1. Customer : 2. Product :
3. SDI Model
4. Buyer Model
Cylindrical Lithium Ion Cell :
Model Name Model Code
5. Received Marking
6. Date of application (DD/MM/YY) : / /
7. Supplier :
Mobile Energy Business Team
Issued Checked Approved Quality
SPEC. NO. LR20010213-1 ver. 1.0
- SAMSUNG SDI Confidential Proprietary - - SAMSUNG SDI Confidential Proprietary -
1. Scope
This Product Specification has been prepared to specify the rechargeable
lithium-ion cell ('Cell') to be supplied to the customer by Samsung SDI Co., Ltd.
2. Description and Model 2.1 Description Cell (lithium-ion rechargeable cell) 2.2 Model ICR18650-20
3. Ratings
3.1 Nominal Capacity 2000mAh 3.2 Charging Voltage 4.2 V 3.3 Nominal Voltage 3.7 V (from 4.2 V to 2.75 V) 3.4 Charging Method CC-CV (constant voltage with limited current) 3.5 Charging Current Standard charge : 1000mA Rapid charge : 2000mA 3.6 Charging Time Standard charge : 3 hours Rapid charge : 2.25 hours 3.7 Max. Charge Current 2000mA 3.8 Max. Discharge Current 3300mA 3.9 Discharge Cut-off Voltage 2.75 V 3.10 Cell Weight Approx. 44.0 g 3.11 Cell Dimension Height(max.) : 65.00 mm Diameter(max.) : Φ18.25 mm 3.12 Operating Temperature Charge 0 ~ 45℃ Discharge -20 ~60℃ 3.13 Storage Temperature 1 year -20~20℃ (*1) 3 month -20~45℃ (*1) 1 month -20~60℃ (*1)
Note (1): If the Cell is kept as ex-factory status(50% of charge), the Capacity Recovery Rate is more than 80%.
4. Outline Dimensions
See the attachment.(Fig. 1)
5. Appearance
There shall be no such defect as scratch, rust, discoloration, leakage which may adversely affect commercial value of the Cell.
6. Standard test conditions
6.1 Environmental Conditions
Unless otherwise specified, all tests stated in this specification are conducted at temperature 23±5℃ and humidity 65 ±20%. 6.2 Measuring Equipment
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(1) Ammeter and voltmeter
The ammeter and voltmeter should have an accuracy of the grade 0.5 or higher. (2) Slide caliper
The slide caliper should have 0.05 mm scale. (3) Impedance meter
The impedance meter with AC 1kHz should be used.
7. Characteristics
7.1 Standard Charge
This \"Standard Charge\" means charging the Cell with charge current 1000mA with constant voltage 4.2V at 23℃ for 3hours.
7.2 Initial capacity
The initial capacity is the initial discharge capacity of the Cell, which is measured with discharge current of 400mA with 2.75V cut-off at 23℃ within 1 hour after the Standard Charge. Initial Capacity ≥ 1950mAh
7.3 Cycle Life
Each cycle is an interval between the charge (charge current 1000mA) and the discharge (discharge current 2000mA) with 2.75V cut-off.
Capacity after 299cycles and plus 1 day, measured under the same condition in 7.2
Capacity ≥ 1400mAh
7.4 Initial internal impedance
Initial internal impedance measured at 1kHz after Standard Charge. Initial internal impedance ≤ 100mΩ
7.5 Temperature Dependence of Discharge Capacity
Capacity comparison at each temperature, measured with discharge
constant current 1000mA with 2.75V cut-off after the Standard Charge is as follows.
Note: If charge temperature and discharge temperature are not the same, the interval for temperature's change is 3 hours.
Percentage as an index of the capacity at 23℃ is 100% ( 1950mAh).
7.6 Temperature Dependence of Charge Capacity
Capacity comparison at each temperature, measured with discharge
constant current 1000mA with 2.75V cut-off after the Standard Charge is as follows.
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Discharge temperature 23℃ Relative capacity -10℃ 50% Charge temperature 0℃ 80% 23℃ 100% 45℃ 100%
Note: If charge temperature and discharge temperature are not the same, the interval for temperature's change is 3 hours.
Percentage as an index of the capacity at 23℃ is 100% ( 1950mAh).
