The process of planning and executing 〔执行、实行〕the conception, pricing, promotion, and distribution of goods, services and ideas to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational objectives.——the definition emphasizes the diverse activities marketers perform.(强调市场商
❖ Deciding what products to offer ❖ Setting prices
❖ Developing sales promotions and advertising campaigns ❖ Making products readily available to customers
2. The marketing Concepts(市场营销观念:企业分析消费者需求,制
定比竞争对后更好的决策来满足这些需求的哲学) ❖ The Production Concept 生产观念 ❖ The Selling Concept 推销观念 ❖ The Marketing Concept 市场营销观念 The Production Concept 生产观念
The idea that a firm should focus on those products that it could produce most efficiently and that the low-cost products would create the demand for those products.
The Selling Concept / sales concept 推销观念(利用广告这种重要
The Marketing Concept市场营销观念
Difference between Selling and Marketing销售与营销的区别
Selling:先销售再… Emphasis is on the product. Marketing:先调查市场需要再… Emphasis is on customers’ wants. Company first makes the product and then Company first determines customers’ wants figures out how to sell it. and then figures out how to make and deliver a product to satisfy those wants. Management is sales-volume-oriented. Management is profit-oriented. Planning is short-run, in terms of today’s Planning is long term, in the sense of new products and markets. products, tomorrow’s market, and future growth. Stresses needs of seller.
Stresses wants of buyers. 3.The Marketing Mix / The 4P’s of Marketing市场营销组合
Consumer products消费品:produced for and purchased by
households for their use.
Industrial products 工业产品:are sold primarily for use in
producing other products.
Refers to the value or worth of a product that attracts the buyer to exchange money or something of value for the product.
Loss Leader Pricing (亏本出售商品〕selling things in its lower price than its cost price in order to attract customers to purchase the products.
Penetration Pricing (渗透定价法---心理定价策略〕设定最初低价,
is a pricing strategy where the organization sets a low price to increase sales and market share. 〝Introductory〞.
Price Skimming〔撇脂定价法---心理定价策略〕将产品的价格定的
the charging of relatively high
prices that take advantage of early customers’ strong need for the new product, and then decreasing it slowly as sales begin to decline.
Differential Pricing〔区别定价法〕involves allowing the same
product to be priced differently.
3)Place (分销:代表公司为使产品达到目标顾客手中所进行的各种
Place / Distribution refer to how you will sell your products to your customers.
Personal selling(人员销售〕、Advertising、Sales promotion〔销售促销〕、Publicity〔宣传〕
4.The Product Life Cycle 产品生命周期〔PLC〕 ❖ Introduction Phase 引入期 ❖ Growth Phase 成长期 ❖ Maturity Phase 成熟期 ❖ Decline Phase 衰退期
Limitations of the Product Life Cycle Concept 产品生命周期的局限性---不适用于产品销量的推测,之使用与一样推测。
5.1〕Consumer Buying Behavior〔消费者购买行为:作为个人使用产品和决策构成消费者购买行为。社会、心理、人口和环境因素〕 Need recognition SearchEvaluation of alternatives(比较同类产品讯息)Purchase decisionAfter-purchase evaluation〔评估购买行为〕
Several factors affect the buying decision of consumers. ❖ Social factors: family members , peers ❖ Psychological factors: attitude, personality ❖ Personal characteristics: age, education ❖ Specific conditions
2〕Industrial Buying Behavior 企业购买行为
The purchase decision making of organization such as manufacturers, service providers, government agencies, institutions, and non-profit groups is referred to as industrial buying behavior.
6.Marketing Research 〔市场营销调研有效的调研包括5个步骤〕Forming the research question确定问题和研究目标 Research design制定调研打算
Data collection: secondary data, primary data资料搜集 Data analysis资料分析
Choosing the best solution确定最好的解决方法
7.Market Segmentation 〔市场细分:按照购买者所需的个别产品
The division of a market into different homogeneous group of consumers.
❖ Mass marketing(大量营销〕 ❖ Target marketing〔目标营销〕
1〕Requirements of Market Segments 市场细分的要求
❖ Identifiable〔可确认的〕: The differentiating attributes〔部分〕 of the segments must be measurable so that they can be identified. ❖ Accessible〔能够达到的〕: The segments must be reachable through communication and distribution channels.
❖ Substantial: The segments should be sufficiently large to justify the resources required to target them.
❖ Unique needs〔专门的需求〕:To justify separate offerings, the segments must respond differently to the different marketing mixes.
❖ Durable〔耐用持久的〕:The segments should be relatively stable to minimize the cost of frequent changes. 2〕Segmentation Bases 细分依据
❖ Geographic segmentation bases(地理因素〕: city, state, region. ❖ Demographic segmentation bases〔人口因素〕:age, income, education, occupation, sex, race, social class.
❖ Psychographic segmentation bases〔消费心理因素〕: attitudes, personality, opinions, lifestyles, interests, motives.
❖ Behaviouralistic segmentation〔消费行为因素〕: Based on actual customer behavior toward products.