The IP-III(E) Maintenance Manual (MNT-IP030-5.1E) has been revised asfollows.
As of February 10th, 1999Chapter
1. Cleaning2. Lubrication56
10. Replacing the Air
Regulator Filter (Yearly)4.2 Adjusting the Height of
the Side Plates
“1.6 Cleaning the Air Regulator Filter”has been removed.
An precautional item has been addedat “2.4 Placing head lubrication”. Newly added.
The dimension has been changed.
Note:Please note that the pages made available on Fuji’swebsite are the pages which have been revised forthis edition of the manual. Users should download thenew pages and replace the equivalent existing pagesin their manual. If the design of any parts of themachine have been changed, former and currentdesign information is given with the model of machinemanufacture indicated. For a copy of the wholemanual, contact your nearest Fuji sales representativeor send a request via e-mail to the following
IP-III(E)Maintenance ManualMNT-IP030-5.1ENotice
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Contents – List of Current PagesContents – List of Current Pages
(Current version)
1. About This Manual...............................................(Version 5.1).............v
How to Use This Manual.............................................................................................viDANGERS: WARNINGS: CAUTIONS: and NOTES..................................................vii
2. Safety Labels.......................................................................................viii3. Emergency Stop Buttons......................................................................ix4. People Near the Machine......................................................................x5. Tools within the Machine........................................................................x
Chapter 1 Name and Function of Each Part of the Machine
1. Parts of the Machine............................................(Version 5.0)......1-1-1
1.1 Front View.......................................................................................................1-1-11.2 Rear View.......................................................................................................1-1-11.3 Main Parts.......................................................................................................1-1-21.4 Placing Head1................................................................................................1-1-21.5 Placing Head2................................................................................................1-1-31.6 Y-Table...........................................................................................................1-1-3
2. Functions of the Each Parts.................................(Version 5.0)......1-2-1
2.1 Machine Part Categories................................................................................1-2-12.2 Placing............................................................................................................1-2-22.3 Parts Supply System......................................................................................1-2-42.4 Other Units......................................................................................................1-2-52.5 Board Transport..............................................................................................1-2-52.6 Electrical Control System................................................................................1-2-62.7 Air Supply System..........................................................................................1-2-62.8 Main Parts of the Machine..............................................................................1-2-6
Chapter 2 Setup
1. Installation............................................................(Version 5.0)......2-1-12. Leveling................................................................(Version 5.0)......2-2-13. MFU.....................................................................(Version 5.0)......2-3-14. Air Supply.............................................................(Version 5.0)......2-4-15. Checking the Transformer Connections..........(Version 5.0)......2-5-16. Electric Power Supply..........................................(Version 5.0)......2-6-17. Transmission Cable Connection..........................(Version 5.0)......2-7-1
Chapter 3 Changeover
1. Adjusting the Conveyor Width..............................(Version 5.0)......3-1-12. Removing/Attaching the MFU (Changeover with an MFU)