7.7 Storage Characteristics
Capacity after 30 days storage at 23℃ from the Standard Charge, measured with discharge current 1000mA with 2.75V cut-off at 23℃. Capacity Retention(after the storage) ≥1600mAh
7.8 Status of the cell as of ex-factory
The cell should be shipped in 50% charged state. In this case, OCV is from 3.65V to 3.85V.
8. Mechanical Characteristics
8.1 Drop Test Test method:
Cell(as of shipment or full charged) drop onto the oak-board
(thickness: ≥30mm) from 1.5m height at a random direction 6 times. Criteria: No leakage
Recovery rate(*2) ≥ 90%
8.2 Vibration Test Test method:
Cell(as of shipment) is vibrated for 90minutes along 2 mutually perpendicular axes with total excursion of 1.6mm and with frequency cycling between 10Hz and 55Hz by 1Hz/min. Criteria: No leakage
Recovery rate (*2) ≥ 90%
Note(2): Recovery rate is measured by the condition of 7.2 after leaving cells at 23℃ for 3hours.
9. Safety
9.1 Overcharge Test Test method:
To charge the fully charged Cell with 12V and 2.0A at 23℃ for 2.5 hours. Criteria: No fire, and no explosion.
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9.2 External Short-circuiting Test
Test method:
To short-circuit the Cell charged 4.2V by connecting positive and negative terminal by less than 50mΩ wire for 3hours. Criteria: No fire, and no explosion.
9.3 Reverse Charge Test Test method:
To charge the Cell with charge current 2.0A by -12V for 2.5hours. Criteria: No fire, and no explosion.
9.4 Thermal Ramp Test Test method:
To heat up the Cell charged at 4.2V at a rate 5℃ per minute up to 130℃ and keeping the state for 120 minutes. Criteria: No fire, and no explosion.
10. Warranty
Samsung SDI will be responsible for replacing the cell against defects
or poor workmanship for 1 year from the date of shipping. Any other problem caused by malfunction of the equipment or mix-use of the cell is not under this warranty.
The warranty set forth above or described in Proper Use and Handling excludes a defect which is not related to manufacturing of the Cell.
11. Others
11.1 Storage for a long time
If the Cell is kept for a long time(3 months or more), It is strongly recommended that the Cell is preserved at dry and low-temperature.
11.2 Other
Any matters that specifications does not have, should be confer with between the both parties.
12. Packaging See Fig.2,
Package Drawing
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Max. 18.25
Max. 65.0
Unit : mm
Fig. 1 Outline Dimensions of ICR18650-20
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- SAMSUNG SDI Confidential Proprietary - - SAMSUNG SDI Confidential Proprietary -
Bare cell
100 PCS in small box
Fig 2. Package Drawing
Master carton (200PCS)
SPEC. NO. LR20010213-1 ver. 1.0
- SAMSUNG SDI Confidential Proprietary - - SAMSUNG SDI Confidential Proprietary -
Proper Use and Handling of Lithium Ion Cells See Before Using lithium-ion cell Supplied by
1 General
This Document has been prepared to describe the appropriate cautions and Prohibitions, which the customer should take or employ when the customer uses and handles the lithium ion cell (Cell) to be manufactured and supplied by Samsung SDI Co., Ltd., in order to obtain optimum performance and safety.
2. Charging
2.1 Charging current
Charging current should be less than maximum charge current specified in the Product Specification.
2.2 Charging voltage
Charging should be done by voltage less than that specified in the Product Specification.
2.3 Charging time
Continuous charging under appropriate voltage does not cause any loss of characteristics. However, the charge timer is recommended to be installed from a safety consideration, which shuts off further charging at time specified in the Product Specification.
2.4 Charging temperature
The Cell should be charged within a range of specified temperatures in the Product Specification.
2.5 Inverse charging
The Cell should be connected, confirming that its poles are correctly aligned. Inverse charging should be strictly prohibited. If the Cell is connected improperly, it may be damaged.
