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The PXI Hardware Specification Revision 2.2 ECN 1 is authored and copyrighted by the PXI Systems Alliance. Visit the PXI Systems Alliance Web site at for contact information and to learn more about the PXI Systems Alliance.
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PXI-1 Rev. 2.2 ECN 1 R1.0 June 13, 2005 © PXI Systems Alliance
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1. Background
The PXI Express Hardware Specification under development during the publishing of this ECN brings PCI Express to the PXI standard and allows additional instrumentation capability. The PXI Express Hardware Specification provides compatibility with PXI-1 (PXI Hardware Specification) Peripheral Modules in two ways. First, PXI Express Chassis may implement Peripheral Slots as defined in the PXI-1 specification. Second, PXI Express Chassis may implement a Slot that supports two types of Peripheral Modules:
• A Peripheral Module with PCI Express capability (known as a PXI Express Peripheral Module)
• A Peripheral Module (known as a Hybrid Slot-Compatible PXI-1 Module) that is only a slightly modified version of Peripheral Modules designed to PXI-1
This ECN serves as the requirements to create a Hybrid Slot-Compatible PXI-1 Module and indicates that such a module is PXI-1 compliant. This allows PXI Peripheral Module suppliers to start supplying customers with modules that take advantage of both PXI Expresss compatibility options.
2. Hybrid Slot-Compatible PXI-1 Peripheral Module
A Hybrid Slot-Compatible PXI-1 Peripheral Module is a PXI Peripheral Module that fully complies with the PXI-1 specification, except that the J2 HM connector is replaced with an eHM connector (XJ4) populated in the upper columns of the J2 footprint. The eHM connector is designated the eHM-F2 and defined within the CompactPCI Express specification maintained by the PICMG. Existing PXI-1 Peripheral Modules can be
reworked to populate the eHM connector in place of the J2 HM, or new PXI-1 Peripheral Modules can be designed to accept only the eHM connector. In either case, a Peripheral Module meeting the requirements of this ECN is considered PXI-1 compliant.
When creating a Hybrid Slot-Compatible PXI-1 Peripheral Module care should be taken if the Peripheral Module originally connected to certain local bus and star trigger pins. Table 1 shows the signal name from the PXI-1 specification that should be considered and the associated new signal name that the pin becomes with the voltage that may be present when the Hybrid Slot-Compatible PXI-1 Module is used in a PXI Express Hybrid Slot. If a PXI-1 Module connects to a signal in Table 1 that would cause an electrical conflict when used in a PXI Express Hybrid slot, then either the module should use an eHM connector with the conflicting pins not populated or the module should have its designed modified prior to creating a Hybrid Slot-Compatible PXI-1 Module to remove the conflict.
4 © PXI Systems Alliance PXI-1 Rev. 2.2 ECN 1 R1.0 June 13, 2005
Table 1 PXI-1 Peripheral to PXI Express Hybrid Slot Critical Signals
PXI-1 Peripheral PXI Express Hybrid Module Signal Name Slot Signal Name PXI_LBR0 5Vaux PXI_LBR2 WAKE# PXI_LBR3 ALERT# Voltage Range 5V 0-3.3V 0-3.3V PXI_LBR4 12V 12V PXI_LBR5 12V 12V PXI_LBL0 / PXI_STAR0GND GND PXI_LBL1 / PXI_STAR1GND GND PXI_LBL2 / PXI_STAR2GND GND PXI_LBL3 / PXI_STAR33.3V 3.3V PXI_LBL4 / PXI_STAR43.3V 3.3V PXI_LBL5 / PXI_STAR53.3V
Figure 1 shows a 3U Hybrid Slot-Compatible PXI-1 Peripheral Module.
Figure 1 3U Hybrid Slot-Compatible PXI-1 Peripheral Module
Figure 2 shows a 6U Hybrid Slot-Compatible PXI-1 Peripheral Module.
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Figure 2 6U Hybrid Slot-Compatible PXI-1 Peripheral Module
Figure 3 shows the Physical Location where the eHM is populated on a 3U Peripheral Module.
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Figure 3 eHM Physical Location on a 3U Peripheral Module
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Figure 4 shows the Physical Location where the eHM is populated on a 6U Peripheral Module.
Figure 4 eHM Physical Location on a 6U Peripheral Module
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