
人教版英语七年级下册Unit 3 How do you get to school 第三课时教学设计

Unit 3 How do you get to school? 第三课时


单元 名称 Unit 3 How do you get to school? 课时安排 第三课时 1.能够询问他人如何到达某地;准确表达自己||。 2.学习完成任务所需要的语言: 词汇:bus stop||, bus station||, train station||, subway station countable noun||, uncountable noun(只要求理解) 2) 句子: 复习表达如何向别人询问道路: 教学目标 How do you get to school? How does Nina get to school? 表达采用怎样的交通方式去某地: Well||, I ride my bike to the subway station. Then I take the subway. . 3. 完成课本1a||, 1b||, 1c||, 1d||, 1e||, 2a||,2b||,2c的教学任务||。 教学 环节 突出内容 题板 PPT 1 and 教师活动 1. T: I'm very glad to see you again. Do you remember what transportations we learnt in last lesson? 大家还记得上节课我们都学习哪些交通方式了吗? 1) (老师用交通方式卡片指引学生说出所学单词||。) 所说单词顺序为:bus||, subway||, train||, ship||, bike||, plane||, taxi||, boat||, bicycle... 学生活动 1.1) Ss: bus||, subway||, train||, ship||, bike||, plane||, taxi||, boat||, Step I Lead in revision bicycle... 2) S1: bus||, b-u-s 公共汽车 S2: subway||,u-b-w-a-y 地铁 S3: train||,t-r-a-I-n 火车 S4: ship||, s-h-I-p 轮船 S5: bike||, b-I-k-e 自行车 S6: plane||, p-l-a-n-e 飞机 S7: taxi||,t-a-x-i 出租车 2) T: Do you know how to S8 boat||, b-a-o-t 小船 spell them? 2.Follow the words with Look at the words in the teacher. picture. Please read the words and translate them into Chinese one by one. 请S3: This is a bus station. 大家读出图片中的单词||,Buses stop here. 并把它们翻译成中文||。 S5: This is a subway station. T: S1||, please. Subways stop here. 第1页/共9页

电子版教材P32 2a 同步字幕 划线部分 S2||, please. S8 This is a bus top. Buses S3||, please. stop here. S4||, please. 3. Ss look at the pictures S5||, please. and repeat the phrases. S6||, please. S7||, please. S8||, please. 2. T: OK. 接下来我们看一组图片||,我们来认识几个新单词||。I'll show you some pictures on the screen. Let's learn some new words. (在屏幕上展示p16的四幅图片) T: Altogether||,please follow me! stop; station Please say something about the pictures one by one. For example||, This is a train station. Trains stop here. OK. Can you give me the answers? 3. Let's look at the pictures with these phrases. Please repeat. 让我们一起看带提示的图片||,再跟老师把这几个短语读一遍||。 1. 老师让学生打开教材第22页||,看图片上面的四个空白处||,让学生把空白处的单词和图片相对应填好||。 1. S1: number 1 choose b||, bus stop S2: number 2 choose a||, train station S3: number 3 choose c||, PPT 2 同步字幕 划线部分 T: 1. Let's open our books at bus station page 22||, point out the S4: number 4 choose d||, blank line in front of each numbered phrase. Ask Ss to match each phrase with a picture by writing the letter of the picture in the bank in front of the correct word. One has done for students. 请同学们给出答案并读出subway station 2. 学生小组活动 3. 第2页/共9页

Practice Step III Group work: 该短语||。 非常好||,让我们来看看你们的答案是否正确||。 Ok||, let's check your answers. (教师展示答案) S3: How do you get to school? S4: Well||, I take a bus to the Main Street. Then I walk to school. 2. T: 练习时你们可参考下 面的语言: 4. A: How do you get to S5: Do you like tomatoes? S6: No||, I don't. school? B: Well||, I ride my bike to S5: Do you like ice cream? the subway station. Then I S6: Yes||, I do. take the subway. S5: Let's have ice cream. Tape together several pieces S6: OK. of large chart paper and ask students to use colored markers to make a transportation mural. First help students draw in some streets. Use a local street map as a pattern. Then have students add various forms of transportation||, such as buses||, bikes||, and so forth. Include places that various forms of transportation stop such as bus stops||, train stations||, and so forth. Ask different students to describe the finished mural to the class. 3. T: Boys and girls||, would you like to show your conversations? S3 and S4||, please. 4. Very good||, thank you. S5 and S6||, please. Target language (当最后一组学生展示完他1. S5: I ride a bike to 们的对话后||,老师对着说school. S6: No||, I don't. How do you 对话的一名同学问): 1. S5||,How do you get to 2. Ss: He rides a bike to get to...? Well||, ... school? school. 板书 (接着问说对话的另一名Ss: No||, she doesn't. Does she 同学) 3. Listen and repeat. . 板书 第3页/共9页

