
把―小商品博览会‖误译为small goods / commodities fair (参考:general merchandise show / expo);
把―入境登记卡、年月日、入境事由、观光休闲、返回常住地、定居‖分别误译成entry card, year/month/day, Your main reason for coming to China (only one), outing/in leisure, return home, settle down。
按照英语习惯,这些应该分别译为landing card或disembarkation form, day/month/year 或
purpose of visit, pleasure或travel, returning home, settling in。
―后门下车‖可以翻译成Please exit via rear door;―老弱病残专座‖可以译为
Priority seating: Please offer seat forward of this sign to the elderly and handicapped。
如建筑工地的警示语:―进入工地,请戴安全帽‖,可以翻译成 Hard hat project;―请勿靠近脚手架‖可以译为 Caution: stay clear of scaffolding。
比如我们要把―做文明人,开文明车‖翻译成英语,我们就可以把英语中的be a defensive driver (与aggressive driver相对)的说法拿来加以利用,可以这样翻译:
Be a defensive driver with good manners或Be a good-
mannered defensive driver。
Military car without charge。 汉英在主语的选择上的差异
英语常用非人称(impersonal)名词做主语,即用表示事物或事情的名词做主语,也就是无灵主语(inanimate subject),
无灵主语:表示抽象概念,心理感觉,事物名称或时间地点等,但谓语动词常用―有灵动词‖(animate verb),表示人或社会团体的动作和行为,如see,find,give,bring,drive, permit,prevent…from, escape,surround,seize,
1980 found him working in a small company. ——1980时,他在一家小公司上班。
I remembered his face when I ran into him, but his name escaped me.
——我与他打了个照面,觉得他很熟,可我一时想不起他的名字。 A ten minutes’ walk brought us to the museum. ——我们步行了十分钟就到了博物馆。
A painful hush seized the crowd. ——人群突然沉默下来,陷入痛苦之中。
Astonishment deprived me of my power of speech. ——我惊讶得说不出话来。
His courage suddenly deserted him. ——他突然感到失去了勇气。
Investigation led us to the foregoing conclusion. ——经过调查,我们得出了上述结论。Excavation reveals many of the houses were also used as shrine rooms.
——人们在考古挖掘中发现,许多房屋还被当作神龛使用。 Failure did not deter him from trying again. ——他并没有因
This medicine will make you feel better. ——吃了这药后,你就会好受些。
An instantaneous and strong impulse moved him to battle with his desperate fate.
——他感到一阵冲动,来得又快又猛,决心与坎坷的命运搏斗。 An urgent message sent me hurrying to Shanghai. ——我收到一份紧急电报,立即去了上海。
The following year saw the passing away of his sister. ——第二年他的姐姐去世了。
The first few lines captured my interest. ——读了开头几句,我就产生了兴趣。
The sight of the Chinese shore brought immense relief to the weary voyagers.
——那些疲惫的中国旅客,一看到中国海岸,就感到如释重负。 The sight of the medical instrument would send shivers down the column of any healthy visitor.
——一看到那些医疗器械,即使健康的探视者也会感到毛骨悚然。 用―IT‖来代替句子的某个成分 (3)用作强调词(emphatic ―IT‖): 肯定与否定的视角转换。
Many black people were denied the opportunity of a good education.
The doctor told him to avoid coffee.——医生让他别喝咖啡。 He has quit his job as a teacher. ——他已经不当老师了。 The criminal is still at large. ——罪犯还未捉拿归案。 We expected you to be older. ——没有想到你怎么年轻。 It’s been five years since we met. ——五年没见了。 He is a nuisance. I want to see the back of him. ——他真讨
A lot of businesses are blind to the damage they have done to the environment in their development. ——许多企业在开发过程中对环境造成的破坏,却对此熟视无睹。
You ought to know better than to do that sort of thing. ——你不该做那种事情。
Absence of honesty on the Israeli part has resulted in repeated failures of the Middle East peace process. ——由于以色列不能坦诚相见,多次导致了中东和平进程的失败。
Iraq has failed to comply with UN resolutions. ——伊拉克没有履行安理会决议。
He is anything but clever.——他一点不聪明。
The patient refused to take any medicine. ——病人不恳吃药。 You will have to do better than that. ——你这样干不行。 He preferred to keep us in the dark about his plan. ——他宁愿不让我们知道他的计划。
He was reluctant to accept charity. ——他很不愿意接受别人的施舍。
Some species have been wiped out through ignorance. ——有些物种由于人们的无知而灭绝了。Ignorance is a rare blessing. ——难得糊涂
He studied history at the university to the exclusion of other subjects.