.............................................................................(Version 5.0)......3-2-13. Attaching the Back-up Pins..................................(Version 5.0)......3-3-14. Setting the Board Positioning Pin.........................(Version 5.0)......3-4-15. Changing Pins (Reference, Follow-up Pin)..........(Version 5.0)......3-5-1
Version 5.1iIP-III(E) Maintenance
Contents – List of Current Pages(Current version)
Chapter 4 Cleaning and Lubrication
1. Cleaning...............................................................(Version 5.1)......4-1-1
1.1 Cleaning the Nozzles (Weekly).......................................................................4-1-11.2 Cleaning Out the Waste Tape Box (Every 8 Hours).......................................4-1-21.3 Cleaning the Surface of the Camera (Weekly)...............................................4-1-21.4 Cleaning the Reject Parts Box (Every 8 Hours)...............................................4-1-21.5 Cleaning the Rotary Joint Guide Area (Weekly)..............................................4-1-31.6 Discharge the Air Regulator Drain (Every 3 Months)......................................4-1-41.7 Cleaning the Y-table Vacuum Generator Filter (Every 3 Months)..................4-1-51.8 Cleaning the Control Box Cooling Fan Air Filter (Every Month).....................4-1-6
2. Lubrication............................................................(Version 5.1)......4-2-1
Precautions During Lubrication..............................................................................4-2-1Types of Lubricants...............................................................................................4-2-1Essential Point Regarding Lubrication...................................................................4-2-12.1 X1-, X2-axis lubrication....................................................................................4-2-32.2 Y-table lubrication............................................................................................4-2-42.3 Linearscale (rubber shield) lubrication.............................................................4-2-52.4 Placing head lubrication...................................................................................4-2-62.5 Nozzle change lubrication................................................................................4-2-72.6 Conveyor lubrication........................................................................................4-2-82.7 Feeder lubrication............................................................................................4-2-9Lubrication Check Points.....................................................................................4-2-10
Chapter 5 Replacing Consumable Parts
1. Replacing the Vision Processing Lamp................(Version 5.0)......5-1-12. Replacing the Frontlight Lamp Power Fuse (Option)
.............................................................................(Version 5.0)......5-2-13. Replacing the Vision Processing Frontlight Lamp
.............................................................................(Version 5.0)......5-3-14. Changing the Mark Camera Bulbs.......................(Version 5.0)......5-4-15. Replacing the Conveyor Belt................................(Version 5.0)......5-5-1
5.1 Replacing the In- and Out-Conveyor Belts.....................................................5-5-15.2 Replacing the Y-Table Belt.............................................................................5-5-2
6. Loader Sequencer Battery Replacement(About Every 4 Years)
.............................................................................(Version 5.0)......5-6-17. SCSI Board Battery Replacement .............................................................................(Version 5.0)......5-8-19. Filter Replacement for Part Pickup Vacuum Generator (Every 6 Months).............................................................................(Version 5.0)......5-9-110. Replacing the Air Regulator Filter (Yearly).........(Version 5.1)....5-10-1 Version 5.1iiIP-III(E) Maintenance Contents – List of Current Pages(Current version) Page Chapter 6 Adjustments 1. Placing Head........................................................(Version 5.0)......6-1-1 1.1 Z1-Axis Switch Adjustment.............................................................................6-1-21.2 Q1-Axis Adjustment........................................................................................6-1-31.3 Placing Pressure Control Mechanism (Option)...............................................6-1-4 2. Nozzle Change Unit.............................................