


Shopping Center Leasing and Leasing Strategy - Part 3 of 5


Malls in Beijing, Shanghai, Dalian and Shenzhen and many second tier cities are facing the increasing pressure of trying to attract the right tenants to their project. Some statisticians have quoted that some cities have exceeded the average per capita retail space of 1.5 m2 per person in China. Many owners want to pre-lease the mall to attract investors and funds. Some malls are leased to anchors but faced with little space left for specialty retailers.

如今,北京.上海.大连和深圳以及许多二线城市的购物中心正面临着与日俱增的压力:如何为他们的项目寻找合适的租户;统计数据表明,部分城市的人均零售面积已经超出了人均1.5 M2的中国平均水平;许多业主都希望可以提前出租购物中心面积来吸引投资商和基金;有些购物中心出租给主力租户,留下为数不多的专卖店面积.

Developers‟ common problems in leasing includes: 开发商在租赁方面的常见问题: 1. What is the best approach to adopt to optimize rental of the mall? (如何为购物中心争取最


2. Is the mall in the city I am planning a project too small in size that it will not be competitive

or too big, that I cannot find the tenants to fill up? (我所规划的项目是否太小而没有竞争力或是太大找不到足够的租户来填充)

3. Is oversupply of retail space in your city your main concern? (零售面积供过于求的局面是


4. Is my current shopping center in need of a repositioning with so many malls coming up? (随


5. How can I differentiate from my competition? (我如何在同行竞争中脱颖而出?) 6. How do I find new and fresh retailers locally and overseas to make it more exciting? (我如


Overall, consumers are set to become more demanding and, with more choices, they will be able to „punish‟ locations and poor quality malls that don‟t meet their needs by shopping elsewhere - making it vital for retailers and retail destinations to address their needs.


Below are excepts of the next training program of Mall China. SCL- shopping Center Leasing on Oct xx 2006 in Beijing:


Talking the right approach 选择正确的途径

Malls that are successful does the right things from the start: 成功的购物中心总是从做正确的事开始:

1. Proper research is carried out to find out the needs and wants of the “defined” catchment.


2. Proper positioning and trade mix planning. (正确的定位和商业组合规划)

3. Develop a right strategy to deal with the leasing of the mall. Start with the right anchors and

also ensuring that the terms are fair to both sides Land lord and tenant. A very unfortunate state of event in China is that many developers in the hurry to get a Fortune 500 anchors have chopped off the” hands and legs”. Meaning giving the best location of space in the

6 Battery Road, Level 31, Singapore 049909. Tel : 65-6344 1511 Fax : 65-6344 6529

www. sre.com.sg

mall and also very cheap rental terms for 20 years or more. If the financial and other

smaller shops are not able to support a good Return On Investment(ROI) ,such projects will have problem of attracting funds or investors if the developer want to find a partner or wish to exit at some point .( 制订一套正确的策略来执行购物中心的租赁.从选定合适的主力店开始,确保业主与租户双方之间的条款公平.在中国出现了很不好的发展势头,许多开发商急于让世界500强主力租户入驻而盲目砍掉了其他重要部分,如购物中心内最好的面积以非常便宜的租金签下20年至更多.如果财务结果不能支持可观的投资回报,一旦开发商想要寻找合资伙伴或者希望在某个时间退出,这类项目就很难吸引基金或是投资商 .)

4. Lease terms and negotiation. how to structure a leasing letter of intent to signing

agreement( 租赁条款和谈判.如何设定租赁意向书达成合约?)

5. Understanding tenants needs – Different tenants will have different requirements. What do

they need in terms of leasable floor area, height, mechanical, electrical and other loading requirements?( 了解租户的需求--不同的租户有不同的要求.在可租赁面积,高度,机电,和其它负载要求?)

1.0 RESEARCH 1.0 调查

Why do research? The research makes a series of recommendations highlighting how retailers and retail destinations should respond. The mall owner that is wise carry out research to find out the needs of the catchments and the gaps or opportunities of the market place and respond with a value proposition – Hardware and software of the mall


Requirements Responses(回应) (需求) Shopping places need to differentiate themselves much more than they do at present. With more retail space coming into Differentiation operation and with a wider choice of retail channels, it will be increasingly important to stand out from the crowd.(购物场所(区别) 之间需要比目前更大的区分度,随着越来越多的零售空间进入运营以及零售渠道的更广选择,脱颖而出已经势在必行) Some shopping places, especially smaller ones, will need to decide what their focus is. With the fallout of the middle market, smaller retail destinations where a wide mix of retailers can‟t be accommodated, will need to focus on the type of shopping mission they want to cater for.(不少购物场所,尤其是规模较小的这些,需要确定他们的重点所在.随着中Focus(焦点) 等市场的缺失,规模较小的商业设施容纳不了多样化的租户组合,这就需要找到利基市场. Shopping places (unless they are sufficiently large) can no longer be all things to all men.(购物场所,永远不能包容一切,除非有足够大的容量. In order to differentiate, some shopping places may need to Development undergo additional development or rejuvenation. This is a and point which is especially applicable to town or city centres.(为rejuvenation(开了与众不同,不少零售设施需要执行增建或是重建.这是一个关发和复兴) 键,尤其适用于城镇或城市中心.) CommunicationShopping places will need to work harder to inform customers of why they should visit. With a greater choice of retail space, (交流) 6 Battery Road, Level 31, Singapore 049909. Tel : 65-6344 1511 Fax : 65-6344 6529