——他在大学专门攻读历史,没有学过其他课程。 正话反说的翻译转换
钢铁—iron and steel 东北—northeast 血肉—flesh and blood 晕飞机—air sick
前后—back and forth 劳动模范—model worker 迟早—sooner or later
田径—track and field 华东—East China 水陆—land and water 水火无情—Fire and water have no mercy. 当选总统—president elect
脾气不好—ill-tempered 行为端正的—well-conducted 心不在焉—absent-minded
装备不良的—poorly equipped 贫富—rich and poor 新旧—old and new
长短—short and long 细长—long and thin 男婴—baby boy 女婴—baby girl
冷热—hot and cool 左右—right and left 软硬—hard and soft 轻重—heavy and light 增损—loss and gain 饮食—food and drink 死活—life and death
江河湖泊—lakes and rivers 山水—waters and mountains 中小型—small and medium
文艺—art and literature 此时此地—here and now 文武—military and civilian
工农业—agriculture and industry 年月—month and year 水土流失—soil erosion and water loss 敌我—ourselves and the enemy
物理化学—chemistry and physics 新郎新娘—the bride and the bridegroom
喜怒哀乐—anger, grief, joy and happiness
衣、食、住、行—food, clothing, shelter and transportation (1)将下列词语和短句译成肯定式及否定式: 英语汉语肯定式汉语否定式 disregard(vt.)忽视,不顾、不理
carelessness(n.)粗心,疏忽不注意,不细心 disrelated (pp—adj.) 阻隔的,隔断的互不相关的 miss(vt.) 失误;遗漏不中;不见、没找到 fail(vi.)失败没做成某事
You couldn’t kill any more.你已经恶贯满盈了。 I hear everything.什么都瞒不过我。
Osbone wa s Sedley’s godson, and had been one of the family anytime these 23 years.
But Edwards can be partially excused for doing violence to human feelings. It is better, to confess that he was an imitator and a generous borrower than to allow him the credit of originality at the expense of his better human attributes. (O. Holmes)
刘宓庆认为:肯定与否定的翻译一般应遵循下面的原则: 一、不拘泥于原文表层结构的肯定结构的肯定与否定,而取决于汉语的表达习惯,必须注意确保译文的优势。在不违背这一原则下,当然可以尽量照顾原文与译文在形式上的契合。
二、否定与肯定的运用,常常有一个文体和语境上的考虑,例如keep silent,用肯定式译为―保持安静(或沉默)‖时,比较正式、文雅;用否定式译为―不要说话‖或―别吭声‖时,比较随便。
三、一般说来,用否定式有时有比较婉转的意思,反映说话者的态度,而用肯定式时则比较直截了当。这种否定,我们不能不考虑,而且也是能够反映在译句中的,如:(a)You don’t have to do that.意思是―你不一定非干不可‖,比较转弯抹角,直截了当的说法是:―你可以不干嘛‖。
(b)Please keep asking. 意思是―请继续提问吧‖,这句话常用于在记者招待会上,就不宜用否定式了。Keep talking 可译成―说个没完‖。
As he lay awake, he realized that he was in trouble: other men in his predicament, he knew had panicked, exhausted themselves and not survived. (J.Blank)
deny (vt.) 拒绝(相信、接受等)不(相信),不(接) 真是不假等 void(vt.)取消、缺乏、无效;没有 certainty(n.)确信、确定性无疑
mannerless(adj.)粗野的、极随便的不讲文明礼貌的 munificence(n.) 慷慨、大度毫不吝惜 dying 奄奄一息的还没咽气的 keep at it 继续干下去不要放弃
The match is going on.比赛还在继续。或:比赛还没完。 Never is a long word. 坚持干到底。或:不要说不干了。 Let’s not phrase in the absolute 咱们把话说活一点。或:咱们别把话说死了。
He does not find himself他甚感茫然。或:他很不得志。 I’m quite house bounded. 我一般总呆在家里。或:我可以说是大门不出,二门不迈。
I’m new to the work. 我是新手。或:这件工作我不熟悉。 Their families are quite on a par. 他们两家门当户对。或:他们两家不相上下。
The rain prevented his coming.他因雨受阻。下雨使他来不成了。 But his armies outrun their supplies. 他的部队前进了。但供应落后了。
The middle of the room is clear.房间中央空荡荡的。或:间中央没放东西。
The works of art were left intact, but the money was gone. 。 钱被输光了,但钱被输光了,但艺术品却还在。或:艺术品却没动。
He’s above taking profits for himself. 他超然于个人利益之外。
He was balked in his purposes again. 这次他又失算了。或:这次他又没有达到目的。
She just fell shitty.她感到很难受。或:她感到很不舒服。 Nothing says that he'll be still around.谁能保证他还活着呢?或:没人能说他是否还健在。
