专利名称:Fastening element for fastening thermally
insulating plates
发明人:FITZKE, MICHAEL申请号:EP92101949.3申请日:19920206公开号:EP0504572A1公开日:19920923
摘要:The present invention relates to a fastening element for fastening thermallyinsulating plates on a subconstruction with a large-area pressure plate (11) made ofplastic and a formed-on hollow shaft (12) made of plastic which at its front end has a
spread region and the cavity of which is suitable for receiving a metal screw, the cavity,which is accessible from the outside, being closable on its end facing the pressure plateby means of a cover part (16) and the cover part (16) being received by a central opening(15) of the pressure plate (11), the cover part having a formed-on web (17) which acts asan articulation and its covering position being pivotable up into a position in which itexposes the cavity, which fastening element according to the invention is characterised inthat the cover part (16) can be connected detachably to the pressure plate (11) via acatch connection at the end of the web (17) and in that the cover part (16) can be
fastened pivotably on the pressure plate (11) about an axis which passes through the endof the web (17) and is parallel to the hollow shaft (12).
地址:DIESELSTRASSE 4; W-5760 ARNSBERG 2,Dieselstrasse 4 D-59823 Arnsberg DE
代理机构:Fritz, Edmund Lothar, Dipl.-Chem.