(Version 5.0)......6-2-1 2.1 Adjusting the Advance Limit of the Nozzle Change Unit................................6-2-12.2 Adjusting the Nozzle Changer Advance and Retract Limit SW......................6-2-22.3 Adjusting the Nozzle Change Unit Forward/Retract Speed............................6-2-32.4 Adjusting the Nozzle Confirmation SW...........................................................6-2-3 3. Reject Parts Conveyor.........................................(Version 5.0)......6-3-14. Y-Table.................................................................(Version 5.1)......6-4-1 4.1 Adjusting the Width of the Y-Table.................................................................6-4-14.2 Adjusting the Height of the Side Plates..........................................................6-4-24.3 Adjusting the Height of the Back-up Pins.......................................................6-4-34.4 Adjusting the Board Liffter Upper/Lower Limit Sensors..................................6-4-44.5 Adjusting the Board Lifter Speed....................................................................6-4-54.6 Adjusting the Board Stopper...........................................................................6-4-64.7 Adjusting the Height of the Reference Pin Detection Sensors.......................6-4-7 5. Board Conveyor...................................................(Version 5.0)......6-5-1 5.1 Conveyor Sensors..........................................................................................6-5-15.2 Conveyor Width Change Notch Cylinder Adjustment.....................................6-5-2 6. Electrical Control..................................................(Version 5.0)......6-6-1 6.1 Servo Amps....................................................................................................6-6-16.2 VME Boards....................................................................................................6-6-36.3 Checking Input/Output Using the Direct I/O (MX 250)....................................6-6-6 Supplementary Information 1. Upgrading the Software.......................................(Version 5.0)......A-1-1 1.1 Static Electricity Countermeasures................................................................A-1-11.2 Upgrading the Control Program Software......................................................A-1-11.3 Upgrading the Vision Processing Software....................................................A-1-11.4 Upgrading the VME Board (IS70B): Servo Board ROM.................................A-1-21.5 Loader Sequencer EP-ROM Replacement....................................................A-1-3 2. Camera Proper Data Backup Procedure .............................................................................(Version 5.0)......A-2-1 2.1 Camera Proper Data Save Method................................................................A-2-22.2 Camera Proper Data Load Method................................................................A-2-42.3 Troubleshooting..............................................................................................A-2-5 Version 5.1iiiIP-III(E) Maintenance Contents – List of Current PagesNotes: Version 5.1ivIP-III(E) Maintenance IntroductionIntroduction1. About This Manual This manual contains important machine maintenance information for the operator. The manual content is intended for specialized technicians who are familiar with SurfaceMount Technology (SMT). Please read this manual carefully in order to ensure safe and efficient machinemaintenance. Some of the machine names used in this manual are not the formal machine names. (Formal machine name)FUJI IP-IIIFUJI IP-III E (Notation used in this manual): IP-III: IP-III E Version 5.1vIP-III(E) Maintenance IntroductionHow to Use This Manual 1. Each page indicates the chapter title, section title , manual name, page number,and the version number. Section titleChapter 2 SetupChapter titleMain body1. InstallationPointSet leveling sheets in the prescribed positions and ensure that the GP-551E is level. Besure to use leveling sheets that conform to the board transport height. (mm)Board transport heightLeveling sheet height900169506096575Table01Procedure1.2.Position the leveling sheets referring to the figure below.Position the sprit levels in the base of the