They would let clues slip. 他们会保持缄默的。或:他们会心照不宣的。
The rain may hold off, to take an umbrella with you. but it won’t hurt you
He is no idiot.他很明白。或:又不是白痴。
The station is no distance at all.。车站很近。或:车站没多远。 There’s no problem now 。现在稳拿了。或:现在没问题了。 It’s no less than a fraud. 这简直是诈骗。或:这无异于诈骗。 He is free with his money 他用钱很慷慨。或:他这个人不吝啬。 It’s all Greek to me. 这简直是天书!或:这玩艺儿我根本不懂。 As if I cared! 我会理解这一套?我才不理这一套! 第三章语义翻译 一、理解中的选义 语义的―三分说‖
所指意义(referential meaning)以语言所指的客观世界为基础的意义。
关联意义(associated meaning)包括所有人、社会文化因素引发的意义
结构意义(structural meaning)包括语言本身结构产生的意义 在英语中,run一词语义最为丰富,释义最为繁多。在1980年版的Webster’s Mew World Dictionary of the American Language里,run作为不及物动词有31个释义,作为及物动词有25个释义,
run across 跑开—偶然碰见run away 跑开—失去控制run back over 跑回—回顾
run counter to 跑离—违反,与……背道而驰run down 跑下—用完;撞到,贬低
run in 跑进—顺便探望run into 跑进—陷入……状态中,偶然碰见run into debt 负债
run off 跑掉——流畅地写出run out 跑出——被用完,耗尽run over 跑过——溢出
run through 跑过,穿过——贯穿run up 跑上去——迅速积累(债款等)
run to seed 变得不修边幅run a race 参加赛跑run for presidency 竞选总统
run to sb’s aid 赶去帮助某人run aground (船)搁浅run wild 发狂
run to extremes 走向极端run the streets 流浪街头run a car 驾驶小汽车
run a hare 追捕野兔——追捕坐车不买票的人run a factory 办工厂
run messages 送信,传递信息run the water off 把水放掉run oil 提炼石油
run to 跑到——(数量等)达到run on 不停地跑——讲个不停,喋喋不休
run sb into difficulties 使某人陷入困境run the risk of 冒着……
run one’s eyes down a list 匆匆看一下单子run a simile too far 把一个明喻用得牵强附会
run a fever 发烧run a sword through sb. 用刀刺穿某人 run a thread through an eyelet 把线穿过小孔run one’ head into a wall 撞南墙,碰壁
The idea runs in his mind. 这个念头萦绕在他的脑海中。 The street runs north. 大街向北延伸。
The news runs rapidly in the town. 这个消息迅速在镇上传开。 一字多义和一字多种搭配在汉语里也是相当常见的。汉语里意义和搭配最多的是―上‖字。在上海辞海出版社出版的《辞海》里,―上‖有17个意义和194个词语搭配。翻译这个字既需要字典的帮助,又需要上下文的启示。下面请看―上‖的实例。
上升go up; mount 上缴pay;turn over to the higher authorities
上班be on duty 上心remember, bear in mind;be serious 上药paint 上岸land; go shore; go on shore 上班go to work; start work
上半晌forenoon 上半身the upper part of the body
上报report to a higher body; report to the leadership; appear in the newspapers
上辈子ancestors; previous existence 上边upside 上膘fatten; become fat
上宾guest of honor 上菜send dishes to table; good dishes 上苍Heaven
上策the best policy 上层upper levels; upper strata; superior 上层建筑superstructure 上场enter; appear on the stage; enter the court
上朝go to court(臣子朝见君主议); hold court (君主到朝廷上处理政事)上乘superior
上船go aboard a ship; go on board 上床go to bed
上蹿下跳jump; run around on sinister errands(比喻人上下奔走,四处活动(含贬义))
上达reach the higher authorities(向上报告)上当be fooled; be deceived
上等upper; first-class; best-quality 上帝God 上吊hang oneself
上调be promoted(由较低调到较高部门); allocate and transport (调拨、调用)
上方宝剑the imperial sword; a symbol of high authority 上访appeal to the higher authorities for help 上坟honor the memory of the dead at a grave
上粪spread manure(把粪肥施在田里)上纲raise to the higher plane of principle
上风windward(风吹来的那一方); advantage, superior](比喻优势或有利地位)
上浮float(向上漂);raise, rise(指工资、价格、奖金等) 上告complain to the higher authorities;report 上工start work; go to work
