专利名称:Method of forming buried contact
architecture within a trench
发明人:Jhon-Jhy Liaw,Jin-Yuan Lee,Hung-Chi Hsiao申请号:US08/638708申请日:19960429公开号:US05721146A公开日:19980224
摘要:An method for the fabrication of an improved polysilicon buried contact isdescribed. The contact is formed within a trench etched into the silicon substrate. Theeffective area of the contact is thereby increased over the conventional planar buriedcontact by an amount equal to the area of the trench walls. For sub-micron sized buriedcontacts and trenches 1000 to 3000 Angstroms deep this area can be twice that of theconventional planar buried contact. Contacts formed in this fashion are particularlybeneficial in the manufacture of static-random-access memory devices(SRAMs) throughtheir application with local-interconnects. They afford a lower contact resistance,manifested by the greater effective contact area, as well as a much reduced risk of openor high resistive contacts due to photomask mis-alignment. The presence of the trenchalso results in a higher junction capacitance which affords a reduction in soft-error-rates,a notable concern for memory devices.
代理人:George O. Saile,Stephen B. Ackerman