
大学英语翻译 英译汉理论与实践期末考查试卷

英译汉理论与实践 期末考查试卷

General directions: The present test consists of four parts, with Part One consisting of 10 passages and all the other three each consisting of 5 passages only. Students are required to select two passages from Part One and one passage from each of the other parts. Each translation will constitute 20 scores and 100 scores in all.

Part I Translation of selections from English novels (10 passages available, 2 translations necessary, 20 scores for each translation, 40 scores for translations of this part)

Directions: In this part of the test, there are 10 passages selected from various English novels. Students will be required to translate only 2 of them.

1 This letter completed, Miss Pinkerton proceeded to write her own name, and Miss Sedley’s, in the fly-leaf of a Johnson’s Dictionary – the interesting work which she invariably presented to her scholars on their departure from the Mall. On the cover was inserted a copy of “Lines addressed to a young lady on quitting Miss Pinkerton’s school, at the Mall; by the late revered Doctor Samuel Johnson.” In fact, the Lexicographer’s name was always on the lips of this majestic woman, and a visit he had paid to her was the cause of her reputation and her fortune.

2 Although schoolmistresses’ letters are to be trusted no more nor less than churchyard epitaphs; yet, as it sometimes happens that a person departs this life who is really deserving of all the praises the stonecutter carves over his bones; who is a good Christian, a good parent, child, wife, or husband; who actually does leave a disconsolate family to mourn his loss; so in academies of the male and female sex it occurs every now and then, that the pupil is fully worthy of the praises bestowed by the disinterested instructor. Now Miss Amelia Sedley was a young lady of this singular species.

3 So that when the day of departure came, between her two customs of laughing and crying, Miss Sedley was greatly puzzled how to act. She was glad to go home, and yet most woefully sad at leaving school. For three days before, little Laura Martin, the orphan, followed her about, like a little dog. She had to make and receive at least fourteen presents, - to make fourteen solemn promises of writing every week: “Send my letters under cover to my grandpapa, the Earl of Dexter,” said Miss Saltire.

4 When Miss Sharp had performed the heroic act mentioned in the last chapter, and had seen the Dixonary, flying over the pavement of the little garden, fall at length at the feet of the astonished Miss Jemima, the young lady’s countenance, which had before worn an almost livid look of hatred, assumed a smile that perhaps was scarcely more agreeable, and she sank back in the carriage in an easy frame of mind, saying, “So much for the Dixonary; and, thank God, I’m out of Chiswick.”

5 Miss Sharp’s father was an artist, and in that quality had given lessons of drawing at Miss Pinkerton’s school. He was a clever man; a pleasant companion; a careless student; with a great propensity for running into debt, and a partiality for the tavern. When he was drunk, he used to

beat his wife and daughter; and the next morning, with a headache, he would rail at the world for its neglect of his genius, and abuse, with a good deal of cleverness, and sometimes with perfect reason, the fools, his brother painters.

6 On fine days at this time of the year, and earlier, certain ephemeral operations were apt to disturb in their trifling way, the majestic calm of Egdon Heath. They were activities which, beside those of a town, a village, or even a farm, would have appeared as the ferment of stagnation merely, a creeping of the flesh of somnolence. But here, away from comparisons, shut in by the stable hills, among which mere walking had the novelty of pageantry, and where any man could imagine himself to be Adam without the least difficulty, they attracted the attention of every bird within eyeshot, every reptile not yet asleep, and set the surrounding rabbits curiously watching from hillocks at a safe distance.

7 Involved in these imaginings she knew nothing of time. When she became conscious of externals it was dusk. The furze-rick was finished; the men had gone home. Eustacia went upstairs, thinking that she would take a walk at this her usual time; and determined that her walk should be in the direction of Blooms-End, the birthplace of young Yeobright and the present home of his mother. She had no reason for walking elsewhere, and why should she not go that way? The scene of a daydream is sufficient for pilgrimage at nineteen. To look at the palings before the Yeobrights’ house had the dignity of a necessary performance. Strange that such a piece of idling should have seemed an important errand.