上供offer up a sacrifice; lay offerings on the altar; give presents to boss(比喻将财物送给上级或有关部门、人员,以求得到照顾)
上钩get hooked; rise to the bait; succumb to the wiles of sb.(比喻被引诱上圈套)
上古ancient times 上好first-class; best-quality
上火get angry(生气,恼火)inflame; suffer from excessive internal heat(中医)
上货replenish one's stock(为准备销售而购进货物); put goods on shelf(把货物放在货架上)load (把东西装上[运输工具])
上级superordinate; higher authorities; higher organization
上交turn over to the higher authorities(交给上级单位);seek connections in high places(地位低的人同地位高的人交往)
上街go into the street; go shopping
上届previous session(某一届会议、一届学生等的前一届) 上进make progress; go forward(进步;追求进步); ascend(从低水平或低程度上升或向上)
上课give lessons;go to class;have class]
上口be able to read aloud fluently;be suitable for reading aloud 上贼船be led astray
上联the first line of a couplet on a scroll(对联的前一句) 上脸face goes red(喝酒后脸色发红);unbridled(指孩子或晚辈撒娇逞能,目无长上)
上路start off; set out on journey 上马mount; get on horse(骑上马背);
start(比喻某个重大工程项目或工作开始进行)take up an official post(指领导者指挥者上任)上门call; visit(登门;到人家里去);drop in(来访);bolt the door(闩上门);marry into and live with one’s bride’s family(上门女婿);close(商店关门停止营业)
上面above(位置较高的地方);above(上级); aspect(方面);on](在表面);above-mentioned (在其前面的)上年last year(去年)上年纪aged
上任assume office; take up an official post(官员就职);official of the previous tenure(指前一任的官员)上上the very best;before last 上身the upper part of the body
上市go on the market 上述above-mentioned; said as narrated above
上水feed water to a steam engine, radiator (of an automobile) etc. 上税pay taxes
上司superior; boss 上诉appeal 上算economical; worthwhile;
paying;excellent plan 上台go up onto the platform; appear on the stage;assume power
上套be trapped(指陷入圈套)上下翻腾toss 上下水water pipe and drain
上下打量measure; look sb. up and down; scrutinize sb. from head to foot
上下文context 上限upper limit 上相be photogenic; come out well in photograph
上行下效follow the example set by the superior; the inferiors imitate the superiors
上演show; perform; put on show 上瘾get into the habit; get addicted to
上游upper reaches (of a river);advanced position(比喻先进的地位)
上奏report to the throne 上座seat of honor 上涨rise; go up 英语的―head‖与汉语的―头‖ 的比较。
He was badly wounded in the head. ——他头部受重伤。 You should use your head a bit. ——你该用一下你的头脑。 He has a good head of mathematics. ——他的数学能力很强。 Prick with the head of needle. ——用针尖挑。
He was standing at the head of the staircase. ------他站在楼梯的顶端。
The dinner cost us eleven dollars a head. ——这顿饭花去我们每个人11美元。
Let’s discuss th e question under five heads. ——我们分五个题目来讨论这个问题。
Present at the meeting were the heads of governments of the five countries.
He is the head of the department. ——他是部门的头。
Heads or tails? ——正面还是反面?
这娃娃头可真大。-----The baby has got a big head. 她正在梳头。------She is combing her hair.
他正在山头上玩。-------He is playing on the top of the hill. 一辆小汽车停在桥西头。-------A car was parked at the west end of the bridge.
让我从头说起吧。-------Let me tell the story from the very beginning.
他把铅笔头扔了。------He threw away the pencil stub. 他是我们组的头儿。------He is the head of our team. 他们是一头的。-------They are on the same side.
