

 Quiz 2 ( Grade Two 1st 07.10)

Listening Part

Class _____ Name _________ No._____ Mark ______ I. Give a tick or a cross according to what you hear

1. ( ) zip 2. ( ) FBI 3. ( ) rock 4. ( ) nod 5. ( ) vest 6. ( ) rub 7. ( ) glass 8. ( ) knives 9. ( ) in the office 10. ( ) my ruler 11. ( ) There is a big playground in our school. 12. ( ) Here are some oranges for Mr White. 13. ( ) It is a blue circle.

II. Circle A or B according to the sentence given

1. A. shape B. shell 2. A. hair B. hear 3. A. cloud B. clown 4. A. swing B. swim 5. A. triangle B. rectangle 6. A. box B. ox III. Fill in the right letter

r__ck ___p h___p r__cket b___th d___mpling ___xford m___thod fr___dge t___nder IV. Dictate words

V. Choose the right answer

1. A. It is a circle. B. It is a biscuit. 2. A. I am nine. B. I am fine.

3. A. There is a TV in it. B. It is a TV in the living room. 4. A. It is a purple kite. B. The kite is purple. 5. A. Thank you so much. B. You are welcome. 6. A. No, it is not a drum. B. No, it is a drum. 7. A. Thank you. . B. Here you are. 8. A. I can see the boat in it. B. I see the boat in it.

VI. Give True or False according to the passage ( T/ F ) 1. ( ) Ray has a good friend, Jim. 2. ( ) Ray likes to play with his friend.

3. ( ) Ray likes to walk to school because his house is near the school. 4. ( ) Ray can play football very well.

5. ( ) Jim’s house is near a sporting goods store.

6. ( ) Sometimes they like to go for a walk in the evening.

Written Part

I. Choice

(1) ( ) The name of our school is ______.

A. Shanghai World Foreign Language Primary School B. Joy School

(2) ( ) There is a big _______ near the school building.

A. playground B. park

(3) ( ) Teachers work in the ______. A. office B. officer (4) ( ) If you want to buy some books, you can go to the ________.

A. library B. book shop

(5) ( ) In the ______ shop, you can see some ties and jackets.

A. dress B. book

(6) ( ) What shape is the sea star? It is a _____. A. star B. circle (7) ( ) The triangle has ______ lines. A. four B. three

(8) ( ) The shape of your book is a _____. A. rectangle B. triangle (9) ( ) _____ you see a pupil in WFL? A. Can B. Are (10) ( ) _____ you a pupil of WFL? A. Can B. Are (11) ( ) Do you want a ___ of coffee? A. cup B. bowl (12) ( ) You need a ______ to cut the cake. A. fork B. knife II. Give True or False according to the fact ( T / F )

1. ( ) There is a library in our school. It is on the first floor. 2. ( ) In our library, you can only read English story books. 3. ( ) The computer room is next to the toilet. 4. ( ) The rainbow has seven different colours. 5. ( ) Our National Day is on Oct. 1st.

Quiz 2 ( Grade Two 1st 07.10 ) Class________ Name _________ No.____ III. Sounds ( give a tick or a cross)

bus up ( ) unit umbrella ( ) box no ( ) nose orange ( ) pink ride ( ) den man ( ) IV. Write the sentence in the right way do you want to go to guilin park with me V. Fill in “ a , an, / ”

____ umbrella ____ owl ______ big apple ______ English book ____ hair ____ bowl ______ eraser ______ orange juice VI. Fill in the words to complete the sentences

1. We will have a picnic. We need a _____________, a ______________, some ____________ and some ________________.

2. Dinner time! There is a _________________, a ________________, some ________________ and some ________________ on the table. 3. I have got a ________________, some ______________, some ______________ and some ________________ in the bag. VII. Answer the questions according to the fact 1. What is your name?