3. Discharging 3.1 Discharging
3.1.1 The Cell should be discharged at less than maximum discharge current specified in the Product Specification. 3.2 Discharging temperature
3.2.1 The Cell should be discharged within a range of specified temperatures specified in the Product Specification.
3.2.2 Otherwise, it may cause loss of characteristics.
3.3 Over-discharging
3.3.1 The system should equip with a device to prevent further discharging
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exceeding discharging cut-off voltage specified in the Product
3.3.2 Over-discharging may cause loss of performance, characteristics, of battery function.
3.3.3 Over-discharging may occur by self-discharge if the battery is left for a very long time without any use.
3.3.4 The charger should equip with a device to detect Cell's voltage and to determine recharging procedures.
4. Storage
4.1 Storage conditions
4.1.1 The Cell should be stored within a range of temperatures specified in the Product Specification.
4.1.2 Otherwise, it may cause loss of characteristics, leakage and/or rust.
4.2 Long-term storage
4.2.1 The Cell should be used within a short period after charging because long-term storage may cause loss of capacity by self-discharging. 4.2.2. If long-term storage is necessary, the Cell should be stored at lower voltage within a range specified in the Product Specification, because storage at higher voltage may cause loss of characteristics.
5. Cycle life
5.1 Cycle life performance
5.1.1 The cell can be charged/discharged repeatedly up to times specified in the Produce Specification with a certain level of capacity also specified in the Product Specification.
5.1.2 Cycle life may be determined by conditions of charging, discharging, operating temperature and/or storage.
6. Design of System
6.1 Connection between the Cell and the battery
6.1.1 The Cell should not be soldered directly with leads.
6.1.2 Otherwise, it may cause damage of component, such as separator and insulator, by heat generation.
6.2 Positioning the battery in the System
6.2.1 The battery should be positioned as possible as far from heat sources and high temperature components.
6.2.2 Otherwise, it may cause loss of characteristics.
6.3 Mechanical shock protection of the battery
6.3.1 The battery should equip with appropriate shock absorbers in order to minimize shock.
6.3.2 Otherwise, it may cause shape distortion, leakage, heat generation and/or rupture.
6.4 Short-circuit protection of the Cell
6.4.1 The Cell equips with an insulating sleeve to protect short-circuit
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which may occur during transportation, battery assembly and /or
system operation.
6.4.2 If the Cell's sleeve is damaged by some cause such as outside impact, it may cause short-circuit with some wiring inside the battery.
6.5 Connection between the battery and charger/system
6.5.1 The battery should be designed to be connected only to the specified charger and system.
6.5.2 A reverse connection of the battery, even in the specified system, should be avoided by employing special battery design such as a special terminals.
7. Battery Pack Assembly
7.1 Prohibition of usage of damaged Cell
7.1.1 The Cell should be inspected visually before battery assembly.
7.1.2 The Cell should not be used if sleeve-damage, can-distortion and/or electrolyte-smell is detected.
7.2 Transportation
7.2.1 If the Cell is necessary to transported to order place, such as the battery manufacturer, careful precautions should be taken to avoid Cell's damage.
8. Others
8.1 Disassembly
8.1.1 The Cell should not be dismantled from the battery pack.
8.1.2 Internal short-circuit caused by disassembly may lead to heat generation and/or venting.
8.1.3 When the electrolyte is coming in contact with the skin or eyes, flush immediately with fresh water and seek medical advice.
8.2 Short-circuiting
8.2.1 Short-circuit results in very high current which leads to heat generation.
8.2.2 An appropriate circuitry should be employed to protect accidental short-circuiting.
8.3 Incineration
8.3.1 Incinerating and disposing of the Cell in fire are strictly prohibited, because it may cause rupture.
8.4 Immersion
8.4.1 Soaking the Cell in water is strictly prohibited, because it may cause for the melt of components to damage functions.
8.5 Mixing use
8.5.1 Different types of cell, or same types but different manufacturer's cell may lead to cell rupture or damage to system due to different cell's characteristics.
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8.6 Battery exchange
8.6.1 Although the Cell contains no environmentally hazardous
component, such as lead or cadmium. the battery should be disposed according to the local regulations when it is disposed.
8.6.2 The Cell should be disposed with a discharged state to avoid heat
generation by an inadvertent short-circuit
\" CAUTION - The Battery used in this device may present a
risk of fire or chemical burn if mistreated. Do not disassemble,
heat above 100℃ or incinerate. Replace battery with Samsung SDI battery only. Use of another battery may present a risk of fire or explosion. Dispose of used battery promptly. Keep away from children. Do not disassemble and do not dispose of in fire.\"
SPEC. NO. LR20010213-1 ver. 1.0