
High efficiency high power internal combustion eng


专利名称:High efficiency high power internal

combustion engine operating in a highcompression conversion exchange cycle

发明人:Michael A.V. Ward申请号:US11139745申请日:20050527



摘要:A piston (), a spring () operatively coupled to a piston, the spring being inside ()or outside () the piston, and if the spring is inside the piston, the diameter of the spring is

equal to 0.7 to 0.9, and if it is outside of the piston it is an external coil spring which isoutside the cylinder which contains the piston and is able to provide a force of thousandsof pounds per inch, and furthermore so that at light load the compression ratio (CR) isgreater than 13 to 1 designated as CR0, at medium load has a compression ratio less thenCR0 but greater than CReff, and at wide open throttle (WOT) has a CR equal to Creff, theCR is less than CR0 as would occur at medium or higher load which would lead to a flexingof the spring, and the cycle on the compression stroke is known as the HCX cycle wherethe pressure goes between Ppre and less than or equal to Pf.

申请人:Michael A.V. Ward

地址:Arlington MA US