machine. (Vertical and horizontal direc-tions)Turn to adjust each of the leveling bolts.Verify that the board transport height and horizontal level of the machine are cor-rect and then tighten each of the lock nuts.37.5450146037.52015(mm)15003.4.Lock nutLeveling boltLeveling sheetGP5MS001Version 1.02-1-1GP-551E MaintenanceVersion numberPage numberManual nameGP5MF001EMain Body: The information needed for conducting maintenance work isexplained using text and figures (illustrations) below the title.The chapter name attached to that page is indicated.The section name attached to that page is indicated.The relevant machine type and type of manual is indicated.Hyphenated page numbers indicate the chapter-section-pagenumber. The version number of a manual will be updated each time a revisionis carried out once the manual has been published. For example ifmajor changes are associated with a revision then the revision number would be updated from version 1.0 to 2.0. (In such a case themanual number on the cover page would be updated at the sametime and thus all of the pages in the manual would need to be substituted.) In addition if minor changes are made to a portion ofthe pages then the version number would be updated from version1.0 to 1.1. (In this case only the revised pages would need to besubstituted.) Chapter Title:Section Title:Manual Name:Page Number: Version Number: Version 5.1viIP-III(E) Maintenance Introduction2. To enable the user to insert and/or replace updated pages, this manual ispublished in loose leaf form. The “List of Current Pages” provides a summary of the most recent release for allpages. Refer to this list when updating a manual. Any additional or updated sections of this manual can be downloaded as requiredfrom Fuji’s web site. DANGERS: WARNINGS: CAUTIONS: and NOTES The Safety Alert Messages and how they will appear in this manual are defined below. DANGERFailure to follow the instructions will result in serious injury or death. WARNINGFailure to follow the instructions could result in serious injury or death. CAUTIONFailure to follow the instructions could result in equipment damage, or may result inminor or moderate injury. “Notes” are shown in italics. An example follows; Note: Important information related to equipment or procedures.Version 5.1viiIP-III(E) Maintenance Introduction2. Safety Labels The safety labels that indicate cautions which must be observed during machineoperation, and / or maintenance are affixed to the machine as shown below.Be sure to read these labels carefully and use the machine in a safe manner. Placing pressuer control (option)1112A2High Voltage2A1Keep hands andclothing well clearof the moving conveyorAMFUDANGERNever insert your handinside an operating machine.Moving parts may cause injury.IP3-m0511Version 5.1viiiIP-III(E) Maintenance Introduction3. Emergency Stop Buttons To stop machine operation immediately in an emergency situation, press one of the threered round emergency stop buttons on the machine. The positions of the emergency stopbuttons on the front and rear of the machine are shown in figures 1-3 and 1-4. Emergency Stop Buttons on Front of Machine Emergency Stop Button on Back of Machine Version 5.1ixIP-III(E) Maintenance Introduction4. People Near the Machine Before operating the machine, make sure that an operator is not working in the machineand that non-operators are a safe distance from the machine. 5. Tools within the Machine After performing routine maintenance, check for tools or other articles left in the machine. Tools or other articles left in the machine can result in costly machine damage. Version 5.1xIP-III(E) Maintenance Chapter 4 Cleaning and Lubrication1. Cleaning 1.1 Cleaning the Nozzles (Weekly) Point The vacuum nozzles draw in air. Nozzle blockage occurs when particles of dust, glue, orsolder paste are drawn in and solidify. If this blockage is not corrected pickup errors willoccur and placing performance will drop. The nozzle slides out of the ball screw spline axis. When blockage occurs this slidingaction can also be affected; increasing the time it takes to place the part, and making itincreasingly harder to change the nozzle with the buildup. Procedure If a certain nozzle consistently causes pickup errors, clean it out using an air gun. Accordingly, the nozzles should be cleaned on a regular basis (once a week) a smallamount of Biral T&D applied. Use a cotton swab to spread a small amount of Biral T&Don the inside of the nozzle. Apply