How small you are.Are you afraid of me?Everyone is.I am the Grand Empress Dowager. 慈禧太后:你这么⼩,你怕我吗?每个⼈都怕,我是⾄⾼⽆上的皇太后。
Men,you know are not allowed in the Forbidden City after dark.Even little men like you.The only man who can live hereis the emperor.But the emperor is on high riding the dragon now.He died today.Those other men...They are not realmen.They are all eunuchs.And now they are waiting for me to die.
You're not the emperor anymore.There is a new emperor now!He has cut off his queue.And instead of a camel,he hasgot a car.
溥杰:你不再是皇帝了!现在有了⼀个新皇帝,他剪了辫⼦,他还⽤汽车代替了骆驼。 She is not my wet nurse.She is my butterfly. 溥仪:她不是我的奶妈,她是我的蝴蝶。
Johnston:Your Majesty, in our country, the general examination to first. 庄⼠敦:皇上,在我们国家,⼀般先进⾏考试⼀下。 Pu Yi:Emperor can not be test. 溥仪:皇上是不能被考的。
Johnston:Well that may have to change.But first Your Majesty might like to ask me some questions. 庄⼠敦:好吧,我们不得不改变⼀下,这样吧,皇上或许可以向我提问问题。 Pu Yi:Where are your ancestors buried? 溥仪:你家的祖坟在哪⾥?
Johnston:In Scotland,Your Majesty. 庄⼠敦:在苏格兰,皇上。
Pu Yi:But then,where's your skirt?In your country men wear short skirts,do they not? 溥仪:那你的裙⼦去哪了,你们苏格兰男⼈不都穿裙⼦吗?
Johnston:No,Your Majesty.Scotsmen do not wear skirts they wear kilts. 庄⼠敦:不,皇上,苏格兰男⼈不穿短裙,他们穿⽅格呢短裙。 Pu Yi:Kilts? 溥仪:⽅格呢短裙?
Johnston:Kilts.A matter of words,perhaps,but words are important. 庄⼠敦:⽅格呢短裙。也许只是措词的问题,但是措词⾮常重要的。 Pu Yi:Why are words important? 溥仪:为什么措词⾮常重要?
Johnston:If you cant say what you mean,Your majesty,you will never mean what you say.And a gentleman shouldalways means what he says.
庄⼠敦:皇上,如果你不能清楚的表达你的意思,皇上你就不会说话算数了,⼀个绅⼠应该永远说话算数。 Pu Yi:Ah,yes,a gentleman. Are you a gentleman. 溥仪:对,⼀个绅⼠,你是⼀个绅⼠吗?
Johnston:I would like to be a gentleman,You Majesty.I try to be. 庄⼠敦:我⾮常想做⼀个君⼦,皇上,我尽⼒去做。
Pu Yi:Im not a gentleman.Im not allowed to say what I mean.They are always telling me what to say. 溥仪:朕不是个绅⼠,朕不被允许说⼼⾥话,他们总是告诉我说什么话。
Johnston:Your Majesty is still very young.I thought he might like to see some English and American magazines.I havejust received them.
Pu Yi:I know that you know that l know that you know that that is a dialog between Confucius and Chuang Tzu. 溥仪:⼦⾮鱼安知鱼之乐? ⼦⾮我安知我不知鱼之乐?这是与之间的对话。 Johnston:Concerning respect,Your Majesty. 庄⼠敦:这句话是讲的互相理解,对吗皇上? Pu Yi:Yeah.Who is this George Washington? 溥仪:嗯。华盛顿是什么⼈?
Johnston:A famous American,Your majesty.A revolutionary General.The first American President. 庄⼠敦:⼀个有名的美国⼈,皇上,他是⼀个⾰命将军,美国第⼀任总统。 Pu Yi:Ah.Like Mr Lenin in Russia. 溥仪:就像俄国的先⽣? Johnston:Not quite. 庄⼠敦:不太⼀样。 Pu Yi:Dose he have a car. 溥仪:他有汽车吗?
Johnston:He lived a long time ago,Your Majesty. 庄⼠敦:他已经死去很久了,皇上。 Pu Yi:I want a car. 溥仪:我想要⼀辆汽车。
Johnston:I think your mouse is trying to escape,Your Majesty. 庄⼠敦:我认为皇上的耗⼦想要逃跑。
Pu Yi:Please do not tell anyone about my mouse.The lesson is finished. 溥仪:请不要告诉别⼈我有耗⼦的秘密,现在就下课吧。
Pu Yi:Our official tasters a brave men.Many of my ancestors have been poisoned,you know. 溥仪:尝膳的太监是勇敢的⼈,很多先帝都是被毒死的。 Johnston:Does Your Majesty have lunch like this everyday? 庄⼠敦:皇上每天都要这么⽤膳吗?
Pu Yi:Oh,yes.Every day.Like theater.I dont know why.It has always been like that.How do they kill emperors in theWest?The Austrian emperor was shot was he not?
Johnston:No.But his nephew was assassinated before the Great War. 庄⼠敦:不是,不过他的侄⼉⼤战前被暗杀了。
Pu Yi:But the Russian emperor had been shot.He was called the Tsar. 溥仪:但是俄国沙皇就被射杀了。 Johnston:Yes. 庄⼠敦:是的。
Pu Yi:He took lots of our land in Manchuria.I'm a Manchrian.Even after the republic,it's still my country. 溥仪:他侵略满洲不少领⼟,朕是满洲⼈,甚⾄民国以后,满洲仍是我国领⼟。
Pu Yi:I'm going to escape,Johnston.I've got a suitcase and a ticket to England.I am going to Oxford University. 溥仪:我想逃⾛,庄⼠敦。我搞到⼀个⾏李箱和⼀张去英国的船票,我想去⽜津⼤学。
Johnston:Your Majesty,if you get married,you will become the master of your own house.A wedding might be a morepractical way to escape.
庄⼠敦:皇上,只要你结婚了,你就会成为⾃⼰房⼦⾥的主⼈,或许结婚时更实际的逃避⽅法。 婉容:皇上在想什么?
溥仪:我在想,如果我是真皇帝,我现在就会是中国的统治者。 婉容:如果真是这样的话,皇上会做什么呢? 溥仪:我会改变所有的事情,甚⾄我们结婚的⽅式。 婉容:皇上反对指定的婚姻吗? 溥仪:耻辱的是不能选择⾃⼰的婚姻。
婉容:就是我,也不能选择。再过⼀两年,皇上就会⽐我⾼了。听说皇上在床下有个箱⼦,还想去英国⽜津⼤学吗?皇上会带婉容去吗?也许皇上想先看看我的脸再做决定。 溥仪:是的,皇上是想看看皇后的脸。 婉容:皇上必须亲⾃掀开盖头。 Pu Yi:How can we say goodbye? 溥仪:我们怎能说“再见”? Johnston:As we said Hello. 庄⼠敦:就像我们说“您好”⼀样。
溥仪:你知道我当皇上意味着什么吗?你是皇后。 婉容:你为什么不跟我上床呢?
溥仪:因为你已经成了鸦⽚⿁,鸦⽚杀了我,毁了整个中国。 婉容:但是,你可以在满洲国任何地⽅买到鸦⽚。 溥仪:住嘴。