一、他们走遍了天南海北,从此收获了知识与经历。 They traveled all over the world, gaining knowledge and experience.
二、在这个时代,天南海北都可以享受国际文化的美好。 In this era, people from all corners of the globe can enjoy the beauty of international culture.
三、我们的心情不朽,天南海北也能感受到我们的温暖。 Our emotions are immortal, and warmth can be felt everywhere in the world.
四、天南海北都有那么一些人,他们总是让你相信奇迹可以发生。 There are some people all over the world who always make you believe that miracles can happen.
五、天南海北都有着各自的风土人情,每一处都有它独特的魅力。 Everywhere in the world has its own unique culture, customs and charm.
六、宇宙中有无数星辰,而天南海北都有我们真正属于自己的归宿。 The universe is full of stars, and everywhere in the world has our true home.
七、天南海北,英雄无数,他们为了理想和梦想,勇往直前。 Heroes are everywhere in the world, bravely going forward for their ideals and dreams.
八、就算天南海北分隔成百里,我们的友情永不变。 Even if we are separated by a hundred miles, our friendship will never change.
九、不要忘记,虽然天南海北,但我们都是一家人。 Don't forget that no matter where we are, we are all one family.
十、在天南海北,他们孜孜以求,以求追寻一份绝美的幸福。 People are striving hard to pursue a beautiful happiness everywhere in the world.