a small amount of grease to the nozzle hook as well. Version 5.14-1-1IP-III(E) Maintenance Chapter 4 Cleaning and Lubrication1.2 Cleaning Out the Waste Tape Box (Every 8 Hours) WARNINGAlways be sure to cut the 200V power before carrying out any work.The waste tape from the feeders is collected in the MFU waste tape box. This waste tapebox should be emptied every eight hours.1.3 Cleaning the Surface of the Camera (Weekly)WARNINGAlways be sure to cut the 200V power before carrying out any work.If the surface of the image sensor camera becomes dirty with oil, dirt, etc. the changes inlight can distort the image that is read by the camera and resulting in a vision processingerror which causes the placement rate to fall. The surface of the camera should be wipedwith gauze once a week. 1.4 Cleaning the Reject Parts Box (Every 8 Hours)WARNINGAlways be sure to cut the 200V power before carrying out any work.Small parts deemed as NG by vision processing or unplaced parts are rejected and placed in the reject parts box. Inspect this box and remove the rejected parts every eighthours. Version 5.14-1-2IP-III(E) Maintenance Chapter 4 Cleaning and Lubrication1.5 Cleaning the Rotary Joint Guide Area (Weekly) Point The dog and the cover guide, inside the rotary joint, also act together as a seal to preventair leaks. However, this results in the rotary joint drawing foreign particles to this area.This often results in the dog’s movement becoming restrained causing errors duringoperation. (The nozzle sensor remains in the on position.) Procedure WARNINGAlways be sure to cut the 200V power before carrying out any work.Therefore, clean the dog and the cover guide thoroughly with a dry cloth every week.Furthermore, on a monthly basis, wipe the area with a cloth dampened with a smallamount of Biral T&D. By pressing the tip of the dog up, the guide area of the rotary joint becomes accessible.This should allow you to easily access the area for cleaning during periodic maintenancework. Version 5.14-1-3IP-III(E) Maintenance Chapter 4 Cleaning and Lubrication1.6 Discharge the Air Regulator Drain (Every 3 Months) Point Unwanted water droplets included in the air supply are collected inside the regulatorthereby necessitating the discharge of the drain. Procedure 1. Cut the power to the machine. WARNINGAlways be sure to cut the 200V power before carrying out any work.2.3.4. Remove the air hose (coupler). Place a receptacle for holding the unwanted water underneath the air regulator.Press the drain discharge button. 11. Window2. Max. drain level3. Discharge drain 23IP3ML005ENote:Filter A in the figure below is self-draining and thus drain discharge is not necessary.Carry out this procedure for filter B only.Filter BFilter AIP3ML006E5. Looking through the window on the air regulator, when there is no more waterleft in the filter then discharge is complete. Version 5.14-1-4IP-III(E) Maintenance Chapter 4 Cleaning and Lubrication1.7 Cleaning the Y-table Vacuum Generator Filter (Every 3 Months) Point This filter must be cleaned periodically since if it becomes clogged this will cause thevacuum pressure of the back-up pins to be reduced thereby resulting in board holddefects. Procedure 1. Cut the power to the machine. WARNINGAlways be sure to cut the 200V power before carrying out any work.2. As shown in the figure below, loosen one screw at the top and remove the filtercover. Y-tableFrontFilter coverName: FilterModel No.: VGFE10Maker: PISCOPackingUMCUAB V3PC - OLT1SIP3ML007E3.4.Wash the filter with kerosene or soapy water and then let it dry naturally (Keep inthe shade). Reinstall the filter. At this time, be sure not to forget to include the packing. Version 5.14-1-5IP-III(E) Maintenance Chapter 4 Cleaning and Lubrication1.8 Cleaning the Control Box Cooling Fan Air Filter (Every Month) Point If the air filter becomes clogged the cooling fan efficiency will drop and the temperatureinside the control box will rise. If operation continues under such conditions the servoamps and VME boards will not work properly and there is a danger of the equipmentrunning out of control. Procedure 1. Cut the power to the machine. WARNINGAlways be sure to cut the main power before carrying out any work.2. Remove the filter cover as shown in the figure below and clean the filter spongeinside. Version 5.14-1-6IP-III(E) Maintenance Chapter 4 Cleaning and Lubrication2. Lubrication Precautions During Lubrication 1.2. Prior to beginning any work be sure to turn the main power