专利名称:Arrangement for illuminating an indicating
element using transmitted light
发明人:ENDLER, MAX,MAIER, WOLFGANG申请号:EP83110004.5申请日:19831006公开号:EP0110063A2公开日:19840613
摘要:1. Arrangement for light transmission illumination of the display means of ameasuring instrument having at least one light source (19) arranged in the interior of themeasuring instrument and a disc-shaped photo-conductive body (8) associated with the
light source (19) and substantially corresponding to the outlines of a scaled andnumbered dial (7) of the display means of the measuring instrument, this photo-conductive body serving to guide light into at least one light-conductive pointer (1),whereof the shaft (18) penetrates the photo-conductive body (8), characterized in thatthere are provided, between the region of the photo-conductive body (8) adjacent to thelight source (19) and the opening (17) serving for penetration by the pointer shaft (18),slits (25, 26) whereof light-deflecting surfaces form a light channel in the photo-conductive body (8), the substantially mutually parallel slits (25, 26) lying on either side ofan imaginary plane which is perpendicular to the photo-conductive body (8) and isdetermined by the light source (19) and the pointer shaft (18).
地址:Heinrich-Hertz-Strasse 45 D-78052 Villingen-Schwenningen DE