


元宵节:lantern festival 刺绣:embroidery

重阳节:double-ninth festival 清明节:tomb sweeping day 剪纸:paper cutting 书法:calligraphy 对联:couplets

象形文字 :pictographic character 人才流动:brain flow 四合院:quadrangle 战国:warring states 风水:geomantic omen 铁饭碗:iron bowl

黄土高原:loess plateau

红白喜事:weddings and funerals 中秋节:mid-autumn day

结婚证:marriage certificate 儒家文化:Confucian culture 古装片:costume drama

武打片:Chinese swordplay movie 元宵:tang yuan

一国两制:one country ,two systems 火锅:hot pot

四人帮:gang of four

《诗经》:the book of songs 《史记》 :historical records 大跃进:great leap forward

除夕:chinese new year’s eve 针灸:acupuncture 亭阁:attic/pavilion 火药:gunpowder

农历:lunar calendar 京剧:beijing opera

秦腔:crying of qin people 太极拳:tai chi

天坛:altar of heaven in beijing 春卷:spring rolls 莲藕:lotus root 追星族:star struck

故宫:the palace museum 相声:cross-talk

下岗:lay off

北京烤鸭:beijing roast duck

烟花爆竹:fireworks and firecracker 莫高窟:mogao caves

文化大革命:cultural revolution 门当户对:perfect match

文房四宝:brush ,paper,inkstone,inkstick 《水浒》 :water margin

最时尚的英语词汇 微博 Microblog 山寨 copycat

异地恋 long-distance relationship

剩女 3S lady(single,seventies,stuck)/left girls 熟女 cougar(源自电影Cougar Club) 裸婚 naked wedding 炫富 flaunt wealth 团购 group buying 潮人:trendsetter 发烧友: fancier

骨感美女:boney beauty 卡奴:card slave 下午茶 high tea 愤青 young cynic

性感妈妈 yummy mummy

亚健康 sub-health

灵魂伴侣 soul mate 小白脸 toy boy

精神出轨 soul infidelity 人肉搜索 flesh search

钻石王老五 diamond bachelor 时尚达人 fashion icon 御宅 otaku

橙色预警 orange signal warning 预约券 reservation ticket 上相的,上镜头的 photogenic 80后:80's generation 百搭:all-match

限时抢购:flash sale 合租:flat-share

荧光纹身:glow tattoo

泡泡袜:loose socks 裸妆:nude look

黄牛票:scalped ticket

扫货:shopping spree

烟熏妆:smokey-eye make-up 水货:smuggled goods


正妹 hotty

对某人念念不忘 get the hots for 草莓族 Strawberry generation 草根总统 grassroots president 笨手笨脚 have two left feet

拼车 car-pooling

解除好友关系 unfriend v. 暴走 go ballistic

海外代购 overseas purchasing 跳槽 jump ship 闪婚 flash marriage 闪电约会 speeddating

闪电恋爱 whirlwind romance 刻不容缓,紧要关头 crunch time

乐活族 LOHAS(Lifestyle Of Health And Sustainability)

一夜情 one-night stand 偶像派 idol type 脑残体 leetspeak

挑食者 picky-eater 伪球迷 fake fans

狂热的 gaga eg: I was gaga over his deep blue eyes when I first set eyes on him 防暑降温补贴 high temperature subsidy

奉子成婚 shotgun marriage

婚前性行为 premarital sex 开博 to open a blog

房奴车奴 mortgage slave 上课开小差 zone out 万事通 know-it-all 赌球 soccer gambling 桑拿天 sauna weather 假发票 fake invoice

二房东 middleman landlord

笑料 laughing stock

泰国香米 Thai fragrant rice

学历造假 fabricate academic credentials

暗淡前景 bleak prospects 毕业典礼 commencement 散伙饭 farewell dinner

毕业旅行 after-graduation trip 节能高效的 fuel-efficient 具有时效性的 time-efficient 很想赢 be hungry for success 面子工程 face job 指甲油 nail varnish

学历门槛 academic threshold 王牌主播 mainstay TV host 招牌菜 signature dishes

城市热岛效应 urban heat island effect

逃学 play hooky, 装病不上班 play hooky from work 一线城市 first-tier cities

高考 the National College Entrance Examines 录取分数线 admission scores

保障性住房 indemnificatory housing 一决高下 Duke it out

囤积居奇 hoarding and profiteering 灰色市场 Grey market 反倾销 anti-dumping 吃白食的人 freeloader 公关 public relation

不幸的日子,不吉利的日子 black-letter day

吉利的日子 saints' days

廉租房 low rent housing 限价房 capped-price housing 经适房 affordable housing 替罪羔羊 whipping boy

对口支援 partner assistance 电脑游戏迷:gamer

家庭主男:house-husband 小白脸,吃软饭的:kept man 二奶:kept woman

麦霸:Mic king / Mic queen

型男:metrosexual man(范指那些极度重视外貌而行为gay化的直男,型男属于其中的一种)

新新人类:new-new generation 另类:offbeat 菜鸟:rookie

“色”友(摄影爱好者):shutterbug 驴友:tour pal 娘娘腔:sissy

负翁:spend-more-than-earn 全职妈妈:stay-at-home mom 裸奔:streaking