breaker OFF. Apply an appropriate amount of lubricant. If too much lubricant is applied thelubricant will splatter and may drop on the boards or inside the machine. Special care should be taken to keep camera lens clean, as a soiled lens can causevision processing errors. If this happens use a lens cleaner to wipe off the lens. Types of Lubricants The lubricants that are used have the following properties. Types of LubricatnsPropertiesThis is a spray type oil that is used as the lubricamtfor moving parts that travel at a relatively slow speedand upon which a relatively low load is exerted.This is also used for rust prevention. This is a lithium-based grease (Idemitsu) that is usedas a lubricant on moving parts that travel at moderatespeeds.This is a silicon-based grease that offers excellent heat resistance, moisture resistance and electrical insulating properties.Table-lub-IP3Biral T&DDaphne EponexNo. 2G-30LSilicon greaseEssential Point Regarding Lubrication The essential points concering the lubrication of each of the machine companents areindicated with illustrations and tables. • Type of lubricants and lubrication schedule The lubrication tables provide information regarding lubrication points, lubricant types,and lubrication schedules. The following symbols are used in the table: : Apply the appropriate amount of lubricant.R: Apply a small amount for rust prevention purposes.N/A: Lubrication is prohibited. Note:The frequency of lubrication is based on eight hours of operation per day.Version 5.14-2-1IP-III(E) Maintenance Chapter 4 Cleaning and Lubrication• Lubrication points Areas requiring lubrication are indicated in the diagrams by arrows and numbers.Locations indicated by white arrows signify that grease or oil should be applied to thesurface of the part being lubricated. Black arrows are used to indicate grease nipples andsignify that grease should be inserted using a grease pump. LM blockLM railNote:Even in the case of LM blocks that do not have a nipple, by applying arease between theblock and LM rail (bearing mechanism), the grease that adheres to the ball bearings androllers will be taken into the LM block and thereby serve to lubricate the LM block.• Lubrication checklist A lubrication checklist is provided at the end of this chapter.This checklist should be used as follows:1.2. Check the lubrication points corresponding to the reference numbers shown in theillustrations. Tick the \"Check\" box after lubricating each point. Version 5.14-2-2IP-III(E) Maintenance Chapter 4 Cleaning and Lubrication2.1 X1-, X2-axis lubrication Types of LubricantsLubrication PointsLM railLM blockDaphne Eponex No.2N/A Biral T&DRN/AN/ALubricationScheduleEvery weekEvery monthEvery monthT001ELM guideBall screw : Lubricate R : Apply for rust prevention N/A : Do not lubricate1.2. Arrow marks in the illustrations indicate lubrication points.Black arrows indicate points where a grease gun is required. Numbers shown in parentheses correspond to items on the checklist provided atthe end of this chapter. Version 5.14-2-3IP-III(E) Maintenance Chapter 4 Cleaning and Lubrication2.2 Y-table lubrication Types of LubricantsLubrication PointsLM railLM blockDaphne Eponex No.2N/A Biral T&DRN/AN/ALubricationScheduleEvery weekEvery monthEvery monthT001ELM guideBall screw : Lubricate R : Apply for rust prevention N/A : Do not lubricate1.2. Arrow marks in the illustrations indicate lubrication points.Black arrows indicate points where a grease gun is required. Numbers shown in parentheses correspond to items on the checklist provided atthe end of this chapter. Version 5.14-2-4IP-III(E) Maintenance Chapter 4 Cleaning and Lubrication2.3 Linearscale (rubber shield) lubrication Types of LubricantsLubrication PointsLinearscale : Lubricate G-30LSilicone grease LubricationScheduleEvery 6 monthsT002E1.2. Arrow marks in the illustrations indicate lubrication points. Numbers shown in parentheses correspond to items on the checklist provided atthe end of this chapter. Linearscale (X-axis)(10)Rubber shieldLinearscale (Y-axis)(11)ScaleBrushIP3ML012ENote:Use a fine-tipped brush to apply the grease on the rear side of the rubber shield. Whenapplying the grease do not extend the brush deep inside the scale (more than 10 mm). Ifgrease gets on the main scale this will lead to an erroneous count.Version 5.14-2-5IP-III(E) Maintenance Chapter 4 Cleaning and Lubrication2.4 Placing head lubrication Types of LubricantsLubrication PointsBall screw, splineGearNozzle interiorNozzle