8 Thomasin lowered Her face to the apples again. “I am a warning to others, just as thieves and drunkards and gamblers are,” she said in a low voice. “What a class to belong to! Do I really keep on making me think that I do, by the way they behave towards me? Why don’t people judge me by my acts? Now, look at me as I kneel here, picking up these apples – do I look like a lost woman? … I wish all good women were as good as I”, she added vehemently.

9 She strained her eyes to see them, but was unable. Such was her intentness, however, that it seemed as if her ears were performing the functions of seeing as well as hearing. This extension of power can almost be believed in at such moments. The deaf Dr Kitto was probably under the influence of a parallel fancy when he described his body as having become, by long endeavor, so sensitive to vibrations that he had gained the power of perceiving by it as by ears.

10 That night was an eventful one to Eustacia’s brain, and one which she hardly ever forgot. She dreamt a dream; and few human beings, from Nebuchadnezzar to the Swaffham tinker, ever dreamt a more remarkable one. Such an elaborately developed, perplexing, exciting dream was certainly never dreamed by a girl in Eustacia’s situation before. It had as many ramifications as the Cretan labyrinth, as many fluctuations as the Northern Lights, as much color as a parterre in June, and was as crowded with figures as a coronation. To Queen Scheherazade the dream might have seemed not far removed from commonplace; and to a girl just returned from all the courts of Europe it might have seemed not more than interesting. But amid the circumstances of Eustacia’s life it was as wonderful as a dream could be.

Part II Translation of selections from famous speeches (5 passages available, 1 translation necessary, 20 scores for each translation, 20 scores for translation of this part)

Directions: In this part of the test, there are 5 passages selected from various English novels. Students will be required to translate only 1 of them.

11 The object of foreign policy in this country is and must always be the maintenance of peace. If, however, peace is to be enduring, it must rest on foundations of frank reciprocity and of mutual respect. It follows that we must be ready to negotiate with all countries, whatever their forms of government, in order to promote international understanding. But we must also be watchful that, in our conception of such negotiations and in the method by which we seek to further them, we are, in fact, strengthening, not undermining, the foundations on which international confidence rests.

12 The immediate issue is whether such official conversations (between the British and Italian governments) should be opened in Rome now. In my conviction, the attitude of the Italian government to international problems in general, and this country in particular, is not yet such as to justify this course. The ground has been in no respect prepared. Propaganda against this country by the Italian government is rife throughout the world. I am myself pledged to this House not to open conversations with Italy until this hostile propaganda ceases.

13 This decision has been made less difficult to me by the sure knowledge that my brother, with his long training in the public affairs of this country and with his fine qualities, will be able to take my place forthwith without interruption or injury to the life and progress of the empire. And he has one matchless blessing, enjoyed by so many of you, and not bestowed on me – a happy home with his wife and children.

14 I have been very happy here tonight. I entirely understand the distinction made by our chairman tonight when he said you hold me in social esteem and a certain amount of personal affection. I am not a sentimental man, but I am not insensible to all that. I know the value of all that, and it gives me, now that I have come to the age of seventy (it will not occur again and I am saying it for the last time), a great feeling of pleasure that I can say what a good many people can’t say.

15 I can’t conceive of nothing worse than a man-governed world except a woman-governed world – but I can see the combination of the two going forward and making civilization more worthy of the name of civilization based on Christianity, not force. A civilization based on justice, and mercy. I feel men have a greater sense of justice and we of mercy. They must borrow our mercy and we must use their justice. We are new brooms; let us see that we sweep the right room.

Part III Translation of selections from modern English writings (5 passages available, 1 translation necessary, 20 scores for each translation, 20 scores for translation of this part)

Directions: In this part of the test, there are 5 passages selected from various modern English writings. Students will be required to translate only 1 of them.