www. sre.com.sg

Include Supermarkets or Hyper markets?(包含超市或者大型超市?) An older focus(关注老年群体) Experiential spaces(体验空间) advertising and marketing will become an important weapon in persuading shoppers to visit one place over another. Communication must be targeted at individual consumer segments and made relevant to them. (购物场所应该致力于吸引固定消费群.更多的零售店选择,广告和市场活动将成为赢得消费者青睐的重要因素.因此必须与各个消费层保持交流并采取相应措施.) Which one to choose? Reasons? Over the next ten years supermarkets will take an increased share of all non-food sales so in some cases it will be better to have them within a retail destination where customers can also spend at other retailers than to have them separately located. While this may be unpopular with existing players and clearly not suitable in all cases, supermarkets are strong drivers of footfall.(选择哪个?原因?在接下来的十年中,超市将占领所有非食物消费更多份额.所以在某个层面上说,最好能将超市放置在一个零售设施内,这样消费者也可以在其他店铺消费.当然,这也许在现有项目中未普遍,也不能适用于所有情况,但超市确实是吸引客流的主要动力.) Shopping places must get better at responding to the needs of an older customer as this is where the bulk of spend will lie in the next 20 years. (购物场所必须更好的对老年消费者的需求给予关注,因为未来20年后,其将成为消费的重要部分) The older consumer is generally more interested in home than younger consumers and likes a balance between fashion and home in the tenant mix.(老年消费者通常都比年轻消费者更注重家实用,喜欢在租户组合中平衡时尚与实用.) These shoppers also prefer a smaller more compact design from a shopping place. (购物场所中,这些消费者更喜欢一些小而紧凑的专卖店.) The older consumer of tomorrow will shop for different categories compared with those of today. For example, music and video are not top spending categories for a majority of older consumers today, but this group is likely to engage more with these buying categories in future. There is an opportunity to include specialist retailers like music stores who are focused on – or provide for – older tastes.(将来的老年消费者会,与今日相比,其消费种类将呈现多样化.比如,音乐和影像产品对于如今大部分年长消费者来说不是最多的消费项目,但是这个群体会在将来越来越多的投入到这些消费中.如果引入如以销售怀旧风格为主的音像专卖店这类特色零售店,就会出现商机.) The shopping process must become more experiential. This applies as much to shopping places as it does to retailers.(消费过程是越来越体验化.对于购物场所以及零售商都是如此.) 6 Battery Road, Level 31, Singapore 049909. Tel : 65-6344 1511 Fax : 65-6344 6529

www. sre.com.sg

This will help to drive footfall and emphasize the tactile nature of the shopping process - something which can‟t easily be done on the internet. (这有助于吸引客流,突出消费过程触手可及的真实----这些是网络无法替代的) Security is a key concern for many shoppers. All shopping places will need to get better at not only putting in place better Security(安全) security but also making sure this is visible.(安全是许多消费者关心的重点.所有的购物场所都不仅要提高环境的安全性能还要使设备可见.) Being able to get to a shopping place is important. However recent focus on punishing motorists who use cars either via congestion charging or by increasing parking prices will not help retail places. Accessibility(可(能否进入消费场所是关键所在.尽管如此,近来出现的通过拥堵及性) 收费或提高停车费来限制驾车人是不明智的) There must be a concerted effort that traveling into centres remains free and that parking is reasonably priced. (必须尽最大努力保证在购物场所免费停车或定价合理) Loyalty schemes are used by many retailers and there is no reason shopping places can‟t do so too. (忠诚度计划被许多零售商推崇,这对于购物场所更是必要.) Rewarding loyalty(奖励忠诚As well as protecting footfall, properly managed loyalty schemes would also give shopping places a database of 度) detailed consumer data which can then be used for marketing purposes.( 和保护客流一样,管理合理的忠诚度计划将提供详细的顾客群数据,以供执行市场活动.)