hook interiorRotary joint end guideDaphne Eponex No.2 N/A N/ABiral T&DN/AN/A N/AUse a cotton swab to apply a small amount (see note)LubricationScheduleEvery monthEvery 3 monthsEvery weekEvery weekEvery month : Lubricate N/A : Do not lubricateT003E1.2. Arrow marks in the illustrations indicate lubrication points.Black arrows indicate points where a grease gun is required. Numbers shown in parentheses correspond to items on the checklist provided atthe end of this chapter. Note:Do not apply in large amounts or by a spray applicator, as this can cause the rotary joint’sinternal sensor to malfunction, and may clog the vacuum filter.Version 5.14-2-6IP-III(E) Maintenance Chapter 4 Cleaning and Lubrication2.5 Nozzle change lubrication Types of LubricantsLubrication PointsLM guideLever push roller : LubricateBiral T&D LubricationScheduleEvery weekEvery monthT004E1.2. Arrow marks in the illustrations indicate lubrication points. Numbers shown in parentheses correspond to items on the checklist provided atthe end of this chapter. Version 5.14-2-7IP-III(E) Maintenance Chapter 4 Cleaning and Lubrication2.6 Conveyor lubrication Types of LubricantsLubrication PointsScrew : LubricateBiral T&D LubricationScheduleEvery weekT005E1.2. Arrow marks in the illustrations indicate lubrication points. Numbers shown in parentheses correspond to items on the checklist provided atthe end of this chapter. Version 5.14-2-8IP-III(E) Maintenance Chapter 4 Cleaning and Lubrication2.7 Feeder lubrication Types of LubricantsLubrication PointsFeeder : LubricateBiral T&D LubricationScheduleDuring cleaningT006E1.2. Arrow marks in the illustrations indicate lubrication points. Numbers shown in parentheses correspond to items on the checklist provided atthe end of this chapter. Version 5.14-2-9IP-III(E) Maintenance Chapter 4 Cleaning and LubricationLubrication Check Points Lubrication Points123456789LM railLM blockLM railLM blockLM railLM blockTypes of LubricantsG-30LDaphneBiralSiliconEponexT&DgreaseNo.2N/A N/A N/A N/AN/A N/A N/AN/AN/AN/AN/ARN/AN/ARN/AN/ARN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A N/A N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ALubricationScheduleEvery weekEvery monthEvery monthEvery weekEvery monthEvery monthEvery weekEvery monthEvery monthEvery 6 monthsEvery 6 monthsEvery monthEvery 3 monthsEvery weekEvery weekEvery monthEvery weekEvery monthEvery weekDuring cleaningT007ECheckX1-axis LM guideX1-axis ball screwX2-axis LM guideX2-axis ball screwY-table LM guideY-table ball screw(X-axis)10Linear scale rubber shield 11Linear scale rubber shield (Y-axis)121314151617Nozzle18change20FeederPlacingheadSpline ball screwGearNozzle interiorNozzle hook interiorRotary joint guideLM guideLever push roller19Conveyor ball screw : Lubricate R : Apply for rust prevention N/A : Do not lubricateVersion 5.14-2-10IP-III(E) Maintenance Chapter 5 Replacing Consumable Parts10. Replacing the Air Regulator Filter (Yearly) Point Air regulators are located at the two positions shown below. Each regulator is equippedwith a filter which must be replaced every year, or when the regulator pressure becomes0.1 MPa (1 kgf/cm2) lower than the source pressure. More frequent replacement is required if the source air is not clean. Procedure WARNINGAlways be sure to cut the 200V power before carrying out any work.B-filterDrain evacuation buttonKnobA-filterFilter coverDrain evacuation portCover lock clipFilter regulator AW4000 Chapter 5 Replacing Consumable Parts1. Switch the machine power off.Turn the knob to shut off the air. Press the drain evacuation port of filter “A” to release the remaining pressure.Press the drain evacuation button at filter “B” to release the remaining pressure.With the cover lock clip pulled down, rotate the filter cover approximately 90degrees and detach it (downward). Remove the filter cover. Remove the filter and replace it with a new one.Reassemble. Version 5.15-10-2IP-III(E) Maintenance Chapter 6 Adjustments4. Y-Table 4.1 Adjusting the Width of the Y-Table WARNINGAlways be sure to cut out the 200 V power before carrying out anywork.When aligning the Y-table width to the width of the conveyor, lightly push the locklevers at each end of the movable plate outwards by hand to release the clamps. Whenthe Y-table is moved to an appropriate position, release the levers to lock the movableplate. Version 5.16-4-1IP-III(E) Maintenance Chapter 6 Adjustments4.2 Adjusting the Height of the Side Plates WARNINGAlways be sure to cut out the 