_________________________________________ 2. How old are you?

_________________________________________ 3. What is this?

_________________________________________ 4. What colour is the orange?

_________________________________________ 5. What shape is this? □


I. Give a tick or a cross according to what you hear:

Listening script

1. ( 6. ( ╳10. ( √ 12. ( √ ) vip ) rub 2. ( √ ) FBI 3. ( √ ) rock 4. ( ╳) not 5. ( ╳) west ╳ ) my ruler 7. ( ) Here are some oranges for Mrs White. ╳ 11. ( ) grass √ ) There is a big playground in our school. 8. ( √ ) knives 9. ( √ ) in the office II. Circle A or B according to the sentence given 13. ( ╳ ) It’s a blue circus.

1. Is the shape of the biscuit a triangle? 2. Her hair is long. ( A ) 3. The clown is very cute. ( A )

4. I can swing very high. ( B ) 5. This is a big rectangle. ( A ) III. Fill in the right letter

6. The ox is in the water. ( B ) ( B ) r a ck u p h i p IV. Dictate words

d u mpling o xford m e thod r o cket fr i dge b a th t e nder V. Choose the right answer

bell window egg kitchen garage 1. What shape is the biscuit? ( A ) 3. 5. Thank you so much. ( B ) What’s in the living room? ( A ) 2. How are you? ( B )

VI. Give T or F according to the passage 7. Here is a present for you. ( A ) 4. What color is the kite? ( B ) 8. What do you see in the river? ( B ) 6. Is it a bell? ( B )

Ray: Hi, Jim.

Jim: Hi, Ray. How are you?

Ray: Not bad! I just moved to a new house. It’s near our school. I can wJim: That’s great. But my house is far. I to school in five minutesalk


Ray: Yes, I see. Your house is near a toy store. There is a beautiful park

every day. I mustneed(需要)to take the school bus

(必须)get up early.

Jim: Yes, Ray. Do you want to play football with me? near it. We often go for a walk in the park in the morning, don’t we? Ray: Mm, IYou are good at it.

Jim: Oh, Ray. You are my good friend. Please, come on. ’m afraid I can’t go with you. I (擅长于)

need to go shopping with my dad. Ray: Ok, Le

T, T, T, T, F, F t’s go. For teachers

Quiz 2 ( Grade Two 1st 07.10 )

Listening Part

I. Circle the things your hear 1. ( 6. ( ╳ ) vip 2. ( √ ) FBI 13%

3. ( √ ) rock 4. ( ╳) not 10. ( √12. ( √ ) rub ) my ruler 7. ( ╳ 11. ( ) grass √ ) There is a big playground in our school. 8. ( √ ) knives5. ( ╳) west 9. ( √ ) in the office 13. ( ╳╳ ) Here are some oranges for Mrs White. ) It’s a blue circus.

II. Circle A or B according to the sentence given 6% 1. A. 2. A. 3. B. 4. A.

5. B. 6. B.

III. Fill in the right letter rack dumpling up oxford 5%

hip method fridge rocket bath tender IV. Dictate words

bell window 10%

egg kitchen garage

V. Choose the right answer 8% A: 1. 3. 7.

B: 2. 4. 5. 6. 8. VI. Give T or F according to the passage


T, T, T, T, F, F

Written Part

I. Choice 12%

A, A, A, B, A, A, B, A, A, B, A, B

II. Give True or False according to the passage 5%

F, F, F, T, T

III. Sounds ( give a tick or a cross) 3% √ ╳ ╳ ╳ ╳ ╳

IV. Write the sentence in the right way 7%

Do you want to go to Guilin Park with me?

没有改成大写,没有问号,错一个扣0.5分;漏词,一个扣1分。 V. Fill in “ a , an, / ” 4%

an umbrella an owl a big apple an English book / hair a bowl an eraser / orange juice

VI. Fill in the words to complete the sentences 12% 拼写错误,大小写错扣0.5分一个。词义不符扣1分。

VII. Answer the questions according to the fact 10% 2分一题;

拼写、大小写错一个扣0.5分;句首全部小写统扣1分; 动词错,一个扣1分;

第4题回答:It’s an orange. 扣2分;

第5题回答:It’s a rectangle/ triangle/circle. 不得分;a漏掉扣1分。
