专利名称:Method for estimating a tire wear life发明人:Akiyoshi Shimizu,Naoto Yamagishi,Hiroshi
Mouri,Naohiro Sasaka,Hiroshi
Kobayashi,Tetsunori Haraguchi,Kohshi Katoh
摘要:The present invention provides a method for estimating a tire wear life whichenables estimation of the tire wear life accurately in a short time. In this method, a rubber
index Gi of a rubber test piece which is made of the same material as the material used inthe tire tread portion of the tire whose tire wear life is to be estimated is measured usingan abrasion tester which can be operated under a slip ratio of about 0.5 to 5% (step ).Then, friction energies of the tire in free rolling, in a state in which the tire is provided witha toe angle, in a state in which a side force is applied to the tire, in a state in which adriving force is applied to the tire and in a state in which a braking force is applied to thetire are measured (step ), respectively. An expected value of the tire wear life T1 iscalculated from the rubber index Gi and the friction energies obtained above (step ). Thetire wear life is estimated from the expected value of the tire wear life T1 thus obtained(step ).
代理机构:Oliff & Berridge, PLC