

2021-10-25 来源:个人技术集锦
42 广西师范大学学报:自然科学版 第28卷 El41李银生.盐酸沙拉沙星在兔体内的药物动力学及生物利用度研究[J].中国兽医杂志,2001,37(6):46—48. [153 LI X,HU Y,GAO Y,et a1.A methanol hemisolvate of cipr0floxacin[J].Acta Cryst,2006,62(12):05803-05805. [16]WALLIS S C,GAHAM L R,CHARLES B G,et a1.”C NMR and single—crystal X—ray structural investigation of the fluoroquinolone antimicrobial drug norfloxacin・2DC1・DzOEJ].Aust J Chem,1994,47:799-800. [17] YU Liang—cai,LIANG Hong,ZHOU Chun—shan,et a1.Enoxacin hydroiodide[J].Acta Cryst,2004,E60:01051- 01053. [183 ZOU Hong—li。CHEN Zhen—feng,LIANG Hong,et a1.Crystal structure of norfloxacin hydr0chloride[J].Journal of Guangxi Normal University:Natural Science Edition,2005,23(4):57-60. Crystal Structure of Sarafloxacin Trihydrate ZHANG Min—min,HUANG Yao,LI Nan,LIU Yan—cheng,CHEN Zhen-feng,LIANG Hong (Key Laboratory for the Chemistry and Molecular Engineering of Medicinal Resources,Ministry of Education of China, School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Guangxi Normal University,Guilin Guangxi 541004,China) Abstract:Sarafloxacin・3H2O was characterized by X—ray single crystal diffraction analysis.It belongs to monoclinic crystal system,space group is P一21/ with cell parameters:CzoH17FzNsOs,Mr一385.36,a一 1.473 l(3),6—0.864 24(17),c=1.535 9(3)nm,口:90。, 一96.785(6)。,7--90。, 一1.941 8(7)nm。,Z =4,D =1.472 Mg/m。,F(000)=900, =0.120 mm一,R1=0.121 8,wRz=0.322 7( >2盯( )).A tWO— dimensional network is generated by hydrogen bonds. Key words:synthesis;crysta1 structure;sarafloxacin trihydrate (责任编辑王龙杰) 