事情不能只顾一头。-------We mustn’t pay attention to only one aspect of the matter.
这还是我头一次来杭州。-----This is the first time I have been in Hangzhou.
亡、故、卒、逝、毙、崩、陨、殂(cú)、殁(mò)等。 用两个汉字表达die这个概念的词有:
在汉译英时,汉语中的―死‖字可以译成―die‖,也可以用它的同义词或者近义词来翻译。例如:用一个英语单词来表示―死‖这个概念的有:perish succumb decease croak fall
hang expire drown Depart suffocate
cease respiration、lose one’s life、cease to exist、come to naught、suffer death、end one’s days
be no more、relinquish life、emit the last breath、come to a violent death、meet one’s death commit suicide、rop dead
pass away、heck in、burn out、kick off、cash in、keel over、go to glory、fall asleep
catch one’s breath、fade away、check out、kick in、go up、go west、return to the earth
be done for
go to sleep 长眠be no more 没了,不在了close one’s eyes 合眼,闭眼
lay down one’s life die a martyr 牺牲expire 逝世pass away 去世,与世长辞
end one’s day 寿终正寝breathe one’s last 咽气,断气go west 上西天,归西
come to a violent death 横死,凶死,强死,死于非命give up the ghost 见阎王
kick the bucket 翘辫子,翻白眼kick up one’s heels 蹬腿,伸腿
answer the last call授命abandon the world 弃世,谢世pay the debt of nature 了结尘缘depart to the world of shadows 命归黄泉pass over to the great beyond 跨鹤西游(见马克思)go to glory 仙游,仙逝return to dust 入土release the souls from suffering 超度
go to Nirvana(佛教的天堂)去极乐世界demise 崩
He is a good man.。------他是个好人。 This is a good book. -------这是一本好书。 I wish you good luck. -------祝你好运。
She is a good friend of mine.----- 她是我的好朋友。 She has brought me good news ------她给我带来了好消息。 She is a girl with good manners. -----她是一位举止得体的女孩。(不译成―举止好‖)
These are all labeled as good eggs.------这些都被标为新鲜的鸡蛋。(不译成―好鸡蛋‖)
Dogs are often regarded as man’s good friends. 狗经常被认为是人们的忠实朋友。(不译成―好朋友‖)
He is a good chess player. -------他是个高明的棋手;他棋艺高超。(不译成―好棋手‖)
He once again imparted to us his great knowledge, experience and wisdom.
我们又一次领受了他那广博的知识、丰富的经验和无穷的智慧。 下面请看一个动词的选词:
Wherever we went, we got into streets, shops, parks, theaters and restaurants.
a love letter 情书 a suicide letter 绝命书 a ―Dear John‖ letter 绝交信
a letter of recommendation推荐信 a letter of condolence 唁函
a man of letters有文化的人
(2)根据搭配来进行判断; (3)根据语法形式来进行判断; (4)根据词在句中的词类来进行判断。
This war is becoming the most important story of his generation.
It is quite another story now。现在的情况完全不同了。 Some reporters who were not included in the sessions broke the story.
He’ll be very happy if that stor y holds up. 如果这一说法当真,那他就太高兴了。
The Rita Haywoth story is one of the saddest. 丽泰?海华丝的遭遇算最惨的了。
A young man came to Scott’s office with a story.一个年轻人来到斯科特的办公室报案。
Last December, the Post first reported that probes were being made in each of those cities, but officials refused to
confirm the story.
去年12月,《邮报》首先报道侦察工作已在那些城市里进行,但官员们拒绝证实这条消息。The story about him became smaller and by and by faded out from the American TV.
对他的报道越来越少了,不久他就从美国电视上销声匿迹了。 Tell me the story of what happened to you.告诉我发生在你身上的一切事情。
The story of the opera was printed in the program.这曲戏的故事情节印在了节目单上。
第四章翻译中的多样性 1.【魂不附体】
贾瑞听了,魂不附体。Jia Rui nearly gave up the ghost at this. (死)
Their ladyships overhearing this inside were frightened out of their wits. Speechless, they could only sob.
Now living with another family, although they treat me so well, I have to watch my step all the time.
邢岫烟住在贾府园中,终是寄人篱下…… Xing Xiuyan lived in Jia’s Garden as an independent… 3.【一败涂地】
必须先从家里自杀自灭起来,才能一败涂地呢!We must start killing each other first before our family can be completely destroyed.