16 A day after Priestley’s crash at Kentucky Speedway last week, he was helicoptered 190 miles

north to Indianapolis’s Methodist hospital, a mecca for “motor-sports medicine.” Methodist doctors have been fixing injured drivers since the first Indy race took place four miles down the road in 1911. “These guys are the best in the world,” says Davey Hamilton, a six-time Indy 500 starter who expected to have both feet amputated after a June 2001 crash in Texas.

17 As the first anniversary of the 9-11 attacks draws nearer, victims’ families are quietly waging a letter – writing campaign asking TV networks to provide warnings before airing graphic footage of the attacks. Carie Lemack, a 27-year-old from Boston whose mother was on American Airlines Flight 11, says that when she sees the plane going into the North Tower, “it’s like watching my mother being murdered over and over again.”

18 But stories of a deeper horror came from the prisoners themselves. However awful their conditions, they were the lucky ones. There were alive. May hundreds of their comrades, they said, had been killed on the journey to Sheberghan from Konduz by being stuffed into sealed cargo containers and left to asphyxiate. Local aid workers and Afghan officials quietly confirmed that they had heard the same stories. They confirmed, too, persistent reports about the disposal of many of the dead in mass graves at Dasht-e Leili.

19 That’s when Haglund, a veteran of similar investigations in Rwanda, Sri Lanka, the Balkans and other scenes of atrocity, was called in. Standing at what he reckoned from the ’dozer tracks was an edge of the gravesite, he pushed a long, hollow probe deep into the compacted sand, then he sniffed. The acrid smell reeking up the shaft was unmistakable. Haglund and local laborers later dug down; at five feet, they came upon a layer of decomposing corpses, lying pressed together in a row.

20 So are thousands of others. Each year close to 900,000 implants collected from donor cadavers are shipped to hospitals for use in a variety of procedures, including repairing cartilage, fusing bone and replacing heart valves. The products improve outcomes and save lives – and the vast majority are successfully implanted. But after Brian Lykins, 23, died last November, days after knee surgery involving CryoLife tissue, federal health agencies began taking a closer look at implant safety.

Part IV Translation of selections from American Highlights (5 passages available, 1 translation necessary, 20 scores for each translation, 20 scores for translation of this part)

Directions: In this part of the test, there are 5 passages selected from American Highlight. Students will be required to translate only 1 of them.

21 Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) wrote her whimsical, darting verse with sublime indifference to any notion of being a democratic or popular poet. Her work, far different from that of either Whitman or Longfellow, illustrated the fact that one could take a single household and an inactive life, and make enchanting poetry out of it.

Miss Dickinson was born in Amherst, Massachusetts, where her father was a prominent lawyer and politician and where her grandfather had established an academy and college.

22 When she began writing poetry Emily had relatively little formal education. She did know Shakespeare and classical mythology and was especially interested in women authors such as Elizabeth Browning and the Bronte sisters. She was also acquired with the works of Emerson, Thoreau and Hawthorne. Though she did not believe in the conventional religion of her family, she had studied the Bible, and many of her poems resemble hymns in form.

23 There were several men who, at different times in her life, acted as teacher or master to Emily. The first was Benjamin Newton, a young lawyer in her father’s law office who improved her literary and cultural tastes and influenced her ideas on religion. She refers to him as “a friend, who taught me Immortality.”

24 Emily’s next teacher was Charles Wadsworth, a married middle-aged minister who provided her with intellectual challenge and contact with the outside world. It appears that she felt an affection for him that he could not return, and when he moved to San Francisco in 1862, she removed herself from society even more than she had before. Wadsworth may have been the model for the lover in her poems, though it is just as likely that the literary figure is purely imaginary.

25 Miss Dickinson’s greatest outpouring of poems occurred in the early 1860s, and because she was isolated, the Civil War affected her thinking very little. At this time she sent some of her work to Thomas Higginson, a prominent critic and author. He was impressed by her poetry, but suggested that she use a more conventional grammar. Emily, however, refused to revise her poems to fit the standards of others and took no interest in having them published; in fact she had only seven poems published during her lifetime. In Higginson she did, nevertheless, gain an intelligent and sympathetic critic with whom to discuss her work.