T: S6||, Do you usually like... Yes||, She take a subway to school? (然后问全班同学) does. No||, she 2. How does S5 get to doesn't. school? She likes... Does S6 usually take a She doesn't subway to school? 3. 请大家注意主语是第三like... 人称单数时||,句子动词的 变化||。 Now||, read the sentences Does she/he...? Yes||, she/he does. /No||, she/he doesn't. She/He .... She/He doesn't .... How does... get to school? 4. Ss:write Ss: Do you like...? S1: Do you like taking a bus? S2: No||, I don't. on the blackboard after me. Does she/he...? Yes||, she/he does. /No||, S1: Do you like riding a she/he doesn't. bike? S2: Yes||, I do. She/He.... She/He doesn't.... S1: Do you like taking a How does...get to school? plane? 4. Next||, let's do a survey. S2: Yes||, I do. 我们做个采访||。看看你的5. Ss: Yes 同伴怎样上学? S1: S2 likes riding a bike. 首先||,每个人在纸上写出He doesn't like taking a bus. 一种自己喜欢的交通方式S2: S1 likes taking a plane (或一种不喜欢的交通方but she doesn't like walking 式)||。然后||,两人一组相S3: S4 likes walking and 互猜一猜||。直到问出对方riding a bike. He doesn't 喜欢和不喜欢的交通方式taking a boat. 是什么||,并记录下来||。 S4: S3 likes taking a train||, 别忘了用英语问||,怎么问but he doesn't like get to 呀? some places on foot. Great! Now begin. 5. Ok||, let's stop here. Have you got your answers? 你们都知道你们的同伴喜欢什么了吧? S1||,What does S2 like? S2||, what does S1 like? S3||, what does S4 like? S4||, what does S3 like? Excellent work! 大家做得都很好! 1. Please go back to your 1. S1: How do you get to Step Four: 板书 1b Pairwork. How do you books||, let's see 1b||, school? S2: Well||, I ride my get to pairwork. I'll ask two Ss to 第4页/共9页

Step V 2a school? Well||, I ... PPT 3 同步字幕 划线部分 read the dialogue for us. S1||, S2 please read this for the class. 同学们||,我们先看一下书上的例子||,我找两名同学读一下这组对话||。然后我们来仿照这组对话完成自己的对话||。 bike to the subway station. Then I take the subway. S1: How do you get to the park? S2: I walk to the park||, I like walking. Well done! Thank you. S3: How do you usually go Now please work with you to school? partner. You may do like the S4: I usually take a bus example: suppose you use first||, and then I get to two kinds of transportation school on foot. to get to school (bus||, train||, subway||, S5: How does she get to walking||, bike etc.) school? Tell how you get to S6: She gets to school by a school||, you may use the subway. phrase in 1a. Then I will ask different pairs of students to S7: How do you get to present their conversations school? to the class. S8: I take the school bus to After a while... Ok||, now school. please show me your own dialogues in order. S1: He gets to school on (老师请学生作对话) foot because he likes T:S1 How does S2 get to the walking. S5: No||, he doesn't. He park? T: S5 Does S6 get to school on foot too? 2. Now work in groups and make a transportation survey. Name S2 S4 S6 Transportation walk take a subway take the school bus gets to school by subway. 2. Group work (The students work in groups.) Name S2 S4 S6 Transportation walk take a subway take the school bus 3. Now class||, who'd like 3. S1: S2||, do you walk to to show your survey? Group 1||, please. (S1||,S2||, S3) the park? S2: Yes||, I do. S3: Does S4 walk to 第5页/共9页