Many developers spent a few million dollars getting “Big” companies or individual with one or two malls operational experience to do a trade mix plan. But we have heard of many complaints arising due to the conceptualize ideas lacking in reality check:


1. Can these ideas be carried out in China or in the city that the mall is build? (这些理念在中


2. Can we get such tenants to lease the space? (我们能吸引这些租户来租赁场地吗?)

3. Are the rents and back up period of such fresh ideas calculated in the investment proposal?


Without a proper positioning and trade mix plan, no malls should start leasing the space. 缺乏恰当的定位和商业组合规划,没有一个购物中心可以成功租赁场地.

Why does that do? The anchors are sometimes loss leaders to draw other retailers. How much is

6 Battery Road, Level 31, Singapore 049909. Tel : 65-6344 1511 Fax : 65-6344 6529

www. sre.com.sg

the rental from rental collection from the anchors, mini anchors and the specialty stores.

为什么会这样?主力店有时不能吸引其他的零售商. 如此,可以从主力店,次主力店和专卖店中得到多少租金?

Good mall consultant should get these figures work out for the owner so that the negotiate with an end in mind, knowing the financial bottom line of the shopping centers



Devising a leasing strategy and plan is of utmost important. The strategy should give you

direction to the leasing and marketing plan. Timing all the key activities well will ensure the mall achieves what the owner and manager sets out to do .The owner cannot depends on great advertising gimmicks to lease the mall. Many owners are deceived into spending great expenditures in advertising till they discovered that the tenants are businessman with a

purpose. They select the mall not because it is much known but that the mall has the RIGHT ingredients for success. Knowing what are these will help you plan and design a product that is 制定一套招商策略和计划是至关重要的.这套策略应该为你指明租赁及推广策划的方向.为所有的关键行为设定好时间可以确保购物中心的实现业主和管理者的.业主不可能依靠巨额广告花费来招商.许多业主都被骗进行巨额宣传,最后却发现租户都是另有目的的商家,他们选择购物中心不是为它的名气而是因为这个购物中心有可成功的因素.了解这些将帮助你进行策划和设计方案是:

1. financially Viable 财务可行性 2. Marketable 适销性 3. Functional 功能性


The right leasing process leads to the right conclusions of the Letter of Intent and the Lease Agreement. It avoids misunderstanding and delays in opening the mall with a good occupancy and ensures both sides complies to the terms and conditions during the lease periods

It is important to have these processes in place before leasing starts so that the team is taught correctly and learns how to deal with the national and international retailers. Not all retailers think alike but they will respect a well thought out leasing process of the owner and the leasing team

正确的租赁过程带来正确的合作协议和租约.如此,可以避免误解和耽搁影响已具有很高出租率的购物中心的开业,也可以确保合作双方在租期都遵循条款和规定. 在开始招商前使这些流程就位是必要的,这样团队就有了明确的指示,知道如何与本土及国际的零售商打交道.不是所有的零售商想法都一样,但是他们都期望看到业主和租赁团队有一个详细周密的流程.


Many projects cannot be properly leased out because the mall is not designed to meet their tenants‟ needs. At the planning stage the mall must plan out all the needs structurally thought through and also the needed logistics and MEP services (Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing). Malls need an experience manager or consultant to guide these design inputs to ensure that it is a marketable and leasable product


6 Battery Road, Level 31, Singapore 049909. Tel : 65-6344 1511 Fax : 65-6344 6529

www. sre.com.sg

就必须完全规划好所有需求,以及必需的物流和水机电服务. 购物中心需要一位经验丰富的管理者或是顾问来引导这些设计落实,以确保它是个适于销售的易租赁的产品.

Prepared by Kelvin Ng (以上由黄亮生先生提供)

Kelvin Ng is the CEO of SRE( Synergistic Real Estate ) , Singapore (黄亮生先生是新加坡超群管理顾问有限公司的CEO)

SRE is a development consultant and mall manager and has done research work across more than 45 cities in China and 2 million square meters in retail planning and positioning in China and South East Asia. It is a professional mall management company with a very experience team in mall leasing and management and has a joint venture software company with the state of the art software to perform leasing, lease and tenancy management and on going facilities and mall management

超群管理顾问有限公司(SRE) 是一家零售及综合性项目的开发顾问及管理公司,在中国做过超过45个城市的研究工作,在中国以及东南亚地区进行过的零售规划总面积逾两百多万平方米.SRE是在购物种心租赁及管理方面拥有丰富经验的专业管理顾问公司,并拥有一个合资软件公司提供先进的软件以支持购物中心的租赁、租约及租户管理、日常设施和购物中心的管理.

SRE clients include world class and top local developers, funds and investment banks from USA, Singapore, Europe, Australia and South East Asia

SRE 的客户包括了世界一流的和本土最好的开发商,基金和来自美国,新加坡,欧洲,澳大利亚和东南亚的投资银行.

6 Battery Road, Level 31, Singapore 049909. Tel : 65-6344 1511 Fax : 65-6344 6529

www. sre.com.sg