200 V power before carrying out anywork.When the Side Plate is Lowered Adjust the side plate so that its upper surface is 0.3 to 0.5 mm lower than the upper faceof the flat belt when the lifter plate is lowered. Version 5.16-4-2IP-III(E) Maintenance Chapter 6 Adjustments4.3 Adjusting the Height of the Back-up Pins There are two types of board back up pins, the vacuum pin type and pin-only type. It isnot necessary to adjust the height for the vacuum pin type, only for the pin-only type.Loosen the lock nut and turn the pin until the tip of the pin is touching the bottomsurface of the board. Version 5.16-4-3IP-III(E) Maintenance Chapter 6 Adjustments4.4 Adjusting the Board Lifter Upper/Lower Limit Sensors WARNINGAlways be sure to cut out the 200 V power before carrying out anywork.Board Lifter Upper Limit Sensor Adjust the board lifter upper limit sensor position so that it turns on (the sensor lamplights up) when a 4 mm board is clamped, and it turns off when a board thicker than 4mm is clamped. Board Lifter Lower Limit Sensor Adjust the sensor position so that it will be sure to go on when the lifter plate is at itslower limit. Make the setting at the middle of the range in which the sensor lamp willlight up. Version 5.16-4-4IP-III(E) Maintenance Chapter 6 Adjustments4.5 Adjusting the Board Lifter Speed The speed controller for the cylinder that raises the lifter plate is located at the rear of theY table. On the underside of the plate lifter, there are two speed controllers for thedescending direction. Speed controller 1 controls the speed of the first 8 mm stroke,when the lifter is descending until the board contacts the horizontal belt. Speedcontroller 2 controls the speed after the board hits the belt, until it reaches the final descent position. When the board makes contact with the belt the shock may cause someparts to move. To make adjustments for this problem, tighten speed controller 1. Version 5.16-4-5IP-III(E) Maintenance Chapter 6 Adjustments4.6 Adjusting the Board Stopper WARNINGAlways be sure to cut out the 200 V power before carrying out anywork.The board stopper is designed to permit slight positional adjustment to suit the shape ofthe boards. The board stopper can be adjusted in both the X- and Y-directions byloosening the appropriate adjusting bolts. However, when the board stopper is adjusted in the X-direction, be careful that the position where the board stops remains the same. If it changes the reference pin may notbe inserted or the fiducial marks will be difficult to be read. Care should be taken whenmaking adjustments in the Y-direction as well. The position where the board stopsshould be the same as the side plates on the Y-table. BoardY-direction adjustment boltY-table side platesX-direction adjustment boltSame lineIP3MA019EVersion 5.16-4-6IP-III(E) Maintenance Chapter 6 Adjustments4.7 Adjusting the Height of the Reference Pin Detection Sensors WARNINGAlways be sure to cut out the 200 V power before carrying out anywork.This sensor checks whether or not the reference pin or the follow-up pins are inserted inthe positioning holes by checking the height of the pin. Adjust the height of the sensor sothat it is ON if there is not at least 3 mm of the pin protruding from the board, and OFF ifit is greater than 3. Adjust the volume of the amp so it turns ON when the dog is at thesensor IP3MA020Version 5.16-4-7IP-III(E) Maintenance Chapter 6 AdjustmentsNotes: Version 5.1 6-4-8IP-III(E) Maintenance The FUJI Internet Fuji Internet aims at providing information to our customers inthe most efficient manner. This site makes a range of servicesavailable, from manual updates and FAQs, to online technicalreports. Fuji hopes that this site will be used as a source ofinformation in addition to the services provided by your agent.Fuji’s website is located at Fuji Internet membership is required to access the TechnicalInformation section of the site, contact your agent for details.Any comments or opinions regarding this manual can be sent IP-III(E) Maintenance Manual 1st Version2nd Version3rd Version4th Version4.2 Version5.0 Version5.1 VersionOctober 27, 1994August 1, 1994 September 28, 1994August 30, 1996July 10, 1997April 20, 1998 February 10, 1999 FUJI Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd.SMT Equipment Information Systems and Training 19 Chausuyama, Yamamachi, Chiryu, Aichi Prefecture, 472-8686 Japan Copyright ©1999 by Fuji Machine Manufacturing Co., Ltd.Printed in Japan 因篇幅问题不能全部显示,请点此查看更多更全内容