Very good||, thank you. school||, too? You can change your turns S2: No||, he doesn't. He and practice this part like takes the subway. this after class. S3: How about S8? 同学们||,现在让我们进入S2: He get to school on a 2a部分||,首先我找两名同school bus. 学为我们读一下表格中的S4: Thomas wants to know 信息||。看看托马斯想知道where Nina lives. 些什么呢?(老师请S4 和Thomas wants to know how S6 读书上的句子) far from school she lives. Let's come to 2a. First I will Thomas wants to know how ask some students to read long it takes to get to the list of information that school. Thomas wants to know: S6: Thomas wants to know S4 and S6 please. how she get to school. Thomas wants to know Thomas wants to know where Nina lives. what she thinks of the Thomas wants to know how transportation. S5: transportation: 交通工far from school she lives. Thomas wants to know how 具 long it takes to get to school. S8: bus stop: 公共汽车站 Thomas wants to know how she gets to school. Thomas wants to know what she thinks of the transportation. Good||, thank you! Now who can tell me what transportation and bus stop mean here? Good thank you. 非常好!同学们做的都很好||。那么下面我们会听到一组听力材料||,请认真听听力||,在听到的正确信息前面划对号||。明白了么? Now we may hear a recording. Please put a checkmark in front of each thing that Thomas wants to know. Now I'll play the recorder||, listen to the tape carefully. 4. Students listen carefully. S1:The first and the fourth one should be checked. Ss: Yes. Ss: Where do you live||, Nina? New Street. So||, how do you get to school? Well||, first I walk to the bus stop. Uh-huh. I rake a bus to the subway station. Then I take the subway. Yeah ... Next I take a bus to the bus stop on 26th Street. Finally I walk. 4. S6: How does your mother get to work? S2: She takes a subway to 第6页/共9页

Now||, can you make a work. report in this way? S6: How about your S2's brother likes walking to brother? school||, and his mother S2: He walks to school? likes taking a subway to 5. S1: The first picture work. shows riding a bike to the subway||, taking the S6||, please. subway to the bus and Good! Thank you. walking from the bus stop 5. Now||, open your books to the school. at P22||, 2b. let's see these S5: The second picture shows walking to the bus||, pictures. 下面我们把书打到15页||,taking the bus to the 让我们看这些图片 subway||, taking another (老师把图片展示到屏幕)bus to the subway and ||。首先告诉我每幅图片都walking from the bus stop 展示了什么交通方式? to the school. First||, please tell me what S3: The first picture shows kinds of transportation each picture shows. Understand? Good! How about picture two? Ok! Good! I'll ask someone to repeat the answer! S3 and S8 Ok||, so much! 现在让我们再听一遍录音||。看图片||,看看Nina是怎样上学的||。 Now listen to the recording again||, look at the pictures. Put a checkmark next to the picture that shows how Nina gets to school. Now I'll play the recorder||, please listen carefully. (老师播放录音) Ok||, stop here! Which one riding a bike to the subway||, taking the subway to the bus and walking from the bus stop to the school. S8: The second picture shows walking to the bus||, taking the bus to the subway||, taking another bus to the subway and walking from the bus stop to the school. Ss listen to the tape. Ss: Picture2 should be checked. Ss: Yes. S2: First||, she walks to the bus||, takes the bus to the subway||, takes another bus should be checked? Together! Good! to the subway and walks Now||, let's see part 4: from the bus stop to the groupwork. Please tell me school. 第7页/共9页

how Nina get to school. You can use the second picture in 2b||, and write the Ss: First||, she walks to the bus||, takes the bus to the sentences on the board. (老师展示图片:First she ... subway||, takes another bus Next she ... Then she ...) to the subway and walks from the bus stop to the Do this by using the word school. first||, next and then... For example: First I get up. Next I take a shower. Then I have breakfast. Understand? Good let's say it together! 1. 学生齐读: bus stop||, bus station||, train station||, subway station How do you get to school? How does Nina get to school? Well||, I ride my bike to Summary 黑板内容 1.最后||,请大家看黑板||,把今天我们速学的说法再the subway station. 读一遍||。 Then I take the 2.After class||, ask your subway. classmate about the Thomas wants to know transportation in the chart. where Nina lives. Find out what they like and Thomas wants to know how dislike and what they far from school she lives. usually take. Thomas wants to know how long it takes to get to school. Thomas wants to know how she gets to school. Thomas wants to know what she thinks of the transportation. 2. Students listen and take notes. 板书 设计 Unit 4 How do you get to school? bus stop||, bus station||, train station||, subway station How do you get to school? How does Nina get to school? Well||, I ride my bike to the subway station. Then I take the subway. First ... Next ... Then ... 第8页/共9页

