Unit 1
In the distance, mountains covered by pines were bathed in greenish purple light that seemed to come from nowhere.
When the movie over, the exit of the cinema was aswarm with people, and everyone poured forth and made for their home. 2.她在用钱方面相当谨慎,总是偷偷把钱藏在床底下。 She is cautious about (spending) money, and always secretes it away under the bed.
After a weeks’s meager life of bread and beans, he found it hard to resist the sumptuous dinner.
Many parents harbor a mixed feeling of happiness threaded with sadness towards their children’s growing up and independence, maybe because they are jealous of their children’s life away from
them, and wish to have their children all to themselves. Unit 2
If the trivial things such as clashing needs, kids, career, housework, doctor’s bill etc. can’t be dealt with, it’s just a palaver about marriage as a source of bless for the couple, security for the kids and societal stability.
Women become the man’s mental-and-physical housekeepers after marriage, because the wives would prod the husband to have a physical examination regularly.
Marriage can not only reduce the problem of smoking, drinking and emotional ills, but also help to lessen stress, circumvent high blood pressure, tension headaches etc, and improve physical health. 4.婚姻所带来的好处是有性别差异的,比如,只有对婚姻满意的女性才会像男性那样在忙碌工作了一天回家之后感到轻松,婚姻
There are differences between the sexes in the benefits of marriage, for instance, only the maritally satisfied women can get relief when they come back home after a busy day at work as men do. The life-lengthening power of marriage and the lower cancer-death incidence are more obvious to men, while an unhappy marriage can do more harm to women.
The bereaved may tend to be dysregulated, because their brains are not used to the sudden pass-away of the other person who used to be part of their emotional-regulation strategy. Unit3
Young people were the primary participants in the protests as the bill would have directly affect their future career in a negative way. 2.新的就业法案在政界各层触发了辩论,同时引起大规模学生走上街头抗议和工人罢工。
The CPE sparked debates among different political classes, and drew
massive protests from students in the streets and strike from workers.
Supports claim that unemployment is partially caused by the complex and inflexible labor laws which they believe have also helped keep economic growth at low level by discouraging business foundation and expansion.
4.希拉克总统宣布,他将要求政府准备一项新的法案,其中包括两处修改:试用期降低至一年,另外雇主必须提供解雇缘由。 President Chiral announced that he would ask the government to prepare a new law including two modifications: the trial period would be reduced to one year, and employers would now have to give a reason for the dismissal of the employment.
Minimum wages were first proposed as a way to curb the surge of sweatshops in manufacturing. Unit 4
What doesn't kill you can actually make you stronger. Post-traumatic stress is far from the only possible outcome.
The broader definition of good living blends deep satisfaction and a profound connection to others.
3.为了度过充实的人生,安宁、无忧的生活是不够的,我们也需要成长-有时是成长的痛苦。To live a full human life ,a tranquil carefree existence is not enough. We also need to grow-and sometimes growing hurts.
4.结果是一些遭受痛苦最多的人可能对生活最有发言权。 It turns out that some of the people who have suffered the most have the most to tell us about life.
For a more common example of growth through adversity,look to one of life's biggest challenges parenting. Unit 5
With the centenary of cinema in 1995, the cinephile is free to select
and view multitudes of films according to his or her own taste. 2.电影摄制指的是电影制作的过程——从最初的故事创意,通过剧本创作、拍摄、剪辑到最后电影的发行与观众见面。 Filmmaking refer to the process of film-making: from an initial story idea through scriptwriting, shooting, edition and finally distribution to the audience.
Different genres of film are subject to different standards of success. For example, action movies typically have higher production and promotion costs than love stories.
While the Los Angles is still home to many entertainment-related companies, soaring production and living coat there lead many companies to seek opportunities elsewhere.
Jaws took over $100,000,000 at the box office and for a time this was the point at which a film could be designated a blockbuster in North America.
During the English Civil War,the parliament couter-revolutionaries as well as the revolutionaries were successively purged by the army,and some fled to new England 2.他因挥霍公款而遭到指控。
He was accused of squandering large quantities of public funds. 3.他建议我把我短暂的有生之年奉献到自我提升和社会服务上来。
He advised me to utilize the remaining years of my transitory life on self uplift and social service.
50 patients diagnosed of having infected with H1N1 from today. The epidemic bears some resemblance to the spread of SARS in 2003. 5.爱被认为是人最本真的感情,是人类之所以存在的精髓。 Love is regarded as something intrinsic to human feeling,the very essence of human existence.
Unit 7
Professors have always faced the chanllenge of discriminating between original compositions and plagiarized work, but today they are confronted with an additional obstacle—digital plagiarism or web-based plagiarism. Students today have easy access to the Internet and they have millions upon millions of term paper available for their use with a simple click of a mouse.
2.心性无法在舒服安逸的环境中发展。唯有经过艰难困苦的体验,心灵才能得到强化,雄心才能得以激发,从而最终获得成功。 Character cannot be developed in ease and comfort. Only through experience of trial and sufferance can the soul be strengthened ambition inspired, and success achieved
3.往往有许多诸如戏剧的、法庭辩论的或说教(例如来自演讲者或大学演说官员)的文学是永远无法被写入书中的;与此同时,许多书本上的内容倒总是专注于一些非文学的关注上。 Much literature, scenic, forensic or didactic (as from lecturers and
public orators) may never take a station in books, and much that does come into books may connect itself with no literary interest.
As Shakespeare concludes his play, he seems to be deliberated depriving it of all poetic justice and of all apparent moral significance.
The latent period of this disease is usually 3 to 5 years.