往后子孙遇见不得义的事,还是点儿底子,不到一败涂地。Then in future, if things go badly for our descendants, they’ll have something to fall back on and won’t be bankrupted.
完了,完了!不料我们一败涂地如此!We’ve done for, done
for! To think that we should be reduced to this!
别叫我替你们害臊了!你们鬼鬼祟祟干的那些事,也瞒不过我去。 Don’t make me blush for you. What you’re up to on this sly (暗地里)is no secret to me.
Since when have you been so attentive? Or are you spying for someone, acting in this hole-and corner way? You gave me quite a fright, you sneaky devil.
Goodness knows what they’re being so secretive about. 这两日他往这里头跑得不象,鬼鬼祟祟的,不知干些什么事情。 She’s been creeping in here the last couple of days in a very sneaky way. Goodness knows what she’s up to.
No wonder people say you’re always up to underhand tricks.
半日鸦雀无声。A long silence follows.
Zijuan, who had cleaned up and was gently fanning Daiyu, was so affected by the sight of the three of them weeping in silence that she had to put a handkerchief to her own eyes.
His hands behind his back, Baoyu strolled through the grounds and did not hear a sound.
This was the signal for Bihen, Qiuwen and Sheyue, who had been listening with bated breath outside, to rush I and kneel down beside her. (屏息)
All was strangely quiet in Lady Wang’s apartments, where she sat in the inner chamber shedding tears all by herself.
不想步入院中,鸦雀无声,一并连两只仙鹤在芭蕉下都睡着了。 To her surprise, his courtyard was utterly quiet. Even the two storks were sleeping under the plantain. 鸦雀无声,只听铿锵叮当,金铃玉佩微微摇曳之声。
And the only sounds to break the solemn silence were the tinkling of gold bells and jade pendants.
众人鸦雀无声。All listened in absolute silence.
不用你们作老娘的操一点儿心,他鸦雀无声的给你们弄了一个好女婿来,大家倒省心。She’s saved her granny a nd everyone trouble by quietly picking a fine young man for herself.
众人鸦雀无声。No one made a sound. 6.【大惊小怪】
凤姐忙收了怯色,反喝道:―死了罢了,有什么大惊小怪的!‖But after her initial fright, Xifeng put on a bold face. ―If she’s dead, she’s dead,‖ she retorted. ―What’s all the fuss about?‖
众人听了,道:―我当谁的,这样大惊小怪,这也不值的。When the other girls heard this, they
commented, ―We thought it was someone who mattered, the way you were carrying on; but this isn’t worth making such a fuss about.‖
黛玉道:―不妨,你们快别这样大惊小怪的。刚才是说谁半夜里心疼起来?‖ ―I’m all right. Don’t be such alarmists(大惊小怪者, 杞人忧天者). What was that you were saying just now about
someone having a pain in the heart in the middle of the night?‖ Daiyu said.
别叫丫头们大惊小怪的,屋里的猫儿狗儿,也叫他们留点神儿。Don’t let the maids make such a commotion, and tell them to keep your pet dogs and cats quiet too.
还是随便吧,不必闹得大惊小怪的。 Anything will do; don’t fuss.
The servants, however, did not question the claim that the monsters had been captured. They stopped panicking and let the matter drop.
―The old lady is ill; don’t kick up such a shindy.‖ Caiyun said. (引起骚动, 大吵大闹)
Madam Bao was just thinking of letting you know, but was afraid you might scold us for raising a false alarm.
各类汉英成语词典对―大惊小怪‖的解释各不相同,例如: ①Be s urprised or alarmed at something quite normal ②e surprised or alarmed at something perfectly common ③ake a fuss about nothing ④ake unnecessary ado about trifles
⑤ake a fuss about something ⑥uss about / over something ⑦uch ado about nothing ⑧uch / great cry and little wool ⑨flurried / hurried ado about trifles ⑩et alarmed for / about nothing
⑾t nothing for nothing ⑿et all stirred up over nothing ⒀ake a terrible to-do- about something ⒁storm in a teacup ⒂tempest in a teapot ⒃teapot tempest ⒄tempest in a barrel
⒅tempest in a bucket ⒆reate about ⒇ike a hen with one chick / chicken
Alarmism、Fussy、get jittery for nothing、great alarm at a little bogey